Eternal Existence

Chapter 5346: Solved Again

The opportunity finally came!

Chen Feng and Void God rushed out of the Taixu Gate.

This is interesting. If the two rushed out of the Time and Space Gate, they would definitely be blocked by the other party.

But the situation was different when they came out of another portal. They caught the other party off guard.

What's more, the two of them were looking for the right opportunity.

If it was just Chen Feng, it would not be so easy to break the other party's defense. With the same level of practice, the two of them joined forces to seriously injure the emperor.

Before the other party counterattacked, Chen Feng suddenly entered the Transcendence Gate again. As for Void God, he also entered the Gate of the Court after struggling with the other party.

The emperor burst out with powerful power, but was still blocked by the four portals.

Chen Feng and Void God seized the opportunity to rush out again. Although the emperor was prepared, he was still seriously injured.

After all, Void God's strength was comparable to his, and Chen Feng's attack power was also very strong. In addition, the emperor was suppressed and blocked by the four portals.

Seeing that he could not hold on any longer, if he was attacked again, the emperor might be torn into pieces.

So the emperor tried desperately to destroy one of the portals. At this time, the four portals were connected together, constantly dissolving the opponent's attack power. This time, the emperor's attack was too strong, and they could not bear the Gate of Time and Space.

At this time, beams of light fell from the sky and were added to the four portals.

So the four portals seemed to have taken a super tonic, and suddenly became lively and successfully blocked the attack from the emperor.

Then the light appeared again, this time it was an attack type, and it fell directly on the emperor, piercing through a blood hole.

The attack from the Gate of Origin was always just right. Seeing this scene, Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness came out of the portal again.

This time, Chen Feng used the Devouring Technique. Although he was quickly counterattacked by the opponent, Chen Feng did not get into the portal to avoid it, but walked close to the opponent.

This situation is very dangerous, and Chen Feng also understands this, but it is also a good opportunity.

The same was true for the God of Nothingness. The two surrounded the emperor and attacked him frantically, fighting him from time to time. Even if they were injured, they would continue to fight him.

In this situation, the losing strategy was obviously not good for the emperor, and the opponent could not afford to delay.

However, the emperor fought hard one after another, but he could not rush out. If it was just four portals, it would be fine, but the Gate of Origin was still supporting him from behind.

Chen Feng knew that the situation in front of him was almost settled, unless the opponent had helpers.


Under a series of attacks from Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness, the emperor finally collapsed, but his collapsed body turned into more than a dozen clones.

It must be said that the opponent's method was very skilled, and he had been prepared to do so before.

These clones also had strong combat power and attacked all opponents at the same time.

"Even if one or two clones can escape, what can it do?" Chen Feng punched one of the opponent's clones into the Gate of Time and Space.

Don't think about getting out again with the power of the opponent's clones alone.

The speed of the God of Nothingness was also very fast, and he suppressed the other party's two clones in a short time.

But at this time, Chen Feng felt a little strange.

Could it be that the other party did not calculate this outcome? Or is there really no way.

Just when Chen Feng was puzzled, news came from the Gate of Time and Space.

It turned out that the clone who entered the Gate of Time and Space suddenly became powerful and was destroying the Gate of Time and Space at this time.

Not only that, the clones who entered other portals were also the same.

In this way, the connection between the four portals was affected and loopholes appeared, so the remaining clones quickly fled.

"I really underestimated the other party. I didn't expect that he would use this method to escape. Although he was seriously injured this time, he is still alive after all." Chen Feng said.

"It's just breaking out of the encirclement. Whether you can leave this origin is still a question." The God of Nothingness said so.

What the God of Nothingness said was correct. After the several clones of this emperor broke out of the encirclement, they immediately merged together.

But they were soon wrapped up by the turbulence of time.

After all, this is the territory of the Gate of Origin. The opponent is now seriously injured. How could he escape so easily?

So the Gate of Time and Space caught up again and blocked the opponent. The next step was simple. Everyone joined forces to kill the severely injured emperor.

All participants divided up part of the other party's benefits.

"I didn't expect that another team was solved. It really makes people feel unreal." Chen Feng said.

This time, even the God of Nothingness had a complicated expression, but soon returned to calm.

The first time he solved a great emperor, the God of Nothingness was surprised. After all, this level of existence can't be killed at all. Even if it is an opponent of the same level, the opponent can only be severely injured or sealed?

But what happened later made the God of Nothingness feel that even the emperor would fall.

Or he personally participated in it. The emperor in front of him was his opponent, but now he was solved by his own people.

Just as Chen Feng said, the God of Nothingness also felt a little unreal.

But the fact is the fact. Although this time they only divided the other party, they also made up for their losses and gained a lot.

The Void God looked at Chen Feng. He encountered such a big scene one after another. Although he was in danger, the final result was still good.

And the matter has not ended yet. There are other powerful opponents.

There was a battle in the distance. The battle puppets released by the Gate of Origin surrounded another emperor with stronger strength.

The two sides fought fiercely. During this period of confrontation, several battle puppets have been killed.

It is obvious that the emperor has the upper hand, but when his companion fell, the emperor chose to escape.

The other party left without hesitation, and those battle puppets could not stop him at all.

"Unless the other party wants to leave, he can still be found." Chen Feng said so.

Since he can solve a great emperor, he can naturally replicate this success. The other party chose to escape to prove this point.

But soon Chen Feng received news from the long river of time that the emperor had left the free space and did not know where he went for the time being.

However, Chen Feng knew that the war between the origins had not ended yet, so the other party would definitely participate again.

"It's a pity that the other party escaped." Void God naturally wanted to deal with another emperor.

So after seeing the other party escape, Void God immediately used means to find the location of other emperors.

But he failed to find the emperor, and Chen Feng received news from the Gate of Origin.

Just outside the free space, another invader appeared. The Gate of Origin was not strong enough, and Chen Feng needed to stop it.

Chen Feng shook his head helplessly, and did not rush to stop it, but began to gather his strength.

When Chen Feng left the free space, he had summoned dozens of Hunyuan above.

"It seems that we can't be idle until this battle is over." Chen Feng said so.

"Don't forget that our original plan was not to fight at the Gate of Origin." Void God suddenly said.

Chen Feng was even more speechless. He had fought in the Zerg Origin area at first, and then he ran to other Origins. Moreover, the matter was not over yet. He came to the Gate of Origin only because of an incident.

That is to say, even if the Gate of Origin settled this incident, he still needed to return to participate in other Origin Wars.

"Actually, if you think about it, it is boring to rest for too long, but it will not only be boring but also dangerous to continuously participate in this level of war." It was obvious that the Void God was a little irritated when he said this, and wanted to stop and rest for a while.

After all, the Void God himself was also injured, and he also had some gains, which all took time to digest.

But now it is not to stop, at least you have to settle the situation at the Gate of Origin first.

No matter what, Chen Feng can't stop. To put it bluntly, this is Chen Feng's hometown.

"This time, the invaders did not follow the strong force, and there was not even an origin-level existence. They were just a team of adventurers from all sides. Under normal circumstances, such opponents are easier to deal with, but this time the personnel in the opposing camp are of high quality. It will probably be another hard battle, and there are also guards. Will the emperor who left before launch a sneak attack on us?" Chen Feng said.

"You go up and fight first, and I will take care of you." Void God said so.

There was no need to make any plans. Chen Feng led people up directly. He didn't know where the opponent came from, but the fight between the two sides also confirmed the previous judgment.

This wave of opponents is indeed a gathering of practitioners from all sides. Of course, they came here to fish in troubled waters and get some benefits.

But I didn't expect the scene here to be so big. I thought I could take the opportunity to enter the free space, but who knew that I was stopped before I got close.

The two sides fought fiercely as soon as they fought, and it was unclear who would win for a while, and each side suffered damage.

On the one hand, the God of Nothingness was on guard against the appearance of the Great Emperor, and on the other hand, he did not want to slaughter the too weak Hunyuan Above, so he did not participate in it, and did not ask the God of Nothingness to take action.

After all, his side can still gain some advantages now, and the people he summoned will appear one after another, so he can defeat this invading force.

Chen Feng's idea is very good, and things did develop in this way at the beginning. However, the participation of several Hunyuan Above caused the situation to deviate a little, and the opponent began to retreat again and again.

The weakness of the temporarily formed team was exposed. The opponent's combat effectiveness was not as strong as that of the same Hunyuan Above. If the battle was favorable, it would be fine, but now it was at a disadvantage, and some people even thought about escaping.

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