Eternal Existence

Chapter 521 Round Battle

"Good! Swordsmanship!" Chen Feng seized the opportunity, and his swordsmanship suddenly became overbearing, slashing three people away in one breath. Just when Chen Feng wanted to continue attacking the fourth person, a huge rocket attacked Chen Feng like a fire dragon.

Yan Huo took action, and the sacred weapon Fire Bow in his hand roared and showed its power.


Chen Feng stopped attacking the fourth person, and suddenly pointed the long sword in his hand, performing the trick of taking chestnuts from the fire, and ignited the rocket in one move, but Chen Feng's figure also paused. The attack power of this rocket was even stronger than the attack power of the Four Symbols Sword Formation just now.

"It's your turn." The four sixth-level cultivators of the Heavenly Man were all injured. Although the injuries were not serious and could be restored by taking elixirs, their artistic conception temporarily lost their combat effectiveness. Following Yan Qing's words, the four seventh-level cultivators of the Heavenly Man killed Chen Feng, and Yan Huo still used the Fire Bow to attack from a distance.

This time, the four did not use the formation, but directly used their own means. Although scattered, they were more violent, making Chen Feng feel much more pressure than before.

"It's really bullying! These are five seventh-level cultivators who attacked me." Chen Feng said in his heart, but under the strong pressure, Chen Feng's heroic spirit rose instead, and his fighting spirit rose. With a sneer on his face, he took the lead and rushed towards one of the cultivators using the ancient battle axe. Before, Chen Feng had analyzed the strength of these people. According to Chen Feng's analysis, this tall and rough man using the battle axe is most likely a casual cultivator, or a cultivator from a vassal sect under the Jiuxiao Palace. This kind of person has good talent, but because of the lack of better training resources, his combat effectiveness cannot be compared with the disciples of these big sects.

So Chen Feng's goal is to use his means to get rid of one person first, so as to play a deterrent role.

"It's really despicable. It's fine to use the big to bully the small, and now you're using a round-robin battle. You Jiuxiao Palace are really despicable to the extreme. Is there anyone in the cultivation world who is more despicable than you?" Lei Feng finally couldn't bear it after seeing this scene. His face turned red with anger, and he was about to step forward to help Chen Feng.

However, Lei Feng was stopped by Yangjitian as soon as he moved: "Although I can't stand the behavior of Jiuxiao Palace, I must stop you now."

"Yangjitian, do you want to be in the same group with Jiuxiao Palace?" Lei Feng's whole body was flashing with lightning, and his anger was to the extreme. Jiuxiao Palace was really bullying. At this time, even if a human immortal was blocking him, Lei Feng would fight desperately.

"Of course I'm not in the same group with them. If you don't do it, I won't do it either. If you do it, don't blame me. Besides, even if I don't do it, Jiuxiao Palace has three ninth-level cultivators. You will die faster then." Yangjitian sneered.

"Even if we have to die quickly, we have to fight. People from Taiyi Sect will not watch our fellow disciples fighting alone. Get out of the way." Lei Feng said as he turned into a ball of lightning that kept flashing. He didn't have any moves, but simply rushed forward without hesitation.

"Oh, this is really troublesome. I haven't decided the outcome of the fight with you yet, and I don't want you to die in the hands of others." Yang Jitian shook his head, waved his hand, and the sword light burst out, and he stepped forward again to block Lei Feng.

"Yangjitian, you are forcing me, Nine-linked Heavenly Thunder." Lei Feng was furious and used his ultimate move. A circle of lightning condensed into a halo that quickly rotated and rushed towards Yangjitian. When Yangjitian tried to block it, the second halo of lightning appeared again. Then, nine haloes of lightning appeared in succession, and each one was more powerful than the last. The powerful power made Yangjitian's face darken. Although Yangjitian believed that he could defeat Lei Feng, it was unrealistic to want to defeat the opponent and be safe and sound, especially when Lei Feng used his strongest attack. Yangjitian was shocked and cursed immediately. If he had known this, he would not have stopped him.

"Hey, look at my wireless cutting." Yangjitian knew that he would definitely get hurt if he didn't use his full strength, so he was forced and wanted to fight and broke out.

On the other side, Chen Feng's plan had succeeded, because under Chen Feng's sudden attack, the rough man with the battle axe failed to block Chen Feng's attack and rolled out with serious injuries, but Chen Feng was hit by the attacks of the other three people, and Yan Huo's long-range rocket attack also fell on Chen Feng.

Attacked by four seventh-level celestial cultivators, Chen Feng was thrown into the air. At this time, the ninth-grade treasure-level protective armor on Chen Feng's body had emerged, flashing a layer of light and blocking all attacks. This protective armor was indeed powerful, and even the sacred weapon, the Fire Gathering Bow, could not break through this layer of defense. Of course, this was also because Yan Huo could not exert the full power of the Fire Gathering Bow. If Yan Qing used the Fire Gathering Bow to attack, the armor on Chen Feng would definitely be broken.

"The opportunity has come!"

With the help of the power brought by the attack on his body, Chen Feng's speed of ascent suddenly accelerated, and the Sword of Life in his hand burst into a ball of light, and stabbed heavily on the upper wind barrier. This layer of barrier suddenly flashed and continued to expand. The four images of Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird, and Black Tortoise continued to shake violently, and finally there was a loud bang, and then this layer of barrier exploded. Although the four cultivators who controlled the barrier were not injured, they also kept retreating under the impact.

"Brother Lei, it's time to go." Chen Feng shouted, and the Sword of Death flew out quickly, and then it suddenly became larger. Chen Feng stepped on it and hit one of the eighth-level cultivators.

"Okay! Thunderous explosion!" Lei Feng tried his best to block a sword energy, used a devastating attack to knock Yangji Tian back a few steps, and then turned into a ball of thunder and rushed out quickly.


Under the collision of the sword of death, the monk on the eighth level of heaven and earth who was blocking Chen Feng spurted blood from his mouth and had a big hole in his chest. At this time, Lei Feng also caught up with Chen Feng and came to the sword body in a flash. superior,

"Don't let them escape!" Yan Qing's face changed drastically. This situation was beyond his reaction. By the time he took measures, Chen Feng and Chen Feng had already flown several miles away.

"Bring the Fire Gathering Bow!" Yan Qing waved and took the Fire Gathering Bow in Yan Qing's hand, and then a thick flaming arrow chased Chen Feng like a meteor.

"Hurry up! Chen Feng tried his best to activate the holy weapon. Now is the time when he is weak. This opportunity cannot be missed."

"Humph, let's chase after him. Counting on Jiuxiao Palace is unreliable. Even the four-image barrier they arranged has been broken. There are so many people who don't even have a secret realm monk left. It's really shameful. "Yang Jitian showed a hint of sneer on his face, then his whole body flashed with sword light, and he quickly chased after Chen Feng.


The rocket was chopped into pieces by the sword energy before it even got close to Chen Feng. The scattered flames fell on the ground and soon burned the ground into darkness.

"Huh!" Chen Feng let out a long breath. He only felt that the meridians in his body were burning, and his head was aching. He knew that he had just barely activated the holy weapon and overdrawn the power in his body, so he took out the acupuncture points in his body while operating them. Elixir restores spent strength.

"Junior Brother Chen, are you okay?" Although Lei Feng is a monk on the ninth level of heaven and earth, he admires Chen Feng very much at this time. Even he is not sure that he can break out among so many monks, let alone injure him again. How many people are there.

"Fortunately, it just consumes too much power, but we are not safe now because there are still pursuers behind us." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"I originally thought I could collect some elixirs this time, but I didn't expect to meet these people. It was really unlucky. Fortunately, Mu Qingfeng and the others left first, otherwise it would have been even more troublesome." Although Lei Feng and Yang Jitian suffered a lot during the fight, He was a little injured, but nothing serious. Even if he wasn't his opponent in one-on-one, Lei Feng wouldn't worry about it. However, there were several ninth-level monks on the other side, so Lei Feng wasn't sure at all.

"It stands to reason that there should be a big demon here. If there is no big demon, I will have to use another method." Chen Feng muttered. The other method Chen Feng mentioned is to release the few big demons suppressed in the Eternal Life Tower. Come out and temporarily fend off the pursuers from behind. Although this method is a bit underhanded, Chen Feng still feels that it is normal to use this method in dangerous moments.


Just as Chen Feng was thinking about it, suddenly a dull sound suddenly came from the ground below, and then a cloud of yellow air quickly rose up, directly covering Chen Feng in the middle, and the fast-flying sword of death suddenly sank. , and rushed towards the ground. At the same time, Chen Feng also felt a strong gravity shrouding his body, causing his body to sway and almost fall from the sword.

"It's gravity." Lei Feng said in surprise.


Chen Feng slashed the sword of life in his hand. Under the cutting of the sword energy, the surrounding yellow air waves immediately broke away. At the same time, the gravity exerted on the body also weakened a lot. Then Chen Feng immediately urged the sword of death to move quickly. He flew forward and rushed out of the yellow air wave in the blink of an eye.

After rushing out of the air wave, Chen Feng felt a lightness on his body, and the long sword returned to its normal flying state. Only then did Chen Feng notice a small mountain-like monster on the ground. The whole body of this monster was light yellow, as if it were made of yellow. It was made of accumulated mud. At this time, it opened its big mouth and continuously sprayed out waves of yellow air. When Chen Feng watched, these air waves had covered half of the sky.

"This should be an earth-type monster. It looks very powerful. I hope it can stop Yan Qing and the others for a while?" Chen Feng said.

"I have never seen this kind of monster, but judging from its aura, it should be a top monster."

"Yes, if it were the Demon King, we wouldn't rush out so easily, but now is the time to leave."

Sure enough, Chen Feng and the others had not flown far when they heard the shouts of Yan Qing and others coming from the yellow air waves behind them.

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