Eternal Existence

Chapter 5356: Unexpectedly Powerful

Although this origin cannot be solved, it can successfully bring the opponent's power back, and then the Gate of Origin will become easier.

Next, Chen Feng led people to continue to search for the intruders. This time, he had four powerful helpers. Chen Feng was also full of confidence, and ordinary strength could not resist them.

So Chen Feng plans to think of ways to break through other origins, even if he can make some movement, it would be good.

But this time, they were surrounded before they could find the origin.

It turned out that Chen Feng's constant dealing with the intruders had long attracted the attention of all parties.

At first, all methods did not pay attention to Chen Feng, but as the commotion caused by Chen Feng became bigger and bigger, it had seriously affected the stability of all parties, so they joined forces to solve Chen Feng's problem first. force.

This time Chen Feng didn't even get the reminder from the River of Time and the Gate of Time and Space, which also showed that the other party was well prepared.

All directions were blocked, and even the always menacing Sword of the End and the others became cautious. They formed a horned force with Chen Feng and no longer ran rampant like before.

"Something is not good! The opponent's strength far exceeds ours, and I'm afraid it will be a fierce battle." Chen Feng said.

"But from another perspective, the fact that we can attract so much power can be regarded as reducing the pressure on the Gate of Origin."

"I'm afraid we'll die here, so we'd better find a way to break out of the siege."

"Then there is no need to be so pessimistic. Although the opponent is very powerful, we are not easy to mess with. If we want to solve it, we will have to pay a huge price, and we can also defend."

While everyone was talking, the other party launched an attack. Chen Feng was in the center, and Sword of the End and others were in the four directions. The two sides fought fiercely as soon as they came up.

Although Chen Feng was sitting in the center, he still felt strong pressure, knowing that they could not hold on for long even with the Sword of Ending.

However, the two sides did not collapse immediately upon contact, indicating that there is hope for a fight. It depends on how long they can last.

And will Origin Gate support it later?

But then Chen Feng shook his head. I'm afraid it's not that easy. The Gate of Origin may not be able to protect itself now. How can it help his people?

"I thought that the helpers would be able to sweep across all directions, but who knew that the other party would have been targeting us for a long time, but this is normal. If I were allowed to rush back and forth, these intruders would be nothing but appearances." Chen Feng said.

"I wonder if there are any helpers coming?" White Mirror Swordsman said with some worry. In such a large-scale war, even masters like White Mirror Swordsman have no confidence.

Because death is very likely.

However, this is not the first time that he will follow Chen Feng into a large-scale war. The White Mirror Swordsman believes that he can resolve the crisis this time.

"It shouldn't be a problem to escape, right?"

Great war, another great war.

The battle on the side of the God of Nothingness is still continuing, but things have changed again.

Originally, the two sides were in a stalemate. It seemed that even if they fought for a while, they would not be able to determine the outcome. Who knew that the Gate of Origin would appear.

Yes, it is the Gate of Origin.

The two Gates of Origin just appeared in the state of life, so everyone thought that the Gate of Origin had cultivated into the life deity and clone.

But when a huge portal appeared, everyone knew that this was the original Gate of Origin, and the two previous ones were all clones.

The real person appeared and suppressed the whole crowd.

The huge portal violently suppressed, and one emperor couldn't bear it, and his body collapsed step by step.

After all, he was the Great Emperor. Just when he was about to collapse completely, a ball of flame burned and wrapped around half of his body and escaped.

But the collapsed body was swallowed up by the Gate of Origin.

After swallowing the body of the Great Emperor, the Gate of Origin expanded, but quickly retracted to its original position.

Then the Gate of Origin emitted a dazzling light that was directly projected on the opponent of the God of Nothingness.

This great emperor seemed to have entered static time and space, his whole person became motionless, his eyes were dull, and it seemed that even his will had stopped.


The God of Nothingness sighed and directly penetrated the opponent's body with the Blade of Nothingness.

"I didn't expect this kind of change, it's beyond my imagination." The will of the Mind Emperor sounded.

"You are in the same situation as the Gate of Origin. You are not that strong, right?" God of Nothingness couldn't help but ask.

"No, how could I be so strong? I can't even imagine the scene in front of me." The Great Mind Emperor said.

"Haha, I don't believe what you said." At this time, God of Nothingness only felt that the Great Spirit Emperor was deceiving him.

"If I were really that strong, I wouldn't have let Chen Feng cause trouble in my origin, let alone let him escape." The Great Mind Emperor said.

"That's true, but I still feel something is wrong." Niwushen said.

With the outbreak of the Gate of Origin, two great emperors were eliminated in a short time. In addition to the previous one, four great emperors died in this battle.

Not to mention the opponents, even allies like the God of Nothingness and the Great Mind Emperor are frightened. This is too scary.

The remaining emperors escaped. Seeing that the Gate of Origin did not pursue them, the God of Nothingness and the Emperor of Mind naturally stopped.

"It seems that there is no problem with this dispute." The Spiritual Emperor said.


The Gate of Origin vibrated and said.

"By the way, we still have to deal with Guixu. Guixu is not easy to deal with. Besides, those emperors who left might come back." said the God of Nothingness.


The Gate of Origin burst into dazzling light. At this moment, it was like a giant mirror. The light it emitted illuminated everything, and everything was clear.

Two emperors hiding in the dark appeared.

One of them was the old man in the Spirit Realm. When the two saw that they were exposed, they didn't say much and disappeared silently.

"Huh, I didn't expect that there were two more people hiding in the dark. If the other party had taken action early, we would be unlucky." said the God of Nothingness.

"The other party hid in the dark to fish in troubled waters. Haha, I didn't expect that the Taoist friend of the Gate of Origin suddenly broke out, but the old man in the Spirit Realm was very powerful. I don't know who the other one is." The Emperor of the Heart said with a smile.

Although he was laughing, the Emperor of the Heart was not at ease.

Since when did the emperors fall? This is simply incredible, even beyond his cognition.

"Origin Gate, you should know the origin of the other party. Although we seem to have won, there are still so many emperors eyeing you. They may attack you at any time. However, you are powerful now, so I think you are not afraid of these." The Soul Emperor said.

"I don't know the other party either." The Origin Gate said and disappeared. The portal disappeared, the clone left, and only one clone was left, turning into a ball of light and appeared in front of the two.

"I haven't asked you yet, what is your state." Void God asked.

"Main body, free clone, luck clone, this is just for easy distinction, in fact, you can regard them as my main body." The Origin Gate said.

"Luck clone."

Void God and Soul Emperor looked at each other, both showing doubts.

If it is a free clone, the two can understand it, but what is the situation of this luck clone? Could it be a great way or a law, but it should not be so strong.

"You can actually refine the free space into such a powerful clone, which is really admirable." The Soul Emperor said.

"Aren't you the same?" The Origin Gate asked back.

"Ah." Void God sighed, and had to say, it was really enviable.

Even if he cultivated for a few more kalpas, he would not be able to reach this level. It seemed that he really had to open up his own origin.

It was just that he was the one who opened up the origin later, and these two were origins that cultivated into life, and the two sides were still different in nature.

"These two guys are more insidious than each other, and they may have other means. Alas, it seems that I really can't catch up with them." Void God sighed in his heart, and he still had self-knowledge.

"Hey, someone else is coming." The Soul Emperor said, and at the same time he was ready to fight.

"It's the ancestor of the virtual beast. He came before, but he went to other origins." The Gate of Origin said.

It was indeed the ancestor of the virtual beast.

But soon another emperor appeared.

"I'm late." It was the Wan Dao Emperor.

"Daoyou came at the right time. I wonder if you are interested in fighting with Guixu." The Gate of Origin invited.

"Since you are here, it's a good time to go to Guixu." The Wan Dao Emperor did not refuse.

"I'd better go to help Daoyou Changtian." At this time, Void God said so.

The Gate of Origin was silent for a moment, but still said, "Okay."

"The power of time has become stronger, what's going on?" A force of time was added to Chen Feng's divine wings, and Chen Feng immediately felt the change.

"Because the Gate of Origin has repelled the opponent and released the suppression on us, now we can burst out all our strength." At this time, the Gate of Time and Space appeared, and as soon as it appeared, it confronted an opponent at the origin level.

Not only that, even the Sword of the End has become stronger.

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from the performance of the Gate of Time and Space, I'm afraid that the Gate of Origin is not as simple as simply solving the opponent.

"But it's a good thing after all."

However, even if there are more Gates of Time and Space, it may not be able to change the current situation. There are too many opponents around, and it seems that they are fighting to the death.

When the God of Nothingness appeared, the situation really changed.

A great emperor joined the battle, and he came suddenly. He severely injured an original being right at the beginning. A combat team consisting of more than a dozen Hunyuan was bound by the Law of Void. Before they could escape, they were slaughtered by the Sword of the End and the Spear of All Evil.

"The killing aura of these people is too strong." Chen Feng had to admit that the Sword of the End was powerful and tough.

"The overall situation has been decided." The White Mirror Swordsman also said so.

"The changes are too fast. Let's grab as much benefit as possible next." The Second World was a little emotional.

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