Eternal Existence

Chapter 4800: The origin of alternative development

Hearing what the Tianyuan Saint said, Chen Feng and Jiaolong were really surprised and happy. They didn't expect such a change.

Although I don't know what to do next?

But since the Tianyuan Saint said so, I think it can be done to some extent.

"Thank you very much, fellow Taoist." Chen Feng said.

"In fact, it is also very simple. It is to use the method of initiation to allow you to have the ability to open up the origin in a short period of time. This is a shortcut. In fact, it is a huge gain for you to feel the process of opening up the origin in advance. As for how far you can open up in this process, it depends on you. In fact, I still give you a suggestion before the matter starts. Even if you can open up the origin, after this matter, I also hope that you can crush the origin. When you have strength in the future and reach your own realm, you can open up your own origin area again, because now I am intervening, and I am also somewhat contaminated with the core power of the origin that I opened up." Tianyuan Saint said.

"While the situation is not so critical now, let's do it." After the Tianyuan Saint said, two origin energies rushed out of the core area of ​​the origin and rushed towards Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

"Don't resist. Experience this energy of origin carefully. This is the core of my origin. It also contains some of my insights from the process of origin and some of the remaining power of the origin seed. To be honest, I have lost money to achieve this step. I hope that the performance of the next two people will satisfy me." Tianyuan Saint said.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong had no time to answer because they were both shrouded by the energy of origin.

At this moment, Chen Feng felt the extremely complex power structure, the perception of cultivation, the change of laws, the beginning of origin, the magic of creation, and so on. All kinds of wonderful feelings rushed out.

It was like a volcano that had been accumulated for a long time and suddenly erupted. Even though Chen Feng's willpower was extremely strong, he was a little confused for a while.

After Chen Feng gathered all the chaos, an area under his feet began to spread.

This is the origin area.

Chen Feng entered the state of opening up the origin, but this was with the help of Tianyuan Saint.

And Chen Feng is at most a witness. Of course, this area belongs to Chen Feng.

Whether Chen Feng can control the origin area to expand to this extent depends on Chen Feng's next means.

Chen Feng blew his own original power at the first time, but the moment these powers were released, they were collected by Chen Feng again.

Chen Feng stomped his feet fiercely, and avenues extended from his body.

These avenues were like tree roots, piercing into the origin area fiercely, and then extending countless tentacles, instantly covering the entire origin area.

Some resources that were originally suppressed in the avenue. They were also quickly transferred to other places by Chen Feng.

Even the magic weapons that had been pressurized in the avenue were cleared out by Chen Feng.

In this way, Chen Feng's avenue became extremely pure, no longer relying on other forces, but completely under Chen Feng's control.

This is Chen Feng's true strength. Although it cannot be compared with the past, Chen Feng felt the purity.

Purity means that it will become stronger in the future.

At this time, Chen Feng also had a new understanding. Perhaps it was not a good thing to suppress it with magic weapons in the past.

But that was also Chen Feng's choice. If he wanted to have powerful power, he could only do this.

There is an advantage in opening up the origin here, that is, there is no shortage of energy.

At first, Chen Feng needs to integrate a lot of his own power, but then he can absorb the energy from the outside world and inject it into it.

Just like what the Tianyuan Saint did, stealing the power of other origins to expand his own origin.

Chen Feng will naturally do the same next time, otherwise, even if Chen Feng is rich, he will not be able to consume enough resources and energy even if he collects a lot.

This is not about creating the world, nor is it about expanding the avenue, but about opening up an origin.

Even if Chen Feng's wealth is a hundred times richer, it will not be enough.

And the Tianyuan Saint also said before that the origin area opened up by Chen Feng and Jiaolong will be shattered, so Chen Feng will not invest too much.

Otherwise, even if he has some insights and gains in the end, it may not be worth the loss.

At the beginning, Chen Feng relied on his own power to expand the origin area in circles. At first, it was the power of the Tianyuan Saint, so the origin area was quite stable.

But just after the origin area expanded to a certain extent, it became a little chaotic and fluctuating.

It seems that Chen Feng can't control it.

After all, Chen Feng is also a novice, and he is exposed to things that far exceed himself.

At this time, the expansion of the origin area slowly stopped.

However, as time went by, Chen Feng gradually stabilized the situation, and the origin area expanded again in circles.

Although the expansion speed was very slow, it also showed that Chen Feng had entered the right track.

After all, Chen Feng had just seen the handicraft of Tianyuan Saint, and also felt the various experiences left by Tianyuan Saint, plus Chen Feng had the experience of controlling an origin area before.

Under the fusion of various aspects, Chen Feng stabilized the origin area with the avenues of all parties alone.

And it seems to overlap with the origin area of ​​Tianyun Saint, but in fact, the two sides are not in the same time and space at all. Even if Chen Feng's origin area expands, it will not collide with the origin area of ​​Tianyuan Saint.

That's the magic of origins.

In the early stage, Chen Feng invested a lot of effort, but all Chen Feng got was some spiritual and willful insights. This was a kind of feedback to himself, and this path also changed.

In the next period of time, Chen Feng began to try to absorb the power of origin from the illusion of nothingness.

A new passage extended from in front of Chen Feng, and the sound directly reached the void environment.

Compared with the passage created by Saint Tianyuan, the big one and the small one each saw the illusion of nothingness.

They are constantly absorbing the power of the origin of the illusion of nothingness.

Chen Feng compared it and found that his charging speed was far behind that of Tianyuan Saint.

One is like a mighty rushing river, and the other is a trickling stream.

"This is a slow flow for me, but take your time. The most important thing this time is experience, not how much power you can collect. Of course, if you can collect enough power, it is also a good thing." Chen Feng said.

On the other hand, Jiaolong is also on the right track, and it seems to be going very smoothly. However, the speed of development of the origin area is not as fast as Chen Feng, which even surprised the Tianyuan Saint.

After all, there is still a gap in realm between Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

But if you look at the many avenues extending out of Chen Feng, you can understand why this is the case.

"Be careful, things won't go smoothly next," said the Tianyuan Saint.

Chen Feng nodded. I also felt the pressure from the illusion of nothingness.

"It can't be another Hunyuan. In fact, the other party is sending it up little by little. It is basically turning it into nutrients on its own initiative. It doesn't look like a disaster at all." Chen Feng said.

But Chen Feng soon stopped thinking so, at least it was difficult for him.

If he uses all his strength to control the area, Chen Feng can still continue to expand.

But now a powerful being appeared, and Chen Feng had to take action to resist it.

This time, a group of Hunyuan Golden Immortals came.

A group of powerful Hunyuan Golden Immortals began to fight, and Chen Feng's expanding origin area was also affected.

In desperation, Chen Feng had to temporarily cut off the connection with Da Dao, which does not mean that it was completely cut off.

But the actual state is that these avenues are still under Chen Feng's control.

Chen Fengkong went forward to fight with these Hunyuan Golden Immortals. Their attack power was so powerful that Chen Feng almost used all his strength in order to quickly eliminate these beings.

Only in this way can we return and continue to expand the origin area.

Although the previous expansion process was not long, it brought Chen Feng a lot of experience. Chen Feng has become addicted to this cultivation process.

But even if Chen Feng is extremely powerful, it is not easy to defeat these Hunyuan Golden Immortals in a short time.

What's more, it is necessary to separate some mental stability to achieve control of the area.

At this time, Chen Feng remembered the benefits of the magic weapons in the energy tower and the sacred mountain. If these magic weapons could be freed up, they could help Chen Feng control the origin area.

But now because Chen Feng has stuffed too many things into it, basically it can no longer exert much power.

Chen Feng can only rely on his own constant fighting.

And after Chen Feng solved several Hunyuan Golden Immortals, another thunder tribulation appeared.

This is also the first time that Chen Feng has encountered such a situation, a thunder disaster coming from an illusion of nothingness.

The power is very strong, and each release of thunder and lightning is no less than the explosion of a Hunyuan Golden Immortal. As a result, the pressure on Chen Feng begins to double.

Fortunately, Chen Feng's Chaos Body is strong enough and can sustain it.

"I originally asked you to come and help me, but now I'm helping you." Sage Tianyuan said.

In any case, Chen Feng still blocked these lives and did not cause any trouble to Tianyuan Saint, although Tianyuan Saint may not take these Hunyuan Golden Immortals in his eyes.

The Jiaolong on the other side also encountered the same situation as Chen Feng, but only one life came from the other side, which was infinitely close to the powerful existence above Hunyuan. The fight with the Jiaolong turned the world upside down, and even affected the origin area opened by the Jiaolong.

The Tianyuan Saint did not interfere in the battle between the two, and seemed to be focusing on expanding his origin area.

Compared to Chen Feng and Jiao Long, Tianyuan Saint actually hopes to encounter those powerful Hunyuan ones, so that he can kill them and integrate into his origin area.

This is much better than absorbing large amounts of origin energy.




Chen Feng punched out and finally killed the last Hunyuan Golden Immortal. All the opponent's power was thrown to the Tianyuan Saint by Chen Feng.

Although they are all Hunyuan Golden Immortals, their power is more powerful than the origin energy. It is not that Chen Feng does not need it, but that Chen Feng cannot expand the origin area so quickly.

The only option was to take advantage of the Tianyuan Saint, which would also lighten Chen Feng's burden.

"Can you please have some quiet time next?" Chen Feng returned to his previous position and established contact with the avenue. The expansion of the origin area also accelerated slightly with Chen Feng's return.

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