Eternal Existence

Chapter 4771 Blood Demon

"The strength above Hunyuan is indeed very strong, but if we really fight, you really can't do anything to us. The reason why we chose to leave is just that we don't want to waste our energy. If you don't believe it, you can try it." Chen Feng said lightly.

It must be said that the blood demon in front of him is indeed powerful, but Chen Feng and Jiaolong have seen the world and encountered such powerful lives. If they really fight, it is hard to say who will suffer.

Chen Feng's words seemed to anger the other party. The space vibrated, and more power came from the distant time and space and blessed the blood demon.

After all, this blood demon did not come in a complete state, but a projection of power.

This is also one of the reasons why Chen Feng and Jiaolong are not too worried. Maybe the other party can move all the power over.

But this also takes some time.

"I didn't expect that I would encounter such an interesting thing just after waking up. Are the current Hunyuan Jinxian so bold? You dare to be so calm in front of me, and you are so arrogant. In this case, I will teach you a lesson and let you know that it is better to be respectful to the seniors." When the blood demon's power reached one, the blood demon exploded.

A huge energy blade was formed in an instant and swept towards Chen Feng and Jiaolong fiercely.

Looking at the opponent's momentum, he wanted to cut Chen Feng and Jiaolong into pieces in one fell swoop.

"You look down on us so much."

Chen Feng said with a smile, stepped forward, stretched out his palm and grabbed the opponent's energy blade directly.

And Jiaolong chose to believe Chen Feng, and suddenly went to another direction to find an opportunity to attack the blood demon.

Seeing that a Hunyuan Jinxian actually used this method to resist his attack, the blood demon almost laughed out of anger.

He had never encountered such a thing before, which was a contempt for himself.

In this case, let's cut these two little bugs into pieces.


The energy blade reached Chen Feng's palm, bursting out with dazzling fire, and powerful forces swept around.

The space where the three people were located was also constantly collapsing.

Chen Feng took a few steps back, and his palm was not damaged at all.

The energy blade created by the blood demon turned into fragments.

"This is impossible." The blood demon said in surprise.

Chen Feng certainly did not rely on his simple flesh. Originally, Chen Feng's own defense was indeed very strong, but he would not be so arrogant as to resist the attack of a person above the Hunyuan.

Chen Feng's seemingly simple outstretched palm actually contained layers of power.

This was the main reason for dissolving the opponent's attack.

But no matter what, Chen Feng did block the blood demon's attack head-on.

Just when the blood demon was surprised, the huge body of the dragon slammed into the blood demon.

Blood light rushed into the sky, and energy rolled chaotically.

The blood demon was actually hit by the dragon and rolled over and over again.

"Above the Hunyuan, I think it's just like this." The dragon sneered.

Although the Blood Demon's state has not reached it, it is also considered to be above a Hunyuan. Under normal circumstances, it can completely kill a Hunyuan Jinxian in seconds.

But now the Blood Demon is unsure, and the original arrogant mind has also extinguished, and he began to truly face the two opponents in front of him.

"Who are you?" The Blood Demon asked in a deep voice, while still drawing his own power from time and space.

"We are just two adventurers. We had no reason at the beginning, and there is no cause and effect between us. But you caught up with us and now ask who we are? Don't you think it's a bit ridiculous?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's ridiculous, it's indeed a bit ridiculous, but soon you won't be able to laugh." After the Blood Demon finished speaking, a beam of light collided from his body.

This is a beam of blood-red sword light, with a momentum of being indestructible and cutting everything.

This is an origin-level killing weapon.

"It looks pretty good. Speaking of which, I don't have a long sword with this attribute yet." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Then Chen Feng used the sword formation to directly trap the opponent's attack in the middle.

Sure enough, this is a blood-red long sword. The four long swords used by Chen Feng are also of the origin level. In terms of quality, they are not inferior to the long sword of the blood demon.

Four to one, but he still suppressed the opponent's long sword without any intention. This is also a normal result.

The blood demon was surprised again, but then his eyes turned greedy.

"I didn't expect that you have so many treasures in your hands. Hand over everything quickly, and I can let you go." The blood demon said with a roar.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong were attacked by the opponent's will illusion, and they were still affected.

He was hit by the blood demon without paying attention.

Chen Feng rushed to the front and was knocked over and over, while Jiaolong was held down by a huge bloody claw.

At this moment, the blood demon burst out with unparalleled attack power.

For a while, Chen Feng and Jiaolong were at a disadvantage.

"No matter what other means you have, the gap in strength cannot be made up. Now just lie here obediently." The blood demon roared, and no matter how the dragon struggled, it could not get away for a while.

"I didn't underestimate you. It's normal for you to have such strength." After Chen Feng stood firm, he was not in a hurry.

With a wave of his hand, he took out the sacred mountain.

The sacred mountain was huge and covered the blood demon.

At the same time, Chen Feng himself rushed towards the blood demon quickly, his fist flashed, and countless fist shadows fell on the blood demon.

The struggling dragon gave off a strange power, which condensed into chains and began to extend and bind along the claws of the blood demon.

Not only was it binding, but this chain also had a corrosive power, and the power after getting along with the one you like would collapse.

He could no longer suppress the dragon, and was easily freed by the dragon.

"What kind of power is this? Is this the power of the Well of Eternal Night? No, the Evernight Scene does not have this kind of power." What said in surprise.

Although this power was somewhat special, the blood demon still broke free.

However, it also affected the blood demon. Chen Feng's attack fell on the blood demon, and coupled with the suppression of the mountain.

It actually had an impact on the blood demon.

Of course, Chen Feng and the dragon seemed to have the upper hand, but in fact they did not really hurt the blood demon.

Why is this also? At the beginning, I underestimated Chen Feng and the dragon. After adjusting my state, I used various means and secrets to gradually save some of the battle situation.

"Daoyou, don't you stop? If you continue, there is no point at all." Chen Feng said.

"I want to see what other means you two have."

The Blood Demon took out another magic weapon, which was still full of blood.

Chen Feng noticed that the Blood Demon himself represented a powerful avenue of blood. Although the magic weapons and weapons he mastered were of extremely high quality, they were also of the blood type.

It can be said that although they were single, they were relatively pure and also relatively powerful.

However, Chen Feng and Jiaolong had many magic weapons. No matter how the Blood Demon changed his means, the magic weapons they took out casually could withstand any attack.

This made the Blood Demon more convinced that he must deal with Chen Feng and Jiaolong. After all, there were too many treasures on these two.

The Blood Demon's strength was getting stronger and stronger, which was because he was constantly absorbing his own power.

But he still couldn't take down Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

The two sides fought in a melee, and the space collapsed wherever they passed, time was reversed, and energy rolled, destroying everything.

Seeing that he couldn't take down Chen Feng and Jiaolong, the Blood Demon actually began to summon his younger brother.

"This is a bit unkind. If you do this, the two of us will have to leave." Chen Feng said with a smile.

It is difficult to deal with just one blood demon. If a large number of other blood demons come, then they may not be able to leave if they want to leave.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong quickly put away their magic weapons and released the power imprint.

Next, Chen Feng used the art of walking and left the place quickly with Jiaolong.

As a person above the Primordial Chaos, the blood demon's every move can affect time and space. Even if Chen Feng's transcendence technique is very good, he can't hide it from the blood demon in a short time.

Seeing that the blood demon was about to lock the position of Chen Feng and Jiaolong, suddenly, the phantom of the long river of time appeared.

The time was very short. As the phantom of the long river of time appeared and disappeared, Chen Feng and Jiaolong completely lost their breath.

Even if the blood demon used various means, he could not lock Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

"You can actually use the power of the long river of time. It's really a bit difficult. In this case, I will let you go for the time being." The blood demon knew that it would be a waste of effort to continue chasing.

So the Blood Demon quickly recovered from his furious state. After recognizing the reality, he certainly did not force himself to do it.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong used the Long River of Time to travel through time and space.

If it were the past, Chen Feng would definitely go back to the Savage Universe to take a look, but now Chen Feng went to another direction.

On the one hand, he was worried about being caught up by the Blood Demon, and on the other hand, Chen Feng thought that he had finally come to such a remote area, so he took the opportunity to explore here.

So many powerful Blood Demons appeared before, so this area really attracted Chen Feng.

Maybe there are other things.

"The other party shouldn't catch up?" Jiaolong was still a little worried.

The previous Blood Demon did bring a lot of pressure. Not only was he powerful, but he also had a group of equally powerful younger brothers.

More importantly, the other party had some problems with his brain, so it was best not to deal with such an existence.

"Don't worry, I still have some means here. Even if I am not an opponent, I can get rid of him." Chen Feng said with some confidence.

Once again returning to the free space, Chen Feng could actually establish contact with the Long River of Time and others at any time.

At this time, Chen Feng also felt the power of the Long River of Time more and more.

Maybe Chen Feng's strength was not strong enough in the past, so he didn't have a deep understanding of this. Maybe Time River and the others have really become stronger during this period.

After all, Time River and the others had invaded some areas before, and it was normal for their own strength to become stronger.

"Since you say so, I feel relieved. Next, we can walk around casually. We won't encounter any powerful life like before, right?" Jiaolong said.

"I dare not guarantee this. If there is no powerful life, it would be a bit boring if everything goes smoothly without a strong life?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

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