Eternal Existence

Chapter 4861: Incident

But the situation here is quite special. If the clone left behind is too weak, it is easy to have some changes.

Maybe he died in Guixu as soon as he left.

Then the Golden Immortal of Daluo is different. As long as he practices here for a period of time, he can also grow rapidly with the progress of Yin and Yang Origin.

Of course, this is also an important reason why Chen Feng is willing to leave his clone here.

At this time, the Yin and Yang Origin is in a state of rapid expansion. Leaving the clone here, coupled with some of Chen Feng's own methods, can be said to have established a deep connection with this origin.

Think about it, under normal circumstances, even the existence above the level of Hunyuan cannot establish such a close connection with the origin of one side.

But this time is different. This is a good opportunity. Chen Feng is willing to give it a try. Even if this clone has an accident, it is worth a gamble for Chen Feng.

Seeing that Chen Feng left a clone here, the Sword of Nothingness did not say anything, but let Chen Feng do it.

Feeling that the clone is getting stronger here, Chen Feng does not want to stay here any longer.

I just want these big guys to quickly find the next origin area, or do something.

"Maybe not long after I leave, my clone will enter the level of Hunyuan Jinxian. Only by becoming Hunyuan Jinxian can it be qualified to merge with my original body. The clones that grow up in the development of different origins will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes when they merge together. I hope it will bring me greater surprises." Chen Feng thought so in his heart.

After another period of time, the Sword of Nothingness finally chose to leave.

In fact, Chen Feng was already a little impatient. If they didn't leave, maybe Chen Feng would choose to leave by himself and enter Guixu to take risks.

Next, the Sword of Nothingness and Chen Feng were still on the road together, and the speed was much faster than before.

Chen Feng exerted the art of walking to the extreme, and barely kept up with the Sword of Nothingness.

This is the gap between the two sides.

Although Chen Feng's art of walking has broken through again and again, reaching a state of transcendence, but compared with nothingness, there are still some differences in the power level and life essence.

The Sword of Nothingness seemed ordinary, and it was a simple journey without any special changes, which made Chen Feng a little unable to keep up. He almost lost it several times.

"It seems that before entering the Hunyuan realm, I am afraid that my divine movement technique will not be able to make a significant breakthrough, but I really don't want to enter the next realm now." In fact, as Chen Feng saw more and more powerful beings, coupled with his recent gains, Chen Feng also felt that he was becoming more and more saturated in the realm of Hunyuan Jinxian. Under normal circumstances, he would choose to break through, but Chen Feng wanted to make himself stronger, so he kept practicing with peace of mind and suppressed the current realm.

"If I really can't suppress it, I still have to use magic weapons to suppress it, but now I feel that the problem should not be big, and I can continue for a while. This is because the gains during this period are too great. I keep encountering the origin level of the original power. If I continue to swallow it like this, I am afraid that even magic weapons will not be able to suppress my current state at that time."

"Also in terms of realm, I still need to make a breakthrough. The will has made a breakthrough before, but it is not enough. There is still no real perfect balance with the physical body." Chen Feng carefully experienced his own state while traveling.

This time, Chen Feng did not disturb the Sword of Nothingness.

Chen Feng was so quiet that the Sword of Nothingness was a little uncomfortable.

"Are you having any problems with your cultivation?" The Sword of Nothingness could not help asking.

"No." Chen Feng said curiously, not understanding why the Sword of Nothingness asked him.

Then the Sword of Nothingness did not continue to ask, but continued to hurry on his way quietly.

This was the silence on the surface. In fact, Chen Feng did not know whether these powerful beings were secretly using means to find something.

It was possible that they were still looking for the submerged origin area as before, or they might be looking for other things.

In this way, after a while, the Sword of Nothingness stopped.

The same means as before.

The Sword of Nothingness fiercely inserted into the void, emitting a strong sword energy, constantly breaking the surrounding time and space.

After the layers of time and space were broken, Chen Feng had the previous experience and preparation this time, and he really felt another origin area.

"I didn't expect that there were so many origins swallowed by Guixu. I found two of them just by walking around." Chen Feng was very surprised.

Then the power of the River of Time and others continued to appear, and everything was the same as before.

Chen Feng was ready to put his will deep into this origin.

But soon Chen Feng was disappointed again.

This origin did not revive.


This is not the origin area at all.

This is a life world, and it is a life world of a relatively large scale.

Even if it is not as good as the origin, it is not small in scale and has a strong foundation.

After all, it can survive the invasion of Guixu until now, which naturally explains the problem.

Chen Feng immediately thought of some super-large worlds he had encountered in the past. Those life worlds would have some powerful lives sitting in them, such as a sufficient number of Hunyuan Jinxian.

Once there are many high-level lives, the expansion speed of such a large world will be very fast, and the foundation will be very strong.

It is also possible that this life world has not been invaded for a long time, but no matter what, there is no effect without effort.

Chen Feng sensed that this life world did not have any vitality, and there was not even much energy left.

As the Sword of Nothingness withdrew their power, this world collapsed directly.

It was completely shattered and integrated into the Guixu, but there was only some movement, but the movement soon calmed down.

This time it was in vain.

Chen Feng didn't know whether the Sword of Nothingness was very disappointed, but Chen Feng also took this opportunity to realize something.

That is, some mysteries of extreme destruction can be integrated into Chen Feng's avenue of destruction.

"Looking at it this way, we have to continue on the road. How long will it take? It won't continue like this." Chen Feng thought so.

Think about it, following the Sword of Nothingness and other origin-level beings, even if there is no benefit, Chen Feng at least has broadened his horizons.

In this way, this is the best benefit.

However, just as Chen Feng was thinking, the Sword of Nothingness suddenly flashed and disappeared.

Chen Feng thought that the other party had left, but then Chen Feng knew that the Sword of Nothingness had not left, but was hiding in the dark.

What was going on?

Soon Chen Feng knew that a powerful life had appeared.

It turned out to be a Hunyuan Above.

The other party might have felt the power fluctuations here, so he came here.

But even so, there was no need for the Sword of Nothingness to hide. Chen Feng thought that he could completely kill this Hunyuan Above.

But since the Sword of Nothingness did this, there must be a reason.

Chen Feng made a cultivation gesture and waited for the other party to approach.

This was a life in human form, and it was unknown where the other party came from, whether it was the main life of Guixu.

After the Hunyuan Above came, he saw that it was a Hunyuan Jinxian who was practicing, and there was a trace of disappointment in his eyes, and he turned around and was about to leave.

But at the moment he wanted to leave, he stopped again, and a strong gaze swept across Chen Feng.

Chen Feng dodged quickly, while keeping a distance from the opponent, and even took out a long sword to prepare for battle.

"Who are you, fellow Daoist? Why are you attacking me?" Chen Feng asked.

"Who are you and why are you here?" The man from the Primordial Chaos was still staring at Chen Feng, and his eyes continued to track Chen Feng.

Then Chen Feng used the Divine Movement Technique to constantly change his position, which made it impossible for the opponent's eyes to lock on Chen Feng.

This time, the Primordial Chaos was a little surprised, and began to wonder if the Primordial Chaos Golden Immortal in front of him was a powerful master in disguise, otherwise, why could he avoid his lock.

"Fellow Daoist, I am practicing well here, why do you come to disturb me?" Chen Feng said with some dissatisfaction, and then he burst out with a strong will, defeating the opponent's gaze.

Then Chen Feng's eyes also released a strong gaze.

Chen Feng also wanted to lock on the opponent, but Chen Feng's eyes could no longer move forward once he approached the opponent for a certain distance.

This was blocked by the opponent's power.

"Where did you come from?" the man from the Primordial Chaos asked.

"Where are you from?" Chen Feng asked back.

"Since you won't tell me, I'll take you down." The above Hunyuan said as he stretched out his palm and grabbed Chen Feng directly.

This grab was like the four directions turned into a cage, and the rolling energy turned into chains, binding Chen Feng.

In this area, even if Chen Feng used the magic to the extreme, he couldn't dodge.

So Chen Feng had to make a move, and the long sword in his hand was fiercely displayed, and the surrounding constraints and energy were directly cut off.

But the power continued to grow and bound Chen Feng again.

But Chen Feng wanted to take this opportunity to rush out of the space just cut by the long sword, and quickly flashed in front of the above Hunyuan, and punched hard.

This punch was extremely powerful.

To say that the previous above Hunyuan could block and imprison the four directions with one move, and Chen Feng's punch could break the death space.

It's not that Chen Feng has never fought with Hunyuan Jinxian. During this period of time, Chen Feng's strength has been advancing by leaps and bounds. So when a above Hunyuan came, Chen Feng also wanted to take this opportunity to fight with the opponent.

Through the confrontation just now, this man above Hunyuan has truly confirmed Chen Feng's true strength.

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