Eternal Existence

Chapter 5319: Many Crises

"There is a great emperor hiding in the dark. He is probably an enemy rather than a friend. If he attacks me, I probably won't be able to resist him." Chen Feng had this thought.

The next moment, the power of time flowing around Chen Feng turned into ashes, and a force that could destroy everything descended.

The target is Chen Feng.

"A great emperor, come and attack me." Chen Feng sneered in his heart, and waves of origin power mixed with golden light were released from Chen Feng.

And those clones joined forces to launch a strike.

It can be said that Chen Feng made some preparations and reacted quickly, but he still couldn't stop the opponent.

This is a great emperor, and it's a sneak attack.

Therefore, the seemingly strong force was torn apart by the opponent one by one. Even the attack from the clone was shattered by the opponent, and then a force hit Chen Feng.

Even though he was being consumed layer by layer, Chen Feng still felt that his physical body was almost exploded by the opponent.

Chen Feng was relieved that he was not hit by the other party.

Chen Feng also has means. Not only is he powerful, but his power beyond the origin is released immediately.

It was these defensive methods that saved Chen Feng from disaster.


Being sneak attacked by the emperor, Chen Feng was filled with anger. The golden light in his roar almost condensed into substance. The power of the avenue, the power erupting from the heart, the magic weapon sitting in the body, and the power of origin merged together and burst out from his fist. .

The moment it broke out, Chen Feng's fist exploded, and it was still spreading to his arm.

Chen Feng had already paid a heavy price in order to resolve the crisis at hand.

If the person who attacked him was just a Hunyuan master, even an opponent like the Supreme God of Killing, Chen Feng would not have gone so far.

But things are different in front of me. This is a great emperor. Who knows what the other party can do?

Even if the other party didn't have many methods, it was enough to suppress him. In addition, the other party was still prepared. Chen Feng did not dare to take it lightly at all, let alone rely on the help of Time Changhe and the God of Nothingness, because they also had their own opponents, not necessarily Have the power to help yourself.

I have to say that Chen Feng's reaction and decision were correct. Although he paid some price, he did block the opponent's offensive and did make the opponent reveal his figure.

When Chen Feng saw the other party's magical power that was about to explode, he was also startled, thinking that luckily he made a prompt decision.

Moreover, Chen Feng didn't wait for his arm to recover and exploded again. This time, Chen Feng's explosion was three times more powerful.

The other palm also exploded. Similarly, the unknown emperor was forced to retreat continuously.

"The little guy's attacks are quite ruthless. This method of yours has no effect on me. I just don't know how many more times you can explode." The emperor said with a smile.

Chen Feng felt that the other party's eyes were firmly locked on him, and knew that the other party was staring at him. No matter where he went, he could not escape the other party's lock.

At this moment, a strong will began to shake again: "Old ghost with nine eyes, I didn't expect that you would use a sneak attack to deal with a junior. This kind of behavior is not afraid of embarrassment if it is spread."

"Hahaha, I don't care about these things. For me, I can do whatever I want. If I want to kill people, I will take action immediately." The emperor who sneaked up on Chen Feng said.

"It's you, old ghost Xu Zhen, do you want to fight me? We haven't seen each other for many years, I'm afraid you are no match for me." The Nine-Eyed Emperor said.

"You have to fight to know whether you are my opponent or not. I don't think you are my opponent. You can't even defeat a junior with your sneak attacks. Speaking of which, you wouldn't be qualified to be my opponent in the past."

The two sides were communicating and had already begun to fight, and the Nine-Eyed Emperor who attacked Chen Feng no longer paid attention to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, the avenue of life in his body boiled, and his collapsed palm grew rapidly.

The group of Dao clones were integrated into Chen Feng's body step by step.

After each clone was fused by Chen Feng, the aura on his body became stronger.

The further he went, the more solemn Chen Feng's expression became, and Chen Feng's aura became more and more unstable.

It seems very easy to condense the clones from the avenue, and it is even more skillful to integrate these clones into the avenue.

But it is still difficult to perfectly integrate these clones with oneself, especially when the number reaches a certain level.

Chen Feng did this to make some preparations for the fusion of his second life clone. Now it seems that it is not easy.

But when he thought about the sneak attack he had just suffered, Chen Feng felt murderous in his heart and began to take risks to use this method.

Another clone merged into the body, and an explosion occurred. On the surface, nothing could be seen, but in fact, Chen Feng's body was already turned upside down.

But Chen Feng gritted his teeth and continued to integrate into the clone. When the critical point was reached, Chen Feng rushed towards the Jiumu Dadi who sneaked up on him.

Anyway, we were fighting against the Emperor, but now we just had a different target.

Since we were able to team up with the God of Nothingness to injure the great emperor before, the situation should be the same now.

What's more, the strength Chen Feng used this time is stronger, so Chen Feng has entered a desperate stage.

The Nine-Eyed Emperor and the Xu Zhen Emperor were fighting equally well. Judging from the way the two were fighting, even if they fought for ten thousand years, they might not be able to truly determine the winner.

But now that Chen Feng has joined, things are different. Emperor Jiumu feels the crisis.

When he went out before, the Nine-Eyed Emperor didn't expect this situation to happen. He thought that it would be easy for him to deal with this little cultivator.

Who knew that this little cultivator would burst out with a fighting power that he had to face up to.

He didn't expect that the Xuzhen Emperor would also emerge from the dark, and the Nine-Eyed Emperor thought more, who knew if there were any enemies of his in the dark.

Before his thoughts flashed, Chen Feng had rushed in front of him.

Chen Feng knew his strengths, so he planned to fight with the opponent in close combat right away.

The avenue appeared behind Chen Feng, and the clones that had not been integrated into it before were floating in the avenue, looking like they wanted to merge with Chen Feng at any time.

Not only that, there was also the phantom of the long river of time that merged in to help Chen Feng reconcile so many avenues to prevent the power of these avenues from getting out of control.

Chen Feng burst out with all his strength every time, and when cracks appeared on his palm again, he finally seized the opportunity to hit the Nine-Eyed Emperor.

The reason why he was able to succeed was also because of the entanglement of the Xuzhen Emperor.

Who knew that after Chen Feng punched out, he saw a huge pupil. This pupil swallowed the sky and the earth. Chen Feng felt that his power was swallowed by the opponent.

So Chen Feng thought of the opponent's name, and secretly thought that the opponent would not have nine such pupils. If so, then wouldn't his strength be against the sky.

"Explode for me!"

Although he thought so, the power in Chen Feng's body still erupted. Although part of the power was swallowed by the opponent, there was still some power rushing around. The pupil also became a little blurry. Chen Feng suddenly grabbed the long sword and stabbed forward fiercely.

Finally, the pupil disappeared and Chen Feng returned to his previous state.

Looking at the Nine-Eyed Emperor, he was still fighting with the Void Emperor, but Chen Feng still saw something. There was a flash of blood in the eyes of the Nine-Eyed Emperor.

Chen Feng sneered in his heart. His previous attack must have caused some damage to the opponent. He was not as calm as the opponent looked on the surface.

"Then come again!"

The power of time washed away Chen Feng and he returned to his peak. Not only that, the copy law wandered, and Chen Feng's clone appeared.

This is not an ordinary clone, but Chen Feng's strongest state.

This is not over yet. Every time the copy law roams, there will be an additional clone of Chen Feng, but the clones that appear later are all clones of some great ways or magic weapons.

This time Chen Feng's combat power has increased several times. If he meets the emperor's clone again, he will be able to kill him quickly.

Even now Chen Feng's combat power can barely compete with the emperor.

"What kind of method is this." The Nine-Eyed Emperor was a little surprised and began to suspect that Chen Feng was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger from the beginning. His own strength was extremely strong, and everything before was pretended.

However, this thought flashed through his mind. The emperor still had a vision and could naturally see Chen Feng's true situation.

"He is so powerful now. If he waits until he reaches our level, it will be terrible. I calculated it well before. I must kill him." The Nine-Eyed Emperor used his magical powers.

Nine strange eyeballs appeared, and their eyes shot out like silk threads, directly blocking everything in the four directions. Even the attack of the Xuzhen Emperor fell on it and only shook it, unable to break through.

"Be careful, the other party wants to kill you." The God of Nothingness hurriedly sent a message, but he felt that even his will was blocked, and Chen Feng could not receive the message from the God of Nothingness at all.

Of course, Chen Feng did not need the God of Nothingness to warn him at all, because he knew that the other party had used a big move to wipe him out.

If he was facing it alone, it would be really troublesome. Even if he could escape, he would probably end up seriously injured. But now the other party could not use all his strength on him, and he also had opponents.

The God of Nothingness and the Ancestor of the Void Beast both attacked as much as they could, and two beams of origin light hit the barrier blocked by the Nine-Eyed Emperor fiercely.

As for the Emperor of Void True, he also exploded after a slight hesitation.

The two were actually equally powerful, and the Emperor of Void True did not want to see Lin Feng being killed in front of him. Besides, this was originally his opponent. If the other party exploded, wouldn't he become a bystander if he didn't explode?

The Emperor of Void True also used his magical powers and was the first to break through the blockade of the Nine-Eyed Emperor.

But it was still not enough for Chen Feng. Even if the Nine-Eyed Emperor used some of his strength to deal with him, he still couldn't resist it.

Although Chen Feng was bursting out with all his strength at this time, he still knew that he would definitely get hurt this time.

The emperor who was bursting out with all his strength was different from his usual state.

"It's true that fighting with the emperor is not an easy thing. If you are not careful, you will fall into many crises." Chen Feng thought to himself.

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