Eternal Existence

Chapter 4610 The Arrival of the Martial God

Perhaps only half a step above Hunyuan can fight the opponent, and Chen Feng also has an intuition that the opponent's fighting power is not only this, but because his own strength has not kept up, the opponent only bursts out with such fighting power.

This is similar to the situation when Chen Feng fought with that giant being before.

As the opponent's strength increases, Chen Feng also improves, as if he is half playing with the opponent.

But now the situation has changed.

But at least it showed that the other party had no intention of killing Chen Feng.

So what did the other party want to do here?

Various thoughts flashed through Chen Feng's body when he was hit by a punch from the opponent, and he retreated continuously.

The shadow of a great avenue appeared, blocking Chen Feng's retreat, and then the avenue seemed to wrap around Chen Feng's arm like a long dragon.

He punched out again, more powerful than before.

This is the avenue of destruction.

Chen Feng could not defeat his opponent with boxing skills alone, so he had to use more strength.

"It took a while, but it's still no match for me." The other party said.

The monk did not use any other means. He still blocked Chen Feng's attack with an explosion of fist power as before.

"Sure enough, the opponent didn't use all his strength. He just didn't know how strong the opponent was." Chen Feng's heart moved, and two more avenues appeared.

This time it was the Avenue of Destruction and the Avenue of Reincarnation. At the same time, the golden light blooming from his body covered his body with a layer of armor.

This time, Chen Feng's fighting power was even stronger.

The opponent was finally a little surprised. It seemed that he did not expect that Chen Feng had cultivated so many avenues, and they all looked powerful and perfect.

There is also something novel about this fighting technique.

Moreover, this monk also found that although he had the upper hand, his opponent's defense was also very strong. Even if his combat power was improved, he could not hurt the opponent.

After thinking of this, the monk's aura suddenly surged, and a fist that could crush everything fell on him.

Chen Feng's armor shattered suddenly, and deep fist marks appeared on Chen Feng's body.

There are even cracks spreading around.

"So strong! Is this your true strength?" Chen Feng took a deep breath, his final divine wings flickered, and Chen Feng arrived in front of the opponent.

This time it was an active attack.

Since the other party did not show murderous intent, Chen Feng had no need to use magic weapons.

This kind of opportunity for discussion is rare.

However, in addition to the powerful attack power, Chen Feng once again used the magic of divine movement, surpassing his opponent in speed for a while.

The fight between the two sides became more intense. In addition to boxing, the opponent also began to use other methods.

But at most they were just some fighting techniques, and no magic weapons or even magical powers were used.

The gap between the two sides was already obvious. Chen Feng was not decadent at all, and was still doing his best to use various means to fight with the opponent.

The battle between the two attracted the attention of many Hunyuan Golden Immortals, and one Hunyuan Golden Immortal who was currently practicing was even affected.

The Hunyuan Golden Immortal originally wanted to get angry after being awakened, but after feeling the powerful fluctuations, he was immediately frightened and ran away immediately.

If he had left a little later, he might have been caught in it and torn into pieces.

Qi Ziran was also alarmed. He investigated clearly from a distance, hesitated for a moment, and did not help.

"It turns out to be the top Hunyuan Golden Immortal. Judging from the opponent's appearance, he can even reach the realm above Hunyuan. Why is such a master here? But it seems that the two of them are competing, not life or death." Qi Ziran I could see what was going on, so I didn't intervene.

However, it still pays more attention to it. Now it seems that both parties are not waiting to the end. Who knows what will happen next?

Of course, I'm not too worried about Chen Feng. Chen Feng can handle it even if the opponent breaks out with stronger strength.

After all, Chen Feng also had many methods that he had not used.


Chen Feng was kicked away, and the whip formed by the avenue also hit the opponent hard.

Then Chen Feng changed his position and appeared on top of the opponent. The air flow around his body surged, still blessed by the power of the avenue, and he stepped hard on the monk.


The monk shouted loudly, and still punched the sky, colliding hard with Chen Feng.

The result was that the two of them rolled in different directions.

"Okay, stop it."

Chen Feng still wanted to step forward, but the monk stopped, his aura restrained, and it was completely impossible to tell that a fierce fight had just occurred.

Chen Feng was a little confused, but he also understood what the other party should say next.

"I am the God of War."

As soon as the other party opened his mouth, Chen Feng knew the reason for the matter. It turned out that the other party was here to regain the situation.

I had taken some good things from the other party's territory before, but the other party didn't come in the morning, which was normal.

If it were him, he would definitely not let the other party leave like this.

"It turns out it's Taoist Fellow Martial God. I'm being disrespectful. It seems like Taoist Fellow is robbing something." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's just some external things. I don't like it yet. It's just that the people below have been wronged. I naturally have to ask clearly." Martial God said lightly.

"It's impossible for me to take out the things. Do you want to fight with me? Although you are very strong, you can't do anything to me." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I don't want to pursue it anymore. I didn't expect you to be so aggressive." Qi couldn't help laughing.

"Okay! To be honest, I was wrong about the previous things. I have used up the things, but I can use some other things to compensate." Chen Feng took out a law after speaking.

Originally, the God of War wanted to refuse, but when the law appeared in front of him, he changed his mind.

To be honest, the evaluation of this law is not too high, but it is a bit special.

It does not belong to the free shoulder.

This is a law that Chen Feng extracted from the source of all sources.

Just as the God of War thought in his heart, the level of this law is not high, otherwise Chen Feng would not have taken it out like this.

But this law belongs to other origins of life, and it naturally has some inspiration for life in the free space.

"In that case, I will accept it." The God of War waved his hand and put away the set of laws.

The atmosphere suddenly became harmonious.

"It seems that you have been to other origin areas. I wonder where you went." The God of War asked curiously.

Chen Feng did not hide it, but told him directly: "I went to the source of all sources."

"It turned out to be the source of ten thousand yuan. I have heard of this place, including that I have been there and that I have not been there. I have been to the Well of Eternal Night before and stayed there for a while." The God of War said.

The Well of Eternal Night!

Chen Feng's heart moved. He had also heard of this place, but he had never been there.

The God of War in front of him was indeed not simple.

Since the other party did not intend to continue to make trouble, Chen Feng also gave the other party some compensation. Of course, the most important thing was that both parties recognized each other's strength.

So the two of them not only did not fight, but began to communicate.

After all, Chen Feng had also been to some special and important places. Chen Feng also wanted to learn about the Well of Eternal Night from this master.

Besides, the God of War must have practiced longer than Chen Feng, and naturally he had been to many places.

The two communicated with each other, and the atmosphere became more harmonious.

Until a strong wave came from a distance, the two ended their communication.

"Such a powerful aura, this is above the half-step Hunyuan, is there such a powerful existence here?" Wushen said with some surprise.

Chen Feng's face showed a look of surprise: "It's my friend, I'll go see what happened."

"In that case, I want to see it too." Wushen said, and at the same time he was a little surprised. Chen Feng's friend will be so powerful in the future. Fortunately, he didn't become an enemy before, otherwise, he really couldn't get any good.

After Chen Feng arrived, he saw Qi was besieged, and a large formation enveloped Qi in it.

This big town is extremely powerful, and there are four powerful Hunyuan Jinxian in control.

It's not that Qi can't really rush out, or does he want to play? At least on the surface, it seems that Qi is trapped.

And the power fluctuations that surpassed the Hunyuan Jinxian were actually emitted by this big formation.

The four Hunyuan Jinxians did not involve this step.

However, since the other party can't point out such a powerful town, it means that the other party also has some understanding of the Hunyuan, but he has not stepped into this step.

"Do you want me to help?" After Chen Feng arrived, he did not step forward immediately, but observed the situation here first.

After all, although Qi was trapped, he was still safe and sound and was not injured.

Since Chen Feng came here, the situation in front of him will soon change. Even if Qi was really trapped, Chen Feng is sure to rescue him.

What's more, Chen Feng has a helper by his side. Of course, Chen Feng is not sure whether this helper will help him.

"Don't worry, check the situation around you first. These people are not simple. Be careful of the opponent's formation. I feel the power from the Gate of Origin, otherwise I will not be trapped." Qi responded.

Chen Feng has understood the general situation. While observing the formation in front of him, he explored all around.

I thought that there should be no other opponents around, otherwise, they should work together to solve Qi, and there is no need to appear little by little.

"So it's this organization." Wu Shen suddenly said.

"Daoyou know." Chen Feng asked curiously.

"I've had some dealings with this organization. It's not simple, it's very powerful, it was founded by people who are above the half-step Primordial, and there are many masters among them." Qi said.

"Above the half-step Primordial!" Chen Feng's heart moved, and he remembered the situation he encountered in the Flame Universe before.

The three people who are above the half-step Primordial also came from a mysterious organization. The other party invited him at the beginning, but he refused. Now when he heard the God of War said this, he thought of this the first time.

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