Eternal Existence

Chapter 5331 The Second Generation's Methods

"Although I feel a little sad, I have completed the instructions of Emperor Thunder. I made a big mistake, but it's a pity that I didn't surround and kill a great emperor." Chen Feng said.

"Maybe I can ask Emperor Thunder for some more combat puppets." Chen Feng had such an idea.

"Also, the commotion here is so huge, and Emperor Thunder seems to have sent other people to participate. Don't hit the wrong person when the time comes."

The situation turned into a melee. When the ancestor of the virtual beast and another great emperor came here, Chen Feng did not fight with the great emperor, but chose to change the battlefield.

After a few flashes, Chen Feng came to the area where the Hunyuan was fighting, so Chen Feng killed a lot and finally completely solved the opponent.

The Hunyuan above under his command gathered together again.

"The situation just now was too exciting and dangerous." The second generation said.

The White Mirror Swordsman also nodded on the side. These two are considered masters among the Hunyuan above, but the war just now confirmed that the two felt a strong crisis and seemed to die in a war.

Fortunately, the Second World still has some confidence. If it really doesn't work, he can burst out with a fighting power close to that of the Great Emperor.

Although it will cost some money, it can save his life.

Even so, the two are not clear about their injuries.

However, for the two, this war is still very exciting.

They rarely participate in such scenes. This is also a tempering for themselves. Although it is very dangerous and injured, they have also gained something.

And the two know that as long as they are still in this origin, the next fight will continue.

Unless they leave far away and find a quiet place to practice, they can restore the peaceful days in the past.

But for this kind of Hunyuan who has practiced for who knows how many years, what they have experienced the most is the long peaceful years.

The boring life will also temper their enterprising spirit. This time, they came here and followed Chen Feng to fight continuously, which aroused the long-lost blood.

And this time there will be a Great Emperor participating, even if they do nothing here, just take a look, they can also gain something.

If you really fight with the Great Emperor, the gains will be greater.

Of course, the two knew that Chen Feng had fought with the emperor before, and they only envied Chen Feng's strength.

"Next time, we can also face the emperor directly. There is really no pressure to fight with these ordinary Hunyuan." The second generation said.

The white mirror swordsman glanced at him. The two were in crisis just now, and now he started to say this again.

But who made him not as strong as the second generation?

"How do you feel, fellow Taoists?" Chen Feng asked.

"It's very dangerous, but also very exciting. This kind of scene is rarely encountered." The white mirror swordsman said.

"If you two fellow Taoists are interested, you can show me the means of the earth." Chen Feng said so.

Hearing Chen Feng say this, the eyes of the second generation and the white mirror swordsman lit up. Just now, the two had the idea of ​​​​playing, but they didn't expect to face the emperor immediately.

"Do you still need me to explode?" The second generation said.

The second generation exploded in a short period of time, which still had some impact on his own practice.

But if you really face the emperor, then you can only use this kind of explosion.

Otherwise, if I am not careful, I might be the one who dies.

"We'll see when the time comes, but the situation is very chaotic now, and I am a little hesitant whether to participate?" Chen Feng said.

As soon as the voice fell, a large area of ​​space around him was directly shattered, and Chen Feng quickly mobilized everyone to form a defensive formation.

Only then did he see that the emperors who had fought before had rushed out.

Chen Feng frowned a little. If these emperors were allowed to kill him, there would definitely be some casualties on his side of the Hunyuan.

"Join forces to attack."

However, Chen Feng's reaction was also very fast, and he immediately locked a great emperor to attack.

The destructive power of hundreds of Hunyuans was enough to tear a great emperor apart, so the great emperor did not dare to bear it hard and dodged quickly.

Chen Feng immediately turned around and locked another great emperor. Just like this, wave after wave of attacks made these great emperors dare not approach.

"Go, kill them for me."

Chen Feng quickly selected more than a dozen powerful Hunyuans, and together with the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman, formed a small battle formation.

As for the remaining Hunyuan Above, they formed a special magic array in the back. This huge magic array was closely connected to Chen Feng and the others, providing mana continuously.

With the support of these Hunyuan Above, Chen Feng and the others could maintain their combat effectiveness at the peak.

Such a state gave Bai Jing Jianke and the others infinite confidence. Even if there was an emperor in front, they were no longer as stressed as before.

Soon Chen Feng firmly locked a great emperor and led people forward to launch a series of attacks.

Originally, this great emperor had an opponent. Now, under a series of attacks from Chen Feng and others, he finally couldn't bear it. He was hit by both sides in succession. The moment he was severely injured, the great emperor disappeared out of thin air.

"Be careful, the other party is coming towards us." Chen Feng felt something was wrong. Although he was prepared, when the great emperor appeared in his small battle array, Chen Feng's heart tightened. He didn't expect that the other party not only did not choose to escape, but also used this method to break into his interior.

You should know that although Chen Feng's battle formation is not large in scale, it is composed of masters, and there are so many Hunyuan behind that are constantly delivering mana, just to deal with the emperor.

Who knew that this emperor actually took the initiative to enter the battle formation. This is not to die, but to have confidence.

A powerful force broke out from the war.

Chen Feng rushed up with all his strength to entangle the opponent. Chen Feng knew what would happen if he couldn't entangle the opponent.

If he could entangle the opponent, then the opponent would be sent to the door.




Powerful forces broke out one after another, and Chen Feng couldn't resist it and retreated again and again.

At the same time, Chen Feng noticed that others were also retreating.

At such a close distance, everyone still couldn't stop the power of this emperor.

The power transmission channel from the back was also constantly collapsing.

"Use all means, fight to the death, and surround and kill the emperor, you will all get benefits." Chen Feng said loudly, releasing the replication law and the origin of the sacred mountain at the same time.

And Chen Feng himself rushed up again.

Even if the opponent is the emperor Chen Feng, he is not afraid of close combat.

"Hmph, naive!"

The emperor sneered, and streams of colorful airflow were released from his body. These airflows stirred each other and then burst out with stronger destructive power.

Chen Feng felt trapped in the quagmire as soon as he rushed forward, and then he saw the other party reaching out to grab the copy law.

"It's a waste if such a good thing falls into your hands, so give it to me." The emperor didn't take Chen Feng and others seriously at all, but he was still interested in Chen Feng's endless means, especially this law is really not simple, it is completely comparable to some origin-level treasures, or even better.

However, just when the emperor was about to grab the copy law, a stream of strange power emanated from the copy law, which actually blocked the emperor.

Although blocked, the emperor was even happier: "Good, it's a good treasure."

In the emperor's view, the stronger the law, the better, so the emperor no longer paid attention to other Hunyuan, and drew out his strength to collect this law with all his strength.

Who knew that the copy law suddenly became illusory, seemingly in front of him, but beyond time and space.

Moreover, Chen Feng's Origin Mountain also landed at this time. Even the emperor could not take this level of treasure lightly.

A stream of colorful air rushed out from the top of his head and turned into a huge palm to block the landing of the Origin Mountain.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The attacks from other Hunyuan fell on the emperor. Although there was a loud noise, it did not seem to hurt the emperor.

However, there were changes on Chen Feng's side. Several clones rushed out from the copy law, ignoring the distance, and came to the emperor in an instant.

These clones were all refined from the magic weapons of the origin level. Naturally, they were very powerful. They came forward and attacked in a series of attacks, and actually hit the emperor.


The power of more than a hundred Hunyuans burst out again on the dozen Hunyuans.

These Hunyuans blessed the second generation with their power.

Originally, they were not familiar with the second generation, and they were a little hesitant when they heard the second generation's advice, but they also knew that the matter was urgent, and finally listened to the second generation's advice.

With so much power above the Primordial, the Second World has undergone a drastic change. His aura has risen sharply, and his body is constantly growing larger, looking like it is about to explode.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng is also a little worried. Although he knows what the Second World is going to do, can you handle so much power above the Primordial? Even a real emperor can't bear it.


However, the Second World soon exploded, and a strange shock wave hit the emperor.

Directly punched a big hole in the emperor's body.

"Such a strong attack power, is this the Second World's killer?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.


The attack just now was not the end. The Second World sent out two more power shock waves in succession. One of them was dodged by the emperor, and the other was hit again, and the body collapsed again.

Under this strange power attack, even if the emperor used defensive means, it was useless.

"It turned out to be the emperor who rebuilt his life, hum, it's really a great perseverance." The emperor saw the state of the Second World and admired it in his heart.

However, the situation of the emperor was not good at this time. He was hit by the Second World one after another. Chen Feng also rushed to the front and left a deep wound on his body with a sword.


The Divine Mountain defeated the airflow and slowly fell down. At the same time, the surrounding space became solidified.

On the other side, the Second World was still constantly accepting the power of those above the Primordial.


Who knew that at this time, the emperor actually disappeared on the spot, and when he appeared again, he had already arrived at the battle formation formed by hundreds of above the Primordial.

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