Eternal Existence

Chapter 4867: Changes in Situation

"You don't need to say more. We naturally understand that this origin area will definitely be divided up. It depends on how much benefit we can get. We have already wasted some time here."

The six Hunyuan above understood the situation in front of them, so they also burst out with all their strength.

The fight between the two sides caused a lot of noise, but no one had the heart to pay attention to this place, because there were wars in other places in this origin area, and there were also beings as powerful as this sacred mountain to fight the invaders.

There are also many powerful lives from Guixu in other places. From the overall momentum, it is definitely that Guixu has the upper hand.

This origin area looks like an isolated island on the sea in front of Guixu. Under the impact of the sea water, it will be submerged sooner or later, but it is still struggling to persist.


A violent explosion came, and the energy rolled, shaking the earth, as if the other origin area was directly penetrated.

The two Hunyuan above rolled back and forth, their bodies were broken, and they looked extremely miserable, but there were also some holes on this sacred mountain, and some runes drilled into it like water.

In addition, there are some cracks in other parts of the sacred mountain.

The sacred mountain with extremely strong defense was still broken, which seemed to be a lose-lose situation.

Although two Hunyuan above were beaten back, the other four took the opportunity to attack the immortal in turn.

Soon another Hunyuan above was beaten back, but the two injured before rushed up again.

This is the advantage of having more people. In this situation, no one is lazy, but just keeps rushing up and bursting out their powerful attack power.

"It would be great if there were two more helpers at this time."

"No, if there are more people, our previous efforts will not be rewarded."

"That's right, this is just a magic weapon above the origin level after all, and the six of us have very little."

In the end, no one agreed to this suggestion, so they could only rely on the six people to continue to fight hard.

However, after the power of Dangguixu continued to bless, the six Hunyuan above finally saw the hope of victory.

This immortal became tattered, with countless cracks crisscrossing, and the flowing light on the surface had completely converged, and it looked like it was about to collapse.

The most important thing is that during this period of time, this sacred mountain has not received the power blessing of this origin area.

In other words, the situation in this origin area is not very good.

"It will be successful soon, so be careful of the other party's self-destruction."

"Don't worry, at this point, even if the other party self-destructs, it will not be a big threat. Of course, we still can't get too close."

"Even if the other party self-destructs, the six of us can resist it together."

As he was talking about the blazing flames burning in the sacred mountain in front of him, the originally somewhat withered power revived and became stronger and stronger.

"The other party is going to burn the origin. This is the other party's last resort. As long as we can hold on, we can share the results of the battle." A Hunyuan said loudly.

"That's right, everyone, we'd better burn the origin too, so as not to find any changes. This time we have to take down the other party in one fell swoop."

These Hunyuan also understand that now is not the time to be lazy. Once there is some negligence and some accidents occur, it will be too late to regret it.

There is a possibility that the sacred mountain will escape, and there may be someone hiding in the dark to fish in troubled waters and plunder the results of the battle.

So no matter what, these six Hunyuans all burst out with more powerful power than before, just thinking that they could suppress this sacred mountain in one fell swoop.

Even if this sacred mountain was broken into pieces, it would be better to divide it up afterwards than to let the other party run away.

Facts have proved that the choice of these six Hunyuans was correct.

In addition to the powerful power that burst out after burning their own origin, Guixu once again sent a force to bless them.

In this way, the confidence of these six Hunyuans was more sufficient.

Under the violent collision, this origin area was almost broken through, and the powerful movement caused even affected the entire area.

At such a dangerous moment, this origin area did not help the sacred mountain, which also made these Hunyuans more at ease.

The final result was that this sacred mountain was covered with dense cracks.

And these six Hunyuans also consumed a lot. After all, six people shared the danger, which seemed much better than this sacred mountain.

Up to now, the sacred mountain has not been broken, which has to make these six Hunyuans shocked.

Of course, the Divine Mountain only did so much. If it was attacked again, it would be completely powerless to resist.

So the six Hunyuans rushed up excitedly, not worrying that the Divine Mountain would explode.

In fact, after the violent collision just now, even if the Divine Mountain wanted to explode, it would not have much power.

But at this moment, a force suddenly swept out from the Divine Mountain, forming a huge vortex, wrapping up a Hunyuan Jinxian.

The Divine Mountain had used this method before, and Chen Feng and the Hunyuans had encountered it. In the end, this vortex also pulled Chen Feng into the deep mountains.

Now at the last moment, the Divine Mountain actually used this method again, which was really surprising.

But then the Hunyuans who were attacked laughed.

In the eyes of the Hunyuans, the Divine Mountain's current behavior was a kind of resistance before death.

And the vortex didn't seem to be too powerful and could be easily broken.

So this Hunyuan Shangshi was careless.

Just when this Hunyuan Shangshi wanted to break the vortex, a force suddenly developed in the center of the vortex.

This force was full of strong attack power and directly erupted on this Hunyuan Shangshi.

"Not good!"

This Hunyuan Shangshi felt the danger and immediately wanted to fight desperately, and at the same time wanted to find someone to help.

But it was too late. The whole body of this Hunyuan Shangshi was washed by this force and dense cracks appeared on his body.

Then a fist appeared, and there was a loud bang. This Hunyuan Shangshi was torn into pieces, and then he was wrapped by the vortex and pulled into the immortal.

"What's going on?"

At this time, the other Hunyuan Shangshi came back to his senses.

It's not that their reaction was not fast enough, but the change just now was too weird and too fast. Even if they were prepared, they might not have time to resist it.

"It's not the method of Shenshan. There are still people hiding in the dark." One of the Hunyuan Shangshi said.

But then this sacred mountain that seemed to be about to collapse was actually wrapped up by a force, and then rushed towards these Hunyuans with a desperate momentum.

These Hunyuans also saw some abnormalities.

A huge phantom emerged from this sacred mountain, and there was a volcano erupting in the phantom.

The key is that with the eruption of the volcano, there is really power released. This power is extremely powerful and has strong explosive power. These Hunyuans all felt threatened.

"It's the existence just now. He is not dead yet. Now he has joined forces with this immortal." The Hunyuan who was traveling with Chen Feng finally saw it.

This is clearly Chen Feng's method.

But it seems a little late now.

The power of the sacred mountain and the power of the volcano erupted at the same time, bringing extremely powerful impact to these five Hunyuans.

Not only that, there is also a phantom of origin that quickly unfolds.

This is the origin of corrosive energy, which is more powerful than the origin of the volcano. It did not launch an attack on these five Hunyuans at the first time. It seems to block the four directions and cover these five Hunyuans tightly.

Chen Feng quietly appeared behind a Hunyuan Shangshi, and a beam of sword light shot out, piercing through the other person's body.

"It's you, you are too insidious. You reached an agreement with this sacred mountain a long time ago. So, all your previous actions were pretended." Hunyuan Shangshi, who had dealt with Chen Feng, said angrily.

"Whatever you think, but didn't you set a trap from the beginning, treating me as cannon fodder, and really thought I was dead? This feeling is not bad, right?" Chen Feng said with a smile.


Under the attack of the sacred mountain and the origin of the volcano, these Hunyuan Shangshi retreated again and again. First, one Hunyuan Shangshi was solved before, and another Hunyuan Shangshi was injured by Chen Feng's sneak attack, which was completely at a disadvantage.

So these Hunyuan Shangshi began to think of ways to escape, and at the same time they had to send out a distress signal, wanting to notify other Hunyuan Shangshi, and also wanting to pass the message to Guixu.

But none of them succeeded, but were completely blocked by the power of the corrosive energy area.

"I wanted to exchange ideas with you. Since you are so anxious, I will send you to the sacred mountain to learn more." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The power of the corrosive energy origin suddenly suppressed, and these few above the Hunyuan could not resist it immediately. They began to fight desperately and struggled to support it. Even if they burned the origin, they still could not break free.

"You can't continue to burn the origin. This is all my power." Chen Feng said with a smile.


The sacred mountain collided, and the bodies of two above the Hunyuan collapsed. The volcanic origin erupted, and another above the Hunyuan was beaten to pieces.

And Chen Feng used the power of the Great Dao and cooperated with the sword formation to suppress a above the Hunyuan.

"Kill, kill this kid first." A raging flame burned in the broken body of a above the Hunyuan, and he could repeat his body in the shortest time, and then rushed towards Chen Feng.

As a result, a phantom appeared in front of Chen Feng, and directly took the opponent in. Although the phantom was constantly shaking, the above the Hunyuan did not rush out again.

This phantom was formed by the Broken Origin, and it was too easy to suppress a Hunyuan Above.

Then the Divine Mountain and the Volcano Origin also devoured a Hunyuan Above respectively. So far, the only Hunyuan Above left was the one that Chen Feng had dealt with.

Things changed too quickly, and the situation changed drastically in a very short period of time.

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