Eternal Existence

Chapter 5374 Confused

"There is indeed a big problem. It seems that this is a trap." Chen Feng understood immediately.

It is not because the mutant life is very powerful. If someone here has made preparations early, or calculated his side in advance.

"I said something is wrong, but the God of Nothingness did receive the message from the Emperor of the Soul. This is a bit strange. If the Emperor of the Soul has a problem." After thinking about it, Chen Feng shook his head.

If the Emperor of the Soul really has a problem, then he will not use this method. There are plenty of opportunities to deal with himself and others.

Moreover, the Emperor of the Soul is now an ally of his side and will not do such a thing.

This shows that the God of Nothingness was bewitched and deceived. The message from the Emperor of the Soul should be someone pretending to be.

However, the God of Nothingness is a powerful emperor. Who can pretend to be the Emperor of the Soul and deceive the God of Nothingness?

Another point is that if you really want to deceive, it is better to deceive yourself. Your strength is not as good as the God of Nothingness.

Chen Feng is a little confused, but the most important thing to do now is to quickly establish contact with the God of Nothingness and leave this place quickly.

As for whether the Second World and the others were in danger, Chen Feng didn't have time to think about it at this time.

So Chen Feng rushed towards the God of Nothingness quickly, but he saw that the two warring parties were not far away, but he couldn't get close no matter how hard he kept going.

It seemed that the two sides were not in the same world, and what he saw was an illusion.

Chen Feng had encountered this before, but now Chen Feng was very anxious. If he couldn't notify the God of Nothingness, he would be ambushed and targeted by the other party.

"Strange, even if the God of Nothingness has been fighting, he should pay attention to the situation outside. Why didn't he see the changes here?" Chen Feng thought that if he wanted to contact the God of Nothingness, then the God of Nothingness should also contact him.

As a result, the God of Nothingness just kept fighting with his opponent, and seemed to have forgotten everything in the outside world.


Chen Feng burst out with all his strength. The power of this sword was invincible and could tear apart everything. No matter what was in front of him, it couldn't stop Chen Feng's sword energy.

Chen Feng noticed that his sword rushed into the battlefield of the two warring parties, just like a reflection in the water. The falling stone shattered the reflection, but when the fluctuation disappeared, everything returned to calm.

"It is indeed an image, so the two warring parties are not in the position I see." Chen Feng mastered the magic weapon of Taichu Shenjing, and his attainments in this area were also very high. He quickly calculated in his mind and knew that he had entered a state of deception.

Someone deceived him, and Chen Feng thought of the old man in Lingjing at the first time.

However, the old man in Lingjing is so powerful that he should not use this method to deal with himself and others, and the old man in Lingjing's deception method is somewhat different from what he saw in front of him.

"What is going on?" Chen Feng still didn't figure out how he was hit.

And it's not just him, the God of Nothingness must have been hit.

It can be imagined what kind of situation it is to make the God of Nothingness hit. The opponent must be very powerful.

Most likely it was the emperor who took action again.

"It seems that I can only rely on myself now. I wonder what other means the other party can use?" Chen Feng said this, and he had already arranged layers of defense around him, and at the same time he had to keep calling the God of Nothingness.

Chen Feng had been trapped by the Real Emperor for a period of time, so in Chen Feng's opinion, no matter how dangerous and bad the current situation is, it is probably not as good as before.

"Hehe, I'm really curious about who is using this method to deal with us again." Chen Feng suspected the old man in the spiritual realm, and also suspected that it was a regular method.

In the end, it's just these enemies.

Of course, there may be other accidents.

In short, there are still changes.

It's just that after Chen Feng waited for a while, he didn't wait for the other party's means, as if he was just trapped here.


Chen Feng decided to take action, and he burned the power of origin right away, urging the power of the volcanic origin to erupt.

This is also the strongest means of attack.

You must know that Chen Feng had obtained a lot of resources before, and now just using some of them can make the volcanic origin increase its strength to the extreme.

Moreover, this was originally the eruption after Chen Feng had compressed it with special means. Chen Feng believed that even a great emperor would not dare to withstand his means.

Sure enough, as the power erupted around, all the voids around seemed to become glass-like, and then began to collapse rapidly.

"Sure enough!"

Chen Feng's figure shook, and he rushed out from the broken place, and then saw that the God of Nothingness was trapped in an area.

There were array eyes on all four sides of this area, and there were people sitting in each array eye.

"This should be true." Chen Feng said, and then he established contact with the God of Nothingness.

"Go quickly, find someone to save me." The God of Nothingness sent a message immediately after seeing Chen Feng appear.

But Chen Feng felt that the scene in front of him was gradually blurred, as if he was about to be blinded again.

Chen Feng quickly burst out his power, which dispelled this feeling, but then a shadow appeared and covered Chen Feng in it.

At this time, the voice of the God of Nothingness also came over: "I can't leave now."

Chen Feng understood that he was also trapped.

The Void God was still fighting with the mutant life from time to time, but not as fiercely as before. Sometimes the Void God would choose to get rid of the mutant life and then rush out, but after failing again and again, he simply stopped trying.

Chen Feng was trapped and chose to rush out at the first time, but he encountered the same situation as the Void God.

There were also practitioners sitting in the suppression around him, and Chen Feng failed several times.

Unlike the Void God, once Chen Feng stopped, the other party would not choose to attack actively.

Chen Feng stabilized a little, observing the surroundings while observing the situation on the Void God's side.

"Strange, could it be that the mutant life was also trapped in it." After thinking of this, Chen Feng shook his head again. The situation in front of him was obviously that there was a presence and the mutant life that had reached a joint effort.

However, the mutant life had just been born, how could it find an ally? There was no time.

Suddenly, the mutant life stopped fighting with the Void God and rushed out of the trap in a few flashes.

"It can really move on its own." Chen Feng couldn't help but say, but the next moment Chen Feng's face changed drastically, because the mutant life rushed towards him.

"Not good." Chen Feng said secretly, but still said to the God of Nothingness: "Break the formation quickly, I'm afraid I can't hold on for long."

In fact, Chen Feng didn't need to say much, the God of Nothingness would also find a way to rush out, but whether he could do it was a question.

Chen Feng didn't have time to think about it, the mutant life soon appeared in front of him, and the other party didn't say much to Chen Feng, and he took action.

"Not bad."

Chen Feng barely resisted, and felt that although the opponent's strength was very strong, it was only average among the emperors.

The real strength was not as good as the God of Nothingness.

In other words, Chen Feng could resist for a while, but it seemed that his strength was still constantly improving, which was a troublesome thing.

And now he was still in the opponent's territory, and there were some practitioners around who suppressed the eye of the formation.

Speaking of these practitioners, Chen Feng was relieved. Although they were firmly in the trap, they were all above Hunyuan.

In fact, if there is a great emperor, he would have killed himself and the God of Nothingness long ago, and there would be no need to sit in the center of the formation.

"I hope the God of Nothingness can rush out quickly." Chen Feng could only hope that the God of Nothingness could come out, and he would definitely not be able to rush out.


Chen Feng was hit and retreated repeatedly, but soon the space was reversed, and Chen Feng was stopped by this mutant life again.

If the other party didn't speak, Chen Feng wouldn't speak either, because Chen Feng knew that no matter what he said, it would be a waste of time.

The two sides were originally at odds with each other. He had just strengthened the other party's things. Wouldn't it be a joke to negotiate now?

But Chen Feng was not the opponent of the other party. When Chen Feng was injured again, he had to take defensive measures.

Chen Feng had confidence in himself. As long as he defended completely, the other party would not be able to do anything to him in a short time.

After all, the strength of this mutant life was not as good as that of the real emperor.

But just when Chen Feng was using defensive measures, he suddenly changed his mind.

He also continued to fight with the mutant life.

The reason was very simple, the God of Nothingness was about to rush out.

Even if the mutant life wanted to leave at this time, Chen Feng would not agree.

It was a good opportunity for Chen Feng to fight with a great emperor, but this great emperor had just been born and lacked combat experience. Chen Feng could not learn anything.

On the contrary, as time went by, the mutant life continued to gain combat experience.

And the practitioners sitting in the center of the formation also began to exert their strength. The double pressure made Chen Feng overwhelmed.

After being injured, he was sealed.

The moment Chen Feng was sealed, Chen Feng laughed.

Because the God of Nothingness rushed over.

Just one contact, one of the centers of the formation was broken, and the practitioners in it were also seriously injured.

The God of Nothingness would not come in rashly. The best choice was of course to tear open the trap, so that Chen Feng could be released, and he would not have to worry about being trapped.

The incident suddenly changed, and the mutant life hurried to stop the God of Nothingness, and changes also occurred on Chen Feng's side.

The power of the copy law surged, Chen Feng walked out of the seal, and then the copy law extended, and Chen Feng came to a practitioner.

The practitioner was startled and subconsciously wanted to activate the power of the trap to stop Chen Feng, but it was too late and he was knocked out by Chen Feng's consecutive punches.

Then Chen Feng erupted the power of the volcanic origin, and with one eruption, the square eye was broken, and it was still spreading to other parts of the trap.

What we need to do now is not to devour the benefits, but to destroy.

However, before Chen Feng erupted for the second time, other practitioners surrounded him. This time, they did not activate the trap, but just relied on their own power to seal Chen Feng in it.

"It's a bit strange. Where did you come from? You don't look like the life in Guixu." Chen Feng asked with some curiosity.

The other party did not answer, but formed a special and constantly changing magic array, trying to seal Chen Feng again.

Through the previous fight, these practitioners also knew how powerful Chen Feng was, so they were self-aware and did not think of killing Chen Feng.

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