Eternal Existence

Chapter 4640: A Strange Place

"You can actually practice here for a while. Didn't you practice the art of clones? Leaving clones in the free space alone still cannot transcend the scope of the Gate of Origin. Now the opportunity has come. You can leave your own clones here." Qi suddenly suggested.

Chen Feng nodded. This is indeed a good suggestion.

The clones he refined in the free space will bring about huge changes and incredible qualitative changes once they are integrated.

So what if the clones left in the Origin of All Sources and the Well of Eternal Night are also integrated? What kind of changes will happen?

"Let's find a suitable place for life first." Chen Feng said so. The clones that have just been condensed are still relatively weak. Even if the cultivation speed is very fast, it is necessary to find an area with a more suitable civilization.

"I don't know if there is a universe here." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's a little different from the free space, or it's a little different from the model of the universe. The most here are various planes." Qi said.

"Plane, in this case, I have some understanding." Chen Feng immediately thought of the multiverse and some universes that he had controlled before.

The two walked in the space, and with their speed, they soon entered a plane.

It was similar to the situation in the universe, but what surprised Chen Feng was that the plane he entered this time was very vast, and the land was relatively thick. Simply put, it was a huge land, and the vast space shell covered it.

Of course, there are also some special areas and some chaotic places.

"It's not bad here, there are countless kinds of life, and it's also quite chaotic." Chen Feng carefully sensed it and roughly came to some conclusions.

In fact, sometimes chaos is not a bad thing for a civilization, and chaotic wars will make Weiming develop faster.

In addition, the cultivation system here is also very complete. Although it is different from the cultivation system that Chen Feng knows, it will eventually become stronger.

The upper limit of this plane can reach the level of Daluo Jinxian.

For Chen Feng, it is enough, and Chen Feng did not hesitate to leave a clone here.

After the appearance of this clone, Chen Feng's aura fluctuated a little, but soon Chen Feng returned to normal.

"Your method of cultivation is good. Although it costs a lot, it is less likely to leave hidden dangers. The power gained out of thin air is not appropriate after all. The gains after paying this way will make people feel more at ease." Qi had long understood Chen Feng's method of cultivation. After seeing Chen Feng cultivate a clone again, he still felt a little emotional.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng now has a strong foundation. He is not like the beginning, in order to condense the second clone, he was seriously injured.

Of course, Chen Feng has paid a lot now, but Chen Feng's current strength is strong, especially the great breakthrough in life, which makes Chen Feng's foundation extremely stable.

So even if the spirit is consumed, it can be quickly recovered.

Besides, Chen Feng has accumulated too many things, and these things will eventually be transformed into the clone condensed by Chen Feng.

If the clone dies in the process of growth, it can only be considered bad luck for Chen Feng.

Chen Feng also naturally understands that it is impossible for all clones to grow smoothly.

This is also an important reason why Chen Feng left clones in many places of life.

If you have enough strength, you will naturally get enough benefits if you cast a wide net.

"I hope you won't disappoint me." Chen Feng said.

"I see that you are a little anxious. This is the first plane we have come to. There may be better planes waiting for us next." Qi said.

"Then I will condense the clone again." Chen Feng said indifferently.

"If I had practiced this method at the beginning, the recovery would not be as slow as it is now." Qi still felt a little emotional and envious.

If Qi had left some clones in other places like Chen Feng, even if the main body was severely damaged and only some thoughts were left, once the clone was found, it would be able to make a comeback quickly.

It's just that Qi's own cultivation has not yet fully recovered. Although he wants to leave some clones, he still doesn't do it after thinking about it.

Let's wait for the cultivation to recover a little bit.

Then the two of them entered some planes one after another.

The initial surprise is gone. For Chen Feng, these planes are actually the same as the universe.

Of course, Chen Feng still chose a suitable plane and left two more clones.

After all, the Well of Eternal Night is also a place of origin that can compete with the Gate of Origin, so it is necessary to leave more clones here.

However, Chen Feng cannot continuously condense clones in a short period of time, which will consume a lot of energy for Chen Feng.

After traveling through several planes again and visiting two special areas, he finally locked the location of the Well of Eternal Night.

"It's almost time to go directly to the Corner of Eternal Night. And this time it's encrypted, if you want to leave, you have to find a way." Chen Feng said.

The passage that I came in from before has completely lost its perception, and I don't know what happened in the confrontation between the Gate of Origin and Eternal Night, so it's also a good choice to leave from other places.

"Okay, let's go to the Well of Eternal Night." Seeing Chen Feng's anxiety, Qiye could only agree with Chen Feng's idea.

It was not difficult for the two of them to find the location. They quickly locked the direction and set off.

It didn't take long for the two of them to see a deep dark passage.

Just like what we saw in the free space, this is the Well of Eternal Night.

"It doesn't look like the scale is too big." Chen Feng said.

"There is a cave inside, just like the Gate of Origin. Do you think that from the outside, the wellhead looks huge and covers time and space? In fact, it does cover everything. This is just a shrunken shadow we see from the outside, and it enters eternity. It was much easier for you in Night Well," Qi said.

The two of them did not hesitate and entered the dark passage directly.

Sure enough, just as Qi said just now, after entering the dark passage, there is no longer the feeling of a passage, as if entering a boundless vast space.

Although there is pressure, it is not as strong as expected, at least not as high as the pressure of the channel that I entered in the free space before.

"It's almost the same as entering the Gate of Origin, but this also shows that the Well of Eternal Night is not targeting us, and we don't know the specific situation of the Well of Eternal Night. We already knew that the Gate of Origin was distracted and something happened. If If the will of the Well of Eternal Night is unified, we may take risks," Chen Feng said.

"Even if the will is unified, the other party will not target us. There are many more powerful beings in the Well of Eternal Night than us. There is no need to go against us unless we make some big moves, and the other party It’s obvious that we are outsiders, and since the Well of Eternal Night is vast and boundless, there are definitely no other powerful outsiders, so the chance of us being targeted is still very small,” Qi said with a smile.

"I hope so." Chen Feng could only say this.

Although he has cultivated to this point, he is already very powerful. Even if he encounters an opponent above the level of a member, he can still fight with Chen Feng. Even if he is not an opponent, he can still fight hard and be sure to escape. .

But once an existence like the Well of Eternal Night really targets Chen Feng, even if Chen Feng uses all his methods, he will only end up being wiped out.

Therefore, when Chen Feng entered the Well of Eternal Night, he lost his sense of security.

"Unless you truly enter the Hunyuan, you can have a chance of survival in front of such a powerful existence." Chen Feng thought this way. Of course, even if he entered the Hunyuan, he could not block the full attack of the Well of Eternal Night. .

"The power is somewhat limited, but the feeling is similar to that in the Gate of Origin. Of course, we are outsiders, so the pressure is still greater in comparison. The strength that explodes needs to be restrained again to avoid attracting some unhappiness. Necessary trouble." Chen Feng said.

"Actually, for the Well of Eternal Night, all those who come here are outsiders." Qi said.

Seeing Qi's unworried look, Chen Feng's impetuous mind gradually calmed down.


A huge claw suddenly shot out of the air and grabbed Chen Feng and Qi fiercely.

The power was so powerful that it enveloped all directions, making it impossible for the two of them to dodge.

"We just came in, and we encountered this situation." Chen Feng said in surprise, then punched out, his claws shattered, and he reached out again to grab a fleeing creature.

"Close to the Hunyuan level." Chen Feng roughly determined the opponent's strength.

"Even Hunyuan Jin Xian can't hide it from our perception." Chen Feng said.

"It seems that we have been deceived." Qi said calmly.

Chen Feng wanted to collect the other party's memory, but found nothing. At the same time, he saw that the creature in his hand was burning in a special way.

Chen Feng could have suppressed him originally, but after thinking about it, he still allowed the opponent to burn into ashes.

"After all, I have cultivated to such an extent, and it turned into nothing." Chen Feng shook his head, a little speechless, and did not get any useful information.

"It seems that we are being targeted." Qi said.

"I don't believe this is not a coincidence. We have just entered the realm of eternal night. Wouldn't it be more interesting next time?" Chen Feng also said.

"We've all come here anyway, so we can't return without success," Qi said.

"That's right! If you leave now, you will laugh at yourself." Chen Feng nodded.

The two of them still deliberately used their methods to restrain their auras. According to the strength of the two of them, once they do this, even the Hunyuan Golden Immortal will not find them so easily.

But before they had gone far, another creature appeared and pounced on the person fiercely.

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