Eternal Existence

Chapter 4782: Incident

It was just like the situation when Yin-Yang Avenue was used to fight against Yin-Yang Roulette.

Of course, Chuan knew that it was irrational to do so, but he still wanted to give it a try.

Even if his Yin-Yang Avenue was crushed, there would definitely be some gains in the process.

If there were more, some of the opponent's power would be integrated into it, and maybe the Chaos Avenue could be expanded.

As the avenues continued to be integrated into it, the changes in the Chaos Avenue were even more powerful than Chen Feng had imagined.

It surpassed the previous Yin-Yang Avenue and Samsara Avenue in one fell swoop.

Chen Feng understood that it was because of himself that the Chaos Avenue was the most authentic.

Because it can contain all energy.

Even before the dragon input power, the Chaos Avenue had already become stronger to a limit.

After seeing this scene, without waiting for Chen Feng to say more, the dragon quickly input power.

In an instant, the Chaos Avenue became stronger again.

But there is one thing, even if the Chaos Avenue has been constantly getting stronger, it has not reached the level of breakthrough.

It's like accumulating in a realm, Chen Feng also feels a little strange.

Since he can control it, then continue to input energy.

In addition to adding various avenues, Chen Feng also added several origin-level magic weapons.

Then the Chaos Avenue came forward and collided with these multi-attribute magic weapons.

Sure enough, the Chaos Avenue began to collapse.

This was also expected by Chuan.

Chen Feng took the opportunity to urge the flow tower to collide, and took the opportunity to plunder more energy from the opponent.

Next, while the energy tower was resisting in front, Chuan quickly repaired the Chaos Avenue again.

After several attempts, Chuan's energy tower collapsed more and more.

But the same impact also made this multi-attribute magic weapon retreat again and again.

In any case, this is also the combination of Chen Feng, Jiaolong, and the energy tower, as well as the power of the vast free space.

They have been looking for opportunities to suppress the Gate of Space and Time.

So although these weapons are very powerful, Chen Feng is not at the bottom.

With the continuous fighting before, under such strong pressure, the fusion attempt of the avenue, various aspects, and all kinds of things, Chen Feng's strength is also quietly improving.

Especially the control of the energy tower is getting stronger and stronger.

In this way, the energy tower can exert more and more powerful power.

"If I swallow this magic weapon, then all my avenues will break through directly and merge into my body, and my chaotic body will reach a higher level. At that time, the physical body alone can compete with the Hunyuan." Chen Feng said.

"How can it be so easy? The energy tower is in the hands of Daoyou, and it has not been refined into an avatar state. In the end, our realm is still a little low." Jiaolong said.

As he was talking, the opponent suddenly became stronger, turned around to suppress the energy tower, and defeated Chen Feng's chaotic avenue.

Chen Feng had been guarding against the opponent, and when he saw the opponent suddenly become stronger, he also retreated suddenly.

Sure enough, during the attack of this magic weapon, a crack appeared around it, and another magic weapon appeared.

This magic weapon exudes a real chaotic aura. Although it is not as powerful as other magic weapons, it is still the top in the origin level.

It is at the same level as Shenshan.

However, the opponent has been hiding in the dark to accumulate strength. This time he appeared and directly suppressed Chen Feng.

"This is also a good thing." Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

He might not be able to stand that multi-attribute origin magic weapon, but this one with chaos attribute should be no problem.

Although it is also very powerful, it is still within the range that he can accept and control.


This magic weapon with chaos attribute directly hit the energy tower and was not at a disadvantage.

And Chen Feng's Chaos Avenue was also affected.

Although Chen Feng was surprised, he knew that it was really hard to say whether he could defeat the opponent.

So Chen Feng released the God Mountain to block the opponent's momentum.

But then the multi-attribute magic weapon released another origin-level treasure, which was still the top origin magic weapon.

Not only that, the opponent then burst into a strong light and put down several origin-level magic weapons in one breath.

Seeing the opponent's change like this, Chen Feng suddenly remembered himself.

The two sides really have many similarities.

The opponent has multi-attribute energy, and he can also devour energy of various attributes and open up avenues of various attributes.

He also has a large number of magic weapons.

Now it seems that the opponent is the same.

Although Chen Feng was a little emotional, he was not slow at all.

Because the two sides were opponents.

If the opponent only released one or two origin-level magic weapons, then the storage would not be a big deal, but now he had to release multiple pieces, which was a bit troublesome.

Even the dragon felt the strong pressure clearly, and wanted to hide in the energy tower immediately.

"It's really troublesome. If I had seen so many magic weapons in the past, I would definitely be happy. These are all top-level treasures. Even I don't have many of them, but now they have become our opponents." Chen Feng said with some emotion.


One of the magic weapons burst out with powerful attack power. This is a magic weapon with a single attribute of power.

Most of the other pieces are the same.

In Chen Feng's opinion, these single-attribute magic weapons and the multi-attribute magic weapon have a very close relationship.

Maybe it's a companion relationship.

Just when Chen Feng and Jiaolong were having a headache, the multi-attribute magic weapon suddenly disappeared in this area.

The opponent did not target Chen Feng and Jiaolong, but chose to attack other opponents.

Chen Feng was a little surprised at first, but then he understood.

He and Jiaolong were not the main force, and were not taken seriously by the opponent. The opponent was the Gate of Time and Space.

And now the Gate of Time and Space has the upper hand and is constantly advancing. This treasure needs to be stopped, otherwise, it may be defeated.

"In this way, our pressure will be reduced, and it is very likely to take the opportunity to collect a few treasures." Chuan said with a smile.


Chen Feng punched out and directly collided with a magic weapon that rushed up.

This is a top-level origin-level treasure, and Chen Feng is not afraid at all.

The battle between the two sides produced a powerful explosion shock wave, and the energy on Chen Feng's body kept washing back and forth. Chen Feng just stepped back a few steps, and then mobilized Chaos Avenue to rush to another magic weapon.

Jiaolong did not dare to show weakness.

Without that powerful multi-attribute magic weapon, Jiaolong became bolder and more violent.

He used the origin spirit beads to resist some magic weapons, and also used his own means to suppress them, wanting to collect a magic weapon.

After all, Jiaolong did not have a magic weapon of this level.




Chen Feng continued to attack, and suddenly threw out a sword formation to suppress a magic weapon.

Then he activated the energy tower to suppress another one, and that was not all, Shenshan and the origin spirit lamp faced another one.

Soon all the opponents this time were targeted by Chen Feng.

"The other party released these treasures to delay our time." Jiaolong said.

"Maybe they want to entangle our power."

"But it doesn't matter, as long as we can get benefits." Chen Feng said so.

No matter what conspiracy he has, in Chen Feng's view, whether he can get benefits in the end is the most important.

As for whether it will affect the overall situation, Chen Feng thinks it should be a little, but it is definitely not the most important.

Both he and Jiaolong were here to make a cameo appearance, or to serve as a signpost.

Finally, Chen Feng seized an opportunity and put a treasure into the energy tower, so that the energy tower needed power to suppress it.

After all, treasures of this level cannot be refined in a short time.

Chen Feng understood the other party's plan, so Chen Feng took another treasure in.

If two low-level origin-level treasures are in the energy tower, there may be some chaos if they are not properly suppressed.

Jiaolong spent a lot of effort and swallowed a magic weapon.

Chen Feng was worried that the other party's stomach would burst. In any case, Jiaolong would need to divide a lot of power to suppress it.

"I'm afraid we can't eat it all." Jiaolong said a little depressed.

"Do your best, at worst, you won't participate in the next battle." Chen Feng said.


Jiaolong used other origin spirit beads to suppress another magic weapon, which can be said to be almost at a limit.

Chen Feng also reached out and grabbed one and threw it into the Chaos Avenue.

Along with the Chaos Avenue, the Divine Mountain and the Origin Spirit Lamp were also collected.

"Maybe I can collect one more, but if I do, I really won't have any other magic weapons to use." Chen Feng said.

If you want to avoid any accidents, you need to use multiple treasures to suppress it.

Although Chen Feng has many treasures, some are used to suppress himself, and some are used to suppress the Avenue. It is impossible to take them all out.


"In this case, I will smash the opponent into pieces, or wipe out the spirit of the weapon, so that I can collect it, and then I will refine it again afterwards." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng was talking when he suddenly felt the crisis. The magic weapon that was being suppressed by the sword formation suddenly changed dramatically.

Originally, this was only an origin-level magic weapon, and the sword formation could be fully pressurized. Who knew that the aura suddenly became very strong.

It actually broke through the origin level and defeated the sword formation in one fell swoop, and four long swords flew around.

This treasure suddenly came in front of Chen Feng, and Chen Feng hurriedly took action to resist, but he couldn't repel the opponent at all.

Not only Chen Feng encountered this situation, but the dragon also did the same.

A magic weapon suddenly became stronger, and it actually knocked the dragon out.

"Not good, the other party has an ambush and has been waiting for us here for a long time, but I am a little curious, why didn't it burst out such a powerful force from the beginning, and had to wait until now." The dragon said.

"It's useless to think about anything now, let's find a way to deal with the current situation. It's a good thing that the magic weapon has become stronger. As long as it doesn't reach that level, we can deal with it, and it is possible to suppress the opponent, so this time the benefit will be great." Chen Feng said and punched hard again.

At the same time, the Chaos Avenue appeared again, regardless of whether there would be any problems with the treasure suppressed in it, the storage of the activating avenue and itself, and the newly formed sword formation rushed towards the strengthened magic weapon.

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