Eternal Existence

Chapter 4914 Repair Function

Finally, the defensive methods were broken down one after another, and a Hunyuan superior was hit by a war spear, which penetrated his body directly.

This kicked off the show.

Without defense, and thus exposed to the rain of arrows, one can imagine the fate of these Hunyuan masters.

No matter how powerful he is, he can't resist it. After all, Chen Feng paid a high price.

How could these Hunyuan superiors be worthy of Chen Feng's efforts if they couldn't do anything after burning the Broken Origin?

Of course, since he chose to use this method, Chen Feng naturally had to carry it out forcefully to the end.

Seeing this broken piece of origin burning cleanly, Chen Feng incorporated special corrosive power into it.

In this way, the attack power will be greater, and these Hunyuan will become riddled with holes, and then they will be killed by Chen Feng.

Suddenly, the shadow of the Fallen River reappeared, wrapping around Hunyuan present.

The Spear of All Evil and the Wheel of Destruction also showed power projections at the same time, rushing directly towards Chen Feng without being restricted by time and space.

In the process, he even escaped the attacks of those war spears.

"Are you going to break up?" Chen Feng sneered.

In the past, those above Hunyuan just borrowed the power of these existences, which was different from their active attack.

"It seems that I have some more opponents who have surpassed the origin level. How can I participate in the war at the Gate of Origin in the future?" Chen Feng sneered. He didn't take the opponent's attacks seriously, and then used The force of volcanic origin comes to block.

The two sides fought against each other, and the final result was that the power of the opponent's attack was consumed. Later, Chen Feng also discovered that those Hunyuan objects wrapped in the fallen river had disappeared.

They did not take the opportunity to launch an attack, but chose to leave. It was obvious that they also believed that they would not be Chen Feng's opponent if they continued to fight.

Otherwise, leave for now.

Of course, Chen Feng couldn't be sure whether he really left or whether he was looking for opportunities while hiding from the limelight.

After all, Chen Feng's attack in front of him was too desperate, so Chen Feng needed to quickly collect the power imprint in front of him.

Because the previous delay cost Chen Feng a lot of time, even the momentum of the power brand invasion stopped, or even declined.

Chen Feng will need to spend more effort next.

"I burned a party's broken origin. Even if I get this power mark, I won't gain as much as I thought before. What's more, there are other sacrifices made before. In the end, it's all because of those guys."

"I don't care if they come from the Gate of Origin. Since they are facing me, I will kill them if I have the chance." Chen Feng thought like this.

The next process went relatively smoothly, and the source of corrosive energy gradually covered the entire power imprint.

At this time, Chen Feng also felt that he was contending with the entire ocean of power. Even if he controlled one side of the origin, he could still suppress it.

As a result, the power mark controlled by Chen Feng began to expand, and the momentum of this invasion became high.

The power here could not be resisted at all, until the control was completely in Chen Feng's hands.

As the source of corrosive energy slowly converged, the brand of power was also absorbed by Chen Feng.

What is collected together is not only this, but also the continuously compressed river of power. Chen Feng did not do it so thoroughly in the Well of Eternal Night before, but this time it is different.

Chen Feng wants to disrupt the heart of origin.

Although there is no dispute between the two sides, since they have already participated and a war has begun between the two sides, this is enough for Chen Feng to decide his stance.

Only the heart of origin that solves the problem as much as possible can avoid future troubles.

"This time I will definitely make a big splash. I have helped the Gate of Origin achieve great results. After I go back, I want to see what rewards the Gate of Origin can give me." Chen Feng saw the huge space in Broken, the broken edge just connects to the heart of origin.

Although this ocean of power is independent, it still belongs to the Gate of Origin. It can also be said that both parties have chosen to merge to a certain extent.

The collapse of this high-level power began to turmoil, and both sides clearly felt it. They began to wonder what was going on, and how could it cause such a big movement?

Of course, they also knew that this was done from the direction Chen Feng left before, and they were wondering if the Gate of Origin had intervened.

They must be like this after that, otherwise they wouldn't be able to make such a big movement just by relying on some Hunyuan.

"You haven't left yet. It seems you really want to die." Chen Feng was a little surprised when he saw the Hunyuan with the name of origin appearing again.

They had suffered serious injuries before. If those powerful beings hadn't taken action, several of them would have died.

Now that he is back, could it be that he has recovered from his injuries and mobilized enough strength?

Now that Chen Feng has collected the power brand, he will start to have no scruples if he fights again.

Chen Feng is not afraid of them either.

"You have offended the Gate of Origin by doing this. Is it possible that you will not be able to go back in the future?" one of the Hunyuan Shang said.

"Don't say these things in front of me. Even if the Gate of Origin intervenes, I will not give up, let alone the Gate of Origin will not intervene."

"Stop talking nonsense, if you have any means, just use it, otherwise I won't be polite." Chen Feng said, taking out the sacred mountain, and there was also a long sword in his hand, which was the Sword of Rigel.

Seeing the two weapons in Chen Feng's hand, these Hunyuan Above were envious and wary.

Chen Feng had too many good things in his hand. Just now, he had obtained the power mark. It can be said that there was a flame burning in the hearts of these Hunyuan Above. They wanted to tear Chen Feng to pieces and snatch all the good things.

But they also understood that if they could do this, they would have done it long ago, and they would not be talking nonsense with Chen Feng here.

They thought that they could suppress Chen Feng with the power of the Fallen River, but who knew that they could not do anything to Chen Feng when they did not have enough power.

The most important thing is that Chen Feng also mastered the power of the origin, which made everyone more jealous.

If it is said that some existences above the level of transcendence of the origin are mastered, this kind of thing can be understood. Although it is rare, it is not unheard of for everyone.

But mastering the origin, it is the first time for these Hunyuan Above to see this kind of thing.

If it were not for the support of the Fallen River, these Hunyuan Above would have left long ago. No matter how jealous they are, they dare not go against Chen Feng.

These Hunyuan Above hesitated a little. Everyone came here to deal with Chen Feng.

But think about Chen Feng's previous methods, and the power imprint that Chen Feng has already collected, plus the weapons and magic treasures that Chen Feng took out.

None of these Hunyuan Above are sure, even if there are backers behind them, it is useless, after all, those backers only bring a part of the power, not the main body.

Besides, even if Chen Feng is really solved, how many casualties will be on their side?

These Hunyuan Above are very entangled.

But since they are here, can they just retreat like this?

Chen Feng also saw the entanglement of these Hunyuan Above, and sneered in his heart, thinking that if you don't take action, then I will take action.

Anyway, I will kill you sooner or later.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to take action, the shadow of the Gate of Origin suddenly appeared above everyone's head, exuding a strong will.

Chen Feng and these Hunyuan Above all received the meaning expressed by the Gate of Origin.

It turned out that the Gate of Origin came out to adjust.

Under this situation, everyone can no longer fight.

Chen Feng began to think. The Gate of Origin had not appeared before, but now it suddenly appeared. Was it biased towards one side, or was it really fair?

Chen Feng was not sure at this time. After all, when he got the power mark before, the Gate of Origin did not intervene.

It was hard to say who would win or lose in the fight before him.

Although Chen Feng had many means, these Hunyuan Above were more numerous, and there were three powerful supporters behind them.

"Maybe they really want everyone to be peaceful!" Chen Feng thought so.

In any case, the Gate of Origin had to give face. Chen Feng saw that those Hunyuan Above took the initiative to retreat, and did not chase them.

"So where should I go next? I have already obtained the power mark and collected the power ocean. This time the harvest is enough, but if I want to leave, I am afraid it will not be so easy. The Heart of Origin will probably still attack me, and the Gate of Origin will probably let me continue to attack." Chen Feng thought.

Chen Feng consumed a lot in the previous fight. He burned Hunyuan Above, consumed the power of magic weapons and Origin, and finally burned the broken Origin.

But it was all worth it, because Chen Feng got the power mark.

Facts proved that Chen Feng's guess was correct. The Gate of Origin did not let Chen Feng leave, and let Chen Feng continue to fight, and the passage was still sending power.

"Hey, you really have me." Chen Feng sneered.

If the Gate of Origin did not deliver energy and had not helped Chen Feng before, then Chen Feng really planned to leave.

At this time, he was still a little hesitant.

"Then let's see the situation. After all, even if we leave here, we will most likely have to return to the previous battlefield." Chen Feng said, and the wings of God appeared behind him. The flames burned from the wings of God, and Chen Feng disappeared instantly.

Soon Chen Feng returned to the battlefield. Unexpectedly, those above the Hunyuan on the side of the Gate of Origin had joined in and fought with the forces of the Heart of Origin.

And they also occupied the mountain. When Chen Feng arrived, he saw that two above the Hunyuan on the side of the Heart of Origin were seriously injured.

"These guys are no longer hiding, which is a good thing for the Gate of Origin." Chen Feng did not pay too much attention, but paid attention to the entire battlefield, and even paid attention to the situation of the Heart of Origin.

Chen Feng thought that with so many forces participating in the battle, the Heart of Origin must have been damaged. The result was somewhat beyond Chen Feng's expectations. The Heart of Origin was very stable.


At this time, the sound of a beating heart sounded, and a wave of power swept across the entire Heart of Origin. Chen Feng noticed that all the damage caused by the previous battle quickly returned to normal.

"What a strong recovery ability, is this the special feature of the Heart of Origin?" Chen Feng suddenly remembered an idea. If he could put away the Heart of Origin and integrate it into his heart, how powerful would he be.

Of course, Chen Feng also knew that his current body and cultivation might not be able to bear it.

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