Eternal Existence

Chapter 4616: Frozen Area

Just when Chen Feng entered the large life universe to practice, Qi also entered a special area.

It was not the universe, nor was it a place of life where life lived.

It was a frozen area without life.

At first, Qi was indeed looking for a place with a strong breath of life, but who knew that he accidentally discovered this frozen area.

Originally, he just wanted to take a look and leave, but who knew that the situation here was somewhat beyond Qi's expectations.

It was helpful for Qi's injuries.

Although it did not have much impact on the recovery state, it could affect Qi's foundation.

In this way, as Qi continued to move forward, he never came out again.

Of course, Chen Feng did not know all this, because Chen Feng's practice also had great gains and breakthroughs.

The Great Dao of Life will naturally not break through directly like other great Daos, but accumulate continuously. If it is really a breakthrough, it may be regarded as a kind of purification of life force.

And with the news that the clones released continued to send back, Chen Feng gradually condensed this universe rune.

In the runes condensed by Chen Feng, you can see some attributes, after all, the universe also has attributes.

The first fire attribute universe, although it is called universe rune, it can also be said to be fire attribute rune.

In front of him is the rune of life force attribute.

The only thing that makes Chen Feng a little regretful is that this universe is far inferior to that flame universe.

But in comparison, it is not bad to find such a universe with rich life force.

And now that the rune has been condensed, it can continue to improve in the future. In addition, Chen Feng uses his own life avenue to nourish and complement each other, which is also a very good way of cultivation.

Originally, Chen Feng noticed the traces left by Hunyuan Jinxian here, thinking that maybe he might meet Hunyuan Jinxian.

But as time went by, Chen Feng did not find Hunyuan Jinxian.

Of course, it is possible that the other party is indeed in seclusion for cultivation. In addition to Chen Feng himself, it is really difficult to find those Hunyuan Jinxian in seclusion by meeting clones alone.

And Chen Feng came here just to practice, and did not make too much noise.

In this way, Chen Feng walked through this large universe and took back one clone after another.

Things went unexpectedly smoothly.

After taking back the clone, Chen Feng relaxed for a while in this universe, and finally condensed the cosmic rune successfully before turning around and leaving.

After leaving this universe, Chen Feng continued to move forward, and saw some things one after another. Sure enough, he never encountered a more suitable life universe than before.

Chen Feng was still a little proud in his heart. Fortunately, he had condensed a cosmic rune before, otherwise, would he have to go back?

Of course, Chen Feng also knew that there were still many places in this life area that he had not visited, but with Chen Feng's strength, it would still take a long time to fully explore this life area.

It would not work to release the clone, after all, this was not comparable to a universe.

Unless Chen Feng was willing to stay here for a long time.

After Chen Feng passed through a free storm, he met other adventurers. From the adventurers, Chen Feng learned that he had entered another life area.

"I wonder if Qi will come in this direction?" Chen Feng thought, and waited in this space.

This wait was another long time.

Chen Feng was a little anxious, and began to summon and communicate with Qi, but there was no response.

"Could it be that he has entered the state of cultivation? In this case, I can't wait here all the time." Chen Feng said.

Although it is said that cultivation has no years and does not care about the passage of time, Chen Feng has already gained what he has gained here, and he needs to go to other places, and waiting in the free space is not a good choice.

And Chen Feng is also worried that Qi will encounter problems?

Although Qi is above Hunyuan, he was only above Hunyuan before, and the organization he met before wanted to hunt Qi.

In the end, Chen Feng returned to this area, but he did not go in the direction he came from, but went to another direction, and at the same time he continued to issue summoning techniques.

According to Chen Feng's ability, he can completely capture the information left by Hunyuan Jinxian.

But Qi's convergence method is amazing, and there is no trace. Even the familiar Chen Feng can't find Qi's location for a while.

In desperation, Chen Feng had to use the cause and effect technique, and followed the cause and effect line to roughly understand Qi's location.

Chen Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. Although he has not found Qi yet, relying on the cause and effect technique, Chen Feng can still be sure that Qi is fine now.

"There are some interesting places in this direction." Chen Feng saw a universe from afar.

There are actually many life bases in the outer area of ​​this universe. There are quite a few Daluo Jinxians, and there are also traces of Hunyuan Jinxian's handwriting.

But Chen Feng has no intention to explore these now, so he should find Qi first.

Because of the cause and effect technique, Chen Feng gradually found traces of Qi.

Then he came to the frozen area.


Chen Feng did not enter rashly.

It is obvious that Qi entered this area, but he has not responded to him, which explains the problem.

This frozen area can actually block the connection between the two.

Even the previous flame universe can hardly do this.

"Is there really a problem?" Chen Feng thought, and first released his divine sense to explore. At the beginning, it was smooth, but after going deep into a certain extent, Chen Feng's perception was gradually frozen, and finally lost contact completely.

"What a powerful freezing power, it can even freeze my perception." Chen Feng said with some surprise.

I am a powerful Hunyuan Jinxian, what is going on in this frozen area?

If an ordinary Hunyuan Jinxian breaks in, wouldn't he be frozen directly?

Qi was also frozen.

Chen Feng thought about it and felt that it was like this according to the situation, but Qi was so powerful that he still had some means, and he shouldn't be frozen here.

"Or is it practicing here? If so, you should leave some information for me outside." Chen Feng thought about it and decided to go in by himself?

Originally, Chen Feng was thinking about getting a clone to enter, but Chen Feng also knew that even if he got a Hunyuan Jinxian-level clone, he would be frozen after entering.

Just when Chen Feng was hesitating, a group of beings came here. From their appearance, it seemed that they came here specifically for adventure.

Chen Feng looked at them and found that they were all Daluo Jinxian. Of course, they were not ordinary Daluo Jinxian. They were all very powerful. Some of them had even reached the level of half-step Hunyuan.

When Chen Feng saw the other party, he hid himself. Although these Daluo Jinxians were powerful, they could not see Chen Feng's existence.

"It's here."

"That's right!"

"Go in now? It's very dangerous here."

These Daluo Jinxians communicated with each other, but they could not hide it from Chen Feng. Soon Chen Feng learned more about this frozen land from their conversation.

Thinking that since someone was willing to take the lead, he would wait here.

However, even if these Daluo Jinxians were powerful, entering this frozen land would be a dead end.

In Chen Feng's opinion, they were not even qualified to take the lead or be cannon fodder.

Just when Chen Feng was thinking about it, these Daluo Jinxians had ended their communication and entered this frozen area.

Chen Feng's perception has been following them, and he saw that these Daluo Jinxians were advancing very slowly.

Carefully, step by step, Chen Feng seemed a little anxious.

However, while Chen Feng was tracking them, he was also observing the surrounding situation.

This frozen area is not a big threat to Daluo Jinxians, and the deeper you go, the stronger the freezing power will be.

However, looking at the appearance of these Daluo Jinxians, it seems that they are worried about encountering some kind of life.

"Could it be that there are other lives here? How powerful must the life that can live here be?" Chen Feng couldn't help but move forward a distance.

If he went further, Chen Feng would really enter it.

Chen Feng had to move forward, because as these Daluo Jinxians moved forward, the distance between the two sides widened, and some of the marks Chen Feng put on them were also affected by the freezing power.

According to the situation on the scene, Chen Feng might soon lose his perception of these Daluo Jinxians. If Chen Feng increased his strength, he might be noticed by these Daluo Jinxians.

So Chen Feng also entered this frozen area.

After really entering it, Chen Feng really felt what the icy power here was all about.

"At least I have opened up the Ice Avenue. If I practice here, I will definitely be able to break through the Ice Avenue." Chen Feng thought.

However, Chen Feng also knew that the most important thing at the moment was to find Qi first, and then talk about practice.

"Maybe Qi really practiced in the depths, and then entered a special frozen state, so he didn't have time to notify me. Once this old senior practiced in seclusion, maybe millions of years would pass in the blink of an eye. I can't wait here for that long." Chen Feng muttered.

Soon Chen Feng found that those Daluo Jinxian stopped, and there were really some lives here.

But they were all frozen, and it was unknown whether they were dead or alive.

After those Daluo Jinxian studied it, some stopped and practiced on the spot, and some continued to move forward.

When Chen Feng arrived, the Daluo Jinxian who stopped to practice were also frozen.

Chen Feng then realized that the previous lives should be alive, and they were frozen just for practice.

Moreover, this kind of freezing is not his own power, but the power from this frozen space.

"In this case, the defense should be very strong." Chen Feng thought about it, but still did not try, otherwise it would awaken the life in the cultivation.

The result is that Chen Feng keeps moving forward, feeling the increasingly powerful freezing power.

It is not just the power of ice, but ice and seal, which is interesting, the qualitative change caused by the fusion of the two.

The Daluo Jinxian who came in before were constantly frozen, and later only two people were still moving forward, but their progress became a little difficult.

"These two are a bit unusual." Chen Feng saw something. These two Daluo Jinxian did not stop. In addition to being stronger, they also brought some other things.

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