Eternal Existence

Chapter 5327: Another Great Emperor Rival

"You're late." Chen Feng felt sorry for the Gate of Origin. How could he miss such a good opportunity? He had already notified the Gate of Origin.

"I was going to come here, but I was blocked." The Gate of Origin said calmly.

But Chen Feng could feel that the Gate of Origin was not as calm as it seemed. The blockage just now might have caused some damage to the Gate of Origin.

"The Emperor of Guhuo is not really dead. The other party has other clones. You should be more careful in the future." The Gate of Origin said.

"Being besieged by many emperors, it's okay. It's really difficult." Chen Feng was not surprised.

The two sides exchanged a little bit, and the Gate of Origin left quietly.

But Chen Feng communicated with the River of Time and asked the River of Time to help him find hidden dangers.

So the power of time kept washing in Chen Feng's body, searching a little bit, and even Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness was not spared.

The result was still nothing.

Chen Feng had to put this matter in his heart for the time being. After all, even the River of Time couldn't find any clues, let alone himself.

"Even if the Emperor Guhui sneaked into my body by means, he didn't have enough power to do anything wrong, and this is not absolute. Maybe it has already disappeared in my previous flushing." Chen Feng said so.

Before communicating with the Gate of Origin, Chen Feng knew the current situation of Thunder Origin. Several forces have invaded Thunder Origin. The two sides are constantly in conflict, and powerful lives are constantly being killed and injured. Generally speaking, Thunder Origin still has the upper hand.

But when Thunder Origin felt pressure, several new forces appeared nearby.

But they did not choose to participate immediately, but chose to wait and see not far away.

On the one hand, it was to understand the situation of Thunder Origin, and on the other hand, they also wanted to wait for both sides to lose before taking action.

"Do you really feel the pressure?" Chen Feng has a powerful combat puppet provided by the Emperor of Thunder.

According to the agreement with the Emperor of Thunder, he should continue to make a noise here to reduce some pressure on Thunder Origin.

"But speaking of this, the previous origin war was also a big commotion, and I also participated in the war myself. Speaking of which, so many emperors have entered this mysterious origin, I think Emperor Thunder should be satisfied." Chen Feng said.

And Emperor Thunder did not urge Chen Feng, so Chen Feng was naturally not in a hurry to act.

Besides, even if he took action, he could only deal with one emperor. If he really wanted to make a big commotion, he would need some good opportunities.

The dazzling light from a distance startled Chen Feng. Chen Feng looked at the dazzling area gradually expanding in the distance, and his eyes showed something incredible.

This kind of scene had been experienced before. Although he did not watch it from this angle at the time, Chen Feng, who had experienced it in person, quickly determined what was going on.

"It exploded again. Sure enough, there is more than one huge energy ball in it." Chen Feng said so.

The previous combined type of energy ball explosion almost wiped out a force of the Gate of Origin. So who was the target of this self-explosion?

Chen Feng disappeared from the spot in an instant. Before he arrived at the place, he felt the energy rushing in. This was much stronger than the energy storm he had encountered before.

"A great emperor was blown to pieces." Time River sent news at this time.

"Who is the other party?" Chen Feng asked hurriedly, but Time River didn't know the origin of the great emperor.

Since he was not on his side, Chen Feng was relieved.

But think about it, the other party also came for this mysterious origin, and everyone can be regarded as allies to a certain extent.

"After all, he is also at the level of a great emperor. Even if he is blown to pieces, he will not die, right? After all, the self-explosion is only a treasure of the origin level." Chen Feng said this, and then he saw a broken body appear in his perception.

It is obvious that the other party did not die, and was running for his life at this time, but he just chose Chen Feng's direction.

Originally, Chen Feng was too lazy to pay attention to the other party, who knew that this broken body actually rushed directly towards Chen Feng, wanting to swallow Chen Feng to restore his own strength.

This scene made Chen Feng smile bitterly.

"I didn't go to find you, but you came to find me. You can't blame me." Chen Feng felt that the other party should have lost his mind in the self-explosion just now, otherwise, how could he not see his strength?

So Chen Feng smashed the other party to pieces with one punch, and then a vortex appeared in his palm, swallowing the broken body of the other party cleanly.

"If I don't accept the benefits that come to my door, it would be unreasonable." Chen Feng said with a smile, and then continued to move forward.

Before, it can be said that he was waiting for the rabbit, so next Chen Feng took the initiative to attack and collect more of the other party's broken body.

This is not to rescue the other party. After all, the body of the emperor level is extremely precious and rare, and it also has a huge effect on Chen Feng.

"A step late, I didn't expect it to be cheap for you." A cultivator tore through the energy storm and appeared in front of Chen Feng.

"I'm lucky, I came at a good time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You are really lucky to have met me. If it had been anyone else, you would have died. So now hand over what you just got." The cultivator looked at Chen Feng calmly.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. The man in front of him was not even an emperor. How could he have the confidence to say this to him?

"The other party should have just come to this origin and didn't know me at all." Chen Feng had such a thought.

Otherwise, the other party should know that he is not easy to mess with.

"Don't know whether to live or die." Seeing Chen Feng's expression, the cultivator made a move. With a flip of his palm, he turned upside down.

"Not bad, no wonder you are so arrogant, but there are many emperors this time. If you are so arrogant, even if I don't kill you, you will die." Chen Feng stood still and let the other party do it.


The cultivator actually knew that Chen Feng was powerful, otherwise it would be impossible to deal with the broken body of a great emperor.

But he didn't expect that he could block his magic so easily.


Chen Feng was too lazy to say more to the other party. He punched out and locked everything on the other party.

Unable to dodge, unable to ask for help, his thoughts seemed to be frozen. A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the cultivator. He wanted to shout, but was still hit by Chen Feng's punch.


The body exploded directly.

"That's it?"

Chen Feng sneered, stretched out his hand and grabbed, covering the four directions. The opponent's broken body could not escape, but soon one magic weapon after another flew out of the opponent's broken body, but before they could show their power, they were submerged by the destructive power from Chen Feng's palm.

A black hole appeared in the palm, and it was about to swallow the opponent's broken body. Suddenly, a strong will came like thunder, which made Chen Feng feel relaxed and happy. He had to mobilize his strength to resist, so that he could not swallow the opponent smoothly.

But Chen Feng also had means. Although he was attacked, the black hole in his palm was still swift.

At the same time, avenues were released one by one, constantly impacting the surroundings, and everything they passed became Chen Feng's territory.

"Even if the emperor came to save you, you would be dead." Chen Feng said lightly.

The black hole swallowed the opponent without leaving anything, and then Chen Feng's avenues exploded one by one, and the opponent finally arrived.

This is a great emperor, who is looking at Chen Feng with a dangerous look, which is so strong that it seems to melt Chen Feng.

"You are late." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"How dare you!"

The great emperor shouted, and Chen Feng's mind was shaken, and even the avenues were shaken.

"This fellow Taoist, although you are a great emperor, you should think carefully whether you want to fight with me." After Chen Feng finished speaking, one clone after another walked out of the avenue.

At first, the great emperor did not take Chen Feng seriously, but when Chen Feng's clones reached dozens of numbers, he was finally moved.

"You think you can stop me with these clones, it's a joke." The great emperor sneered and was about to attack.

The Gate of Time and Space, the Source of Creation, the Sea of ​​Time and Space, the Evil Swamp appeared one after another, and the Long River of Time was looming.

The great emperor's face was gloomy and uncertain. He didn't expect Chen Feng to take out so much power. These four origin-level beings are not easy to deal with.

This guy can't be the son of the great emperor.

Just as he was thinking, the Void God appeared silently beside Chen Feng, looking at him calmly: "Is this Taoist friend okay?"


This time he really couldn't do it.

Even if the Void God didn't appear, the emperor was not sure to take down Chen Feng. Now there was another emperor, and he immediately felt the danger, as if there was a huge vortex in front of him to swallow him.

But his disciple was captured, if he didn't rescue him, he would die soon.

After a little hesitation, the emperor took out a law, only to see that this law seemed to be composed of smoke, sometimes there and sometimes not, but he could capture the magic in it after careful investigation.

"This is a law I gained when I was adventuring in the past. I want to exchange it for my disciple." The emperor said.

Chen Feng released his perception to investigate. This law is indeed good and useful to him, but he still said: "One law may not be enough. It was the other party who provoked me first."

"Little brother, don't be too greedy. It's not a good choice to offend an emperor." The emperor threatened.

"Haha!" Chen Feng laughed.

"I have offended at least eight emperors, if not ten, so I don't mind one more."

"Okay, I'll just add something." The emperor was also troubled when he saw Chen Feng was not willing to give in. At this time, the emperor sensed that there were still masters hiding in the dark, so he thought it would be better to compromise for the time being and find an opportunity later.

So the emperor waved his hand and took out another law, which was extremely strong and masculine, as if it was composed of countless stars.

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