Eternal Existence

Chapter 5392 What a pity

"You've made a fortune." Looking at the suppressed dead spirit, even the Void God was a little envious. The life born from the body had actually cultivated to such a level. Even the Void God had never seen it before.

"Daoyou's harvest is not small." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The Void God got the body and could refine it into an avatar. At that time, the Void God's combat power would double.

Hearing Chen Feng say this, the Void God also laughed: "It will take time."

After saying this, the Void God released the body of the creature again. This time, Chen Feng could already feel the shock.

While Chen Feng was observing, the Void God had already begun to control the other party.

"So fast!"

When he saw the surrounding smoke drilling into the body of the creature, Chen Feng's eyes showed surprise.

After swallowing up the surrounding smoke, the Void God put away the body of the creature.

"The other party has long lost his intelligence, but it is still very easy to control. The previous fight with us was also because of the dead spirit." The Void God said with a smile.

"In this case, it will be able to refine into an avatar soon." Chen Feng asked curiously.

The God of Nothingness nodded: "It still takes some time, but it's easier than expected."

The God of Nothingness was very happy. With this clone, he could gain the upper hand when he needed other emperors. If it worked well, he could even inflict heavy damage on his opponents.

"I still can't establish contact with the Second World and the others." Chen Feng was a little curious. The smoke disappeared, and the undead were solved, but the barrier was still there.

It's just that the barrier is still there. Can just one barrier block the connection between the two sides?

"There are other things here. Look for them. If you are worried, you can go back and take a look. I'll go find the Emperor of Emptiness." The God of Nothingness said.

"Okay." Chen Feng agreed after a little hesitation. The return process was smooth and it didn't take much time. After passing through a barrier, Chen Feng immediately established contact with the Second World and the others.

When the two sides met, Chen Feng and the Second World were relieved.

"What's ahead?" The Second World asked curiously.

Chen Feng communicated with Shi Guang Chang He and the others first, and then responded: "It's similar to the previous speculation. The toxins produced by powerful lives after death, but now it has been resolved."

The Void God had already collected all the smoke before, which disappointed some practitioners.

"Let's go and have a look together."

Chen Feng decided to let everyone move forward together. After all, some people have been ready to move. If he suppresses everyone again, I'm afraid some people will be dissatisfied.

Everyone followed Chen Feng through the barrier and came to the place where they encountered the dead spirit before.

But now the dead spirit was suppressed by Chen Feng, and even the body hidden in the dark fell into the hands of the Void God, and the thick smoke around was collected.

Except for touching the barrier once, there is nothing special in this area. Some people even think that this is a good place for cultivation. Compared with other places in Guixu, it is indeed quite quiet here.

"Where did the Void God go." Chen Feng noticed that the Void God had left, but left a message indicating the route forward.

"After getting a huge benefit, you should stop and digest it well. Why are you still running around?" Chen Feng said with a smile, which was somewhat inconsistent with the previous character of the Void God.

But now the Void God has become much stronger than before, and I think he has the confidence to explore more dangerous areas.

"Let's go." Chen Feng led people to follow, but soon lost the trace of the Void God.

It was as if he suddenly disappeared, without leaving any news.

"This is entering another isolated area." Chen Feng guessed, although he was a little curious, but in fact Chen Feng was not too worried.

Think about it, even the undead at the level of the emperor have been killed, even if there are emperors in front, they can deal with it.

Chen Feng led people to continue moving forward, and everyone was ready to leave at any time. The most important thing is that they have the Gate of Time and Space to follow, even if there are emperors, they can work together to kill them.

The River of Time took the lead and soon found a barrier. After passing through that layer of screen, they found the breath of the Void God.

"You caught up so quickly." The will of the Void God was transmitted back, and the two sides had a brief exchange.

After that, the Void God walked in front, and the River of Time explored around, but the Gate of Time and Space were very quiet.

Chen Feng knew what they suppressed before refining.

"We should give them some more time. After the hidden danger is completely solved, the power can be improved." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Originally, everyone was looking for a place to practice. If the poisonous smoke had not suddenly appeared, they would not choose to act.

"Emperor Kongji will not leave, right? Or will he continue to hide in the dark like before?" Chen Feng has not captured the breath left by Emperor Kongji, and his heart is a little strange.

After all, he and the God of Nothingness had made a big mistake before, and it is unreasonable that Emperor Kongji would not notice it.

It means that the other party must be entangled in something, and it is even possible that he has fallen into a dangerous situation.

"This area is a bit strange." After passing through a layer of barrier again, Chen Feng finally understood why he did not find Emperor Kongji.

The space here is actually separated by so many barriers. Emperor Kongji probably entered other separated areas.

This is understandable.

But that is the emperor. What kind of power can separate the connection between the emperors?

Just as Chen Feng was thinking, a cold feeling suddenly surged into his heart again. Chen Feng opened his eyes, and the light condensed into substance illuminated the void. Everything in his sight was extremely clear, and nothing could be hidden.

Only to see a group of black shadows just touched by Chen Feng's eyes, and the next moment Chen Feng's eyes actually burned.

And this cold flame actually shattered Chen Feng's eyes and rushed towards Chen Feng.

"Good guy, there is another dead spirit." Chen Feng was surprised and happy.

The benefits of a dead spirit can be imagined. Although he was surprised that there was more than one dead spirit here, Chen Feng was excited when he thought of the next harvest.

"But this time I'm afraid I can't eat alone." Chen Feng's thoughts flashed, and he instantly figured out what was going to happen next.

"But since the dead spirit has appeared, is there a powerful biological body behind it?" Chen Feng quickly informed the Gate of Time and Space of the news, because it would take the Gate of Time and Space to deal with this dead spirit.

"Join hands to set up the formation." Chen Feng said and took the initiative to rush towards the dead spirit.

Although they were born from different lives, the life essence of these two undeads is indeed the same, with the same death energy and the same poison like the Five Decays of Heaven and Man.

There was also a strange will shock, but Chen Feng also felt some differences.

However, Chen Feng thought it didn't matter, and the truth was to get benefits from the other party.

Chen Feng and the undead had their first collision. Although Chen Feng had previous experience, he was either an opponent or not an opponent. Chen Feng was at a disadvantage, watching the undead turn into a rolling force to wrap himself up.

Chen Feng was a little amused, such a familiar scene, he couldn't help but use the power of origin.

But the next moment, four portals blocked the four directions, and four powerful forces began to pull the undead.

Roar, angry roar.

The undead began to struggle, and actually relied on his own strength to fight against the four portals, but when the Sword of the End and the others also got involved, the solution was doomed.

The undead was torn into pieces, and then divided into strands and divided up.

One divided into nine, Chen Feng only got a part of it.

As expected, the four portals of the Gate of Time and Space only obtained a small part of it this time, and most of the undead were absorbed by the Sword of the End.

"That's right, they prefer this kind of power." Chen Feng nodded, looked at the Hunyuan above who followed behind, and shook his head helplessly.

Originally, Chen Feng was thinking of taking out some of the power of the undead to share with a few people, who knew that the change was so fast.

However, since there are undead here, there must be biological bodies, so find the other party first.

Before Chen Feng made a move, a huge biological body was found under the coverage of the power of time.

It looked different from the previous one, but this time there was no undead control, so although this biological body contained very powerful power, the danger was greatly reduced.

"Good stuff." The second generation couldn't help but say, and the others' eyes were greedy.

But even if they were greedy, it was useless because it was not their turn.

Chen Feng was also a little entangled. He found the other party, so how to divide it? This is not the undead that was broken up before. This is a complete body, and it is impossible to separate it.

It's not that it can't be separated, but it's a pity to do so.

Chen Feng looked at it and saw that the four major portals were of the same origin, and the four major weapons were together. This was really troublesome.

At this time, Chen Feng received the will from the Gate of Origin.


Chen Feng sneered, and it was really timely.

However, although he was dissatisfied, the intervention of the Gate of Origin solved the trouble at hand.

Moreover, Chen Feng also believed that the Gate of Origin would not eat alone, and the Gate of Origin did pay a considerable price before.

The final result was that the body of this creature was pulled into the long river of time.

Then a stream of power flowed out from the long river of time. In addition to Chen Feng, the portal and the killing weapon, the Hunyuan on the scene was blessed with power.

This is the power from the Gate of Origin.

Chen Feng didn't care. If he didn't give himself benefits this time, he would give himself more in the future.

"Then, let's move on. I didn't expect that such a strange area would become a treasure land." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Under normal circumstances, encountering the Great Emperor would be an unprecedented enemy, but now, even the Great Emperor has become everyone's resource.

Because there are so many people, there is not enough to share.

"Such a good thing, the Void God actually missed it, and I don't know where he ran off to." Chen Feng did not stop, and when the Long River of Time determined the direction, he immediately moved forward.

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