Eternal Existence

Chapter 4613: Temporarily avoiding the limelight

A law appeared. This law was somewhat different from the one that Chen Feng had cultivated. After the opponent's law extended, it seemed to grow countless centipedes everywhere, sweeping towards Chen Feng fiercely, and covering and releasing while attacking.

Physical attacks could not do anything to Chen Feng, and the dollar did not work.

Then he could only use the law above Hunyuan to suppress Chen Feng. Although it was not completely above Hunyuan, it also involved this point.

In Chen Feng's feeling, the previous law was indeed a bit strange. Although the attack power was not too strong, the extended power really played a strong blocking and suppressing role.

At least Chen Feng was affected, the majestic power was suppressed, and cracks began to appear in the layers of the domain, and the performance was about to collapse.

Then the opponent's huge palm print slapped fiercely, and Chen Feng flew backwards.

Before Chen Feng could stabilize his body, he was tied up by chains again.

The other end of the chain fell into the hands of a cultivator, who was the half-step Hunyuan, and turned out to be the opponent's clone. But the opponent's analysis also had a combat power similar to the original body.

In this case, things would be troublesome.

Chen Feng was no match for him. Who knew that the opponent's fighting power had doubled again? Wouldn't he kill him in seconds?

At this moment, a series of loud noises sounded, and those who besieged Qi retreated at the same time.

A strong and dangerous aura was released from Qi.

It must be said that these opponents are still very powerful. The combined attack technique can burst out a stronger fighting power than itself.

Just now, Qi also used a special secretary to repel the opponent, in order to get to Chen Feng as soon as possible.

Because the situation on Chen Feng's side was not very good.

"Don't worry about me." Chen Feng said, but it was still a little late. Qi had already launched an attack. The bodies of the two half-step Hunyuan above shook, and their soul will was severely impacted.

Although a clone was separated, love was the other party's soul, and the will did not become much stronger.

However, because Qi was staring at this half-step Hunyuan above, it gave other Hunyuan time to recover.

Those Hunyuan and Jinxian gathered together again, forming a battle formation to lock Qi.

Chen Feng's body shook, and he took the initiative to rush towards the restored Jinxian.

The two changed their opponents.

As a result, the pressure on the two also changed. Qi was not suitable to fight with this half-Hongyuan.

However, Chen Feng might be able to achieve some results by fighting with those Hongyuan Jinxians with the defense of the wall.

The two were just trying it out, and it was hard to say whether they would succeed next.

However, both sides had some understanding of each other's strength until now. Ing also knew that it would be difficult to deal with Chen Feng and Qi. Similarly, it would be difficult for Chen Feng and Qi to deal with these opponents who outnumbered Zixin.

But the worst plan was to leave this place.

Of course, Chen Yifeng did not say that he had no other means, such as mobilizing the power of the Gate of Time and Space to help the battle, which might really change the situation and wipe out these opponents in one fell swoop.


Chen Feng used a losing-lose style of fighting, and was attacked by the opponent's powerful attack. There were some cracks on his body, but Chen Feng tore the formation apart and beat a mixed fresh to collapse half of his body.

After all, this is not an ordinary Hunyuan Jinxian. If these Hunyuan Jinxians are ordinary, then even if there are more, Chen Feng can kill them all.

Because ordinary Hunyuan Jinxians can't even open the dusty defense, how can they hurt Chen Feng?

Now? These Hunyuan Jinxians can barely do some damage to Chen Yifeng together.

It seems that the two exchanged battles, and the opponent still had some results.

On the other side, Qi relied on special means to fight his opponent equally.

"It seems that the situation is starting to clear up." Wu Shen said with some emotion, watching Qin Feng's strong body rushing around, he couldn't help but envy.

It must be said that Chen Yifeng's Chaos Body is really too powerful.

Wu Shen has seen Chaos Body before, but it's the first time he has seen such a powerful one like Chen Feng.

Because of the exchange of opponents and Chen Feng's reckless rush, the next battle scene is more intense than before.

The momentum of the battle on Chen Feng's side is even greater than Qi's side.

Facing the storm-like attack of the morning wind, the members who had been fresh for a few years were helpless.

These Hunyuan Jinxians did not slack off. They also had to use all their means, and they joined forces to fight. Unexpectedly, they could not do anything to Cheng Yifeng.

In the fight, although Chen Feng was hit, he was also hit.

Chen Feng could bear the same injury. Of course, these Hongyuan Jinxians could also bear it, but it was hard to say if it happened a few more times.

"Leave this place." At this time, Chen Yifeng received Qi's message.

"Could it be that the other party has helpers again?" Chen Yunfeng responded.

"That's right! It's not good for us to continue to test it at this time, unless you can also find helpers." Qi said.

"I want to ask the Gate of Time and Space to help, but after thinking about it, forget it. It's impossible to find them every time. Let's leave first and find an opportunity to see the situation." Chen Feng responded.


Chen Feng knocked an opponent away and rushed out of the enemy's encirclement. Shenshan and several long swords collided back and forth, knocking another Hunyuan Jin away.

Then Chen Feng's wings flapped behind him and he quickly disappeared from the spot.

Chen Feng's divine movement technique was enough to allow him to leave at any time, after all, the opponent did not completely block and suppress Chen Feng.

Qi followed closely behind and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

From this, it can be seen that the two were relatively free and easy in the previous battle.

The face of the man above the half-step mixed origin was a little ugly, and the opponent did not expect the opponent to leave as soon as he said.

The first reaction was to chase, but then he realized that an opponent of this level could not do anything to the opponent in the previous battle. Now the opponent wanted to leave, and even if he chased, he might not be able to catch up, wasting time and energy.

But it was not reasonable to just let it go.

So the man above the half-step mixed origin looked at the God of War who was watching the excitement in the distance.

The God of War felt cold in his heart. He did not expect this to happen. When he was surprised, he felt the strong gaze trying to lock on him.


Of course, the God of War would not stay here. Who knows if the opponent would attack him?

Sometimes it is not safe to watch the fun, not to mention that Wu Shen was with Chen Feng before, so it is reasonable to say that they are accomplices.

"They didn't catch up." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

In fact, the two slowed down after leaving the battle group, and they had some ideas of their own, that is, if the other party really wanted to catch up, they could also come back and maybe find an opportunity to hit the opponent hard.

Who knew that the other party didn't catch up at all.

"The other party's choice is also correct. They know that it is useless to catch up." Qi said.

"Can it be just like this?" Chen Feng said.

"Of course it can't be just like this. This is the other party who is looking for trouble first." Qi said a little unhappy.

Being besieged by a group of lives weaker than oneself, this kind of thing would be unpleasant for anyone.

"It's not easy to mess with. Who knows if there will be more helpers next? If I had known earlier, I would have joined the other party's organization. In this way, we can be considered a family." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Maybe the other party will be easier to attack." Qi said.

"How long will it take for Daoyou to recover to his prime?" Chen Feng asked.

"It will take some time." Qi shook his head. It's not easy to fully recover.

"If it doesn't work, I can only rely on external forces." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"Let's see the situation again. We can find opportunities and solve them one by one." Qi said.

"In this case, it's a bit embarrassing." Chen Feng said.

"At least it will reduce some pressure and trouble than direct confrontation." Qi said.

"The other party will definitely not separate now. Should we go to other places to have a look? Or return now?" Chen Feng asked.

"The other party did not chase, and now they are gathered together, but they did not leave. It seems that they are discussing about us. Why do I feel that they are waiting for reinforcements?" Although Qi left, you left some marks on the other party, which cannot be discovered by relying on the other party's strength. This is also the reason why Qi is willing to choose sneak attack.

As long as the mark is still there, you can grasp the other party's movements at any time.

"It would be great if the God of War is willing to help. The two of us are still a little weak." Chen Feng said.

After some discussion, the two decided to leave this place first. Of course, although this life area is large in scale, these Hunyuan Jinxians may meet again at any time.

"This is your territory, and you should find helpers." Qi said.

"Although I know some friends, they are really not very useful against those above the half-step Hunyuan." Chen Feng said with a wry smile.

"And if I really want to find friends, I have to rely on the power of the long river of time. It is better to use their power directly." Chen Feng continued.

The riot energy gradually became thinner, and Chen Feng knew that this life area was not like this everywhere.

The area that entered it before was just special.

"Two Taoist friends." At this time, the God of War appeared.

"Do you have anything else, fellow Taoist?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"I suggest that the two Taoist friends leave this place. The other party is going to summon helpers." The God of War said.

"It seems that they are really targeting us." Chen Feng smiled and shook his head.

"Thank you for telling me, even if the other party comes with help, they can't do anything to us, but we should leave. It's not a good idea to fight them head-on."

"What are your plans next?"

"I was just taking a walk, and now I have nothing to do, I think I should leave." Wushen said.

"In that case, we'll meet again." Chen Feng nodded, and then left with Qi.

Wushen shook his head with some emotion. In fact, after seeing the strength of Chen Feng and Qi before, Wushen did have some ideas, but when he saw that the Half-Step Primordial summoned help again, this idea was dispelled.

Wushen thought that there was no need for him to provoke that organization, but because he didn't join forces with Chen Feng, he felt embarrassed to go with him next time.

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