Eternal Existence

Chapter 4905 Trapped Again

"Daoyou, why don't you go first? The two of us are destined to be unable to escape. If one of us can escape, then the other can. Of course, I'm not saying that you have to stay and die. You can take some of my power with you, even if I leave behind a clone." Black Demon said.

"If I can really escape, I might consider it. Although some of my strength is extraordinary, I'm afraid that staying here won't change the situation. I might be entangled by the other party soon, and then other forces will continue to chase me. It's just catching up, which is not a big deal. We were able to kill a way out before. Since the other party doesn't want us to leave, let's stay this time and concentrate our strength. I think it may be possible to kill one or two opponents." Chen Feng said.

"It seems that this is the only way. Even if I die here, I have to take a few people with me before I die." Black Demon said with a wry smile.

Then there was a flame burning from Black Demon's body, and the power of the Flowing Wind Sword that had been consumed before appeared again, turning into a long sword in Black Demon's hand.

Black Demon was going to burn the origin and use the last bit of his strength to fight.

Chen Feng sighed, wondering whether he should release all his power, that is, the origin of the corrosive energy.

According to Chen Feng's own estimation, even if he used this power, he might not be able to really change the situation.

Speaking of which, whether it is these origins or magic weapons of the energy tower level, if they can burst out with all their power, they can suppress the origin of one side. It's a pity that the origins in Chen Feng's hands are only broken. Even if they are magic weapons, Chen Feng can't use all their power.

In the previous many battles, Chen Feng consumed a lot, and now he only wants to find a place to refine and absorb the gate of origin to provide energy.

The current state of the battle is not good, but now that the crisis is imminent, Chen Feng has no other way, he can only fight with the other party as much as possible like the black devil.

As for the result? It's hard to say now. Maybe there will be a way out, but under normal circumstances, this is also the best outcome.

The worst outcome is of course that the two die here.

However, Chen Feng believed that these people said they could not kill him. However, once he was besieged by them, it would be a question whether he could escape even after being sealed and suppressed. He could not change the situation at his peak, so how could he still count on his luck in the future?

That chance was also very slim.

Even if he could not die, Chen Feng knew that he might not be able to escape in the future.

Of course, there was another best way, that was the Gate of Origin.

After thinking about it, Chen Feng's heart moved. Now he still had a channel connection with the Gate of Origin, and he had a certain connection with the Gate of Origin.

After thinking about it, Chen Feng secretly activated the fragments of the Gate of Origin, and he really felt something vaguely.

It was just that the two sides were too far apart and were restricted by the Heart of Origin. Chen Feng was not sure that he could change anything with these perceptions.

But since there was a connection, Chen Feng saw some hope, and perhaps these hopes would come true.

So Chen Feng continued to sense the existence of the Gate of Origin, and at the same time he was ready to fight.


The opponent's attack came quickly, and Chen Feng and the Black Demon did not wait long before the two sides had a time difference.

The eight swordsmen also really showed up, and a huge sword formation came up to cover the two of them.

Chen Feng and Hei Mo knew that once they entered the opponent's sword formation, it would be difficult to escape.

In this case, it doesn't mean that you don't want to go in. Everything depends on your own strength and whether you can turn the situation around.

In addition to these eight powerful swordsmen, the Hunyuan Shangshang who wielded the halberd was still rushing to the front as before.

This is also a powerful rival.

There are also four Hunyuan Shangshang Destroyers Chen Feng. This time the opponent did not bring other brothers, but these four are also a powerful force.

"I didn't expect that the Destroyer creatures in the Heart of Origin can join forces with other lives." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's right, in other places, the Destroyer creatures are attacked together." Hei Mo also said so.

"Naive, what's the point of saying these words at this point? Do you still expect these brothers to change the situation?" The Hunyuan Shangshang who wielded the halberd sneered.


The Black Demon swung his sword and fought fiercely with the opponent. For a while, the sword light was everywhere, and even the sword formation that suppressed this side was affected.

However, the sword formation was still as stable as before, and the powerful covering force bound Chen Feng and the Black Demon.

The Black Demon in the battle was immediately affected, and his combat power fluctuated.

Chen Feng was still facing four Destruction Demon Spiders.

"This was the situation before, and the Gate of Origin took action. Will there be such a change this time?" Chen Feng still had great expectations.

Before the Gate of Origin left, everything still needed to be changed by himself, and Chen Feng could only fight as hard as he could.

But when the sword formation really fell, Chen Feng also had a feeling of despair.

And this time, the sword formation also changed. In addition to the still strong attack power, there were some deviations from some previous attack methods.

Chen Feng knew that the opponent had changed a set of sword formations. No matter what, these were also eight swordsmen above the level of Hunyuan.

This force was enough to destroy everything.

Chen Feng couldn't resist any more. Even if he took out the God Mountain, he couldn't suppress the four directions. As the sword light swept across, sword marks appeared on the God Mountain. Chen Feng was worried that if he continued like this, his immortal would be broken into pieces.

Is it true? As the sword marks on the God Mountain became more and more, Chen Feng felt a little distressed. He had no choice but to put the God Mountain away.

As for the energy tower, Chen Feng would not use it. In terms of defense, the energy tower was not as good as the God Mountain. If he took it out, it might be pierced by the opponent one by one.

"Actually, it's not that there is no way." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"What is the way? Use it quickly." Black Demon said.

"The price paid is too high." Chen Feng said.

"No matter how high the price is, can it be more important than being alive?" Black Demon said.

"What you said makes sense. My idea is to burn the origin or burn the magic weapon, so that we can obtain extremely powerful energy, but I'm afraid it still can't kill the opponent. At most, it will break a passage and return to the previous situation. In the end, we will still be caught up." Chen Feng said.

"So this is the way." Black Demon was a little disappointed.

Black Demon had thought about it before, but it was just a way of fighting that would hurt both sides, and it was not certain that it would really change the situation.

Just as Chen Feng said just now, it was useless to just beat back the opponent unless they could kill these opponents.

The sword formation really enveloped the two of them, and Chen Feng and Black Demon immediately adjusted their fighting methods and defended.

"I knew that things would be troublesome because I hadn't killed a swordsman before, and now it seems to be true." Chen Feng said.

"What's the point of saying this now? Next, we can only passively take the beating. It depends on how long we can hold on." Black Demon said.

"Wait and see, I don't have a good solution now." Chen Feng released a huge vortex to envelope the two of them.

But with the cutting of the sword energy, the vortex was quickly torn into pieces.

Then Black Demon also released his own unknown defense formation. Speaking of it, this town is not bad, and it can withstand the attack of the clerk supreme, but under the recent cutting, the speed of the formation breaking is also very fast.

So Chen Feng used the reincarnation field again, but it collapsed faster.

Then the two of them used all their means, but they also persisted for a while, but the process was still very difficult.

Chen Feng felt that the situation was even worse than that in Taixu Origin. At that time, he was facing the attack of Fangyuan Origin, but he could hold on. He didn't expect to feel pressure this time.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the power of the sword formation was too strong.

"But I am still confident in defense this time." Chen Feng released the volcanic origin around him.

The sword energy continued to shoot and cut. Seeing that the volcanic origin was about to collapse, suddenly a powerful force fled to the volcano and erupted, and the volcanic origin returned to normal.

"If we really want to compete and consume, I have Fangyuan Origin here." Chen Feng said calmly.

Seeing that Chen Feng blocked all the attacks of the opponent, the black demon also felt relieved and began to repair his injuries.

After the black demon practiced for a while, he found that Chen Feng had changed another Fangyuan Origin to protect himself.

There was no sword energy attack outside, but the four Destruction Demon Spiders were constantly attacking. Compared with those swordsmen, the attacks of these Destruction Demon Spiders were even more needless to look at, and Chen Feng could simply defend them.

The Hunyuan holding the halberd did not attack. He just stood aside and seemed not to want to waste his strength.

"The other party can't do anything to us, and we can't get out now. If the other party is determined to destroy us bit by bit, they can still get rid of us, but it will take a very long time." Chen Feng said.

"Can we just wait for some changes to happen? I'm afraid we will die before we can wait." Black Demon said.

"Don't worry, I can still hold on for some time, Daoist friend, just recover your vitality." Chen Feng said.

At this time, Chen Feng was communicating with the Gate of Origin. In addition to the two channels, the connection between Chen Feng and the Gate of Origin became closer and closer.

If this situation continues, even if the Gate of Origin doesn't want to pay attention to Chen Feng, Chen Feng can also get the power of the Gate of Origin back.

Of course, there is still a big gap.

Suddenly, the few Destruction Spiders stopped attacking. Except for being shrouded by the sword formation, everything seemed a little calm.

"What's going on?"

"It's like a sign before a storm."

"Could it be that the other party is going to use stronger means?" Chen Feng was cautious and prepared, thinking that if the opponent's attack was strong, he would use the origins of both parties, or take out the sacred mountain or energy tower to resist.

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