Eternal Existence

Chapter 4871 Heart of Destruction

Chen Feng kept thinking and analyzing. First of all, this swordsman came from the free space.

He should have come from a certain life area. He might have been to that place, or had dealt with the other party's inheritance.

After all, the one in front of him was the Supreme of Hunyuan. Chen Feng would definitely remember him after he became stronger.

In other words, Chen Feng had only come into contact with Daluo Jinxian and Hunyuan Jinxian when he was adventuring before.

He had never even heard of this kind of Hunyuan above before.

After these speculations, Chen Feng thought that it was probably like this.

However, this also surprised Chen Feng a little, and he quickly returned to normal.

It was just a Hunyuan above. He had seen too many of them, so there was nothing strange about it.

"It's just that it's hard to say who will win or lose in the battle between the two sides."

Chen Feng was most concerned about the confrontation between the two sides at this time. It must be said that this destructive creature was indeed powerful, and this was his territory. This destructive creature could even mobilize part of the power of the Gate of Origin.

This brought some pressure to the swordsman. If it weren't for the swordsman's unparalleled attack, he might have been defeated.

Chen Feng swept his eyes through the hidden spaces and found a large army of Destruction Spiders in a closed space.

What surprised Chen Feng was that there was a Destruction Spider of the level above Hunyuan among them.

"There is such a powerful destructive creature, and it is in the state of Destruction Spider? Does the swordsman in front of him know?" Chen Feng thought with some curiosity.

And why didn't the other party join the battle? If this Destruction Spider of the level above Hunyuan also came out, the swordsman would have to flee in panic. If he was not careful, he might be more seriously injured than both.

Chen Feng carefully explored, thinking that there must be some reasons, but Chen Feng's eyes alarmed the Destruction Spider.

The other party emitted a destructive breath that corroded Chen Feng's eyes, but still did not attack Chen Feng.

"There must be something more important."

Chen Feng continued to release his eyes to explore, but was soon interrupted by the other party.

"My fellow Daoist, the other party has been breeding so many Destruction Spiders, so he has not appeared, and he is also worried that I will destroy that independent space, which is also an important reason for not coming out." At this time, Chen Feng received the voice transmission from the swordsman.

During the battle, the swordsman discovered Chen Feng's actions and even saw Chen Feng's strength, so he spoke to remind him.

"So that's the case. In this case, we must not let the other party succeed." Chen Feng also took out a long sword and cut the space in front of him layer by layer with one sword.

This sword went straight to the closed space, but then a strong breath of destruction came like a volcanic eruption.

As soon as it approached Chen Feng, it was absorbed by Chen Feng.

"I haven't encountered such a powerful destructive force for a long time, which is exactly what I want." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Then Chen Feng slashed out with a light sword, and the power of destroying everything swept towards the Destruction Spider.

Who knew that the Hunyuan upper-level Destruction Spider did not resist, but dozens of Hunyuan Jinxian-level Destruction Spiders jumped out and joined forces to block Chen Feng's attack.

Then they joined forces to launch a will attack.

"I have fought with you Destruction Spiders many times before. I was a little embarrassed at the beginning, but I have killed so many Destruction Spiders that I can't count them. It's your bad luck to meet me this time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

No matter how powerful the opponent's will attack was, it was still wiped out by Chen Feng one by one.

Then Chen Feng walked forward step by step, and a large number of Destruction Spiders appeared in front of him.

At this time, the Destruction Spiders that attacked Chen Feng were all at the level of Hunyuan Jinxian.

When the number of Hunyuan Jinxian reaches a certain level, it can pose a threat to those above Hunyuan.

What's more, Chen Feng is not above Hunyuan yet.

It's a pity that these Destruction Spiders don't know that although Chen Feng is not above Hunyuan, he has the strength above Hunyuan.

Especially Chen Feng has dealt with the Destruction Spiders too many times, so he naturally knows how to deal with these Destruction Spiders.

Avenues were released one by one, directly suppressing these Destruction Spiders.

These Destruction Spiders tumbled a few times, and then there was no more movement.

Even Chen Feng did not use his long sword.

Chen Feng's method shocked the Destruction Spider above the Hunyuan level, and even the two warring parties could not help but look at Chen Feng.

Originally thought that Chen Feng was a Hunyuan Jinxian with good strength, but now it seems that things are not so simple.

"Don't bring out this level of existence, it will not have any effect on me at all." Chen Feng said with a smile.

After the words fell, another sword was swung, and this sword turned into a long river of sword energy, sweeping directly towards the other Destruction Spiders.

The Destruction Spiders at the Hunyuan Jinxian level can join forces to resist Chen Feng's attack, but the Destruction Spiders below this level cannot be stopped even if they join forces.

The power of Chen Feng's sword is much stronger than before. Seeing that a Destruction Spider at the Hunyuan Jinxian level jumped out, Chen Feng slowly punched out.

It seemed that there was no big movement before, but in fact it contained Chen Feng's own journey of origin.

The Destruction Demon Spider, who had been very calm, finally couldn't help it anymore. His huge body quickly moved forward to resist Chen Feng's attack.

"I can't help it anymore. I want to see what you are doing?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

At this time, Chen Feng had approached the sealed space and saw more Destruction Spiders in it.

And a heart of destruction.

This heart of destruction is beating violently, containing rich life and surging power.

Chen Feng knew that what the previous swordsman said was correct, and that the other party was indeed breeding stronger destructive creatures.

It can be seen from this heart of destruction that once the life in it appears, it may be able to directly impact Hunyuan.

At that time, there will be another destructive creature above Hunyuan level.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to encounter such a level of life when venturing in the Gate of Origin.

"Now that we have met, let's deal with the other party. This Heart of Destruction is quite suitable for me. It's a pity that I came a little too late. The power of this Heart of Destruction is no longer pure. Otherwise, I would completely You can integrate this heart of destruction into my heart and use it as a source of power. Now? I can only break the opponent into pieces and integrate it into my avenue of destruction." Chen Feng said and released it directly. The avenue of destruction rushed towards this heart of destruction.

It seemed that Chen Feng looked down upon his opponent in this way, but the Demon Spider of Destruction also understood that since Chen Feng dared to do this, there must be some reason, so he immediately stepped forward to stop Chen Feng.

It can't be said to be a hindrance. This Demonic Spider of Destruction may seem like Chen Feng is really good, but he is still no match for him.

Therefore, this Demon Spider of Destruction who was above Hunyuan wanted to kill Chen Feng.

"Just in time to see your strength."

Chen Feng suddenly stepped forward and stabbed the Demon Spider of Destruction with a sword, and the attack of the Demon Spider of Destruction also fell on Chen Feng.

The sharp knife was indestructible, and even the swordsman did not dare to resist it, but Chen Feng was able to carry it down with his body.

A wound appeared on Chen Feng's body, but it disappeared the next moment.

"What a powerful attack, it can actually break through my defense." Chen Feng said with a smile, and then hit the Destruction Spider with a fierce punch.

This was Chen Feng using the power of volcanic origin. The Destruction Demon Spider sensed the danger and immediately thought of a way to deal with it, but it was still a little too late. The body was cracked by Chen Feng's punch.


The swordsman was shocked when he saw this scene.

The defense of the Demon Spider of Destruction is very strong, especially when it reaches the level above Hunyuan. The defense is so strong that it is difficult for even oneself to break it.

"Could it be that he is really above Hunyuan? Judging from his aura, he also comes from a certain life area, but I have never heard of such a number one figure, a newly rising one?" The swordsman thought in his mind.

But since Chen Feng is so powerful, the swordsman is naturally happy. In this case, today's situation will probably change.

However, the swordsman still found that the power Chen Feng used just now seemed to be somewhat magical, and it was not like the power that the Hunyuan Golden Immortal or above could control.

"Is it possible that by plundering some of the original cores in the origin area, can this be achieved?" The swordsman had this idea.




After Chen Feng gained the upper hand, he did not give the Destruction Spider a chance to resist. It seemed that he took the opportunity to launch a series of attacks, hoping to hit the opponent hard at once, otherwise it would not be so easy for the opponent to recover.

Under Chen Feng's punches, the Destruction Spider suffered more and more wounds, and was about to be beaten to pieces by Chen Feng.

Finally, a group of Hunyuan Golden Immortal-level Destruction Demonic Spiders joined forces to launch an attack, and this Destruction Demonic Spider at a level above Hunyuan also took the opportunity to launch a will attack.

Not only that, the heart that beat with destruction also burst out with a force.

Various obstacles blocked Chen Feng's progress.

Then Chen Feng also learned that this heart of destruction was almost mature, or that the other party was already mature, otherwise there would be no extra power to attack him.

"Fellow Taoist, I'm afraid it will be difficult this time." Lin Feng said to the swordsman.

Despite this, Chen Feng still stepped forward to fight, but this time Chen Feng waved his hand to create a sword formation.

The sword formation expanded to suppress those Demonic Destruction Spiders at the Hunyuan Golden Immortal level, but Chen Feng himself still locked onto the strongest Demonic Destruction Spider.

"Good sword formation!"

The swordsman's eyes shone brightly and he couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

In fact, in this swordsman's true opinion, the sword formation method arranged by Chen Feng was just like that, but the four long swords were not simple, they were all origin-level long swords.

As a powerful swordsman above Hunyuan level, I don't have this kind of wealth.

"If you give me these long swords, I can exert greater strength. It is not impossible to kill this opponent in one fell swoop." The swordsman thought to himself.

Since Chen Feng is not sure to deal with his opponent, he should try his best to deal with other Demon Spiders of Destruction. It will be a waste to some extent.




The Heart of Destruction was beating more and more fiercely, and Chen Feng was already feeling the pressure. Although he was impatient, he was unable to deal with this Demon Spider of Destruction in one fell swoop.

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