Eternal Existence

Chapter 5411: Falling into a Trap

Finally, all the power of Guixu was created. Everyone formed a common front, fighting and retreating, and the Zerg army that rushed out was constantly slaughtered.

Finally, the Zerg tide retreated, and the barrier healed again. Everything seemed to be back to normal, as if everyone had never entered this area before.

After a brief rest, the atmosphere between the two sides changed a little. The scene became a little solemn, and a solemn atmosphere expanded.


The opponent's long sword also left the sword formation. Chen Feng noticed that Bai Jing Swordsman and others showed regret in their eyes. It was obvious that they had the same idea before.

Although one long sword was missing, the power of the sword formation was still considerable.

Chen Feng Hanzhong estimated the strength of his side, and then looked at the opponent's camp. The situation was not optimistic.

The opponent had four emperors, which was the biggest threat. In addition, the number of Hunyuan was also more than his side.

After the previous fight with the Zerg tide, both sides were injured.

So if the fight continued, his side would definitely suffer, but it would not suffer too much.

Although there are no emperors on his side, there are the four portals of the Gate of Time and Space, as well as the four killing weapons of the Sword of End.

"If we really fight, both sides will suffer losses." Chen Feng did not speak, but he set up the formation, which was also to tell the other party that he and others were not easy to mess with.

"You should leave quickly. Once the will of Guixu comes, we will take action." At this time, Chen Feng received a message from one of the emperors.

Chen Feng glanced at the other party, who was the one who threw a long sword before.

Chen Feng said nothing, but waved his hand and turned away with his men.

The forces of Guixu did not chase after them, just watching Chen Feng and others leave, and only became a little restless after they completely disappeared.

The four emperors gathered together.

"How are you?" One of them asked.

"I was injured a little, and it takes time to heal. What kind of existence is that? How can it be so powerful? I even suspect that it is Guixu who took action." The emperor who threw the long sword before said with some lingering fear.

The reason why these emperors chose to join forces with Chen Feng and others so straightforwardly was because they suffered a great loss in the previous collision with the pupil, which caused them to be afraid and no longer dared to stay in that area, because they were not sure to resist the mysterious existence.

"But speaking of it, that outsider is quite brave. In such a critical moment, he dared to rush forward with a weapon in hand, and he was not afraid of dying on the spot." Another emperor said with a smile.

"It's really risky, and it's worth it for the other party to do that. I think the other party has gained a lot."

"But it also caused a cause and effect. That mysterious existence is too powerful. If the other party's true body appears, even if the four of us join forces, I'm afraid we will fall. That outsider is not even the earth. I think the other party is simply looking for death."

"You can't say that. We must seize the opportunity. In such an environment, even if there is no opportunity, we must find a way to tear open an opportunity. In fact, I also want to do that, but I didn't have time."

"Should we still take action?"

"Let's see the situation first. On the surface, it seems that we are soft-hearted, but in fact, the other party is not easy to mess with. If the fight continues, it will be a situation where both sides will suffer. Moreover, according to the information we have received before, the other party has two powerful emperors who have not appeared and we don't know where they are trapped."

When these emperors communicated, they finally received the will from Guixu.

"We have fought with the other party. The other party is strong. We are not enough alone, so please provide us with some more strength." These emperors did not take action, but said so.

"Okay." After a long time, Guixu sent out a wave of will, and it took another period of time before it had the strength to arrive.

Two more emperors, and hundreds of Hunyuan above.

Everyone gathered together, and according to Guixu's guidance, they went to look for Chen Feng and others with murderous intent.

"It's been so long, they should have run far away."

Chen Feng and others were still in Guixu. In fact, when they left before, they were worried that the other party would catch up, so they didn't stop and kept moving forward. They slowed down when they felt very far away.

"It seems that the other party doesn't plan to catch up." The second generation breathed a sigh of relief, and the breath on his body began to fluctuate, and the whole person became a little listless and haggard.

Chen Feng was the same, his state continued to decline, and there was even blood floating in his eyes.

Fighting in the insect tide before was nothing at all, even if he was injured, he could recover quickly, but fighting with the pupil was different. Even the emperor would be injured, let alone Chen Feng and the second generation.

Even the Wheel of Destruction was severely damaged, and its combat effectiveness was affected, so it was really not a good opportunity to fight.

"Without the Soul Emperor and the Void God, we have no confidence in facing other emperors." Chen Feng said with some emotion.

"The other party will come again, so we need to consider where to go next." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"That's right, if Guixu gives the order, the other party will catch up, and there will be more people." The second generation can also understand this.

"We can't enter that special area now. This is a bit tangled. Maybe we can enter from other places." Chen Feng shook his head repeatedly when he thought of the Zerg army. Chen Feng knew that the God of Nothingness and the Emperor of Mind must still be in that special area, but he didn't know what state the two were in now.

"Time waits for no one. Make a decision as soon as possible. As long as we are still in Guixu, we are inherently at a disadvantage. Maybe the opponent's attack will arrive soon." The second generation said.

Chen Feng nodded, took out the Spear of Destiny, and urged it violently. There was a flame burning at the tip of the spear, and there were a few stars overflowing. Chen Feng's eyes turned into two vortexes at this time, swallowing these little stars.


Chen Feng groaned, closed his eyes, and blood kept flowing out. At the same time, Chen Feng's breath was unstable.

"You are too risky, no, it's too radical. You can wait until this matter is over before slowly refining and absorbing it." The second generation certainly understood what Chen Feng was doing.

Before, Chen Feng took the risk of using the Spear of Destiny to severely injure the pupil, and at the same time absorbed a part of the power to suppress it in the spear.

"Hehe, with such power, I certainly can't help wanting to see it. Besides, there will be danger next, and I also want to improve my strength." Chen Feng said with a smile, opened his mouth and sucked, and the starlight gathered into a line and drilled into Chen Feng's mouth.

The power seems not much, but the will contained in it is not simple. This is the will that can repel the emperor. Chen Feng is really too risky to do this.

However, the second generation understands that since Chen Feng dares to do this, he must be sure, and what Chen Feng said makes sense. The danger may come at any time next, and it is indeed more important to improve strength.

But is there still time to improve strength now? The previous injuries have not recovered yet.




There are cracks on Chen Feng's body, but the next moment, vitality surges, and these cracks are instantly restored.

"What a strong body." The second generation also praised repeatedly. Even if he recovered the strength of the emperor, he could not compare with Chen Feng in terms of body.

Chen Feng opened his mouth and sucked again, and another force was pulled out, this time directly into Chen Feng's eyebrows.


The eyebrows cracked.

Then came the eyes. No one knew the specific situation of Chen Feng's eyes. All they could see was blood constantly flowing out. It didn't seem like much, but every drop was as heavy as a mountain.

"Why don't we leave Guixu?" Someone suddenly suggested at this time.

Chen Feng turned his head. Although he didn't open his eyes, the other party still felt Chen Feng's gaze, and a pressure surged in his heart.

"Okay, if someone wants to leave, they can use the power of the long river of time." Chen Feng nodded and said.

"But let me say this in advance. After all, we are in the depths of Guixu. Using the power of the long river of time to go back may not be safe. We still have to take risks, but we are also taking risks if we stay, so I respect your choice." Chen Feng said with a smile.

In fact, Chen Feng also had the idea of ​​leaving. After all, everyone has been in Guixu for some time, and they still have some gains. Leaving now is not a wasted trip.

In addition, there are many crises, and there may be stronger attacks next, so leaving is also the right choice.

It's just that others can leave, but Chen Feng needs to stay for a while.

There is no news from the God of Nothingness, and they still need to communicate with the Gate of Origin. In addition, Chen Feng also has his own ideas and doesn't want to leave so early. At this time, the Gate of Origin and other powerful forces have entered Guixu, and various changes have occurred. Although it is dangerous, it is also a huge opportunity for adventurers.

In short, Chen Feng needs to wait a little longer, but he will not force others.

Hearing Chen Feng say this, some people hesitated, some people were moved, and finally someone chose to leave.

The phantom of the long river of time appeared and disappeared, and six people above Hunyuan followed and left.

"I hope they can leave smoothly." Chen Feng said.

"Leave this area quickly." At this time, Chen Feng suddenly received the will from the Gate of Origin.

Chen Feng led people to speed up without any pause.

"But we are still in Guixu. Even if we run, where can we run to? The other party will catch up with us sooner or later." Chen Feng said in his heart.

As if it understood what Chen Feng was thinking, the will from the Gate of Origin pointed out the route for Chen Feng to move forward.

"Interesting, I didn't expect the Gate of Origin to know so much about Guixu." Chen Feng thought to himself, and at the same time he relaxed a little.

Since the Gate of Origin pointed him forward, it must be sure to get rid of the troubles behind.

Chen Feng guessed that the place he was going to was probably a place similar to the special area before, otherwise he would not be able to hide it from Guixu.

"It's just that special area, although it can block the power of Guixu, it is also very dangerous for us. If used well, it is to fight poison with poison, but if used poorly, it is to fall into a trap." Chen Feng thought to himself.

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