Eternal Existence

Chapter 5370: More and more forces

Chen Feng has already collected the Wuhui Origin and the Liefeng Origin. Although they have not reached their limit, Chen Feng still has to retain some controllable power.

Chen Feng released his own Origin. Although it was not opened up by himself, he at least swallowed a lot of Origin fragments. Even if it was not as good as the Broken Origin controlled by Chen Feng, it was somewhat close.

At this time, the speed of using the invasion was faster.

Chen Feng still felt a little regretful. In addition, Chen Feng also mastered a part of the Yin Realm and an unknown Broken Origin.

It’s just that Chen Feng has not been obtained for a long time, and he has not been very good at refining and mastering it. Even if he uses it, in addition to consuming a lot of mana cultivation, the effect is not very good.

This is because Chen Feng has too much power. If Chen Feng concentrates on refining one side of the Origin, he would have completely controlled it long ago.

But who let Chen Feng master more Broken Origins, so he can take them out in turn, which can speed up the plundering speed.

Compared with the past, this speed is too slow. You should know that the origin that Chen Feng has mastered will actively invade and absorb resources that are useful to him without Chen Feng spending too much effort under normal circumstances.

In the final analysis, it is because of the mutation of the origin, but as mentioned before, the more so, the more it can show the strength of this mutant origin.

Although the process of plundering resources is slow, the benefits obtained are huge.

"This time the harvest is really not small." Chen Feng sighed.

The source of power plus the mutation origin, in Chen Feng's view, is greater than the harvest of solving a great emperor. This is also the biggest harvest since entering Guixu, enough to make himself not worry about resources for the next long years.

"After this time, I will calm down and have a good rest. The struggle during this period has consumed too much of my energy, but there are also great gains, and the perception of the realm is enough. Of course, I also paid some price because of fighting with masters before, and it also takes time to make up for it." In addition to pushing the origin plunder with all his strength, Chen Feng is also constantly surfacing various thoughts and future plans.

Until a great emperor appeared, Chen Feng had no more thoughts, and he pushed himself to the extreme.

He was ready to fight at any time.

But the next moment, the great emperor came in front of Chen Feng, and Chen Feng almost chose to attack, but he still forced himself to endure it.

Because the great emperor did not attack.

This was a bit strange.

Chen Feng was sure that the other party was a great emperor, but it was hard to say what his specific strength was, but Chen Feng had a hunch that the other party should not be very strong among the great emperors, and he was definitely not as strong as the real great emperor and the Gate of Origin.

But no matter what, the other party was also a great emperor, even if his strength was at the bottom, he could completely control himself.

"This fellow Taoist." Chen Feng stabilized his mind and said with a smile.

"You are lucky to find such a good place." The great emperor spoke.

At the same time, Chen Feng also had more judgments. This great emperor should not belong to Guixu, but come from outside Guixu like himself, but he didn't know where the other party came from, or whether it was a special life area different from the origin.

"It is indeed a good place. Since you are here, I am afraid you will become our competitor." Chen Feng's words became a little sharp.

There is actually an emperor here, so the threat is greater than that of dozens of Hunyuan. No matter what, the other party will also share a lot of benefits.

This is something Chen Feng does not want to see, but he has to compromise.

"Hehe, I didn't make a move, I was already in a good mood, otherwise I could have killed you and enjoyed all the resources here." The mysterious emperor said lightly.

Chen Feng also laughed: "You are indeed very strong, but it is a joke to want to deal with all of us present. If you really have such an idea, at most we can decide the winner first and then talk about dividing the resources here, but I am afraid that we will be hit by Guixu at that time."

"You are very confident." The aura of the mysterious emperor fluctuated a little, and it seemed that he was going to attack Chen Feng.

At this time, the will of the God of Nothingness appeared, and the aura of the mysterious emperor suddenly converged.

"No wonder you are so confident. It turns out you have helpers. In this case, I really can't underestimate you." The mysterious emperor finally treated Chen Feng as an equal.

The reason why he didn't attack right away was because Chen Feng's strength had made the mysterious emperor pay attention from the beginning.

Now that there is an emperor behind Chen Feng, he can no longer act casually.

Chen Feng's expression remained unchanged on the surface, but his heart was in turmoil.

The Void God was in trouble. Although the trouble was not too big, the changes in things still exceeded the previous calculations.

"Well, since we have all discovered the benefits here, and there seem to be a lot of benefits here, and it seems that you can't take them away for a while, in this case, I will help you reduce some of the burden." The mysterious emperor finally did not choose to attack, but after exploring the surrounding situation, he quickly rushed to the place where the source of power was.

Since he is an emperor, the other party still has a vision and knows where there are many good things.

Seeing the other party's target, Chen Feng almost wanted to step forward to stop him.

But Chen Feng still endured it. Even if he went forward, he couldn't stop the other party, and he also stopped the process of collecting resources.

When Chen Feng thought of the power source falling into the hands of the other party, he became more and more depressed, but fortunately, there was a change in the power source, and it was not as easy to absorb the power as before.

So he could delay for a while.

The emperor came to the place where the phantom was, and after some exploration, he became a little hesitant.

It was obvious that he encountered the same situation as Chen Feng before.

"I don't know what the other party will choose?"

Chen Feng has also been paying attention to the other party. If this mysterious emperor chooses to give up for the time being, then he will definitely move his target to the origin of mutation, and there may be some disputes at that time.

But if the other party enters the power source, it may be possible to completely plunder the power source.

Although Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness have obtained part of the power source, according to Chen Feng's calculations, he and the God of Nothingness have only obtained a small part of it.

In any case, it is very unwilling.

The mysterious emperor did not wait for long, and finally entered the power source.

Then Chen Feng completely lost the other party's breath.

Just like the God of Nothingness, it seems that the shadow area also has the power to isolate everything.

"It would be better if the other party could be trapped, but the God of Nothingness actually encountered the life born from this mutation origin. This thing is a bit troublesome, but it is normal to think about it. Since this origin has mutated, it is normal for life to be born. Fortunately, the other party has not reached the level of the Soul Emperor and others. It is mainly because the other party has not been truly born. Even so, I am afraid that it has reached the level of the Emperor. I wonder if the God of Nothingness can handle it?" Chen Feng was a little worried.

Although the news from the God of Nothingness was not so critical, at least the God of Nothingness was also delayed, unlike what Chen Feng thought before that the God of Nothingness was in the core of this mutation origin.

It is not a good thing for Chen Feng to be unable to plunder the resources here before getting rid of the other party's entanglement.

And the Emperor has been attracted, so will there be other powerful beings coming here next?

Chen Feng tried to speed up as much as possible, but even if everything went smoothly, it would take time and process. Even if Chen Feng was anxious, it was useless. So when another powerful cultivator came here, Chen Feng had no better solution except sighing.

There were dozens of Hunyuan again.

But the people who came this time were interesting. They all belonged to Guixu, but they were not outsiders that Chen Feng knew.

In other words, they were outsiders from other places.

But no matter where they came from, they actually found such a treasure land, and there would definitely be some disputes.

And Chen Feng soon found that these people were staring at them fiercely, and they were more aggressive than the cultivators of Guixu.

Because the other party didn't know how powerful Chen Feng's party was and had never dealt with Chen Feng's party, they naturally regarded Chen Feng's party as an opponent when facing resources.

But the other party was not stupid. Naturally, they could see that Chen Feng was not a simple person, so they immediately sent several people to face Chen Feng.

"Fellow Daoists, I don't know where you are from. I don't want to be your enemy, but I think our common enemy should be Guixu." Chen Feng tried to stop the other party.

But it was obvious that the other party thought Chen Feng was showing weakness, and instead became more determined to attack Chen Feng.


Seeing that the other party had already tried to test him, Chen Feng couldn't help but sigh. With a thought, the power of the origin blocked the other party's attack.

"Since you choose to die, I won't be polite." Chen Feng made up his mind to teach these outsiders a lesson. If there was a chance, Chen Feng even thought about killing these outsiders.

After all, the resources here are limited. If there are more outsiders, then some will be eliminated.

Besides, Hunyuan is also a good resource. If these dozens of Hunyuan can be suppressed in the origin, it will be a huge gain.

Seeing that Chen Feng is strong, two more people choose to join him.

Chen Feng sighed. These opponents are really careful enough.

It's just that there is no one around Chen Feng. If these dozens of Hunyuan rush forward, it will be really troublesome.

Then use the most powerful means.

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