Eternal Existence

Chapter 5233: Weird Opponent

"This is really a powerful opponent. How can we defeat him?" Chen Feng suddenly used the Creation Array again, and this time the area covered was larger.

Chen Feng watched helplessly as this attack worked, and the opponent did not break through the Creation Array in the first time.

But then Chen Feng became confused.

This was not a simple illusion attack, but also mixed with the power of the mind.


Chen Feng tried to stay awake as much as possible, and the light circle formed by the sword light continued to ripple around.

This indiscriminate attack was to prevent sneak attackers from the dark, and then Chen Feng mobilized his strength to suppress the Creation Array.

Then Chen Feng found that he had lost contact with the Creation Array, and there was chaos around him, with stars flashing, and endless nothingness looming.

At this moment, Chen Feng could not be sure whether he was in an illusion.

"Something is wrong. It seems that I have been tricked by the opponent. I didn't expect that the opponent is so powerful. The way of reality and illusion in the illusion has been cultivated to the extreme. Fortunately, I have fought with the existence of the Real Emperor before." Chen Feng's heart moved and he took out an energy ball.

The energy ball exploded, and the power of reality spread all around.

Everything that followed was like a layer of the world was torn open, revealing another layer of the world.

Chen Feng suddenly had an idea and used the power of reality to fight against the opponent, and the result was surprisingly good.

Although Chen Feng's attainments in the real way are not high, don't forget that Chen Feng has collected a lot of real power, and a part of the real origin. In addition, Chen Feng and the Real Emperor have fought several times, so naturally he can learn something.

Besides, even if it is just releasing the real power, it is enough.

Seeing that there is an effect, Chen Feng quickly released a few more energy balls condensed by the real power.

The overwhelming real power became a little crazy and violent, and even Chen Feng felt a little frightened, fearing that it would erode himself.

However, under this situation, Chen Feng not only releases energy, but also controls it to exert the strongest power.

So Chen Feng was not relaxed, but at least he broke through.

The opponent's illusion was severely impacted, broken and extremely fragile.

"Such a strong real power, this is not your power." The illusion master appeared and looked at the rolling real power in front of him in disbelief.

Chen Feng arrived in front of the opponent in an instant and said with a smile: "It seems to be effective. I wonder what other means you have next."

Chen Feng said as he slashed with a sword, and the rolling real power swept towards the Zerg master along with Chen Feng's sword.

"I want to see your means." The Zerg master could see that Chen Feng was only relying on external objects, so he was not afraid. He stepped forward to fight with Chen Feng. After several rounds, he was evenly matched, but even the real power around him was dispelled.

However, this Zerg master did not perform illusions like before, which made Chen Feng feel relieved.

Although Chen Feng had used the power of reality to break the opponent's illusion, he was still very wary of this person's illusion.

As long as the opponent did not use illusion, Chen Feng would not force the power of reality, but would use his own strength to fight the opponent.

After several rounds, no one could do anything to anyone. At this time, the power of time appeared again, taking Chen Feng away instantly, and even ignored the power of reality that Chen Feng had released before.

This time, Chen Feng directly broke into a starry sky, knowing that this was a good opportunity for him to be provided by the long river of time.

Without saying a word, Chen Feng used the origin of the vortex to plunder the surrounding stars.

If black holes can plunder stars, then the origin of the vortex is more than 10,000 times stronger than black holes.

Under Chen Feng's urging, all the surrounding stars entered the origin of the vortex in a short time.

Although Chen Feng felt a strong pulling force during this process, he was ultimately unable to resist the origin of the vortex.

As the surrounding stars disappeared, an empty area appeared around, but Chen Feng found that there were dense lines in this area.

There were stars before, but I didn't notice it.

"This is the pattern of the origin of the Zerg, the structure, the trunk, and the law." Chen Feng understood that this was like the avenue of life in the origin of life.

The situation at hand was that although he had collected a lot of origin stars, he did not destroy the opponent's trunk, and he could condense the origin stars again after a period of time.

Chen Feng figured it out instantly, but did not stop, but continued to collect stars.

Maybe these patterns are more important, but it is better to collect stars first now.

However, Chen Feng soon met his opponent again. A group of stars suddenly gathered together to form a huge insect, and then rushed towards Chen Feng fiercely.

This was also the first time Chen Feng encountered such a change. It seemed to be a means of borrowing objects to reveal the shape, but the opponent must be not simple, because after the opponent condensed into an insect, he could get rid of the devouring power of the vortex origin.

"After all, it's not the real body." Chen Feng seized the opportunity to stab the opponent with a sword first, and then punched hard, beating the opponent into pieces and turning into countless stars again.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to collect countless stars, stars gathered in another direction, and another huge insect came to kill him.

Then, insects continued to appear from all directions, and Chen Feng was surrounded in the blink of an eye.

Chen Feng could only barely deal with the opponent in one-on-one situations. Now that so many appeared, it increased the difficulty of the next action.

But if you think about it, these are all normal. Although they have reached the core area of ​​the opponent, it is not that the benefits can be collected so easily.

In fact, the most dangerous place is the highest base camp. It is normal for various powerful crises to appear.

Chen Feng released the power of dozens of avenues in one breath.

This can be regarded as a prompt decision. Once trapped by the opponent, it is a question whether he can rush out.

This is equivalent to Chen Feng releasing dozens of clones in one breath, and each has different attributes. After they appear, they join forces to form a constantly changing formation, which can burst out more powerful power.

But this is not enough, and it still cannot stop so many powerful opponents.

So Chen Feng burned a part of the real power again.

Although it cannot restrain illusions like before, the real power is strong and strange after all. In addition, it is stimulated by Chen Feng's burning, so the power is naturally strong, and it can catch these Zergs off guard.

So Chen Feng seized the opportunity and rushed out.

"Pay so much price just to avoid being trapped." Chen Feng was actually a little depressed, but thinking about the fate of being trapped, he felt relieved.

"I must get back what I paid before." Chen Feng thought so.

Then Chen Feng successfully gathered with the God of Nothingness, and then Chen Feng was depressed to find that the situation of the God of Nothingness was not good either.

The God of Nothingness was also besieged by some powerful Zerg masters, which was also an important reason why the God of Nothingness did not help Chen Feng before.

However, the arrival of Chen Feng in the water, coupled with the cooperation of the two, can still change some situations, not to mention that the River of Time and the others are not far away.

Chen Feng did not burst out the power of the Avenue or the Origin as before, but activated the Law of Replication.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness have fought side by side many times, and their cooperation with each other is very tacit.

When Chen Feng used the Law of Replication, the God of Nothingness knew what to do next.

It must be said that the Law of Replication is too powerful and has many functions. In addition to being able to shuttle through the blockade of the origin, it can also reversely affect powerful beings and restrain powerful beings.

At this time, Chen Feng did this, using the power of the Law of Replication to restrain the powerful Zerg around him in a short period of time.

The God of Nothingness took the opportunity to attack, and also used the Seal of Nothingness to temporarily seal the opponent.

The reason why they did not choose to severely injure the opponent was because it was useless to do so. Even if the attack of the Void God hurt the opponent, these powerful bugs could recover in a short time.

It is better to seal them up. Even if they can break free, it will take time.

This period of time is enough for me to do many things.

Sure enough, with the cooperation of the two, the Void God sealed several opponents.

It looks smooth, but in fact, Chen Feng and the Void God are not relaxed.

Next, the two were not idle. Chen Feng quickly collected the stars, while the Void God extracted the lines and threads that emerged.

The two did not gain much, and several powerful opponents appeared. They were the opponents who besieged Chen Feng before, condensed by the stars.

"Can this be sealed?" Chen Feng asked. If it can be sealed, it can be directly pulled into the origin.

It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

"Try it." The Void God said.

But before the two tried, the starry sky suddenly changed, and it seemed that all the stars were shining.

The brightness affected the two and even blinded their perception.

"Be careful, it's a mental shock." said the God of Nothingness.

Chen Feng secretly cried out that it was not good, and quickly used the strongest means to protect himself.

Now the Gate of Origin is still unknown, and I don't know if I can withstand it if I bear it myself.

As a result, the mental shock was different from what Chen Feng thought. When the starlight shone, Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness separated.

Chen Feng entered a new space again.





"Is it an illusion again?"

Chen Feng thought that there would be an extremely powerful mental storm, and he would probably not be able to resist it, and he would definitely be injured. He even thought about what to do after being injured.

Who knew that such a situation would appear.

So Chen Feng swung his long sword and slashed it fiercely.

It doesn't matter if it's just an illusion.

A deep gap appeared, and Chen Feng rushed in.

As a result, Chen Feng did not get away, and still fell into a cold and dead silence.

"By the way, it wasn't the illusion master who made the move. Could it be that this origin made the move personally?" Chen Feng thought.

Although he felt something was wrong, Chen Feng still drew his sword again.

The indestructible sword of Cangsu, coupled with the power beyond the origin, even a master like the True Emperor would not dare to resist it.

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