Eternal Existence

Chapter 5248: Blinded

"Time River, check to see what happened?" Chen Feng still wanted to confirm.

"A powerful force broke my time mark, but I am searching that area and have not yet found anything." Time River said.

"Return quickly." Although he was not sure whether there was an accident, Chen Feng immediately sent the message back.

But it was still a little late, because the second Hunyuan Above also disappeared.

This time Chen Feng was really sure that something had happened, and it was most likely the method of the old man in the spiritual realm.

But at this time Chen Feng still did not panic, after all, everyone was in the other party's territory.

After all, this is also the origin of one side. Even if the owner is not there, some of the methods left behind can achieve this step.

At this moment, the magic of the power of time was reflected, coupled with the action of the Gate of Time and Space.

Those Hunyuan Above who left before did not return to the origin released by Chen Feng in the shortest time.

But it was not until everyone came back that they found that two more Hunyuan Above disappeared in a short time just now.

Time River tried its best to track, but did not catch any traces left by the other party.

The two sides haven't really started the war yet, and four companions have been reduced on their side. It has to be said that this has a bit of a blow to morale.

"Don't panic, it's just some small tricks, most of them have been moved to other areas." Chen Feng said.

And after entering the origin that he mastered, there has been no such problem, which also made Chen Feng feel a little relieved.

"Since it is a war, there will always be some inevitable things. Can we only invade others without paying the price?" Someone also said so.

It's just understanding, but there has been no direct confrontation, and four companions have been reduced, which still makes people have a lot of speculation in their hearts.

This is different from the situation of invading the wild origin before. After all, face-to-face fighting, even if you are not the opponent, you have a bottom line in your heart. This kind of confusing opponent is more dangerous.

But now that we have arrived at Chen Feng's origin, everyone is relieved.

Moreover, hundreds of Hunyuan above are integrated in the cloud, which can be said to have directly expanded Chen Feng's origin to the strongest level.

If everyone was not on the same side, if they really rioted together, Chen Feng would not be able to control the Wuhui Origin.

Even so, Chen Feng also felt strong pressure, and even thought that he had used this origin, which was indeed a bit reckless. If he took out the Corrosive Energy Origin, there would not be such great pressure.

However, Chen Feng also had some preparations. Once he really couldn't bear it, he could release another origin.

In order to worry about some unexpected events, Chen Feng secretly gave a few people who he was relatively confident in a little control over the Hunyuan, and also secretly released some clones to some key areas.

In this way, Chen Feng was relieved.

However, Chen Feng still had to find a way to find those companions, otherwise it would affect morale too much, and with this method, the practitioners on his side could not leave the Wuhui Origin at all.

Moreover, Chen Feng was not sure whether the opponent's method could break through the blockade of the origin.

The battle that could not let go of everything was not just as simple as consuming some combat power, but there would be many unexpected events.

However, even the long river of time could not find the opponent, and could not capture the opponent's methods, so Chen Feng thought he could not do it either.

For a while, Chen Feng didn't have a good solution.

"Keep attacking!"

Chen Feng was also ruthless. Under the control of so many Hunyuan, Wuhui Origin began to expand.

Under Chen Feng's control, the expansion speed was not fast, but each expansion was very stable.

During this process, several local practitioners chose to attack remotely, but they were all blocked by Wuhui Origin.

It was like a boulder thrown into the water. Although it splashed a huge splash, the water surface controlled by Chen Feng was wide enough to withstand it.


Chen Feng concentrated the power of everyone and just counterattacked once, sweeping an opponent into it and tearing the opponent into pieces before the opponent rushed out.

Then another storm of will broke out, severely damaging several other opponents.

Chen Feng was a little proud. He didn't expect that he could also use the storm of will to attack others. He had suffered a lot of losses in the past.

Seeing that Chen Feng was so fierce, the local practitioners could only retreat to a farther distance.

It was obvious that a few people would not be effective unless a large number of forces were gathered together to act together.

Next, the Wuhui Origin continued to expand, while the Void God disappeared. Chen Feng knew that the Void God was looking for the other party's base camp.

"I hope there will be some gains."

"If this continues, can our Origin completely cover this Origin?" You Hunyuan couldn't help but say.

Looking at this momentum, it is really possible.

Chen Feng shook his head secretly. Unless his Wuhui Origin is complete, it will stop expanding to a certain extent.

The broken Origin will not be able to recover to its previous strength because of the large number of existences coming in.

Chen Feng is just using everyone's power to quickly restore the Wuhui Origin.

However, one thing is true. The areas that Wuhui Origin has eroded have become its own areas, but the Lingjing Origin is also constantly weakening.

So Chen Feng knows that the Lingjing Origin will definitely be anxious.

When the Wuhui Origin expanded to a certain extent, someone disappeared again, and disappeared from the Origin.

This was Chen Feng's own territory. This situation made Chen Feng mobilize his forces to block the area where the other party disappeared.

The result was still nothing.

This time Chen Feng was no longer as calm as before.

"Okay, then I'll fight you." Chen Feng said and began to move the Wuhui Origin.

The target might be the core of this origin.

"Who of you knows about this origin? Especially about the old man in the spiritual realm, even if you just know some legends." Chen Feng began to ask about the Hunyuan above in the wild origin.

After the setbacks, Chen Feng finally began to know himself and the enemy.

Then someone disappeared again.

Chen Feng did not stop and continued to speed up, but the power of time had swept through the Wuhui Origin over and over again.

All the Hunyuan above present were marked by the long river of time, and the same was true for the Gate of Time and Space.

Not to mention Chen Feng, the mark left by Chen Feng disappeared completely after the other party disappeared out of thin air.

In this way, ten Hunyuan above disappeared in one breath.

Chen Feng finally couldn't sit still anymore.

At this time, the army was in chaos, and everyone began to suggest leaving this origin, otherwise the whole army might be wiped out.

But some people also put forward some opinions, but they were useless.

Chen Feng gritted his teeth and released another origin.

This was an unknown broken origin that Chen Feng had collected before. No matter the scale or grade, it could not be compared with the origin of no return. After being taken out by Chen Feng, it began to overlap and merge with the origin of no return.

Not only that, this broken origin began to burn with flames little by little, and there was an infinitely powerful force emanating from it, which penetrated into the origin of no return.

It must be said that Chen Feng paid a great price this time.

Sure enough, not only did no one disappear this time, but Chen Feng discovered some things, but Chen Feng couldn't grasp these things for a while.

"It seems that there are some clues." Chen Feng combined the news he had just received from the wild origin Hunyuan, plus some of his own experience, and the news from the long river of time.

Chen Feng calculated little by little, and felt that he was not far from the real thought.

"Don't panic, what are you doing? You're scared by a small scene." Miejue and Tu Lu said loudly. They saw Chen Feng's state and had to stabilize the situation.

"If you don't think about solving the problem, I don't know how you can cultivate to this level." Miejue sneered.

Everyone was about to refute, and then Miejue disappeared.

It seemed different from the previous situation, but Chen Feng still captured the process.

Although Miejue disappeared, the process of disappearance was slightly slower than before Hunyuan.

"It's not a displacement, it's a strange force that wiped out the sense of existence, that's right," Chen Feng understood.

"The long river of time, this area, time goes back." Chen Feng said.

So the power of time began to wash the area where Miejue disappeared.

Sure enough, Miejue appeared again.

Seeing this scene, there was a cry of surprise. Since they could find people back, it means that the companions who disappeared before are still alive.

However, this scene did not last long, and Miejue disappeared again.

The shadow of the gate of time and space covered this area, and the power of time continued to wash, and Miejue appeared again vaguely.

"Is it simply erasing, but blinding our cognition?" Although he understood, he still couldn't really confirm it.

Chen Feng also used the power of truth, and this time the effect was significant. Miejue strode out with a somewhat ugly face.

"I was blinded by the opponent's means. In my perception, all of you disappeared in an instant." Miejue said.

"You can also say that in our eyes you disappeared." Chen Feng laughed, and the power of truth surged. Wherever it passed, the previously disappeared Hunyuan appeared one after another.

The power of truth is the opponent's nemesis.

Chen Feng didn't need to say much. The long river of time extended out, mixed with the power of truth, and part of the Hunyuan that disappeared in the origin of the spiritual realm also returned.

"Only part." Chen Feng sighed, it was still a little late, and the Hunyuan that disappeared at the beginning had been solved by the opponent.

Although there were some losses, the opponent's means were truly cracked, and everyone's confidence returned.

"I didn't expect that the power of truth would be so useful. Real Emperor, I really don't want to become an enemy with an existence like you." Chen Feng said with some emotion.

But it was useless. The real origin was divided up, and the hatred was endless.

"It was also luck before. So many people joined forces to fight against the Real Emperor. I have to say that this is also the strongest existence I have ever seen. I don’t know when my real avenue will break through again." Chen Feng thought in his heart.

At this time, Chen Feng also received a message from the God of Nothingness.

"Speed ​​up and go to the core area." Chen Feng passed the location to the Long River of Time, so under the blessing of the power of time, the speed of the No Return Origin increased by more than ten times.

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