Eternal Existence

Chapter 4912: Entering the Power Mark

Just when Chen Feng was about to use some means to snatch it, the situation changed again.

A huge palm stretched out from the power imprint, and then swung fiercely, and two Hunyuan above were knocked out.

At first, Chen Feng thought it was a counterattack of the power imprint itself, but when Chen Feng felt the power fluctuations coming from the back, he knew that this time it was the Heart of Origin that intervened.

There are already Hunyuan above from the Heart of Origin.

You know, such an important place, even if it is not a last resort, it will not be allowed in even if it is its own people.

Now that there are Hunyuan above who choose to come here to stop it, it either means that the Heart of Origin has absolute control over this sea of ​​power, or it has reached a point where there is no other way.

Chen Feng believes that it may be the former.

But if it is the former, then things will be even more troublesome. It is still unknown whether he can collect the power imprint next.

This time, six Hunyuan above appeared, all of them were stone men.

"It seems that the Heart of Origin has not mobilized more powerful beings to come, which also shows that they are on guard. In any case, these stone men are easier to control, and it seems so on the surface." Chen Feng said.

But in any case, even if one or two Hunyuan Above come, it will have some impact on the current situation.

What's more, there are six of them at once.

If the two sides continue to fight, and the power imprints attack one after another, maybe everyone will be wiped out here.

"The situation is not very good." Chen Feng said.

Although he was a little anxious, Chen Feng did not attack immediately, and wanted to wait a little longer.

The Hunyuan Above burst out with powerful power, and the two sides still have a fight.

After all, the power of the Spear of All Evil, the Fallen River, and the Wheel of Destruction is still very powerful.

Since they don't want to come, they must have made some preparations and will not return empty-handed.

First of all, the other party is confident that they can fight against the power imprint, and they must have calculated that there will be accidents.

So these Hunyuan Above must still have spare power.

Of course, Chen Feng wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the fight, but the situation did not allow it.

The Origin Gate would not proceed either, and Chen Feng was here to watch the excitement, so the stone men who came here decided to attack Chen Feng.

Because of the situation on the side of the power imprint, the stone men were divided into two groups. Two stone men came to entangle Chen Feng, and the rest were the power imprints that rushed down.

For this situation, both the power imprint side and the Hunyuan of the Origin Gate were happy to see it.

Because Chen Feng was entangled, this was a result that both were willing to see.

However, this was also the situation that Chen Feng hoped to see. These were just two stone men, just right. If too many came, it would be really troublesome.

While Chen Feng was fighting with the two stone men, he watched the situation on the side of the power imprint, and Chen had already made some preparations in secret, because Chen Feng was not sure how things would go next.

However, Chen Feng also had a bottom line in his heart. Although some things had changed now, they still could not be delayed for too long.

That is, Chen Feng had to take action at any time.

"I just don't know if there are more forces involved. I can still control the current situation to some extent." Chen Feng said.


A Hunyuan Above was knocked away by the huge palm, and then the palm became more ferocious, and even grabbed another Hunyuan Above.

It seems that the opponent wants to crush this Hunyuan Above into pieces, and from the beginning of the confrontation between the two sides, the power brand side has the upper hand.

The Hunyuan Above on the side of the Gate of Origin was constantly injured, and it seemed that there was a feeling of complete defeat.

However, the phantom of the Fallen River became more condensed, and more energy swept out, blocking the palm.

Then the power of the Spear of All Evil and the Wheel of Destruction continued to increase, breaking the palm and rescuing the trapped Hunyuan Above.

"All the participants are above the origin level, but the Gate of Origin did not personally intervene in this battle." Chen Feng was a little puzzled.

In Chen Feng's opinion, this ocean of power is also very attractive to the Gate of Origin.

It stands to reason that the other party will not miss it.

Moreover, there are still the Spear of All Evils on these Hunyuan. If they attack, the Gate of Origin must know about it.

"Could it be that they are blocked by the Heart of Origin? So they can't attack." It seems that this is the only reason.

"Things are really getting more and more chaotic. I don't have much confidence in my heart now." Chen Feng thought about Lanzhou and activated the power imprint.

Chen Feng thought that he also mastered this level of power. If he used it, would there be some changes?

As a result, there really was a change.

The power imprint was fighting with the Hunyuan on the side of the Gate of Origin. When Chen Feng activated his own power, suddenly a strong will locked Chen Feng, and with the burst of power, it was like turning the river and the sea to attract all the Hunyuan on the side of the Gate of Origin out.

Then a stronger force hit Chen Feng, and at this moment time and space reversed, and space collapsed.

The two stone men who fought with Chen Feng were also thrown out.

Chen Feng entered the power imprint.

On the one hand, Chen Feng took the initiative to enter, and on the other hand, the other party pulled Chen Feng in.

It was obvious that Chen Feng had mastered the imprint of power and attracted the other party.

Chen Feng wanted to take the opponent, and the power imprint also wanted to devour Chen Feng.

After Chen Feng calmed down, he immediately laughed: "Although the process was a bit tortuous, the result was the same. I wanted to enter this place, and now the other party took the initiative to pull me over. Of course, the next fight will definitely not be so easy."

After feeling the situation around him, Chen Feng continued to push the power imprint.

This time Chen Feng used all his strength to activate the power imprint. Chen Feng also wanted to see how much he was still behind the opponent since he could not control the power now.

As a result, Chen Feng found that he was indeed not as strong as the opponent. If the mess continued, the power imprint controlled by Chen Feng might be pushed and eaten by the opponent.

This was also part of the successful plan, after all, Chen Feng had other powers.

The special corrosive energy was also at this level, but Chen Feng had not used it yet.

The change in the situation made those Hunyuan on the side of the Gate of Origin furious.

Originally, everyone was fighting well. Chen Feng, who had been outside, entered the power imprint, while the Hunyuan on the side who had been fighting were swept out by the power imprint.

So they instinctively thought that this was Chen Feng's trick, so they frantically used various means to attack the power imprint, trying to break a channel and rush in.

This relieved some of Chen Feng's pressure. After Chen Feng felt this situation, he even thought about thanking these Hunyuan.

After all, it was not a strong force, and they were not only attacking the power imprint, but also fighting against the stone man sent by the Heart of Origin.

Chen Feng entered the power imprint. It seemed that the situation was critical, but in fact, Chen Feng only needed to solve the power imprint alone.

"I have seen too many such situations." Chen Feng was not in a hurry. While fighting against the power of Luoyin, he used means to invade this power imprint.

The simplest and most violent means is to use overwhelming force to collect this power imprint.

That was Chen Feng who did not do this. Because of the situation, he could only use other methods.

That is to seize the control of the power imprint.

Just like the method Chen Feng used when he collected the origin of corrosive energy.

Of course, the two sides are still in a stalemate, or Chen Feng is still at a disadvantage.

The opponent was also invading Chen Feng's power imprint.

On the one hand, Chen Feng pushed the power imprint to resist, and on the other hand, he used other means to continuously release power and began to penetrate around.

These powers include special energy, including the power of origin that he controls, the power of the sacred mountain, and the power of the energy tower.

Chen Feng believed that he would be able to solve the opponent by using so many means.

But now he needs to take it slowly. If he bursts out with all his strength at the beginning, he will definitely attract the opponent's full-strength counterattack.

At that time, whether it is the power imprint or the means of the heart of origin, they will all be concentrated on Chen Feng.

This is not the first time Chen Feng has done this, so the routine is still very familiar.

The opponent also knows Chen Feng's plan, but in order to invade the power imprint controlled by Chen Feng, he has to continue to use his strength.

It seems that both sides have their own plans, and it depends on who can stick to the end.

The war outside is still going on, and the power of the Wheel of Destruction is getting stronger and stronger. After spending some effort, they finally solved all the stone men, and then turned around and used all their strength to attack the power imprint.

The entire power ocean has been shaken by this confrontation, and even affected other battlefields outside the Heart of Origin.

However, the Heart of Origin is also using its power to block the power ocean, not wanting other invaders to enter the power ocean.

In contrast, the power imprint is also very important to the Heart of Origin.

"If this goes on, even if I can seize some control, the other party can also swallow my power imprint. Maybe I will become stronger, and then I may be at a disadvantage." Chen Feng carefully calculated and felt that if he continued, he would not be absolutely sure.

So Chen Feng did not invade bit by bit, but began to explode with great fanfare.

However, this time Chen Feng used different means, and the power of the volcanic origin and vortex origin that was finally emitted suddenly burned violently.

This is a way of harming others and not benefiting oneself, but it just stirred up the entire power imprint.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Feng used the origin of corrosive energy.

This is also the strongest origin that Chen Feng has mastered. Because of the suppression of Hunyuan, Chen Feng has not used it for a long time.

This time, the accumulated power far exceeds the power of the origins of other places.

Instantly controlled a large area of ​​land.

Not only that, Chen Feng also integrated the sacred mountain and the energy tower into the origin of the corrosive energy to control both sides, so that the origin of the corrosive energy can be better exploded.

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