Eternal Existence

Chapter 5279: Receiving Benefits

On the contrary, the Second World had known Chen Feng for a short time, so he didn't express much. The White Mirror Swordsman looked at Chen Feng a few more times. Since Chen Feng had such a long sword in his hand, he thought that his attainments in swordsmanship would not be too low, so they could communicate.

So the small group became four people again, and Chen Feng was secretly muttering in his heart, and he was always thinking and analyzing.

He met three powerful Hunyuan above in succession, and according to his perception, these three were stronger than one.

"The last swordsman should be the strongest, unless my perception was wrong, or someone was hiding very well, but it doesn't matter. Whether they have any purpose or not, it doesn't affect me, and it's also a kind of luck for me to meet such a master." Chen Feng said.

The attack that was worried about before never appeared again. Chen Feng and the other two, led by the White Mirror Swordsman, almost walked around this area.

"It seems that you are familiar with this place and know where to go without touching each other. But it's a bit meaningless. We are not here for tourism. You said you were looking for the existence in the dark before. You can't find it in this way. Or we can work together to find it and turn this area upside down. Maybe the existence behind it will come out." Chen Feng suggested.

"Yes, it's true. We have entered the special area before. Although there were some dangers, we still wiped it out." Thunder Master said proudly.

"Several fellow Taoists have solved a special area." White Mirror Swordsman said with some surprise.

"Yes, it may be that the area is just restrained by us." Thunder Master did not explain in detail.

However, the magic array area moved away by itself, and it was obvious that it was afraid of the two of them. It can be said that it was wiped out.

"We have also gone around this area and have more or less some understanding. So let's go to some places we haven't been to." Chen Feng said, and the long sword in his hand slashed, and the sword energy was indestructible, cutting directly to an area.

This is an area that has never been to before. It looks empty. Under normal circumstances, it will definitely be shattered under Chen Feng's sword.

This time, there was indeed a drastic change. Seeing that this sword energy was about to tear everything apart, a beam of light was born from nothingness, exploded with a bang, and turned into thousands of threads, and the next moment it bound Chen Feng's sword light.

But then the sword light bloomed, and these threads suddenly turned into pieces.

It turned out that Chen Feng had hidden a second force in the sword energy.

"Sure enough, there is something. Let me see what it is. To be honest, I am still a little curious." Chen Feng took a step forward, and a road quickly spread forward. Even if there was light shining, it was quickly suppressed by the road.

The power of thunder and the fusion power of the second generation also rushed on the road to suppress the chaos.

"These three guys still found clues, but they knew they couldn't hide it." The white mirror swordsman shook his head and sighed at the back, but still followed.

Soon, a fusion light appeared, trying to block the way of Chen Feng and others, but it was not as strong as the previous silk net, and was quickly defeated by Chen Feng and the other three, and they didn't even exert much effort.

"The White Mirror Swordsman has caught up with us. It seems that the other party has no ill intentions."

"Maybe he has confidence in himself."

"At least he helped us before. No matter what the purpose is, let's wait and see what happens. Don't rush to take action."

"It's obvious. Maybe the other party has no ill intentions, but he is hiding something. But I can understand that if there are benefits, I don't want to share them with others."

"Benefits. Even if it is dangerous here, there will be some adventurers coming. It is not so easy to monopolize the benefits, unless the other party is very powerful and can suppress everything. But in this case, you can also collect the benefits here."

"Yes, you can't collect the benefits here in a short time. You have met us again, and we are not so easy to mess with, so you can't take action. You can only find other ways."

Chen Feng and the other two communicated. With everything they saw, they had guessed the truth of the matter.

Fortunately, the White Mirror Swordsman did not show any ill intentions at this time, otherwise Chen Feng and the other two would have joined forces to deal with him.

The three finally came to a mountain. This mountain suppressed some things. The previous fusion light was released by this mountain.

"This is a formation eye, suppressing some chaotic forces. The forces of different attributes merge together and produce some mutations. This is the light we encountered before, but judging from the attacks of these lights, spiritual intelligence should have the upper hand." Thunder Master said.


Chen Feng felt that this mountain was very familiar at first sight, and then he remembered the flesh and blood mountain he encountered on the way here.

The two are very familiar.

One swallowed a lot of Hunyuan, and the other suppressed the forces of different attributes.

"Maybe this is also a fusion of various lives." Chen Feng guessed.

In any case, this mountain gave Chen Feng a feeling that was extremely similar to the flesh and blood mountain he encountered before. If you say that there is no relationship between the two, Chen Feng would not believe it.

"This is just a formation eye, there must be other formation eyes, and the attacks we encountered before were either a powerful formation eye or an attack launched by multiple formation eyes together."

"It seems so. Although the formation eye in front of us is very strong, we can still solve it together."

"Don't attack, or you will find a large-scale attack." At this time, the White Mirror Swordsman shouted from behind.

But it was too late, Chen Feng and the other two had already attacked.

Sure enough, when the three of them touched the mountain in front of them, a strong breath locked the three of them.

Then various fusion lights appeared, just like before, condensed into a screen.

"It's the same attack we encountered before." Chen Feng and the other two looked at each other, but they were not nervous. They only saw Chen Feng release the power of origin again, and Lei Ting Zhenjun and the Second World also used their own methods. As before, the three of them were extremely skilled this time.


Seeing that the situation was still the same, the White Mirror Swordsman couldn't help but sigh, but he didn't stop. He still held the long sword and stepped forward, wanting to help the three break the screen this time like before.

But this time the situation was different. The power that Chen Feng and the other two burst out was even stronger than before.

Especially Chen Feng didn't want to stalemate with the other party like before. After releasing the power of origin, Chen Feng suddenly accelerated, went upstream, and came directly to the front of the mountain.

Although the process seemed short, Chen Feng actually endured a lot of pressure. It can be said that Chen Feng directly knocked open the extremely rich fusion light.

Chen Feng was taking a risk by doing this. In addition to using the power imprint, he also used the art of walking.

Even so, the protective armor on Chen Feng's body was torn apart. If there was no armor to block it, even Chen Feng's chaotic body would have left some wounds.

"Come to me." Chen Feng stretched out his palm and grabbed the mountain.

Although they are all mountains, the one in front of me is still much worse than the one I encountered on the road before. Besides, even if it is as powerful as the previous mountain, don't think I will retreat.

Chen Feng is also a skilled and bold person. He directly tried to take this mountain. Even if he couldn't, he had to shake the other party, at least he had to attract the other party's array eyes, although he was not sure how these array eyes were connected.


Chen Feng's grab, the whole mountain really shook, resulting in more fusion light gushing out from the mountain.

However, Chen Feng also noticed that although the light he faced this time was also fused, it was not as strong as the one he encountered before.

Chen Feng thought about it for a while and knew that this was just a formation eye. The fusion power was limited. Only by fusion with the power light of other formation eyes could it burst out stronger power.

Seeing Chen Feng's actions, Thunder Master and the Second World naturally understood everything and said no more. Instead, they used all their strength to resist the descending silk net.

Chen Feng used all his strength on the mountain, so naturally some fusion light fell on him, causing the protective armor on Chen Feng to be shattered.

But then a golden light flashed, the protective armor returned to its original state, and Chen Feng finally pulled up the mountain.

"Although it is not a magic weapon, it doesn't look as good as my origin mountain, but it is quite heavy." Chen Feng did not simply use his power to pull up the mountain, but used his own magic power to wrap the mountain, which was a safe behavior.

During this process, Chen Feng also noticed that this mountain was closely connected to other formation eyes. As soon as he took action, he shook all the formation eyes, which was the most difficult part.

Chen Feng went all out, the power of the avenue poured in, his heart beat vigorously, and the power it exploded was even greater than the power of most avenues.

You must know that Chen Feng's heart is too powerful, it has integrated a lot of powerful powers, and there are some magic weapons. The strongest magic weapon is naturally the origin furnace, which can melt everything. This is an origin-level treasure. Although it has not been completely integrated with Chen Feng's heart, it can also burst out a certain amount of power.

The explosion of power from many aspects has caused Chen Feng's power to be extremely powerful. While attacking the mountain, he wants to uproot the mountain. This can also disrupt the situation, and perhaps some other changes will occur.

Chen Feng's progress is not slow. Thunder Lord and the Second World actually blocked the silk nets from all directions.

Thunder Lord's means are fine, Chen Feng knew it clearly before, but this time the power that the Second World exploded was even greater than before, and the fusion light that burst out actually blocked most of the silk nets.

As for the White Mirror Swordsman who just arrived, he did not hesitate, and still used his sword to smash these silk nets as before.

However, this time the silk screen was not completely erased. When there was only a part left, it suddenly disappeared completely, leaving Master Lei Ting and his two companions empty-handed.

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