Eternal Existence

Chapter 5091: Refining a New Origin

Chen Feng began to observe this origin carefully and thoroughly.

As for the Gate of Time and Space, it naturally supports Chen Feng and can also help Chen Feng.

Since he had an idea, Chen Feng certainly wanted to take all the benefits. Even if he offended the Yin Realm, Chen Feng didn't care.

After all, he had been in Guixu, and the origins he got were all from Guidu.

As for the Yin Realm that he hadn't been to, no matter how strong it was.

Moreover, according to Chen Feng's understanding, the Yin Realm was not as strong as Guixu, which was just stronger than some origins.

"This origin is indeed not small. It seems that there is no unified will, but in fact, there are still some wills born, and there are some causes and effects with the Yin Realm. Even if I can refine this origin, these causes and effects cannot be changed, which is a bit troublesome." At this time, after Chen Feng had some understanding of this origin, some of his thoughts changed again, thinking about whether to collect this origin.

After all, there are definitely troubles, but whether it can be collected and whether the collection process will have to pay some price are some problems.

After all, Chen Feng does not lack origins.

But then again, it was because Chen Feng had mastered the origin that he understood the importance of the origin even more. There was such a good opportunity in front of him, although he wanted to take this origin away.

"And this origin has not been named yet, isn't this an opportunity for me? This is basically left for me." Chen Feng comforted himself in this way.

Seeing Chen Feng really take action to collect this origin, Hades was also very helpless, and at the same time there were some concerns.

"Even if Daoyou has the means to collect the origin, this origin is really not simple." Hades continued.

Even the Gate of Time and Space was expressing his opinion: "I think it's better to ask the River of Time to help. In this way, it will be easier to collect this origin."

"That's true." Chen Feng nodded, thinking that what the Gate of Time and Space said made sense.

But in this way, if other people intervene, they will definitely not do it in vain, and they will divide their own benefits at that time.

Of course, if only the River of Time takes action, then it doesn't matter, but I'm afraid that someone will want to divide this origin with me.

What Chen Feng was worried about was of course the Gate of Origin. Once he notified the River of Time, would the Gate of Origin come?

With the means and strength of the Gate of Origin, it might directly snatch this origin away. Even if he could get a part of it, the harvest would be greatly reduced.

Of course, if he really couldn't collect this origin, then finding the Gate of Origin would be the right choice.

Chen Feng studied here for a while. Although he knew more and more about this origin, Chen Feng had some general judgments in his mind.

This origin can be collected, but it takes a long time.

Just like refining the origin of corrosive energy at the beginning, it needs to be refined little by little, and it takes time to refine each area, and finally collect it all at once.

Otherwise, Chen Feng doesn't have the strength to take this origin away in one go.

To put it bluntly, Chen Feng doesn't have the ability to cover the sky with one hand in this origin.

"Anyway, there's nothing to do, so let's try to collect it." Chen Feng chose an area and started to refine it.


The moment Chen Feng started to refine, this origin responded.

Chen Feng felt a strong suppression rising straight up.

This was also in Chen Feng's previous calculations, and this change was normal.

However, there was a reaction as soon as it came into contact, which made Chen Feng's subsequent refining process more difficult.

According to Chen Feng's idea, the best situation is to start smoothly. Once the opponent notices something is wrong, it has already reached the later stage. At that time, he can mobilize all his strength to get it done directly.

"It's a bit troublesome to start with a bad start." Chen Feng said lightly.

Although the pressure is very strong, Chen Feng can still hold on, or Chen Feng can continue the next action.

In any case, the power and will of this origin are not unified, and even if they counterattack, it is only this area that reacts.

From another perspective, the position chosen by Chen Feng is more accurate.


Chen Feng began to refine.

It's just the power of this area, Chen Feng can still resist it.

What's more, Chen Feng not only uses his own power, but also other magic weapons.

When a sacred mountain appeared, all four sides were suppressed. Although this area fought back with all its strength, it was useless.

"It's starting now." Seeing this scene, Hades was shocked and speechless.

But it's not a good thing to look at it this way, so Hades chose to go somewhere else.

If there is any benefit, collect it quickly, otherwise this piece of origin will fall into Chen Feng's hands, and then nothing will be gained.

Of course, Hades had some ideas at the beginning. After all, this origin was separated from the underworld, and it still has something to do with him. Chen Feng did this, even if he didn't stop him, he should destroy it, so should he notify the underworld.

But then Hades gave up this idea again, who cares, it has nothing to do with him, and he still wants to get some benefits.

"In this case, I won't devour the laws of time and space here, and help you refine this origin first." The Gate of Time and Space said so.

Although the Gate of Time and Space came here to find benefits and strengthen itself, after Chen Feng made up his mind, the Gate of Time and Space also made a choice.

Besides, the Gate of Time and Space just doesn't devour, but it can still understand the laws of time and space here, and then it can construct from scratch, which is also the right approach.

"But it takes some time to refine this origin, and by then the war of the origin of chaos may have ended." The Gate of Time and Space reminded.

"It seems that I have to speed up." Chen Feng understood what the Gate of Time and Space meant, but even if he tried his best and maxed out the speed, he still needed to refine it step by step.

This kind of thing can be rushed.

However, when Chen Feng successfully refined this area, he felt really at ease.

This shows that his approach is correct, and from the refining process, he can roughly understand the next direction.

Then Chen Feng went to the second area.

The process is simple, but the time is not fast. Each area takes Chen Feng some time.

Until Chen Feng received the news from the Long River of Time.

"The Long River of Time! It actually found us." Chen Feng was a little surprised and slowed down the refining speed a little.

Chen Feng clearly felt the power of time constantly infiltrating, and the Gate of Time and Space did not stop it.

Chen Feng was not worried about the appearance of the River of Time, but the Gate of Origin.

Of course, there are some beings that are close to the Gate of Origin, which also requires Chen Feng's attention.

Chen Feng was a little surprised at first, but then he returned to normal.

There was nothing curious about the River of Time being able to find him. Before, the River of Time had always left some power on him.

Even without these, the River of Time wanted to find him, probably because of the recent increase in power.

"It seems that the fight is over." Chen Feng thought so.

Sure enough, after Chen Feng and the River of Time communicated, they knew that the fight between the Gate of Origin and the Chaos Origin had come to an end.

The two sides did not decide the winner, because for some special reasons, both sides stopped.

Of course, the Gate of Origin opened up a territory in the Chaos Origin.

It can also be regarded as a separatist party.

In this way, the Gate of Origin is the winner.

"It is also possible that the Gate of Origin has reached an agreement with the other party. I really didn't expect that the Gate of Origin would be so good at communication." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The River of Time found Chen Feng naturally thinking of getting some benefits, just like the Gate of Time and Space followed Chen Feng.

After all, Chen Feng can constantly find some origins.

Of course, only with Chen Feng's consent, the power of the River of Time can be continuously transmitted.

Otherwise, without Chen Feng as a transit station, the power of the River of Time alone is prone to some changes, and it cannot be stabilized well, taking this opportunity to plunder benefits in other areas.

Only the River of Time came, the Source of Fortune, and the Evil Swamp, they stayed in the Chaos Origin.

But if Chen Feng is willing, then the River of Time can open a channel to lead them over.

Chen Feng didn't want to make such a big noise, and he was also worried about coming to the Gate of Origin.

"I'm refining an origin here, and you're just in time." Chen Feng said.

Before, Chen Feng was still thinking about whether to ask the River of Time for help. Since the River of Time appeared, it would be the best.

With the help of the Long River of Time and the Gate of Space and Time, Chen Feng will be able to refine this origin faster.

And Chen Feng has a helper, so he can do things more steadily.

Next, the Long River of Time helps Chen Feng refine this origin, and the speed is indeed faster.

But I feel that Chen Feng's speculation still needs some time.

But Chen Feng also understands that the more areas are refined, the faster the speed of refining this origin will be.

There is no need to rush about this kind of thing.

And it is useless to rush, it is better to refine it step by step.

After Chen Feng refined another area, the Source of Good Fortune and the Evil Swamp also came.

Of course, Chen Feng would not refuse them if they came.

And Chen Feng has already refined half of this origin, even if the Gate of Origin intervenes, Chen Feng does not care.

In addition, Chen Feng is a little anxious and wants to refine this origin quickly. Maybe this is a kind of intuition in the dark.

It seems that something is going to happen, so Chen Feng will not waste too much time here.

"Is there any danger?" Chen Feng guessed.

"Could it be that the Soul Emperor is coming?"

Although he guessed this, Chen Feng did not think it was true and continued to refine this origin.

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