Eternal Existence

Chapter 5313: Too Many Experts

Chen Feng's magic weapons are famous for being numerous. Not to mention the treasures of the origin level, there are more origin level and chaos level. They are usually used to suppress themselves. As Chen Feng cultivates, they become stronger and stronger.

After these clones came out, they blocked the Hunyuan above who came to rescue, and the two sides fought in a group.

"If I had known this, I should have brought more helpers." Chen Feng said, waves of power emanated from his body, constantly sweeping and impacting, and forming the first layer of the field wherever he passed.

This is the power of the origin of the volcano.

If you can't keep the long river of time perfectly, it's also good to solve some opponents.

As long as it's an opponent, it will reduce some trouble after killing it.

The origin of the two parties is Chen Feng's confidence. Even if these Hunyuan above have some strength, he can resist it.


As a result, there was another change, and Chen Feng's origin was strongly impacted by the opponent.

"The other party also used the origin, whether it was the same broken origin as mine, or the origin he opened up himself, or the complete origin behind him, but no matter which one it was, it was not easy to deal with." Chen Feng said, and then communicated with the Long River of Time, and soon learned everything.

It was not the origin behind the other party, but a cultivator who opened up his own origin. This was an extremely powerful master, the top among all the Hunyuan.

The other party could break Chen Feng's origin, and constantly shook the two origins released by Chen Feng, which was enough to show the other party's strength.

This person entangled Chen Feng, but there were still the Gate of Time and Space to help the Long River of Time, and the situation was still dominant.

The two sides fought for a long time, and the other party finally chose to retreat. Chen Feng did not even confront the master who opened up the origin head-on.

The beginning and end of this fight were somewhat unexpected by Chen Feng. Although the opponent's Long River of Time escaped, it was also severely damaged.

His side still got some benefits. Chen Feng only had some guesses about what the River of Time had gained. Chen Feng also got some benefits, which were still some power of time and the law of time. All of them were suppressed by Chen Feng in the Avenue of Time, and he would slowly practice and comprehend them in the future.

"It's a pity that I didn't completely solve the opponent." Chen Feng still had some regrets.

"The fight has just begun. The opponent escaped and will recover soon. Maybe he will continue to fight with me in the next moment." The River of Time said.

"I really hope it will be like this." Chen Feng said with a smile, but it was not so easy to see the River of Time. It was also known that it was hard to say who would win or lose in the next fight.

The strength of both sides was equal, and the external force factor was very important.

So Chen Feng sent a message to the River of Time, asking the other party to be careful and communicate with him at any time.

However, Chen Feng knew that there was still the Gate of Origin behind the River of Time, and he should not encounter a crisis that Hua could not solve. The most important thing was that the body of the River of Time was still in the Gate of Origin.

After solving the problem here in the River of Time, Chen Feng felt that it was not a wasted trip. At least he could improve the Avenue of Time.

Just as he was thinking about going back, suddenly there was a warning sign. The power of time exploded in front of Chen Feng, blocking the fatal sneak attack that appeared out of thin air.

Chen Feng also reacted at this time, and the long sword in his hand swept out fiercely.

As a result, he encountered an indestructible thing. Just when Chen Feng wanted to exert force again, the opponent actually tore the barrier of time, and the shock force made Chen Feng's long sword a little uncontrollable.

In this situation, it seems that the only way is to dodge.

But how can you dodge this level of fighting? Chen Feng shouted coldly, and two beams of fire shot out of his eyes, and everything in front of him began to melt.

A roll of white light in the fire broke through Chen Feng's defense and hit Chen Feng fiercely.

Chen Feng was injured. The chaotic body did not block the opponent's attack, and a blood hole was broken. The flesh and blood squirmed, and it did not recover in the first time.

"What a powerful attack." Chen Feng looked solemn, and his wrist shook, and the long sword flew out of his hand, turning into a sword curtain to block the four sides, while Chen Feng punched a fist, and the fist force exploded in waves.

But then the white light flashed, and Chen Feng's fists were shredded one after another, and even Chen Feng's fists were torn apart.

"The weapon of the origin level, the power of the controller is also very powerful. Even if it is not the emperor, it is probably about the same as the moral saint. This is to assassinate me, but there is no cause and effect between me and the opponent." Chen Feng sensed a lot of things in an instant.

This kind of opponent is the most difficult to deal with.

Facts have proved that it is indeed the same as Chen Feng thought. This opponent is indeed very difficult to deal with. The two sides fought for several rounds. The opponent not only tore through the multiple obstructions of the power of time, but also left several traces on Chen Feng.

And Chen Feng didn't even really lock the opponent.

This also shows that the opponent's realm, the use of laws, the control of the avenue, and the fighting skills are all above Chen Feng.


Chen Feng's explosive power of the origin of the volcano, first impacted, and then suddenly retracted. With this release and retraction, he finally forced the opponent out.

Only a practitioner holding a weapon was seen, his body was erratic, transcending time and space, not in the five elements, and countless sights were distorted. Even if he was forced out by Chen Feng, he would disappear at any time.

"Fellow Daoist, we have no grudges against each other. Why do you want to attack me? Do you know the consequences of doing so?" Chen Feng asked calmly. With a wave of his hand, the sword energy exploded and turned into a sword formation to try to suppress the opponent.

As a result, the opponent twisted his body to dodge, and then attacked Chen Feng from another angle, but was blocked by the power of the origin of the volcano.

At the same time, the power of time formed thousands of threads from all directions, and suddenly tied up the practitioner. Even if the opponent broke these time forces in the first time, it still gave Chen Feng a chance.

The sword formation fell and successfully enveloped the opponent.

Next was a violent collision and agitation, and the practitioner still rushed out of the sword formation.

You must know that the sword formation arranged by Chen Feng is based on the sword of Cangsu as the center of the formation, plus several origin-level long swords. Once ordinary Hunyuan is suppressed, it will soon be shattered.

I didn't expect this person to rush out so quickly, but this was also within Chen Feng's calculations.

So when the opponent rushed out, Chen Feng punched the opponent.

This was also the first time Chen Feng hit the opponent after being injured in succession.

Chen Feng's fist was no less destructive than the long sword, but he still felt that his attack was quickly consumed by the opponent, and some of the attacks disappeared without a trace.




Chen Feng snorted coldly, and a stream of power continued to flow out of his heart, and then burst out from his fist.

Every punch was all-out.

Chen Feng was not worried about running out of power. Even if his physical strength was not enough, he could still use the power of the origin.

Then the other party just disappeared out of thin air.

He came without any signs, and left quietly, without even a trace.

But Chen Feng knew that the other party was injured, otherwise he would not choose to be powerful.

But Chen Feng did not take it lightly. Who knows if the other party is hiding in the dark, maybe he will find a chance to hit him.

However, as the power of time swept around and did not find the other party, Chen Feng thought that the other party should have really left.

"What is the origin? Is it from other origins? If so, not only me, but others will also be attacked." Chen Feng used the art of cause and effect to find out the origin of the other party.

"I can't find the origin of the other party." Chen Feng was a little surprised, but it was also expected. However, Chen Feng continued to use the art of cause and effect, and with the help of the law of time, he tried and explored many times, and Chen Feng really figured out something.

Although he still didn't know the origin of the opponent, Chen Feng could roughly determine that the opponent was not from the origin he had recently contacted, and the reason why his causality technique did not work was that he was blocked by a stronger causality technique.

"Is it the Emperor of Causation, or the means of the Moral Saint?" Chen Feng thought of these two.

"These two were injured before, and they should hide and heal at this time, but they still need to be careful. Maybe these two are hiding in the dark, and it is also a very troublesome thing to find such a powerful assassin." Chen Feng said secretly.

It's a pity that the opponent came and went without a trace, and neither he nor the River of Time could find the opponent.

"We still have to rely on the power of the River of Time." Chen Feng told the River of Time his thoughts. Without Chen Feng saying much, the power of time had already spread out and invaded all areas.


Chen Feng sighed, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find the opponent, but Chen Feng believes that the opponent will appear again and find a suitable opportunity to attack him again.

"You are in trouble."

At this time, the will of the God of Nothingness was transmitted.

"I was attacked by surprise, and the opponent has left." Chen Feng passed the scene of the previous battle to the God of Nothingness.

Soon, the God of Nothingness sent a message: "I have calculated the opponent's position. Do you want me to take action?"

"Let me do it. If there is an emperor behind the opponent, I will ask you to help." Chen Feng said and disappeared on the spot.

Chen Feng was not reckless. Since he knew the opponent's position, he naturally had to make some preparations. Of course, he could not delay for too long, otherwise he might notice something was wrong and run away.

"He didn't go far. Is he trying to find another opportunity to attack me?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

In an ordinary area not far from Chen Feng, a cultivator was constantly floating between time and space, as if he was in this area, but also seemed to be detached from everything, giving people a very strange feeling.

At this time, the cultivator was healing.

"The assassination attempt failed. The opponent is not so easy to deal with. But it is still unexpected that I can be hurt."

"But since I am here, I must not return empty-handed. I will find another opportunity." The practitioner said while recovering from his injuries.

"Something is wrong. I seem to feel danger." The practitioner suddenly frowned and quickly used his means to investigate, but found nothing. It seemed that it was just an illusion.

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