Eternal Existence

Chapter 4920 The Sword Formation is Coming Again

At this time, Chen Feng was still enveloped by the power of the Gate of Origin. If the other party wanted to attack Chen Feng, they had to break the power that enveloped them.

However, Chen Feng was not happy for long. The sky condensed into a long river and rushed towards Chen Feng.

This was the power of the long river of origin from the Heart of Origin. The shadow of the Gate of Origin that came in and impacted shook.

Then another beam of light came from the Origin of Demon Beginning. This beam of light actually tore a crack in the territory of the Gate of Origin.

Then the crack exploded and spread like a spider web. The second force locked Chen Feng.

The Gate of Origin used a powerful force, but the other two origins were not so easy to bully. They also had some powerful means.

Chen Feng was prepared for this.

Of course, Chen Feng also believed that the Gate of Origin was prepared.

Sure enough, a stronger force was transmitted, the speed of territory expansion accelerated, and a group of shadows emerged in the territory.

This is a power above the origin level, which means that the Gate of Origin has used the power of those magic weapons, so that it can better suppress the chassis. Originally, Chen Feng was thinking about whether he should use the sacred mountain or other powers to help the Gate of Origin suppress it.

Since the Gate of Origin has used such means, Chen Feng can better draw out power to deal with other existences.

Chen Feng only wants to deal with the first level of Hunyuan, and there is no problem with some special means.

As for whether he can deal with those existences above the origin level, Chen Feng is not sure.

Unless the two sides fight, both sides will lose, and Chen Feng can fish in troubled waters.

However, such an opportunity is still rare.

This may happen in the fight between the two sides, but there are many existences participating in the war, and not all the benefits will fall into Chen Feng's hands. They may be taken away by the Gate of Origin, or they may be in the hands of those existences above the origin level.

Of course, there are definitely opportunities, and Chen Feng has been waiting. And if there are clues, Chen Feng will take the initiative to attack.

Chen Feng has also been paying attention to the situation in the entire battlefield. There is no need to think about those existences of the origin river type. At most, they can absorb some energy. This situation is not very attractive to Chen Feng.

Unless it is that kind of weapon or magic weapon, although the attack power is very strong, if it is really like this, it is still easier than the existence of the origin river and the origin ocean.

As long as the opponent is pulled into his own origin, he can deal with the opponent under the suppression of multiple forces.

However, by that time, Chen Feng's combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced, and he can no longer participate in it. He can only turn around and leave.

After all, in order to suppress the Sword of Cangsu, a lot of combat effectiveness has been paid. If there is another such weapon, I am afraid that even the power of the origin cannot be used.

The fierce fight at the Gate of Origin actually affected Chen Feng, but it could also affect Chen Feng's opponent.

Later, Chen Feng took back the sacred mountain, leaving only a long sword in his hand, and fought with a Hunyuan above.

This is Chen Feng's true strength.

"My current strength is comparable to that of Hunyuan. Next, I will either continue to accumulate or break through to the realm of Hunyuan. If I use external forces, the fluctuation of combat power is actually very large." Chen Feng thought.

This shows that Hunyuan from the Heart of Origin has been fighting Chen Feng from the beginning, without any fear at all. Now seeing Chen Feng taking back those powerful treasures, he is a little disappointed.

Chen Feng also accurately captured the other party's mentality, and after a little thought, he understood the other party's real thoughts.

"So you want to use me to practice, you are quite brave." Chen Feng thought to himself.

This Hunyuan has few means and few tricks, but he is stable and has extremely condensed strength, which is why he can fight Chen Feng on par. In fact, to be honest, this type of opponent is the most difficult to deal with, because their foundation is too solid, unless some repressive means are used to solve the opponent.

"Then if I use the means of origin, can I solve the opponent?" Chen Feng felt the power of the origin of the three warring parties and gave up this plan.

If I use the origin now, I may be impacted or assimilated by the other two.

Maybe I'm fine, but it will definitely consume a lot of energy.

Even if it's the origin fragment, it can burst out to play a big role at a critical moment.

"The pressure is still a bit high in this place." Chen Feng was fighting with the other party. Maybe he didn't care and accidentally left the territory constructed by the Gate of Origin.

Then Chen Feng felt a strong crisis. A huge monster rushed out of the void and opened his mouth to devour him.

Chen Feng knew the other party. This was a Hunyuan from the Star of Origin. It was also a strange beast with strong innate magical powers.

He had been fighting with the Origin of the Magic Stone before, but he didn't expect to hide and choose to attack him.

"I thought you would fight me alone all the time, but I didn't expect you to have a plan. But even if there are a few more helpers, you can't do anything to me." Although Chen Feng felt the crisis, he was still calm on the surface.

He waved his hand to create a vortex and blocked the opponent's devouring power.

Then Chen Feng performed his own devouring technique, and the huge beast rushed towards Chen Feng uncontrollably.

The other party was also a little surprised that Chen Feng's devouring technique was so powerful, but he was not worried. Instead, he took advantage of the situation and attacked Chen Feng.

In this way, it didn't look like Chen Feng's method, but more like an active attack on Chen Feng.


Then Chen Feng punched the other party, and two powerful forces bloomed around the two of them.

This huge beast had a strong body, but it was still knocked out by Chen Feng's punch.

"What a powerful body." The beast was shocked and looked at Chen Feng with greed.

He wanted to go forward and swallow Chen Feng.


A stream of light exploded on Chen Feng, and then turned into thousands of threads, wrapping Chen Feng in it, like a huge cocoon.

"I said, there is indeed danger. The previous beast was just a cover. This is the real killer move. It actually hid in the dark and wanted to deal with me. I am really honored." Although Chen Feng was trapped, he was not panicked at all, but carefully felt the situation around him.

The powerful binding force rolled around Chen Feng, which really caused some trouble for Chen Feng.

However, this situation still did not reach the level of threat before.

"Is there someone in the dark?" Chen Feng thought for a while, and slashed with a sword, and the sticky force was torn apart by the sword light.

Then Chen Feng strode forward, trying to get out of this piece of binding.

As a result, it seemed that the border was not far away, but Chen Feng walked a long way, but he never got to the place.

"It's really interesting. This is not an illusion, but it involves time and space, and this cocoon is also evolved from the origin seed, which means that I am now in a universe. This method is really good." Chen Feng said with a smile, and then punched hard.

This punch does not seem to be as powerful as the previous long sword attack, but circles of power ripple around, vast and endless.

The space began to collapse wherever it passed.

Chen Feng's method is to break it with force, and now it seems to be effective.

Without waiting for the power to run out, Chen Feng punched again. If you say that the previous one was Chen Feng's own power, the next punch used the power of the volcanic origin.

No matter how powerful a universe is, it cannot compare to an origin. This time, the space collapsed even more severely. All the laws and time and space here began to distort.

Chen Feng took the opportunity to go out, but as soon as Chen Feng appeared, a large town enveloped him.

The familiar breath, the sharp sword energy, and the extremely dangerous feeling made Chen Feng know who was coming at the first time.

It was the swordsmen from before who once again joined forces to trap Chen Feng, and this time they burst out with the strongest attack means right away, not giving Chen Feng a chance to think, just thinking about quickly getting rid of Chen Feng.

"It's them again." Chen Feng was also a little speechless.

In fact, Chen Feng has always wanted to kill these swordsmen, but Chen Feng also knows himself.

If these swordsmen were separate, then Chen Feng would certainly not be afraid of them, and he would have the means to kill his opponents, but the sword formation arranged by these swordsmen together was too powerful, even the existence of the transcendent origin level could not resist it.

Once the sword formation of these swordsmen was formed, it was too difficult to deal with.

Chen Feng had fought with the opponent many times before. Although he had hurt the opponent, Chen Feng also understood that these opponents were too annoying.

Not only were there too many people, but the attack power was too strong. Especially now, he had entered the opponent's sword formation again, and it was not so easy to escape.

With his thoughts constantly flashing, Chen Feng's reaction speed was not slow, and he immediately arranged layers of defense around him.

Sure enough, all these defenses were shattered by the opponent's sword energy, and then Chen Feng was submerged by the opponent's sword energy.

This time, the opponent's attack had no intention of stopping at all, but kept attacking. When the sword energy was slightly weaker, it would be replenished immediately. Judging from the opponent's appearance, he wanted to wipe Chen Feng out in one breath.

"These guys seem to have become stronger. Could it be that they are well prepared?" Chen Feng felt that there were already wounds on his body, so he wanted to avoid these sword energies, but no matter where Chen Feng went, these attacks locked Chen Feng firmly.

"Unless you leave this sword formation, or wait for external forces." After trying several times without success, Chen Feng simply stopped changing his position and focused on defense.

When Chen Feng took out a domain to cover himself, he was almost invincible.

Unless the opponent could continue to attack for a long time, he would not be able to do anything to Chen Feng, and at most he would just wear down some of Chen Feng's strength.

Chen Feng could bear it, and Chen Feng also knew that the Gate of Origin would not sit idly by and watch him.

Facts have proved that Chen Feng's guess was correct. Chen Feng didn't have to wait for long. A force tore open the sword formation, forming a passage that extended directly in front of Chen Feng.

"It came quite quickly." Chen Feng said with a smile.

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