Eternal Existence

Chapter 5242 Time and Destiny

"There are other powers, not pure power of time." Chen Feng finally understood.

But it's normal to think about it. If the other party has a master hiding in the long river of time, it can also play some incredible roles.

It's just that I'm not sure what kind of existence the other party is. Is it the origin of this side?

Chen Feng broke the blockade of the other party, but still did not use the power of the copy law, but continued to urge the power to bombard the surroundings.

Chen Feng's operation made the opponent in the dark a little confused. Originally, I thought Chen Feng was going to take this opportunity to return to the origin of the corrosive energy, and he was also ready to deal with it. Who knew that Chen Feng didn't care about the origin of the corrosive energy and just wanted to cause damage.

Or Chen Feng made a choice.

Chen Feng used the power imprint, and the opponent simply resisted it. Even the magical power of time could not erase the power imprint.

He could only delay and block it.

Chen Feng's various avenues were also constantly impacting, and after a rotation, he burst out with extremely powerful power.

And these powers are not wasted randomly. They can rotate with each other to form a perfect reincarnation, which can not only save power, but also improve Chen Feng's combat effectiveness.

Chen Feng seemed not to be worried about the origin of the corrosive energy, but in fact, Chen Feng's offensive was also very fierce, not giving the opponent any time to breathe.

So soon, Chen Feng received news from the Gate of Time and Space again. They could not suppress the vibration of the origin of the corrosive energy.

You must know that the Gate of Time and Space is at the origin level, and there are a large number of Hunyuan above. Such a powerful force cannot sit on the origin of the corrosive energy, which also shows how powerful the opponent's attack is.

However, Chen Feng was not in a hurry to return this time. He did not seem to care about the problem of the origin of the corrosive energy, but continued to attack in the long river of time.

At this time, Chen Feng had already determined that there were other forces in the long river of time, but he could not see through everything.

"Even if it is a complete long river of time, don't think of stopping me." Chen Feng kept urging various avenues.

Each avenue is equivalent to a clone of Chen Feng. With such continuous attacks, the opponent finally couldn't bear it and changed his means.

At first, there were various changes in the power of time, but they were all broken by Chen Feng, and then the opponent used another kind of power.

This power is different from the power of time, but it is closely related to the power of time.

Chen Feng even saw another long river through the long river of time. In this long river, Chen Feng saw the picture of himself being suppressed and erased bit by bit.

"Illusion, no, it's fate. This is the picture of fate, the long river of fate. The other party actually notified that he controlled time and fate, so which power is in front?" Chen Feng understood, and at the same time he came back to his senses. He was still affected just now.

The power of fate is really amazing. At this time, Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness is still shaking, and the power of time took the opportunity to invade, wanting Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness to be torn apart.

Fortunately, it was suppressed by Chen Feng.

"These two forces cooperate so well. In comparison, my many avenues seem a bit rough." Chen Feng couldn't help shaking his head after comparing.

Chen Feng immediately passed the news about the long river of fate to the gate of time and space, and then continued to deal with it.

Even if the other party has more power of fate, he is not afraid, but feels very interesting.

Moreover, through the previous confrontation, Chen Feng also discovered something more unexpected, but that was just some speculation and had not been confirmed.

Chen Feng believed that through the next confrontation, the next thing would definitely be confirmed.

Let’s not talk about the situation on Chen Feng’s side, the situation on the origin of the corrosive energy side is indeed not very good.

The Gate of Time and Space also tried hard, but still could not help Chen Feng stabilize the situation. After all, the Gate of Time and Space did not bring all their strength, and this origin was not something they could control.

However, seeing that Chen Feng did not come back, the Gate of Time and Space thought at first that Chen Feng was in trouble, but after thinking about it carefully, it should be that Chen Feng was unwilling to come back, which showed that Chen Feng was sure.

In this case, the Gate of Time and Space did not have to worry about it, as long as they continued to entangle the opponent.

“I’m afraid that I underestimated the opponent.” Fortune did not believe in Chen Feng as much as the Gate of Time and Space. In Fortune’s view, this place itself was a conspiracy, and the Gate of Origin asked everyone to come here with bad intentions.

“Even so, there is no good way now.” The Gate of Time and Space continued to emit power, trying to help Chen Feng control the origin of the corrosive energy as much as possible.

Who knew that the other side would have reinforcements? Everyone couldn't stand it.

At this time, vortices appeared in the origin of the corrosive energy, and a Chen Feng appeared in each vortex.

This is the clone left by Chen Feng.

This is not a simple clone. Some of them are cultivated with treasures of the origin level.

Now that it appears, it stabilizes the origin of the corrosive energy and makes this origin begin to expand again.

"Origin, didn't this origin withdraw its forces to deal with other invaders? How come there are so many forces?" said one of Chen Feng's clones.

"In any case, we have entangled enough opponents. Even if we leave now, I think the Gate of Origin will not say anything." Another clone said.

"Don't worry, I think the main body is still thinking about collecting more time power."

"Hey, no, the main body sent a message. It turned out to be the River of Destiny. It's really interesting."

With the appearance of these clones, the origin of the corrosive energy stabilized again, and there would be no problem in a short time.

But Chen Feng finally used the law of replication.

The power that had been going on for a long time finally broke out, and the tentacles of the law of replication covered everything wherever it passed. Whether it was time or fate, it could not get rid of the shackles of the law of replication.

Chen Feng did not use other means, but put all his mind on the law of replication.

Trying to break the limit and make the power of the law of replication stronger.

For this, Chen Feng consumed a lot of mana cultivation, and the speed of consumption was so fast that even Chen Feng felt a little distressed.

You know, Chen Feng has paid a lot of price since the fight, but thinking about the gains this time, Chen Feng feels that everything is worth it.

This time, not only the power of time was plundered, but also the power in the long river of fate. In fact, Chen Feng wanted to enter the long river of fate to try it out, but after thinking about it, he didn't do it for the sake of being conservative.

"My destiny is also about to break through." Feeling the destiny that is no less than time, Chen Feng's heart moved.

Just when Chen Feng launched a counterattack, another beam of time power suddenly appeared.

This time, it was the Time River of the Gate of Origin that came.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng was a little curious, but he just asked one question and waited for the answer from the Time River.

And now that the Time River has arrived, it will be easier to get out.

"I met an opponent, a Time River that has cultivated into life, and the opponent has also integrated a very powerful Destiny River." The Time River said.

"Coincidentally, the opponent is here." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"What you met is just the opponent's branch, or the opponent's clone, and the opponent's main body is still fighting with me." The Time River said.

"Just the clone is so powerful." Chen Feng was a little surprised and silent. Only the real emperor could reach this level.

"Is the Time River so powerful? Isn't that the strongest existence under the Gate of Origin?" Chen Feng thought so in his heart, of course, he didn't say it out loud.

"So how much power did you bring this time." Chen Feng was most concerned about this kind of thing.

"The power is not much, but I can help you sit in the Avenue of Time." The Time River said that a force entered Chen Feng's Avenue of Time.

So Chen Feng's Avenue of Time changed, and it actually evolved into a long river of time in a very short time.

"Do you believe me?" The long river of time asked.

Without waiting for Chen Feng to respond, the long river of time rushed towards the copy law.

Chen Feng's heart moved, and he wanted to stop it, but he still didn't do it.

The action of the long river of time in front of him was still very risky for him, but it was nothing to lose the Avenue of Time, Chen Feng could completely condense it again.

But the copy law was too important, and Chen Feng couldn't bear such a loss.

Soon Chen Feng found that the injection of the long river of time also caused a huge change in the copy law.

The tentacles emitted were stronger and more, and began to erode the surrounding power crazily.

This has the upper hand?

Chen Feng was a little surprised, and the previous worries were gone, and there was only shock.

Chen Feng could feel that the power of the long river of time was not strong, and now only a little change suppressed the opponent.

"The opponent has destiny, and I can just use your law. I have to say that this law is too strong and does not belong to the origin at all. I didn't expect the effect to be beyond my expectations." The will of the long river of time came.

Seeing that Chen Feng was getting more and more benefits, the opponent's long river of time could not bear it and disappeared.

It was just that when the opponent disappeared, he wanted to take Chen Feng away with him.

How could Chen Feng succeed in the counterattack, extend the tentacles of the copy law, and successfully walk out of the long river of time.

But in this way, the long river of time also disappeared. Chen Feng was a little happy that the opponent had escaped, but then he thought that he couldn't even solve the opponent's direct current. If he encountered the opponent's original intention, wouldn't it be more difficult.

"Yes, the opponent has cultivated life, and there should be no constraints. He can exert all his combat power without scruples. The long river of time of the Gate of Origin is still subject to some restraint."


Just when Chen Feng felt sorry, the long river of fate suddenly appeared again, and a method similar to a curse fell on Chen Feng.

Chen Feng suddenly felt that his will and body were in conflict, and he spent a lot of effort to suppress it again.

"You gave me this trick before leaving." Chen Feng came to his senses and could no longer find the long river of fate.

"What a pity! It would be better if we could keep them." Chen Feng said this. It was indeed a good opportunity just now. If he could succeed, his Avenue of Time and Avenue of Destiny would both have breakthroughs.

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