Eternal Existence

Chapter 5085: Too Smooth

Chen Feng looked at it but said nothing. Although the opponent was attacking him, he was not the opponent of one person.

However, another Hunyuan appeared.

In fact, after the Gate of Origin called Hunyuan, the Origin of Chaos was constantly mobilizing more Hunyuan.

Chen Feng saw it early, and what Chen Feng cared about was whether these Hunyuan would act as his opponent.

"I found a good place." At this time, Chen Feng received the news from the Gate of Time and Space.

So Chen Feng immediately got rid of his opponent and broke through the space directly. With the guidance of the Gate of Time and Space, Chen Feng soon gathered with the Gate of Time and Space.

Then the Gate of Time and Space wrapped Chen Feng up and began to shuttle in this origin.

It didn't take long for the Gate of Time and Space to reach the destination this time.

Looking at the dense space cracks in front of him, Chen Feng felt the complex laws of space.

This is good for the Gate of Time and Space.

But through these complex space cracks, Chen Feng also felt energy fluctuations of various attributes, some of which he could use completely.

Even if it is not exactly the same as the road he opened up, it feels very similar and close.

This place is also of great benefit to my breakthrough.

"It is indeed a good place." Chen Feng said, but then he found that the source of good fortune did not appear.

"Although this place is good, we can't stay for a long time, otherwise we will be attacked by the origin of this side, so we need to fight quickly." Chen Feng said.

There is no source of good fortune, and no power of the Gate of Origin has come. Now only Chen Feng and the Gate of Time and Space are left.

"Of course, we need to fight quickly, but this area is interesting. It belongs to the edge of the chaotic origin, and there are also powers that do not belong to this origin. In other words, the power of the Gate of Origin will be greatly reduced here. I also searched for a long time before I found this place." The Gate of Time and Space was a little excited.

And Chen Feng did see more things and knew that what the Gate of Time and Space said was correct.

"I hope there is a power beyond the origin here." Of course, Chen Feng thought more, but he didn't notice that there was such a power here for the time being.

Chen Feng and the Gate of Time and Space did not communicate too much, but rushed forward quickly.

The Gate of Time and Space still used the previous fast means, collapsing space wherever it passed and suppressing everything, constantly collecting all the broken space.

However, the space cracks here brought more surprises to the Gate of Time and Space, and there were actually many space laws.

Then as the space collapsed, Chen Feng also felt more and stronger energy.

So Chen Feng also released a road after another, just like a water pipe, and began to absorb the energy here.

It’s just that the energy here is a bit chaotic and mixed. Even if Chen Feng collected it, he still needed to sort it out and gather it a little bit, and it was not as fast as absorbing that kind of pure energy.

"It’s really good. I thought there was still a small amount of good fortune here." Chen Feng released the Good Fortune Road with some surprise.

"If the number is large enough, it would be a pity that the source of good fortune didn’t come here." Then Chen Feng still extracted some evil power, but the number was still small.

This place is like the place where the outflows meet before, with various attributes of power.

In fact, it’s normal to think about it. Originally, this origin gave Chen Feng a familiar feeling, so there must be an area where all the streams meet.

There are many types of energy here, but it is still less than the number encountered before.

It is enough for Chen Feng.

In fact, it is also helpful to the Source of Good Fortune.

After all, they are not the main body of the Source of Good Fortune. If they supplement some energy here, they can strengthen their combat effectiveness.

Chen Feng's methods are becoming more and more proficient, and he constantly releases more avenues and absorbs the energy here.

Although these energies are not so easy to absorb, Chen Feng still tried to refine and absorb some.

Feeling the changes in the avenue, Chen Feng was surprised and a little surprised that this origin has not attacked him so far.

"Could it be that you didn't notice the situation here." Chen Feng shook his head and felt that it was not the case.

This chaotic origin must have noticed it, so there is no extra power to intervene in the affairs here.

This seems unlikely.

Chen Feng couldn't figure out what was going on, but it didn't matter. The most important thing was that he got the benefits now.

The Gate of Time and Space was still crushing the space forward, so Chen Feng was much more relaxed.

Similarly, because Chen Feng extracted various energies, the Gate of Time and Space was also relatively relaxed.

The two of them helped and cooperated with each other.

The speed seemed neither fast nor slow, but they could better collect the benefits here.

"It's best not to take action. The best way is to get the benefits first." Chen Feng understood that there was no need to worry at all. This was all unnecessary.


The gate of time and space also became somewhat stable. It seemed to have the same idea as Chen Feng, constantly moving forward and crushing countless space cracks.

Finally, life appeared.

Although the environment here is harsh, there are still many lives practicing here, which is also normal.

However, just some Daluo Golden Immortals cannot have any effect, and under the push of Chen Feng and the Gate of Time and Space, these gates of time and space will be killed if they run slower.

"In such an area, there should be existences above Hunyuan."

As soon as Chen Feng had this idea, Hunyuan came out of the sky.

The opponent was in the space crack, and he was also using space techniques. He originally wanted to attack Chen Feng by surprise, but Chen Feng reacted too quickly and had no sneak attack effect.

"The strength is good."

Chen Feng looked at the blood marks on his fists and couldn't help but said that the opponent's space crack attack was comparable to an origin-level weapon.

If one is above Hunyuan with a weak body, it is really possible for the body to be torn apart.


Chen Feng knocked the opponent away with one punch.

"If you are wise, leave quickly. I won't be polite if you come back again." Chen Feng said lightly.

It wasn't that Chen Feng didn't want to kill the other party, but that he didn't want to waste his time because of this Hunyuan Superior.

The most important thing for me is to collect the energy here and fight with the opponent. Even ordinary Hunyuan is not so easy to kill.

As a result, Chen Feng did not threaten the opponent. The Hunyuan Superior knew that Chen Feng was powerful, but he still chose to attack from a distance and at the same time summoned helpers.

"You are seeking death." Chen Feng was also angry.

The gate of time and space shook, and the Hunyuan was wrapped in the shadow of the gate of time and space, and disappeared in the next moment.


Chen Feng was a little dumbfounded. Before he could take action, he was moved out by the gate of time and space.

But that's fine, it saves you the trouble of taking action yourself.

But the next moment, the space exploded, and another person from Hunyuan came out to kill him.

More than one of them even joined forces to rush towards the gate of time and space.


Chen Feng laughed.

Although the Gate of Time and Space is not its own body, the laws of time and space it masters are very powerful. It only relied on the laws to entangle two Hunyuan.

Chen Feng stepped forward and used his sword skills, piercing through the opponent's body one by one.


Chen Feng took the opportunity to use the Devouring Technique again, plundering some of the opponent's vitality.

After the opponent finally reshaped his body, the law of time and space came again, and Chen Feng held a long sword and killed him again.

Even if there are benefits in front of him, Chen Feng still holds the idea of ​​​​fighting if he can win, and leaving if he can't.

Besides, there are not many people above Hunyuan appearing now, and according to Chen Feng's speculation, there are indeed people above Hunyuan here, but there will definitely not be too many.

Chen Feng was slightly surprised by the appearance of several people so far, and even wondered if they were arranged by Chaos Origin.

But still manageable.


A Hunyuan Shang who wanted to get close to Chen Feng was knocked back by Chen Feng. Chen Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the opponent's physical body was so strong that he could resist him head-on.

But even so, this Hunyuan Superior was also slightly injured. Chen Feng was just thinking about finishing the opponent in one go, but who knew that other Hunyuan Superiors would intervene to stop him.

To put it bluntly, those above Hunyuan also saw how powerful Chen Feng was and knew that they could only deal with him by joining forces.

The Gate of Time and Space also has its opponents. Two Hunyuan superiors entangled themselves to form the Gate of Time and Space, leaving the Gate of Time and Space with no extra power to collect the broken space here.

After all, what comes from the Gate of Time and Space is not the main body, and a head-on confrontation is actually not much better than that of Hunyuan.

However, the laws of time and space he mastered are indeed much stronger. Not long after the battle, he used the laws of time and space to trap his opponent.

Although it doesn't last long, it's enough.

Next, the gate of time and space continued to exert its power, and the laws of time and space spread, and the opponents who fought against Chen Feng were entangled one after another.

This made Chen Feng free his hands. He stepped forward and severely wounded a Hunyuan superior with a sword, and then knocked another one away with a punch.

This was not Chen Feng's mercy, but the other party's special method. He took this opportunity to escape from this place.

Chen Feng, who was above Hunyuan, was also a little surprised to leave. He thought that the other party would continue to come back and fight with him, but who knew that he chose to escape.

In this case, why did we take action before?

Is it possible that I made changes after seeing myself leaving?

If this is the case, then it will save yourself a lot of trouble.

This is a good thing!

It is much easier to make the other party retreat than to kill them.

So next Chen Feng beat back two opponents one after another.

Sure enough, these two Hunyuan superiors also wisely chose to leave.

"Is it going so well?"

Chen Feng was a little surprised, but the facts were right in front of him, and the area of ​​​​the law of time and space was constantly expanding and spreading. Even if there was trouble, he had to touch these arrangements first.

So next, the gate of time and space continued to crush the space, and then swallowed it slowly. Chen Feng naturally continued to collect the power that he was interested in.

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