Eternal Existence

Chapter 4660 Helpless

You should know that Chen Feng still hasn't used the energy to its full power. When Chen Feng got the energy field, the origin law was only a part of it. Even if he added another law later, it was not enough.

The law in front of him is enough in terms of grade. Once it is integrated into the energy tower, the power of the energy tower can be increased again.

In this way, Chen Feng will have a real means to compete with the Hunyuan Above in the future.

However, the probability of Chen Feng wanting to monopolize this law is too low, or even non-existent.

If you want to snatch this origin law from the three Hunyuan Above, unless Chen Feng himself has reached the level of Hunyuan Above.

In this situation, unless Qi recovers all his combat power, there is some possibility.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng shook his head again, I'm afraid it won't be a big problem.

The cold Hunyuan Above is very powerful. In Chen Feng's opinion, even if Qi recovers all his combat power, he may not be the opponent of the other party.

Although he didn't see the other party take action, Chen Feng had this feeling.

So far, the three Hunyuan Above have not taken action. Could it be that they feel that the time is not right? Knowing that the origin law is not so easy to collect.

It is also possible that the origin law can burst out with powerful force to block, so that these Hunyuan Jinxian can go forward to explore the way and wear down the opponent's power.

It seems to be so.

Two more Hunyuan Jinxian were ejected.

Chen Feng also noticed that although the Hunyuan Jinxian was ejected, although they would be injured a little, the injury was not too serious.

Of course, this is also the strength of the Hunyuan Jinxian.

"Wait a little longer, and then make a move after the law is fully revealed. It is impossible to snatch the complete law. If you can snatch some fragments, it is a harvest. Of course, if your devouring technique can work, you can plunder the origin power of the origin law, which is also a good method." Qi said at this time.

Chen Feng nodded, and naturally thought of this.

The devouring technique is still no problem, but if you want to snatch the fragments, unless this origin law is broken.

Then things developed faster and faster, and the origin law became clearer and clearer.

It looks like a special dragon, with countless dense and complex runes.

It is full of spirituality, and if you sense it, your soul will be pulled in.

In addition to the power of destruction, Chen Feng also felt the unique breath of the Well of Eternal Night.

"It can be seen as the original power cut from the Well of Eternal Night, or it can be regarded as the Well of Eternal Night itself. Once this law is refined, you will no longer be suppressed in the Well of Eternal Night, and you can go out like a fish in water even in dangerous places." Chen Feng knew how important this law was to adventurers.

"There can't be only one original law here, but it can attract so many powerful lives. What does this mean? Is this law really too important, or is there not too many existences of this level in the Well of Eternal Night." In the chaos, Chen Feng did not step forward, but was thinking wildly.

"It's almost time to make a move." Qi said at this time.


Hunyuan Shangshang, who had fought with the two before, took the lead, because he did not care about the Hunyuan Jinxian present, but instantly appeared in front of the original law.

Opening his mouth wide to swallow the heaven and earth, he actually wanted to swallow this source law in one go.

"It's quite straightforward." Chen Feng's heart moved. The means used by the other party were somewhat different from his swallowing technique. The other party should have taken this source law into the special cave in his body, and then suppressed and refined it.

Because the other party targeted the body of this law, if Chen Feng used the swallowing technique, he would only plunder the power of this law.

"It's not necessarily a good thing to take the lead." Qi said.

The later Hunyuan above named Night Demon also took action, still in the form of a black shadow, floating forward.

But something was wrong with Night Demon, because he was blocked by several Hunyuan Jinxian in front of him.

Even if Night Demon was strong, it would take time to repel these Hunyuan Jinxian first.

Maybe the source law had been taken away by the other party.

And the cold Hunyuan above still didn't take action, and I don't know what the other party was thinking.

At this time, a pair of huge wings emerged, followed by a huge black hole.

The black hole exuded a powerful swallowing power, and it actually sucked the origin law from another direction.

It was Chen Feng who made the move.

Chen Feng's move was obviously against the Hunyuan Above. Both sides pulled the origin law in one direction.

Originally, the origin law was slowly flying into the mouth of the Hunyuan Above, but with the appearance of Chen Feng's swallowing black hole, the momentum of the origin law stopped.

It's not that Chen Feng's swallowing technique can compete with the opponent's means, but because the origin law itself is also exerting its strength.

Threads of power leaked out from the origin law and drilled into the black hole.

This is the characteristic of Chen Feng's swallowing technique. If Chen Feng had thought of the means before, it would be unrealistic to completely rob this origin law.

Then, as I said just now, plundering the power of this origin law actually has the same effect.

Seeing that he was actually blocked by a Hunyuan Golden Immortal, the Hunyuan Above was naturally furious to the extreme.

Originally, he was thinking that he could take away the origin law in the shortest time, and then find a way to get rid of the pursuit of the two Hunyuan above.

Now, because Chen Feng performed the Devouring Technique, the plan of this Hunyuan above was shattered.

Although his plan was not necessarily successful.

In a very short time, other Hunyuan Golden Immortals also rushed up, all with the same idea, that is, to break this origin law and then snatch the fragments.

Because even the most powerful Hunyuan Golden Immortal is not sure to take the entire origin law.

Instead of doing this, it is better to snatch some benefits first.

As for the Hunyuan above named Night Demon, he has also rushed up, and several Hunyuan Golden Immortals who were blocking the way were thrown away wherever he passed.

Seeing that he was about to come to this origin law, the cold Hunyuan above who had been very quiet finally moved.

He didn't see what the other party had to do, and Night Demon was hit.

Originally a shadow state, it suddenly became a little scattered, first expanding, then compressing, and finally flying out.

In this process, two more Hunyuan Golden Immortals were knocked away.

The cold existence appeared at the position where the Night Demon had just stood.

The two sides also fought, and the winner was decided.

Although both were above Hunyuan, there was a big gap between them.

"Sure enough, my feeling was correct. This existence is indeed powerful beyond imagination. It seems that the opponent's strength can completely crush everything. They are both above Hunyuan, but these two can't compete with each other." Chen Feng thought in his heart.

Originally, the Devouring Technique that Chen Feng used had to bear the pressure from Nanning Hunyuan.

But there were other lives coming up.

There was actually a Hunyuan Golden Immortal targeting Chen Feng.

This made Chen Feng speechless.

In Chen Feng's opinion, it was the most correct thing for everyone to join hands to fight against Hunyuan.

However, Chen Feng could also understand that they were targeting him, because who made him show a powerful Devouring Technique?

The strength he showed now seemed to be able to compete with that above Hunyuan. It was possible that there were lives that equated him with Hunyuan.

In this case, he would bear more pressure.

Chen Feng suddenly put away the Devouring Technique, turned around and fought with the few Hunyuan Jinxins who rushed up.

Since that cold existence has already made a move, then the next thing will definitely change dramatically.

And Qi also came to the source law.

Chen Feng can appropriately devour the tree to plunder some of the power of the source law, and Qi also has his own means.

"Since you choose to deal with me, you must bear the consequences." Chen Feng relied on his strong defense to resist the opponent's attack.

Then he beat a Hunyuan Jinxian into pieces like lightning.

Chen Feng did not continue to chase the opponent, but snatched the weapon from the opponent's hand, and then turned to deal with other opponents.

At this point, the fight between Hunyuan Jinxian is inevitable.

Since everyone did not choose to fight against the more powerful Hunyuan at the beginning, it has proved that the internal volume will appear next.

Things are messy at the beginning, which is equivalent to collapse to the end.

Even the threat of the powerful Hunyuan Jinxian cannot change all this.

For example, Chen Feng no longer thinks about snatching this origin law, but first gets rid of these Hunyuan Jinxian.

Snatching benefits from them is also a gain.

The night demon that was ejected appeared again. The opponent was also proficient in the art of walking, and appeared in front of the origin law.

Then extended the tentacles to erode the origin law.

This is another new method.

The Hunyuan who opened his mouth and displayed his magical power still used his own means to pull the origin law, but the opponent was naturally a little anxious when he saw that there were constantly lives and approached.

What's interesting is that two Hunyuan Jinxian chose to attack Hunyuan.

And they broke the opponent's defense and plundered some of the opponent's flesh and blood.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng almost laughed. Isn't this the same method as his own?

Although the opponent did not perform the swallowing technique, the method and purpose are the same.

Since it is impossible to snatch the origin law, then plundering some of the power of Hunyuan is also a huge gain.

Moreover, the two Hunyuan Jinxians seemed to have had such a purpose long ago. After the other party tore off some of the flesh and blood of Hunyuan, they actually left the place quickly.

Because they had no intention of snatching the origin law.

At this time, the Hunyuan above could not choose to chase and kill, and did not even spare the strength to attack the other party.

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