Eternal Existence

Chapter 4838: Something else is strange

"But after all, he is also a Hunyuan above, it is still a pity." Chen Feng said so.

This is a very strong fighting force.

However, after this entanglement, Chen Feng lost the traces of those Hunyuan Jinxian.

"There will be no connection between the two?" Chen Feng began to doubt again.

But after thinking about it, there is no clue, and it is impossible to infer and do something here.

So Chen Feng can only choose to continue to explore around.

Who knows that Chen Feng captured some strong power fluctuations in Guixu, which attracted him.

First, it was judged that it was not caused by the Sword of Nothingness, and then it began to act.

After a while, Chen Feng found a chaotic area with many powerful lives fighting.

Chen Feng looked and lost interest again.

The strongest is only Hunyuan Jinxian. Without the participation of Hunyuan above, it can't communicate much attraction to Chen Feng.

But just when Chen Feng wanted to leave, a strong suction suddenly sounded from the depths of the broken space.

The two closest Hunyuan Jinxian were swallowed up, and then there was no sound.

This incident forced the two warring parties to stop, but these powerful Hunyuan Jinxians did not choose to leave, but used their means to explore the situation inside.

At that time, Chen Feng also showed his interest in secret.

Most of the Hunyuan Jinxians who can easily devour the existence of Hunyuan Jinxian are above Hunyuan.

However, the other party is not lying in ambush here, but may be in other states, just because these Hunyuan Jinxians fight each other and alarm the other party.

Of course, there may be other reasons.

In short, these are not important.

Chen Feng is interested in what kind of situation the Hunyuan Jinxian inside is.

Chen Feng also wanted to release his perception to explore, but soon gave up because he was worried about disturbing the other party.

Finally, a Hunyuan Jinxian couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to get closer to take a look, but the devouring power suddenly increased, directly pulling the Hunyuan Jinxian in.

At this time, all the Hunyuan Jinxians present suddenly attacked at the same time, trying to beat out the existence in the dark in one fell swoop.

Even if the dark one is above Hunyuan, it is impossible to block the attacks of so many Hunyuan Jinxians.

But a surprising scene appeared.

The space was broken, and the existence in the dark did not appear, but a dark area was revealed.

This dark area emitted a strange power fluctuation.

"What is this?"

Chen Feng understood a little. There was actually a covered origin area here, but it was reviving now.

The previous Hunyuan Jinxian was swallowed by this origin area.

After getting the supplement of several Hunyuan Jinxians, Chen Feng believed that the other party's recovery speed should be accelerated.

"But it's just a few Hunyuan Jinxians, how much effect can it have?" Chen Feng said a little strangely.

You know, the previous origin areas were all revived with the help of the Time River.

However, this one can revive on his own, which is somewhat different from the previous encounters.

"Let's wait and see. In any case, the revival of an origin area can also have some impact on Guixu." Chen Feng was not in a hurry.

These Hunyuan Jinxians felt the danger and began to choose to leave this place, but it seemed a little late to leave at this time.

A palm made of energy stretched out from the darkness and grabbed the Hunyuan Jinxian.

Chen Feng looked around and saw that only a few Hunyuan Jinxian had escaped from this place, and the rest had all become nutrients paid by this origin area.

"That's really cruel." Chen Feng was secretly shocked.

There was no movement in the darkness, and Chen Feng knew that the other party was probably digesting.

Sure enough, Chen Feng waited for a while, and the swallowing power was emitted again in the darkness, and began to plunder the power of the surrounding Guixu?

However, the movement was not big, and it seemed a little cautious, as if afraid of being discovered by Guixu.

Just when Chen Feng was thinking about whether to leave, a strong power wave enveloped Chen Feng.

Wanted to pull Chen Feng over.

But Chen Feng was not the Hunyuan Jinxian before, and his body shook slightly, and he broke free from this power.

Then the opponent's stronger power appeared, and this time Chen Feng's heart moved, and he also exerted the swallowing power.

The power of both sides was directly offset.

A big energy hand appeared, covering the four directions, and grabbed Chen Feng.

"Hey, it really targeted me." Chen Feng disappeared from the original place, making the opponent's attack fail.

"Since you have revived, it's your luck, but don't get entangled with me." Chen Feng didn't want to get entangled with the other party, so he swayed and left quickly.

However, Chen Feng wanted to leave, but the other party didn't want to.

An area in front of Chen Feng suddenly exploded, and the rolling energy turned into a huge palm and grabbed Chen Feng.

Chen Feng realized that he had not left the place covered by the origin area, but the other party revived very quickly, and his power began to spread.

"Fortunately, I just revived and my power is not too strong, otherwise I would be in trouble in the other party's territory." Chen Feng punched out and broke the other party's energy palm.

"Enough, come again, I won't be polite." Chen Feng shouted coldly, and his will waved out with a strong vibration.

Chen Feng believed that the other party could understand, but Chen Feng still underestimated the other party. Then the surrounding space exploded one after another, and then was swallowed up by the powerful force.

A piece of darkness appeared, so dark that it seemed to be able to swallow everything, and Chen Feng was in the darkness.

"Good fellow!" Chen Feng was startled and hurriedly left this place and fled far away.

However, the scale of this area was constantly expanding. Although Chen Feng was fast, it was impossible for him to leave this area instantly.

So Chen Feng was still in the opponent's territory.

Chen Feng felt a strong devouring force and a special sticky force.

He also felt that he was being stared at by a will that was recovering.

Or it could be said that this was not a will.

But many scattered wills.

But all these wills belonged to this origin area.

Their goal was the same, that is, to devour and plunder foreign powerful lives to replenish themselves.

Before, some Hunyuan Jinxian were devoured, which was also a trigger. It was not that these Hunyuan Jinxian made this origin area recover to this point, but that this origin area was not like the complete extinction that Chen Feng had encountered before. It still retained a lot of energy. While fighting against the flood with Guixu, it also used other means to obtain some energy.

The real reason is the strong origin.

So Chen Feng, a life with powerful power, will naturally not be let go by the other party.

The more they can't take Chen Feng, the more it shows that Chen Feng is powerful, and the more the other party wants to devour Chen Feng.

Now the other party's desire to devour everything is the strongest.

And the will of the origin area does not mean that it is as flexible as life.

Although the operation of this origin area has surprised Chen Feng, Chen Feng still didn't take it to heart.

This is just an origin that has just returned. Even if it is stronger, what can it do?

However, the increasingly exaggerated dark area of ​​the other party still makes Chen Feng a little alert. This feeling of darkness that can devour everything is slightly different from the previous origin area.

"In the final analysis, such a domineering origin was eventually covered by Guixu. Even if it pays some now, it still can't fight against Guixu."

"After all, it was covered by Guixu in its heyday. Now it is just some remaining power. The reason why it can persist until now is mostly because Guixu's focus is not here. It may also be that some of the origin areas that have revived before have shared the pressure here."

Chen Feng suddenly stopped, and golden light burst out from his body. These golden lights rotated around himself quickly, and later exchanged for a storm of energy.

Moreover, the energy storm became more and more fierce and larger in scale under Chen Feng's urging. Chen Feng even injected some strong attack methods.

Because Chen Feng felt that he was locked by the opponent and failed to dodge several times, in this case, he stayed and sparred with the opponent, and let the opponent know how powerful he was.

It can be a novel test for Chen Feng to fight with an origin area in this way.

This is a good opportunity. Chen Feng wants to try how many means this origin area has.

Even if the opponent can devour everything, Chen Feng thinks that his devouring skills are not necessarily inferior to the opponent.

"Then let's fight."

Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng believes that the people of Time and River must have felt the power fluctuations here, so there is nothing to worry about.

And according to the plan of Time and River, after discovering the origin area where he paid, he might take him away and won't do anything to this origin area.


The powerful force rolled and swept, like a storm that kept moving in the free space.

But this time the energy storm was controlled by Chen Feng, and formed a field with Chen Feng as the center.

Rolling back and forth, cutting the power from the dark area.

This dark area wants to devour Chen Feng, and Chen Feng is trying to plunder the opponent's power while cutting the opponent.

Used to analyze the level and strength of this origin area before it was destroyed.

After all, Chen Feng has seen many origin areas, and there are some comparisons in his mind.

Even if the real strength cannot be determined, some general understanding is enough.

"You can still retain energy under the cover of Guixu, and you have the means to recover on your own. This also shows your strength. However, if you continue to fight with me like this, it will only waste your strength." Chen Feng said so.

A huge palm stretched out from the darkness and locked Chen Feng tightly. The suction force twisted into lines, and the power was concentrated to restrain Chen Feng.

Moreover, Chen Feng also felt that this origin area was still mobilizing the power of other areas.


Chen Feng took out the long sword and slashed it fiercely, cutting in all directions. No matter what the opponent did, it was all cut and crushed.

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