Eternal Existence

Chapter 5329 Great Chaos

The number of opponents is constantly decreasing, and it won't be long before Chen Feng can tip the balance.

But soon a real master appeared on the other side, and the four Hunyuan superiors blocked Chen Feng's movement route as soon as they appeared.

The two sides started a fierce melee, and for a while Chen Feng was unable to do anything to these four Hunyuan.

Even if Chen Feng used the power of origin, he would work together to resolve it.

Seeing casualties continue to appear on his side of Hunyuan, Chen Feng finally released the battle puppet entrusted to him by the Thunder Emperor.

Of course, Chen Feng did not take out all the combat puppets at once, but released twelve. As soon as these twelve combat puppets appeared, they began to turn around and besiege the four masters.

Chen Feng freed up his hands to seize the opportunity and seriously injured an opponent in one fell swoop. Just when Chen Feng wanted to continue the pursuit, space fluctuations came and moved Chen Feng away.

This situation of Origin directly participating in the war makes it difficult for Chen Feng to compete.

Chen Feng naturally wanted to return to the previous battlefield, but with the densely packed various strange beasts appearing in front of him, coupled with the power of space that was constantly suppressing him from all directions, Chen Feng knew that the other party had been prepared for a long time. This method was completely You can dwell on yourself for a while.

"Then kill them all." Chen Feng's eyes were full of murderous intent. Even if there were enough of these strange beasts, they would not be in vain.

Since you want to use this method to entangle, then as you wish.

Chen Feng's body became larger, and at the same time, the origin of one party spread.

The origin of this side is part of the underworld. Chen Feng didn't get it for a long time and didn't master it well. But when he released it at this time, Chen Feng just wanted to trap these strange beasts.

As for killing, just leave it to yourself.

Compared with other origins, this origin is actually quite complete, even if it is only a part of the underworld, but it has been separated for so long and has long since evolved into an independent origin.

Countless alien beasts rushed in and fell into it, and their every move was severely affected.

And Chen Feng took one step forward to a strange beast and knocked it out with one punch.

However, Chen Feng took the initiative to blow it, and Fang Yuan began to swallow up the scattered power. After the strange beast finally reshaped its body, it was discovered that part of its power had disappeared.

Not killing the opponent with one punch was because Chen Feng had restrained his strength, but in this case, if Chen Feng punched the opponent one more time, the opponent would definitely die.




Wherever Chen Feng passed, there were explosions representing the explosion of a strange beast, and the origin of this side was also constantly accelerating its devouring speed.

Chen Feng suddenly used a magical power and turned into a three-headed and six-armed man. He didn't hold any weapons, but just relied on the power of his body to run rampant. This way he could deal with the strange beasts faster.

Chen Feng's heart was beating vigorously, continuously providing energy to Chen Feng, and the Origin Furnace was also operating at full capacity. In short, Chen Feng continued to explode, and after killing hundreds of alien beasts, he was still in peak condition.


Chen Feng hadn't killed like this for a long time, and even forgot about the situation outside. When these strange beasts joined forces to send out a torrent of will, Chen Feng felt a little worried, not for himself, but for those above Hunyuan under his command.

"Even if we can win, the damage this time will be heavy." Chen Feng said and began to release the avenue clones, and at the same time released the remaining twenty-four combat puppets.

In this way, Chen Feng's killing speed increased by ten times, and Chen Feng finally allocated more power to control the origin.

As more and more power is absorbed, this origin also begins to expand significantly.

"I hope there won't be any accidents!" Chen Feng was still a little worried. After all, Fang Yuanyuan only had a short time to control it, and he was also worried that there would be some loopholes.

Suddenly, Chen Feng only felt empty, and then he realized that all the strange beasts had been slaughtered.

"How many strange beasts were killed? Thousands or tens of thousands?" Chen Feng couldn't be sure for a while.

"Is there any more?" Chen Feng suddenly felt unsatisfied and thought about more opponents.


Chen Feng tore open the space barrier and returned to the previous battlefield.

The situation turned out exactly as Chen Feng had guessed. Although the opponent suffered heavy casualties, there were also casualties on his own side.

"I wonder if the Gate of Origin can be resurrected?" Chen Feng was also helpless.

He can't resurrect them, so what he has to do now is to quickly deal with them.

"The God of Nothingness still hasn't shown up. It seems that he is really entangled by the opponent." Chen Feng thought, and with a wave of his hand, the battle puppet and the Dao clone rushed forward.

Chen Feng no longer fights as crazy as before, but is fully controlling the origin of the evolution of a part of the underworld.

After all, too much energy was absorbed, and some changes occurred during the expansion process. Chen Feng could only deal with it.

However, Chen Feng did not want to let go of this situation. Whirlpools appeared one after another, and there was a clone of Chen Feng in each whirlpool.

With the origin of the vortex and the clone refined from the original level magic weapon, Chen Feng believed that there should be no problem.

This war consumes a lot of money, so naturally we have to find ways to replenish it.

"This is the benefit of me opening up multiple avenues. Otherwise, even if the Chaos Body can withstand the training of various attributes, it will take more time." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng knew the entire battlefield situation well, and speaking of it, his side still had the upper hand.

But this is not something to be happy about. Chen Feng is still a little curious. It stands to reason that he has been in this origin for some time.

The origin of this side should have some understanding of themselves and their own forces. Although they sent a lot of people this time, they seemed to be well prepared, but if they really continue to fight, they are still no match for their side.

"Is it possible that this origin is just like before, so that both sides will suffer losses, and then collect benefits? If this is the case, then this origin is ruthless enough." Chen Feng thought about it, and it was really possible. The other party was not even at the origin level. The treasures can self-destruct, and these large numbers of Hunyuan superiors and combat puppets are even less likely to be favored by the opponent.

And until now, Chen Feng doesn't know the true strength of this side. Maybe the opponent has countless battle puppets and Hunyuan above.

Moreover, Chen Feng also had to guard against the self-destruction of the opponent's origin-level protection. Although the huge energy ball did not appear in front of him, there were also several origin-level beings.

If they self-destruct, they can also destroy this place.

When Chen Feng thought of this, he couldn't help but feel alarm in his heart, and immediately passed the news to everyone present.

Chen Feng told them not to run around, it was better to form a magic circle, so that even if the opponent self-destructs, they can still save a life.

"But the other party won't self-destruct, right? I don't have an origin-level existence here." Just as this thought flashed through, the space suddenly collapsed, and the God of Nothingness rushed out of the chaos.

"not good!"

Only then did Chen Feng realize that something was wrong. The other party had resorted to self-destructive methods again, and the target was still nothingness.

Although the God of Nothingness was prepared before, he was still seriously injured, and it seemed that part of his body collapsed.

But this is also the best situation, because the God of Nothingness was not blown to pieces like the previous Hunyuan Shang, and then was suppressed by other onlookers.

Even so, Chen Feng took action immediately, and the power of origin directly enveloped the God of Nothingness.

As long as the God of Nothingness is given some time, this kind of injury is nothing.

But soon two great emperors appeared, and Chen Feng felt that his thinking was affected.

"Two great emperors!"

Chen Feng was surprised, but it was normal to think about it. Since the other party chose to attack the God of Nothingness, he was naturally prepared.

Two great emperors are actually not that many. If the other party didn't have the means to self-destruct the magic weapon, the God of Nothingness could escape completely.

"I've been hit!" Niu Wushen's face looked a little ugly. Although Chen Feng was not the Great Emperor, or even above Hunyuan, but when he came to Chen Feng's side, Niuwu God still felt safe and took the opportunity to repair his injuries.

"Have you notified others?" Chen Feng asked. Without Chen Feng's further explanation, Shi Changhe had already gone to find reinforcements.

"It's a pity that I didn't blow you to pieces just now." The two emperors were also a little regretful.

After spending an origin-level magic weapon, the opponent was not left behind. So far, our side is still at a disadvantage.

Just a little injury is nothing at all, unless it is a particularly serious injury.

The two emperors did not delay and took action at the same time, targeting Chen Feng.

No matter how powerful Chen Feng is, he can't block the attacks of the two great emperors, and Chen Feng also knows that the other party's purpose of doing this is to deal with the God of Nothingness.


Chen Feng directly burned the origin fragments, and gained enough power for a while. All these powers were concentrated and hit one of the great emperors.

But it was useless. Chen Feng's attack was quickly neutralized by the opponent. He directly tore through the obstruction of Origin and found the God of Nothingness. The two sides started fighting.

At this time, the God of Nothingness has not fully recovered, but he can still block one emperor, and Chen Feng naturally uses all his strength to deal with the other one.

The two sides did not enter an independent space this time, so the battle caused a lot of noise, and Hunyuan, who was close, was immediately affected.

"Fortunately, if these two great emperors had taken action without hesitation, the people above Hunyuan on my side would have suffered heavy casualties." Chen Feng thought to himself.

However, as long as you entangle these two great emperors, it will only be a matter of time before your side wins. When the time comes, everyone can join forces to surround and kill these two great emperors.

"That's right, surround and kill!"

Chen Feng's heart moved, and he secretly gave orders to the combat puppets. The next moment, the combat puppets broke away from the battlefield, formed a battle formation and rushed towards Chen Feng's opponents.

These battle puppets given by the Thunder Emperor can completely surround and kill an emperor.


Chen Feng's heart was boiling with murderous intent. If he pulled out these battle puppets, the number of casualties above Hunyuan on his side would increase.

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