Eternal Existence

Chapter 4691 It's You

But I'm afraid that the Hunyuan Above will catch up before we find the place.

"It seems that we still have to go to the place where the outflows meet. Can we get rid of the Hunyuan Above in that place?" Chen Feng said.

"In fact, going to the place where the outflows meet is also a last resort. We can go to other places. The only worry is that the other party is chasing us. I don't care. Where can we go to catch up with us?" Jiaolong said.

"Or go to the origin area where I am? At that time, I can use other forces to suppress the other party." Chen Feng said.

"Are you sure that you can suppress the other party? That is not an ordinary Hunyuan Above." Jiaolong said with some doubt.

After all, in Jiaolong's opinion, even if Chen Feng asks Hunyuan Above for help, he can only resist the other party at most. It is still difficult to kill such a powerful member.

The dangers encountered by the two of them can be escaped, not to mention such a powerful Hunyuan Above.

"Since I said so, of course I have some confidence." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Of course, his helper is not Hunyuan Shangshang, but the existence of the Gate of Time and Space.

The Gate of Time and Space alone may not be able to suppress the opponent, but he has other helpers.

When the time comes, they will attack together, even if the opponent is strong, he will not be able to escape.

It's just that whether to leave the Well of Eternal Night at this time.

If he leaves now, Chen Feng is always a little unwilling.

I think the same is true for Jiaolong.

What's more, is the process of leaving so smooth?

In short, although the two have become stronger, they still have no way to deal with the Hunyuan Shangshang.

This is a very depressing thing.

Then the two continued to move forward, at least now the Hunyuan Shangshang has not completely escaped.

The two still have time to choose.

In fact, although Chen Feng and Jiaolong are entangled, they have already made up their minds.

That is to leave the Well of Eternal Night reluctantly.

Chen Feng wants to continue adventures here, and Jiaolong doesn't want to leave this place.

Put the two of them in this realm, because of their strong strength and confidence, even if the opponent is strong, even if it is not an opponent, they must persist to the end.

I was able to leave before, although I used external forces, but it is also a skill.

Now that I am stronger, I still have some impulses in my heart, wanting to go back and fight with the other party to prove my strength.

Another period of time passed, and an energy storm appeared.

"Did Daoyou see anything?" Jiaolong asked.

Chen Feng shook his head: "Really nothing."

"The final result of this power storm will rush to the place where the outflows meet, and we can go downstream now." Jiaolong said.

"Okay, let's try this feeling." Chen Feng became energetic.

Then the two entered this energy storm and began to go downstream.

The two restrained their own power and just went with the flow.

Speaking of which, this is the first time to try this feeling. Chen Feng thinks it is not bad, and can better experience the power here.

It's just that the speed of advancement is a little slower.

Although this energy storm rolls forward, it is actually too slow compared to the speed of the two before.

Of course, the two people completely restrained their breath, their own means, and the reason for being integrated into it.

If the person above Hunyuan really escapes, it will be really difficult to find the two.

Even if they can find it, they will need to spend more means.

In the process of going downstream, some other lives are inevitable, but they can't find Chen Feng and Jiaolong at all.

The two are not completely asleep, and they still have a certain understanding of the situation outside.

The energy storm is gradually compressed into a river, and the surrounding power naturally becomes stronger.

"It is indeed the place where all rivers meet. Now it seems that we are almost there." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Of course, this kind of pressure is equivalent to nothing for Chen Feng.

Chen Feng has been to such a place before. Although the origin area is different, it is similar under this situation.

"The seal I left behind has been completely destroyed, and the person above Hunyuan is not far from being completely free." Jiaolong said.

"I don't pay attention to it anymore. The other party can come whenever he wants. The worst thing is a fight." Chen Feng said.

Now we have entered the place where all rivers meet. Even if the other party appears now, Chen Feng will continue to move forward.

When we come to the place with the strongest pressure, Chen Feng also wants to compete with the other party. Who can withstand the pressure here?

Of course, it would be better if the other party didn't come. Chen Feng could use the environment here to hone himself.

Finally felt the second long river of power, the other party has different power attributes.

Chen Feng moved his body and arrived in another long river, still drifting with the flow.

"I don't know if I can complete a few avenues this time. It would be even better if I can open up new avenues." Chen Feng came here not only to avoid, but also to enhance his strength.

The stronger the strength, the more hope there is to fight against Ming Hunyuan.

The third long river of energy appeared, and Chen Feng changed his position again.

The dragon was different from Chen Feng, and it still went down the previous long river of energy.

Although Chen Feng had never seen the power attribute, the power was too weak after all, and it didn't have much significance for Chen Feng's practice.

Chen Feng just experienced it in advance.

Finally, Chen Feng felt a long river of energy that interested him, which just happened to complete one of his avenues.

In this way, Chen Feng fell into practice.

While the avenue was shaking, it also began to become stronger.

"Now I'm practicing." Jiaolong couldn't help but said.

Then in the following journey, Jiaolong felt Chen Feng constantly changing the long river of energy, and fell into practice from time to time.

This time, Chen Feng was not simply avoiding trouble, the most important thing was probably practice.

But it didn't matter.

Next, as the pressure became stronger and stronger, Jiaolong would also enter a kind of self-training.

To say that Jiaolong really didn't have this idea before, unlike Chen Feng, Jiaolong didn't like this kind of leisure.

This time, it was also a coincidence under helplessness. It happened to be with Chen Feng and couldn't retreat.

Then take this opportunity to see how strong the place where all streams meet is.


Chen Feng's Chaos Avenue is getting stronger and stronger, and it has also brought some influence to other avenues.

But it still can't really break through.

This requires not only energy, but also some perception and opportunity.

In this case, after the perception of this avenue reached its limit, Chen Feng entered another long river of energy.

When Chen Feng and Jiaolong continued to advance at the intersection of all rivers, an opponent came.

It was not the suppressed Hunyuan Above.

But the relatively weaker Hunyuan Above who fought at the beginning.

The opponent was robbed of his body by the two and even injured. It can be said that he and Chen Feng have a real grudge.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong did not expect that the opponent would come here. After all, their two biggest enemies are still the powerful Hunyuan Above.

After comparing the two, it seems that this Hunyuan Above has been somewhat ignored.

"Humph, you actually came here, it seems to be to escape, but do you really think that you can get rid of everything by coming here with the help of the environment here? You think it's a good idea." This Hunyuan Above actually rushed into one of the long rivers of energy.

Unlike Chen Feng and the others who were going downstream, this person took the initiative to move forward, so he was very fast.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong didn't know all this yet.

"It's a bit slow to move forward like this." Jiaolong said.

After all, Jiaolong didn't practice like Chen Feng, so he felt that the pressure here was not strong enough.

Chen Feng kept changing places to comprehend and practice, which sometimes took a long time.

"In this case, fellow Taoist, go first." Chen Feng also understood that it was not appropriate for Jiaolong to wait for him like this.

Besides, in the eyes of the two, if the person above the Hunyuan didn't chase them, there would be no danger for others.

Even if they encountered some lives here, Chen Feng and Jiaolong were confident that they could solve them.

After fighting with the powerful Hunyuan, do they still care about some lives?

"Okay, be careful, contact me as soon as there is any problem." Jiaolong said.

Then the huge body moved forward quickly and soon disappeared.

Chen Feng discovered another power he had never seen before, and then he dived into it.

Chen Feng had already fallen into the state of practice, which felt good, and Chen Feng didn't want to move forward too fast.

There shouldn't be any danger!

Besides, even if the above-the-primordial master escaped, it would definitely take time to find this place.

Chen Feng really didn't know that there was a danger approaching from behind.

After a while, the above-the-primordial master locked onto Chen Feng.

"Something is wrong!"

At this time, Chen Feng was practicing the Great Way of Reincarnation, and his power was round and integrated, plus his own perception.

Chen Feng still felt something was wrong.

However, Chen Feng didn't think that it was the above-the-primordial master who was eyeing him, and thought it was other adventurers, or local life or something.

Chen Feng suddenly sped up.

Chen Feng thought that cultivation was important and there was no need to conflict with the other party.

Get rid of the other party first, and hope that the other party will not catch up again.

That feeling disappeared.

Chen Feng thought his guess was correct, but he was still not careless, but carefully arranged some means in secret.


The above-the-primordial master made a move, and a black hole appeared out of thin air, covering Chen Feng.

"It seems to be you!"

Chen Feng laughed.

Although a little surprised, Chen Feng was not panicked.

The danger of jumping out was naturally reduced.

The sword formation emerged, and the sword energy continued to cut, and soon the black hole was cut into pieces.

"The power has become stronger!"

Chen Feng was a little surprised. The opponent's attack power was stronger than before.

But the opponent also underestimated Chen Feng.

"How can your sword formation be so powerful?"

This Hunyuan was also surprised.

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