Eternal Existence

Chapter 5419 Multiple Companies Join Forces

Before, these beings were watching from a distance without any intervention. It was because of this that Chen Feng was able to deal with the poisonous insect. Otherwise, if these Hunyuan masters swarmed up, Chen Feng would not have gained so many benefits.

As long as there is no Great Emperor, Chen Feng has a good idea. Because he swallowed the Emperor-level undead before, Chen Feng cannot use the power of the origin, and even cannot use some origin-level magic weapons. Therefore, his opponents are replaced by these great masters of Hunyuan. It's in line with Chen Feng's wishes.

"The others should be fine." Although there is a melee now, and Chen Feng is indeed taking the lead. Speaking of which, Chen Feng naturally does not want to see this area disintegrated, but when the real fight begins, Chen Feng still has to take the lead in caring for his own side. As for Chen Feng, the cultivator in the God area, he can't take care of them. As they are stronger, Chen Feng doesn't need to take care of them.

"I'm afraid this battle will be more intense than before, so surviving is the first priority." Chen Feng said in a low voice.

There are sword formations on one side, large formations on the other side, and portals and killing weapons interspersed back and forth. Overall, it looks like everyone is gathered together. This is what Chen Feng is relieved about. As long as everyone does not disperse, it means that they can compete with the opponent. Once they are defeated, Break up, then it’s time to consider where to go next.

The number of opponents is increasing, and new emperors are appearing from time to time. They attack the Celestial God area from all directions, and the Celestial God area finally realizes that this time the situation is different from the past, so the Celestial God area also begins to make some responses. .

A space cracked open, and powerful auras clashed out. Dozens of Hunyuan appeared one after another. Although they did not form a magic circle, they gathered into a torrent.

"It's not enough to be above Hunyuan." Chen Feng frowned. The strength of these dozens of Hunyuan above is quite good. It seems that they have been practicing in seclusion. Now they rush out with murderous intent, which can be regarded as a powerful force. combat effectiveness.

Suddenly, there was a violent collision, a loud noise, and strong fluctuations came from a distance, and even Chen Feng was affected.

"This is?"

Chen Feng was a little surprised, but he quickly figured it out. It turned out that there was a hidden emperor in the Tianshen area who suddenly broke out and launched a sneak attack, which actually severely injured an invading emperor.

However, the invading emperor was also very capable and had been prepared for it. After being injured, he fought back violently, and a collision occurred between the two sides.

"There is another great emperor. I hope this is just the beginning." Chen Feng thought that these powers should not be the only ones in the God of Heaven area.

Sure enough, the space collapsed, and dozens more Hunyuan people appeared. At the same time, in another area, a great emperor came out with murderous intent holding a weapon. Although they were far apart, Chen Feng felt as if his soul was being cut.

I know this is a master.

And this is not the giant family.

"The ones I had the most contact with before were the giants, but I underestimated other powers." Chen Feng secretly thought in his heart. Although the Tianshen area still did not show overwhelming power, Chen Feng felt relieved now.

Even if the two extra emperors and some above Hunyuan could not change the situation, they would not suffer too much.

Even if this area collapses, these experts can still successfully leave.

But Chen Feng also knows that this is just the beginning, and the next battle may be very long.

"Is it so difficult to practice quietly?" Chen Feng said somewhat depressed.

Although he had been resting in the Tianshen area for a period of time before, Chen Feng seemed to have not enough time, so it was not enough time for others.

If we can practice for more time, then everyone's strength will be improved again. After all, after cultivating to such a state, it takes a long time to retreat.

Moreover, Chen Feng had already discovered that as his strength became stronger, he no longer had the concept of time.

Unless you can control the law of time control.

There are many opponents coming, but it seems that they can handle it at the moment, especially since Chen Feng's side has not yet used all their strength, let alone hurt anyone.

In fact, the ones who paid the most were Chen Feng and Er Er. They were fighting at the front from the beginning.

Furthermore, there are the swordsmen in the sword formation. Their sacrifices are also very great, but at least they have three original level long swords to maintain, and these swordsmen also gain a lot.

In short, the same thing is said, if the formation is not chaotic, then there will be no big problems.

However, Chen Feng felt that things were not that simple. Since his opponent had taken action, he must have been fully prepared.

"Then even the Great Emperor is dispatched, what backup plan does the other side have? Just rely on Gui Xu's squeeze." Chen Feng smiled. Although Gui Xu's power was endless and powerful, he wanted to rely on this method to deal with himself. Some practitioners are still a little unrealistic.

Moreover, Chen Feng was able to cut these returning powers into pieces during the confrontation with his opponents.

As for the will of Guixu or the intervention of Emperor Xushi, Chen Feng believed that they should deal with the other emperors first, and so far they have not taken action.

"There is absolutely no benefit in continuing to fight like this. It is a waste of mana." The second generation suddenly sent a message to Chen Feng.

Because the second generation is still entangled with a great emperor, it can be said that it consumes a lot of money.

Unlike Chen Feng who had just swallowed some undead souls, especially one of the great emperors, such a harvest was enviable.

The second thought for a while and felt that he could also suppress an emperor, but only if he could suppress the other party.

Therefore, the second generation envied Chen Feng's luck, and also doubted the intelligence of those undead souls. Why did he use that method to send them to his door? Why didn't I encounter such a good opportunity?

"At most, we can only divide the emperor with the other party. It is unrealistic to suppress a complete emperor." The second said.

"Let's just think of it as helping the God area. After all, we owe each other a lot of favors. This area can also serve as a base for us to enter our destination in the future. No matter from which aspect we look at it, we can't just sit idly by. Besides, for For us, it's just a little effort, and we can make up for it soon." Chen Feng responded with a smile.

"The premise is that these intruders can be eliminated this time. I do have a bad feeling that the natural area may be severely damaged this time." II said.

"Even if the opponent was prepared, they were simply heading for the God area, but there was an error in the opponent's calculation because we appeared. Don't forget that we are also a huge force, so who will win this time, and who will lose? It’s still really uncomfortable, but it’s possible that we will get huge benefits.” Chen Feng said.

"I hope so." The second generation could only say this.

Let’s not think about the benefits for the moment, no, we still have to think about it, maybe we can solve the problem of the great emperor in front of us, but I’m afraid that my own strength alone is not enough. If someone helps me, I have some hope of using the emperor’s clone.

After thinking about this, the second emperor's eyes lit up, which startled his opponent. He thought that the second emperor was going to explode. Who knew that after waiting for a while, he found that the second emperor didn't make any moves, so the emperor exploded with a special skill. The magical power appeared and directly included the second generation.

"Hey, I'm trapped. You should be fine." Naturally, Chen Feng saw the situation of the second generation at the first time.

"I'm fine, I'm just trapped temporarily." The second wave of will came.

In fact, as long as there is no danger, it doesn't matter whether he is trapped in the Second World. Anyway, he just wants to entangle a great emperor.

However, the other party's magical power is really good. I still want to deal with the other party, but now it seems that I still need to wait.

The Second Emperor didn't say anything, but Chen Feng came up with the idea that although killing Hunyuan by himself would be considered as weakening the opponent's power, killing a great emperor would truly deal a major blow to the opponent.

So Chen Feng secretly summoned the Second Emperor and wanted to join forces with the Second Emperor to kill the great emperor. Then the benefits would be given to the Second Emperor.

The second generation was a little excited when he received the summons from Chen Feng. The second generation had this idea before, but was too embarrassed to speak. Unexpectedly, Chen Feng took the initiative to mention it.

In this case, I have to take the risk even if I try my best.

The reward from killing a great emperor is too great. When the time comes, I can truly restore the strength of my previous life, and even surpass it somewhat.




Chen Feng collided with several Hunyuan superiors one after another. Whether it was magical powers, martial arts, or will and soul attacks, they all turned into a collision of forces.

It seemed extremely intense, and it was impossible to tell the winner for a while.

But suddenly Chen Feng gave up his defense and withstood the powerful attack from the opponent. Chen Feng also took the opportunity to knock one of his opponents away.

The next moment, Chen Feng disappeared from the spot and rushed towards the battlefield where the second generation was.

The great emperor was manipulating magical powers to try to suppress the second generation, but at this time, facing Chen Feng's attack, he had to allocate part of his strength to deal with it, and the second generation who was originally trapped suddenly broke out and launched a fierce counterattack.

Under the attack between the two, the emperor felt strong pressure, and then he realized that he had fallen into the conspiracy.

"Hmph, it's a joke to think that you can solve me like this." The emperor sneered, and he actually responded to the attacks from two people at the same time.

In the violent collision, Chen Feng and the Second Emperor retreated continuously. The body of the great emperor was somewhat broken, but it was repaired quickly at this time and returned to its original state in the blink of an eye.

The opportunity passed in a flash, the two people's plan failed, and those above Hunyuan had already killed them.

Chen Feng resisted several attacks but did not dare to continue. He could only turn around and continue fighting. In this way, it became the same situation as before.

"Unless I can deal with these Hunyuan superiors, I can't take action now." Chen Feng was a little helpless. If before, he could deal with the opponent by releasing his own clones or combat puppets, but now he can only rely on his own strength.

"Perhaps we can find other people to help." Chen Feng's thoughts turned, and then he saw that the Gate of Time and Space were also facing off against the existence of the origin level. Although they had not yet had a real confrontation, they could not free their hands.

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