Eternal Existence

Chapter 4831: Progress

The Tianyuan Saint shook his head: "I have a bad feeling. I said before that the Yuanjie is stronger than you think. Although there is a war on two fronts, it is still okay to mobilize some forces to deal with me."

"So what should we do next? Should we change places?" Chen Feng looked at the origin area opened up by the Tianyuan Saint, thinking that such a large area is not so easy to take away.

"In fact, my reason tells me that leaving now and hiding for a while before appearing is the best choice. It may avoid being discovered by the Yuanjie, but I am really unwilling to leave like this. I have spent a lot of effort here. If I leave now, some people are really unwilling." Tianyuan Saint said so.

Chen Feng naturally understood what Tianyuan Saint said. This is a temptation that even a powerful Hunyuan can't bear.

If it were me, I would definitely not want to leave.

Even now, with the continuous plunder of the power from the illusion of nothingness, my origin area has to expand in circles.

Chen Feng has new insights all the time.

His own cultivation was advancing by leaps and bounds. Even though he knew there was danger, he didn't want to leave until it was absolutely necessary.

"Let's wait and see. I've also thought of this situation. Even if I leave, it's no big deal." Tianyuan Saint comforted himself.

But soon, the next change happened as expected by Tianyun Saint.

A powerful Hunyuan Above came from the Yuanjie.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng smiled.

The result of Tianyuan Saint's doing this is also to weaken the power of the Yuanjie, and the invasion of the Gate of Time and Space will become more and more smooth.

Of course, Chen Feng would not say this.

It shouldn't be a big problem if only one Hunyuan Above came. For Tianyuan Saint, this is also a good thing. He can completely solve the opponent.

Anyway, he is already stealing the power of the Yuanjie, so why worry about killing another Hunyuan Above?

"This shows that I have gradually been targeted by the Yuanjie. Even if I kill this powerful Hunyuan Above now, there will be more powerful beings to deal with me next." Tianyuan Saint said.

"That's a matter for the future. The most important thing now is to get the benefits first, so that you won't suffer any loss even if you leave. Besides, this person who came here also belongs to the Yuanjie. Maybe you two know each other. Then you can discuss it well. Maybe you can just pretend that you didn't see anything about this matter." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng really said it by chance. This person who came here actually knew the Tianyuan Saint.

Although they are all Hunyuan Supremes, there are also differences in strength. This person who came here is definitely not as strong as the Tianyuan Saint.

The other party had also heard of the reputation of Tianyun Saint, so he hesitated in place.

"Since you know it's me, then you can leave now." Kaiyuan Saint thought about it and didn't make a move.

In fact, letting the other party leave is also a hidden danger. Maybe the other party will come again next time and will join forces with others.

However, in order not to be targeted by the will of the Yuanjie, Tianyuan Saint can only suppress his inner impulse and restrain himself from making a move.

"Senior, I feel a little entangled. I know I am not your opponent, but I have taken the benefits of the Yuanjie. If I withdraw now, the other party will deal with me." This person said.

"You must think it over carefully. If you attack me, I will kill you and serve as my nutrients. I am not trying to scare you." Tianyuan Saint said.

This person became more and more hesitant and began to regret accepting this task.

"After all, you are a powerful person above the Hunyuan, but you are also at the mercy of the will of the origin area." Chen Feng laughed.

This person also saw Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

Let's not talk about Jiaolong for now. After all, this person is also a Hunyuan, and they are all at the same level.

But Chen Feng is only a Hunyuan Jinxian.

"Senior, come and find a Hunyuan Jinxian to help. There are also some powerful Hunyuan above in our Yuanjie." This person said.

"Well, it seems that you are also hesitant. Since you dare not take action and are unwilling to retreat, I will give you another choice now. You can choose to join us. Even if you will be targeted by the Yuanjie in the future, you can still get some benefits now, and this is also a huge opportunity for you. You should be able to see what I am doing." Tianyuan Saint said.

The man above the mixed Yuan became more and more interested.

Chen Feng was a little curious. Before, Tianyuan Saint did not ask other people above the mixed Yuan for help, but now he actually asked people to join.

Is this the pressure he felt, or is there another plan?

However, since this matter can be resolved peacefully, it is also the best way.

Chen Feng believes that Tianyuan Saint must have his own reasons for doing this.

"Okay, thank you for your appreciation, I am willing to join in." The man above the mixed Yuan still made a decision.

After all, the matter is here. If this man above the mixed Yuan can entangle with Tianyuan Saint for a while, he will not make this choice.

After all, the targeting from the Yuanjie is still behind, and there is no substantial danger, so the threat is not as strong as the Tianyuan Saint in front of him.

Chen Feng felt some pressure from the addition of this person above the Hunyuan. It was not that the other party was really ill-intentioned, but mainly because the other party was too strong. If something happened, Chen Feng would have to spend a lot of energy to deal with it.

Even now, he needed to be more vigilant.

But from the whole thing, the addition of a person above the Hunyuan was a good thing for both the Tianyuan Saint and Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

The pressure on the three of them was reduced.

Since this person above the Hunyuan made this choice, it was also because he was not the opponent of the Tianyuan Saint. After joining in, he quickly helped the Tianyuan Saint to build this passage.

The same work as Chen Feng and Jiaolong before.

The Tianyuan Saint became somewhat free. Although he was still sitting in the origin area, once there was a problem with any of the three parties, the Tianyuan Saint would quickly take action.

Moreover, the expansion of the origin area became more and more stable because of the Tianyuan Saint's presence, and the speed of expansion was also accelerating.

From the beginning to now, the Tianyuan Saint has finally accelerated a little.

And this person above the Hunyuan also felt something special.

"Before, a life form of Hunyuan Above died here." The Hunyuan Above asked.

"Yes, the other party has turned into nutrients for the origin area." Tianyuan Saint said.

"It seems that I really made the right choice, otherwise I would also become nutrients for this place." The Hunyuan Above said.

After at least communicating with Tianyuan Saint, the Hunyuan Above looked at Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

"The two Taoist friends should not be the life forms of our Yuanjie." The Hunyuan Above named Jiuji said.

"You have a good eye. We do not belong to the Yuanjie. I wonder if I can tell where we are?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

Chen Feng has also been observing the other party. The Hunyuan Above named Jiuji did not have the breath of the Gate of Origin on his body.

Although it is possible that the other party is hiding better, Chen Feng believes that the other party has never been to the Gate of Origin.

"Could it be that the two Taoist friends are from the Void Illusion, or the Valley of the Abyss." Jiuji is really not easy to judge.

Because Chen Feng and Jiaolong have devoured the power of these two origin areas, and now they have opened up their own level areas. The information I have given you again cannot be correctly determined.

Chen Feng laughed: "We are from the Gate of Origin."

"So the two Taoist friends are from the Gate of Clouds. I haven't been there yet. If there is a chance, I really want to try it. I hope the two Taoist friends can give me some advice." Jiuji said.

"No problem." Chen Feng did not refuse.

With the strength of the other party, if you really want to find the Gate of Learning, it is not too difficult. You didn't know it before, but now you know it, and you can also get information about the way to enter the Gate of Origin from other places.

What's more, Tianyuan Saint knows more.


Perhaps because Jiuji joined Tianyuan Saint, the will of the metaverse has not waited for the result it wants, so it has become a little angry.

More metaverse wills have set their sights on Tianyuan Saint, bringing strong pressure to Tianyuan Saint. Although no new attacks have been launched yet, Tianyuan Saint thinks that the metaverse should be accumulating strength, which will give him a fatal blow at that time.

"Do I really have to change places?" Tianyuan Saint was a little unwilling.

If I leave, it's not that I can't find a new area, but it's very difficult to find such a suitable place, and then I have to start arranging some things again, which costs my experience and some consumption.

It's better now. With the help of several helpers, the origin area is expanding continuously.

As long as I give myself some more time, I will stop without the Yuanjie taking action.

After all, it's impossible for the Tianyuan Saint to control too large an area with his strength. After reaching a certain level, he has to stop and refine and control it well.

Who knows that the attack from the Yuanjie has not arrived yet, but the Abyss Valley that the dragon faces has come into trouble.

Suddenly, there is no more energy coming in from the Abyss Valley.

Think about the original mighty origin force that keeps washing, just like a long river, but the next moment the long river stops flowing.

The dragon didn't know what happened yet. Looking at the empty time and space in front of him, he wanted to go over and explore it, but then a silk net covered the direction of the dragon.

When it got closer, Jiaolong realized that this was not an ordinary silk net, but a silk net made up of countless cracks in time and space.

Ordinary cracks in time and space could not do anything to Jiaolong. With Jiaolong's defense, it could completely shatter time and space.

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