Eternal Existence

Chapter 511: Blood Lake

After hearing Chen Feng's words, everyone began to think deeply, and soon Bai Yunyan's eyes lit up: "So there is still something here that can provide these bloodthirsty poisonous mosquitoes with training?"

"Yes, maybe it's spiritual energy, maybe it's something else." Chen Feng nodded.

"Is it possible that we have to follow those bloodthirsty poisonous mosquitoes? If we are besieged again, it will be difficult to escape." Mu Qingfeng was a little worried, as the injuries on the two of them have not fully recovered yet.

"There are risks and rewards, but I don't know what it will be." Chen Feng said and stretched out his hand to grab a bloodthirsty poisonous mosquito. However, the bloodthirsty poisonous mosquito struggled fiercely and stretched out directly. He used his sharp mouthparts to bite Chen Feng's palm.


A burst of true energy flashed across Chen Feng's palm, knocking the bloodthirsty poisonous mosquito unconscious, and then Chen Feng's soul penetrated into the mind of the bloodthirsty poisonous mosquito.


The head of this bloodthirsty poisonous mosquito exploded, and blood splattered out.

"Too weak, there is nothing in the sea of ​​consciousness." Chen Feng waved his hand, and three more bloodthirsty poisonous mosquitoes were caught, but soon these three bloodthirsty poisonous mosquitoes also exploded.

"Let me try!" Bai Yunyan also caught a bloodthirsty poisonous mosquito, but this time the bloodthirsty poisonous mosquito did not explode.

Chen Feng was a little surprised, but soon realized that his level was too low. Although his soul power was powerful, his quality could not be compared with that of a monk who had survived two thunder tribulations.

"There is only one blood lake in the sea of ​​consciousness, and there is nothing else." Bai Yunyan opened her eyes after a long time and said.

"Could the Blood Lake be the base camp of these bloodthirsty poisonous mosquitoes?" Chen Feng guessed.

"Nine times out of ten, I just don't know where it is." Bai Yunyan said, catching some bloodthirsty poisonous mosquitoes again, and finally determined the location of the blood lake.

"The Blood Lake is about two thousand miles away from here." Bai Yunyan said.

"So far!" Chen Feng frowned.

"The miasma here is already very difficult to resist. I'm afraid it will be difficult to advance two thousand miles," Mu Qingfeng said.

"Yes, the miasma here is so powerful that even taking poison-avoiding pills is useless. I can only use my true energy to resist it." Zhang Xuanjin also said the same.

"Senior Brother Chen, what do you think?" Bai Yunyan looked at Chen Feng.

"No matter what happens to you, I must continue to move forward." Chen Feng said lightly.

"For the spirit stone mine ahead?" Bai Yunyan's eyes flashed with light.

"Yes, so I will move forward regardless of whether there is a blood lake ahead or not. Of course, the journey will be very dangerous. I don't recommend you to follow. I mean this sincerely." Chen Feng said and looked at Mu Qingfeng and Zhang at the same time. Hanging brocade.

"It's very dangerous, but I'm not willing to go back like this." Zhang Xuanjin nodded.

"Haha, I also want to follow and see what is ahead. With such a strong spiritual energy, there must be some good things." Bai Yunyan said with a smile.

"In that case, let's talk as we walk." As Chen Feng said, a fireball flew out of his hand, exploded in the air, and turned into a curtain of fire that enveloped everyone, including Zhang Sanliang. people.

"There is a huge spiritual stone mine ahead, which is enough for the cultivation of living beings in a radius of ten thousand miles. However, there are a lot of big demons around. There are seven demon kings alone."

Next, Chen Feng told what he knew about the situation. Bai Yunyan and others secretly frowned after listening.

"Such a big spirit stone mine! But we can't get close to it because the Demon King is guarding it."

"There are so many big demons. We can't deal with one powerful big demon. There are hundreds of big demons. This is too exaggerated."

"Junior Brother Chen, is your news reliable?"

"Of course it's reliable. I learned this from the big demon here." Chen Feng said.

"Everyone, I think we should go back. It's too dangerous ahead." Zhang San's face was a little pale. He didn't know whether he was frightened or caused by excessive blood loss.

"Haha, I said it at the beginning. If you are afraid of danger, you don't have to follow me. I have already met two big monsters along the way. They are both high-level and tall. A tiger monster and a leopard monster, both of them are very powerful. We can directly confront Yan Qing, and these two big monsters are only in the outer area of ​​the spirit stone mine. As for what kind of monsters are ahead, I don’t know. Again, my target is the spirit stone ahead. Mine, it's easy to get killed if you follow me." Chen Feng said and glanced at Zhang San and the other two.

"Well, it's better for everyone to get together." Although Zhang San and Zhang San had conflicting looks on their faces, they still didn't dare to go back alone. After all, the bloodthirsty poisonous mosquitoes behind were also very scary. Now they just take one step at a time and follow them. Chen Feng and others are relatively safe.

"You all have spirit stones, right?" Chen Feng said.

"Some!" Mu Qingfeng and others nodded.


Chen Feng waved his hand as he spoke, and a flying warship appeared above everyone's heads. This was a sacred weapon-level flying warship snatched from the hands of Manager He of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

"Holy weapon!"

Zhang San immediately opened his eyes, but then his eyes became hot. If he could hide in this warship, there shouldn't be much danger.

"Everyone, come in." Chen Feng said and flew in first, followed closely by Mu Qingfeng and Zhang Xuanjin, followed by Bai Yunyan, and Zhang San and others entered last.

"Everyone, please take out the spirit stones. All the spirit stones on my body are used up." Chen Feng said.

"Okay, no problem." Mu Qingfeng and Zhang Xuanjin each took out 10,000 precious crystals, and then the flying warship started, quickly shuttling through the miasma.

"Haha, Junior Brother Chen is indeed wealthy. With this flying magic weapon, we don't have to care about the miasma here." Zhang Xuanjin laughed.

"It's really good, but the spiritual stones are consumed too much." Mu Qingfeng nodded. You know, to activate the flying magic weapon of the holy level, at least the spiritual stones of the precious crystal level are required, and the magic crystals are useless.

"Hehe, I also want 20,000 precious crystals here, I hope I can help." Bai Yunyan also smiled and took out 20,000 precious crystals.

In fact, Chen Feng didn't care about these spiritual stones. The key is that Chen Feng has no spiritual stones on him now. If he wants to activate the flying warship, he can only rely on these people to donate money.

"It's your turn." Zhang Xuanjin stared at Zhang San and the other two. Everyone donated generously, but these two people were still indifferent.

"Haha, aren't these spirit stones enough? We haven't gained anything since we entered the secret realm." Zhang San forced a smile on his face.

"Humph, they are at least sixth-level cultivators, but they don't even have some spirit stones. Well, Junior Brother Chen, let them go and let them go alone in the miasma." Zhang Xuanjin sneered.

"No, no, I was just talking about something. Here are two thousand treasure crystals, which belong to the two of us." Zhang San's face changed, and he immediately took out some treasure crystals. It was a joke. If he left the two of them at this time, not to mention the miasma here, if he encountered bloodthirsty poisonous mosquitoes again, it would be troublesome.

"Two thousand spirit stones, hehe, are all casual cultivators poor?" Zhang Xuanjin sneered.

"Yes, yes, we casual cultivators usually have a hard time practicing, of course we can't compare with you. I heard that the environment where you are in the immortal sects usually practice is several times richer than the spiritual energy of the hills where we casual cultivators practice." Zhang San said immediately.

"Humph!" Zhang Xuanjin turned his head away and ignored the two people.

Baiyun Yanyun and Tan Fengqing sat aside, turning a blind eye to what was happening in front of them, while Chen Feng was operating the flying warship and ignored what was happening in front of him.

With the flying warship, the speed of advancement was several times faster, and they would not be surrounded by bloodthirsty poisonous mosquitoes. Even if there were some bloodthirsty poisonous mosquitoes, they would be crushed to pieces by the airflow before they approached the flying warship.

"Such a strong bloody aura, it seems that we are almost at the blood lake." Chen Feng said after a while.

Pah pah pah pah pah pah!

At this time, there were more bloodthirsty poisonous mosquitoes outside, and some bloodthirsty poisonous mosquitoes were installed on the flying warship and made bursts of noise.

"There are more bloodthirsty poisonous mosquitoes here. Is this the only kind of creature in this miasma area?" Mu Qingfeng was a little surprised.

"Hehe, I'm a little curious about whether other cultivators can come here."

"This time, many cultivators from various sects came, and each sect brought in some holy artifacts. We don't have an advantage."

"Brother Chen is right. We still have to be alert and be careful. Before entering the miasma, I also met two ninth-level cultivators, and I didn't see their origins." Bai Yunyan said.

"It seems that the other party is also for the spiritual stone mine ahead." Chen Feng said and accelerated his speed. Pieces of spiritual stones were constantly consumed. The speed of consumption made Mu Qingfeng and others feel a little stunned.

"Huh, we're here. It's really a blood lake." Chen Feng suddenly said, and transparent windows appeared on the flying warship. Everyone could clearly see the situation outside.

A blood-red lake appeared in everyone's sight. Just looking through the window, you can feel the bloody smell, and your soul is throbbing.

"It's really a blood lake. This lake water can't really be formed by blood gathering, right?" Zhang Xuanjin said in surprise.

"Oval, 20 miles long and 10 miles wide, it can only be considered a small lake, but the water in it is a bit strange. It must be very unusual for so many blood-thirsty poisonous mosquitoes to use it as a water source and food." Bai Yunyan said.

"Of course it's not simple. A lake made entirely of blood can be simple, but I don't know what kind of creature's blood it is?" Chen Feng controlled the flying warship to slow down and slowly landed on the blood lake.

"Let's not get close to this blood lake. I always feel a little bit obedient. It's better to take the flying warship directly to the spirit stone mine." Zhang San said.

"Shut up, you have nothing to do here." Chen Feng was a little impatient.

"Have you noticed that there are fewer blood-thirsty poisonous mosquitoes on the lake, but they are much bigger." At this time, Bai Yunyan suddenly said.

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