Eternal Existence

Chapter 4885: Rushing Out

Chen Feng knew the opportunity had come.

This was also the first time in a long time that such a situation had occurred.

Chen Feng did not doubt that this was a trap set by the other party. After all, he was now under the strongest suppression of the other party.

What other traps could the other party have? Could it be that they wanted to let him out?

So only the origin of Taisu had a problem.

After figuring this out, Chen Feng was not so anxious, and did not act immediately, but waited to see what would happen next.

This time, Chen Feng indeed noticed a lot of things.

The blockade set up by the five sacred mountains not only had some loopholes, but the five sacred mountains were also releasing some power.

Although he did not know where these powers went, Chen Feng knew that they should be going to participate in the war.

"Hey, I knew it was impossible to trap me all the time." Chen Feng laughed, and at the same time, he was secretly preparing to kill at any time.

After the opportunity came, Chen Feng had to do not only to escape, but also to maximize the benefits. He had to find a way to seize some benefits.

So Chen Feng waited quietly and made some preparations secretly.

On the surface, Chen Feng was very quiet, but in fact, he was a little nervous. After all, he had been trapped here for a long time and had been trying to get out. This time was a good opportunity, but it was hard to say whether he could succeed.

At first, the five sacred mountains were just losing power, but later they began to shake slightly. Chen Feng knew that this had truly affected the entire Taisu Origin.

I just don't know to what extent.

The loophole appeared again, and Chen Feng could actually go out at this time.

But after consideration, Chen Feng decided to wait a little longer. Going out now is likely to be involved in the war between the two sides. It is better to wait here and wait for the rabbit, and perhaps get unexpected results.

Chen Feng even guessed that the other party's loophole was mostly deliberately letting him go out. With this guess, Chen Feng would not leave rashly.

Of course, Chen Feng was still ready to rush out at any time, so as not to suddenly choose to retreat from the Gate of Origin, and then it would be too late to regret it when it was closed again.

So this was also a gamble. Chen Feng bet that the Gate of Origin would have the upper hand this time.

After waiting for a while, Chen Feng used the Devouring Technique on one of the sacred mountains.

No matter what, let's get some benefits first. The effect of the Devouring Technique was not good before, and Chen Feng didn't want to miss this opportunity this time.

The power obtained from the sacred mountain was integrated into his own sacred mountain by Chen Feng, so that it can be better refined and absorbed.

Chen Feng even thought about whether to use the strongest means directly to solve one sacred mountain first.

However, after Chen Feng's careful observation, Chen Feng also found that it might be difficult.

Although there are some changes in these five sacred mountains now, they are still integrated.

However, this time Chen Feng's Devouring Technique did not plunder too much energy, but it was naturally stronger than before.

When Chen Feng saw that there was another loophole, Chen Feng understood that the other party really wanted him to leave.

Before, he suppressed himself here, of course, thinking of solving himself, now things have changed, and he has become a big worry.

After understanding this, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing, and the situation reversed.

Chen Feng did not even take the opportunity to release some perception to explore, but he was still waiting for the opportunity and secretly prepared some means.

Finally, when one of the sacred mountains moved a little, Chen Feng took action.

As soon as he came up, Chen Feng released the sacred mountain to rush forward, and at the same time he used the energy tower to suppress the other deep mountains.

Then Chen Feng also released the power of the origin of the volcano. This time Chen Feng almost unsealed the origin of the volcano.

"Don't you want to restore your strength? Now the opportunity has come. This is the core of the origin of one side. How much energy you can absorb depends on your ability. Of course, these sacred mountains are mine." Chen Feng said.

The origin of the volcano understood that Chen Feng wanted to use his own power, but at the same time, the origin of the volcano also wanted to become stronger, so that there would be a chance to get rid of the shackles in the future.

So this is an open conspiracy, and Chen Feng has used this method before.

The origin of the volcano knew that Chen Feng would become stronger if he continued, but he did not hesitate and immediately erupted with a more powerful force than what Chen Feng controlled.

This force first wrapped up a sacred mountain, then exploded, opening a passage in the chaos, which led directly to the core of Taisu Origin.

Even though it had just taken action, this volcanic origin had already found the core of Taisu Origin in the shortest time.

Because everyone was an origin, they naturally knew each other very well.


The two sacred mountains collided, but things did not turn out as Chen Feng imagined. The sacred mountains would shake violently under the collision.

Chen Feng did not break the opponent's blockade, let alone directly break a mountain.

"Do you just want me to leave? How can it be so easy?" Chen Feng said with a smile, and continued to choose to attack.

Chen Feng also knew that it was impossible to collect these five sacred mountains. All Chen Feng had to do was to collect one sacred mountain, so that it could be integrated with the sacred mountain he controlled.

How powerful would two magic weapons of the same level become after merging?

Chen Feng also had some expectations.

Of course, if there is a chance, Chen Feng will definitely take all the benefits.

At the same time, Chen Feng also knew that his move would definitely affect the entire Taisu Origin.

Sure enough, the power of the Taisu Origin appeared next, like a violent ocean, constantly washing towards Chen Feng and drowning him in it.

When Chen Feng came to his senses, his body was already covered with dense marks.

This is to suppress Chen Feng.

"It's just an old trick, nothing new." Chen Feng was not worried about this situation at all.

Not breaking the opponent's blockade just now still made Chen Feng dare not be careless, and continued to mobilize his strength to attack continuously. As for the suppression mark on his body, Chen Feng didn't care for the time being. With the power of his own chaotic body, he could completely erase or refine it bit by bit.

After several collisions, Chen Feng felt that the power of the five sacred mountains was fading faster. Chen Feng immediately understood that this was because the war outside had changed again, and it might have something to do with himself.

In this way, Chen Feng felt more confident. At the same time, Chen Feng also saw the origin of this origin through the volcanic origin.

The volcanic origin is plundering rapidly, which can also weaken the power of the Taisu origin faster, and the volcanic origin will become stronger and stronger.

With the power that Chen Feng has now, he is not worried that the volcanic origin will escape, so Chen Feng lets the volcanic origin continue to become stronger, so that he can provide more powerful help in the next battle.

Suddenly, a stronger force swept over, helping the five sacred mountains to stabilize, and even cut off the passage made by the volcanic origin.

Even Chen Feng felt the pressure of the linear increase.

This surprised Chen Feng a little, wondering if it was a bad thing?

But then Chen Feng figured out what was going on. It turned out that this was another source of power, still belonging to the Taisu origin, but it was just another source.

Chen Feng understood this situation very well, and began to think in his heart, or he should rush out first.

If he continued, it might be a big deal. At that time, he would be trapped here and really couldn't get out, so it would be troublesome.

After thinking about it, Chen Feng continued to attack, still locking a sacred mountain for attack.

Since Chen Feng knew it was difficult to snatch the sacred mountain, Chen Feng also began to change his attack methods and concentrated all his strength on one point.

Sure enough, after a while, the five sacred mountains began to shake again, and Chen Feng suddenly changed direction and rushed out from the gap between the sacred mountains.

Chen Feng did not even feel too strong a blockage, which also proved that the previous guess was correct.

The other party really wanted to let him out.

"You trapped me here, and now you want to let me out. You really don't take me seriously." Chen Feng said with a smile.

After leaving the blockade of the five sacred mountains, Chen Feng saw another picture.

Although he could see the five sacred mountains, there was still a certain distance between the two sides.

This involved space, and it also showed that the other party did not want Chen Feng to get close.

"In this case, let's plunder the other party's origin." Chen Feng made up his mind and stopped dealing with the five sacred mountains.

Although it was a bit regrettable, there was nothing he could do. After all, if he continued to move forward, it would only be a waste of energy. It would be better to find some practical benefits.

Chen Feng gave up the five sacred mountains. After all, the other party was closely connected to the entire origin. Unless the Taisu Origin continued to be in chaos to a certain extent, or Chen Feng's strength could compete with the entire Taisu Origin.

Chen Feng also made a quick decision and rushed to the origin of this origin quickly.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

However, during the process, sword lights appeared, and beams of sword lights intertwined into a sword energy cage that enveloped Chen Feng. Not only that, a torrent of sword energy quickly formed. The power of this torrent was constantly intertwined and merged, and it became stronger and rushed to Chen Feng.

"It's the Sword of Shensu." Chen Feng knew who he met. He was cautious and a little strange. He was pulled into the five sacred mountains in the branding place of the Sword of Shensu before, and now he came again.

Judging from the situation, it should be the main body that came, but at this time, the origins were fighting, the situation was chaotic, and the Taisu Origin was at a disadvantage. This existence should go to the front to participate in the battle. Why did it appear here?

Although he was curious, Chen Feng still rushed to attack. He punched out, and the sword energy cage was shattered. He punched again to sweep the sword energy torrent.

Without waiting for the result, Chen Feng quickly disappeared from the spot, and the next moment he came to a long sword.

The Sword of Cangsu.

It was undoubtedly the original body, but Chen Feng could see that the sword was a little damaged. Although it was still sharp, the pressure it brought to Chen Feng was far less intense than before.

"Were you injured in the previous fight? If so, you should have escaped or found a place to hide. You actually came to trouble me. You don't think I'm really easy to deal with." Chen Feng sneered.

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