Eternal Existence

Chapter 5054: Leave at any time

This time, the origin of the mind was directly broken, and Chen Feng and his friends could feel the breath outside.

Although the Emperor of the Mind tried to block it as much as possible this time, he couldn't stop Chen Feng and his friends.

The fortune array rushed out directly from the origin of the mind, and Chen Feng and his friends felt the pressure on their bodies was rapidly reduced.

"Don't be happy too early, continue to infuse power." Chen Feng said.

Although it rushed out of the origin of the mind, the attack of the Emperor of the Mind also caught up.

Even in the chaos, Chen Feng and his friends could clearly feel the power of the ancient god origin and even see their power projection.

Knowing that the two sides were fighting.

Under this situation, the Emperor of the Mind was still attacking and constantly chasing, which also showed that the Emperor of the Mind really valued Chen Feng and his friends.

It's just that he couldn't stop Chen Feng and his friends inside the origin of the mind before, and now that he has come out, it is naturally even more impossible to succeed.

Chen Feng turned his hand and defeated the power of the Emperor of the Mind with a sword.

"Fellow Taoists, we consumed a lot before, and just walked away like this. Isn't it a bit too disadvantageous?" Chen Feng said.

"Do you have any other ideas, fellow Daoist? However, this place is dangerous. Since we can fight our way out, it is already good. Although the consumption just now is very large, we have also gained some gains before, which can completely make up for it." Hades said.

It seems that the Soul Emperor still brought a strong impact to Hades and his men.

"It is naturally no problem to leave like this. So far, we have gained something, and it seems that the Soul Origin does have the upper hand, but today we can rush out, which also shows that the Soul Origin can't trap us, so I still have some ideas. It is better to take advantage of the fire and get some benefits." Chen Feng said that he had been constantly infusing power into the long sword.

At this time, Chen Feng's whole body was shining with golden light, and the shadow of the avenue appeared from time to time. Not only that, there were also phantoms of the origins of the two parties clashing from Chen Feng.

Although Chen Feng's consumption was very large before, Chen Feng's foundation was also abundant.

It was because of the consumption just now that Chen Feng wanted to find some benefits to make up for his deficit.

Seeing Chen Feng so fierce, Hades gritted his teeth and was willing to participate.

Although he was a little worried and a little scared, the Soul Emperor, but thinking about the special secret method he had just used, it was indeed very consuming, and it would take more resources to make up for it.

Seeing that Chen Feng and Hades agreed, the Iron Sword Saint and the others were a little scared, but they did not refuse.

Of course, the two of them could actually leave alone, after all, they had already come out of the Soul Origin.

The reason why they chose to stay was, of course, some ideas.

The three of them were still pushing forward the map, so Chen Feng released the power of the Vortex Origin and the Fierce Wind Origin.

The two origins spread out and rushed towards the Soul Origin fiercely.

The reason why Chen Feng dared to do this was because the three origins of the ancient gods still existed and were not swallowed by the Soul Origin.

Even if he was defeated in the end, it would take time, and Chen Feng wanted this opportunity.

Anyway, he had already faced the Soul Emperor before, so he needed to seize every opportunity to weaken the power of the Soul Emperor and expand his own power at the same time.

After the Soul Emperor launched an attack that did not work, he stopped attacking Chen Feng and the others.

After all, this time the Soul Emperor had to face the attack of the three origins.

Chen Feng and his companions did not step forward immediately, but mobilized their strength.

At this moment, beams of light came through time and space, and shot towards Chen Feng and his companions.

"It is the power transmitted by the ancient soul origin." Chen Feng immediately saw what was going on.

"Interesting, it seems that they don't want us to leave, but it's good that they support us from behind, and we can burst out without any scruples next time." Hades also felt a little relieved.

After several people absorbed these powers that came through time and space, the sluggish aura on their bodies rose steadily.

The previous consumption was quickly replenished.

Not only that, several forces entered the two origins released by Chen Feng.

"It seems that we have to attack in advance."

Chen Feng said, swinging his long sword and slashing forward fiercely, and the two origins released by Chen Feng before also seemed to be boiling like chicken blood.

With one contact, the outer area of ​​the origin of the mind began to collapse.

Chen Feng and his companions hurriedly used various means to snatch the fragments of the origin of the mind, which are all good things.

If you don't grab it quickly, you can integrate it back into the origin of the mind.

Grabbing these fragments of the origin of the mind can not only satisfy your own harvest, but also consume the power of the origin of the mind bit by bit.

Although Chen Feng's side is small, it really effectively entangles the source of the mind.

After all, Chen Feng can burst the power of the origin, plus the powerful weapons in his hands, it can indeed cause some trauma to some origins.

"It is indeed the right choice to stay." Iron Sword Saint said so.

After getting the benefits, the two are no longer entangled and afraid like before. Although it is a bit dangerous, under this situation, even if they are driven away, they can't be driven away.

Suddenly Chen Feng looked into the distance.

Another area of ​​the origin of the mind suddenly exploded, and several powerful lives rushed out.

Chen Feng could see that the other party was the Hunyuan above who had moved to the core area of ​​the origin of the mind with him and others before.

Chen Feng originally thought that they were trapped in the core area of ​​​​the origin of the soul, and maybe they had been poisoned by the Psychic Emperor. Unexpectedly, someone was still killed.

However, in addition to being powerful themselves, these few who came out also had weapons in their hands that surpassed the origin level.

As powerful as the long sword in Chen Feng's hand, maybe there are also the origins of the ancient gods, and they are behind it, so they can rush out.

Since they have also rushed out, this shows that the Mind Emperor is not in control of everything.

This will definitely make Chen Feng feel more at ease.

However, Chen Feng would not forget the reminder they had given them over the years.

Moreover, Chen Feng himself also had a premonition that the situation this time was clearly that the three broken origins were fighting to the death to change the situation, but the real situation was that the spiritual origin had the upper hand.

The Mind Emperor must have a lot of tricks up his sleeve.

In short, Chen Feng was still very wary of the Spiritual Emperor, and he almost believed in his heart that the one who would win this war would be the Spiritual Emperor.

"Get out of here quickly, I won't hold you accountable." Chen Feng received the message from the Great Mind Emperor at this time, and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

It seems that the Great Spirit Emperor is really struggling, otherwise, how could he let himself leave?

And saying this wouldn’t expose one’s own falsehood.


Then Chen Feng felt something was wrong again.

Mindland wouldn't be so stupid.

"Could it be that he deliberately disarmed me? To paralyze me." Chen Feng guessed.

But no matter what the reason was, Chen Feng would not choose to leave because of what the Great Spirit Emperor said.

Unless the Mind Emperor truly has the upper hand.

At least now Chen Feng does not feel any danger, and is still reaping benefits.

Under the attack, the origin of the soul continued to collapse, and all the fragments were divided up by Chen Feng and the others.

Under such circumstances, Pluto and the others would not be willing to leave.

Soon the space exploded, and several more Hunyuan masters rushed out.

This time Chen Feng was really surprised. Could it be that his previous guess was wrong.

There really is a huge turmoil in the origin of the mind.

Of course, there must be chaos, and the influence should have been controlled by the origin of the mind.

Even if the intruders cannot be eliminated for a while, they can still be trapped within a certain range.

"But there are still only a few who rushed out, and we can't see the situation of the others clearly." After arriving here, Chen Feng still chose to ask those Hunyuan Shang who rushed out.

They didn't know the result, but they just said that it was a chaotic time, and everyone used their own methods. Some people snatched resources, and some fought against the powerful beings from the origin of the soul.

However, these Hunyuan masters who rushed out received help from the ancient gods.

Put it this way.

Chen Feng generally understood that although these people were powerful, they were not easy to break out.

This also shows that the origin of the soul does still have the upper hand.

"Actually, if you give me enough time to brew, I can take away some of the Hunyuanbos from the origin of the soul. However, after all, it is other Hunyuanbos who are invaded this time. I am just fishing in troubled waters and going wherever there is benefit. Where to go?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

This time, dozens of Hunyuan people appeared. After arriving, they divided into three battle formations and rushed towards the origin of the soul.

It is on the Hunyuan where the ancient gods, ancient Qing, and ancient souls originate.

It turns out that a big hole was opened in this area, so the three origins began to continuously mobilize their power here.

Chen Feng naturally saw this, and this was not a good thing, because the Spiritual Emperor would also mobilize more power.

A broken origin controlled by oneself is no match for a complete origin, so there is no problem in taking advantage.

"Be careful and follow me later. We can leave at any time." Chen Feng informed the three men of Pluto.

"What's going on? Did Fellow Daoist notice something?" Pluto asked quickly.

"Things are not that simple. According to my calculations, the winner of this war must be the Great Spirit Emperor. The origin of the ancient soul is actually making a last-ditch effort. It is not that simple to change the situation." Chen Feng said.

"That's right, when I came to the core area of ​​the origin of the soul, I thought I could tear the origin of the soul into pieces, but now it seems that it has not succeeded at all." Pluto also has his own judgment.

However, when he saw the origin of the soul retreating and collapsing, Pluto began to doubt his previous judgment again.

However, Pluto thought that before he was inside the origin of the soul, he could rush out in such dangerous situations. Now that a few people are outside the origin of the soul, they can leave at any time no matter how dangerous it is.

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