Eternal Existence

Chapter 5431: Hunting

Chen Feng certainly agreed with Jiu Ling Zhen Jun's suggestion, and he was a little curious. The other party was so kind that he let himself get the benefits first.

If that was the case, then he really believed that the other party had no ill intentions. Perhaps Jiu Long Zhen Jun also used this action to show his attitude.

No matter what, he must get the Origin God Mountain, so Chen Feng naturally had no reason to disagree.

Then Jiu Ling Zhen Jun and Er Shi also attacked at the same time, but they did not choose the Origin God Mountain in front of Chen Feng, but attacked the Origin God Mountain in the other two directions.

Only by cutting off the connection between the Origin God Mountains can Chen Feng succeed.

The strength of Jiu Ling Zhen Jun was similar to that of Er Shi, which was also infinitely close to the combat power of the Great Emperor.

This was not surprising. From the beginning, Chen Feng deduced that the other party's strength should not be underestimated. If he did not have the ability to protect himself, how could he make it in Guixu?

And Chen Feng also felt that the other party should be hiding very deeply, just like Er Shi.

Of course, it is still unclear now. Only after they really start fighting and burst out their own strength can they find out the truth.

However, even if the two of them burst out with such powerful fighting power, Chen Feng still did not take the Origin Mountain.

"Is it not possible to do this?" Chen Feng was a little surprised, knowing that he was not only fighting against the Origin Mountain, but also this piece of origin, and some restrictions left by the emperor.

So Chen Feng released a series of avenues, which turned into palms and grabbed the Origin Mountain. It seemed that he wanted to uproot the opponent, but in fact, he was constantly eroding the mountain.

Only by breaking the various rune restrictions on the mountain, or defeating the spirituality inside the mountain, leaving his own mark, can he take the mountain for himself. If it goes well, he can even refine the mountain on the spot and turn it into his own fighting power.

These avenues of Chen Feng are the strongest ones, and the clones evolved are not much weaker than Chen Feng's own fighting power.

Especially Chen Feng's full-strength attack this time, even if he didn't use the origin, Chen Feng was sure to get the treasure he wanted by relying on this method.

You know, Chen Feng relied on these Dao clones to fight against the emperor face to face, and now Chen Feng's Dao is stronger than before.

Sure enough, the Origin Mountain shook, and Chen Feng felt that the entire Origin was shaking.

This scene surprised Jiuling Zhenjun a little. He had calculated that Chen Feng was not simple before, and thought that Chen Feng relied on the power of the broken origin. Unexpectedly, he cultivated so many Daos, and each Dao was so powerful.

But it is still not enough now. Although the Origin Mountain is shaking, it will take some time to take it for himself.

In this process, this side of the origin naturally cannot be slaughtered, and it is also constantly using means to attack the three people, which makes it impossible for the three to maintain a complete victory.

Not only that, with the flashing of groups of light, reinforcements began to arrive.

Chen Feng also had some guesses about why there were no masters in this origin area. First, it was the invasion from outside, which forced the masters here to go out to fight. Another reason was that the will of the origin was not willing to let outsiders in.

However, now that the origin area was attacked, the only way was to mobilize helpers again.

In fact, the helpers came quite quickly, at least Chen Feng and the other two had not succeeded yet.

Seeing the helpers appear, Chen Feng was a little anxious, so he waved his hand and the Spear of Destiny flew out and turned into a clone, blocking the opponents rushing towards him.

This was not over yet, Chen Feng also released the battle puppet given to him by the Thunder Emperor, which was another great force, and it was no problem to use it to block Hunyuan.

After releasing these means, Chen Feng used his magic power to stimulate two avenues, which turned into indestructible energy blades and chopped around the origin mountain in front of him, which was to cut off the connection between the origin mountains.

This really worked. The mountain in front of him shook even more violently. Chen Feng suddenly laughed, feeling like he was pulling bamboo shoots. The mountain in front of him was just a little bigger.

Chen Feng kept urging his mana. At the same time, the power imprint and special energy finally took the opportunity to rush into the origin mountain, just like two indestructible swords. Wherever they passed, all obstacles were cut into pieces.

Chen Feng's will imprint followed closely and filled the gap, so that he could control the origin mountain faster.

This outbreak can be said to be beyond the expectations of the origin mountain and the existence behind it. When the other party wanted to fight back, it was too late.

Chen Feng's will imprint had completely enveloped the origin mountain. Then Chen Feng just thought about it, and the origin mountain that had been unshakable before shrank in circles, and finally fell into Chen Feng's hands.

"Good, good!"

Chen Feng was very satisfied. Because of his own refining, he didn't have to suppress it completely in the origin as before.

But it is safer to put it away first, so Chen Feng put the Origin God Mountain into his own origin.

After getting the things, even though Chen Feng had many treasures in his hands, he couldn't help but smile.

Speaking of which, since seeing the other party's Origin God Mountain in the Heavenly God area, Chen Feng had an idea in his mind.

Although I also have the Origin Mountain, I can never have too many good things. Besides, I have many broken origins, and I will open up my own resources in the future. I need this Origin Mountain to suppress them.

So even if I get some more, it won't be too much.

After collecting this Origin Mountain, Chen Feng came to the second Origin Mountain.

During this process, Chen Feng's clones and combat puppets were still fighting. Because this origin was invaded by invaders, only a small part of the power could be drawn at once.

If it weren't for the emperor, Chen Feng could completely block it.

Besides, Chen Feng didn't just collect an Origin Mountain from time to time, but broke the opponent's iron plate.

The next action will be easier.

Chen Feng still used the previous method, and the road came forward to wrap the Origin Mountain, but this time the situation was really different. As soon as he came up, the Origin Mountain in front of him began to shake.

"Daoyou, please be faster." At this time, Jiuling Zhenjun urged.

"Is there a master coming?" Chen Feng asked.

"Maybe it will appear at any time." Jiuling Zhenjun looked a little anxious. After all, Chen Feng had already gained something, but Jiuling Zhenjun had nothing.

The Second World was not in a hurry. Anyway, he was in the same group with Chen Feng. Chen Feng's gain was equivalent to his coming here for nothing.

"Even if the emperor comes, don't think of stopping me." Chen Feng's voice was as deep as thunder, and stronger power was released from the avenue.

The mana gushed out like a life-threatening gushing, the power imprint and special energy were indestructible and invincible. Wherever they passed, the origin mountain emitted crackling explosions.

This was the sound of the forbidden imprint being shattered.

"So powerful!" Jiuling Zhenjun was surprised and happy.


Finally, the origin mountain began to shrink, and finally slowly fell into Chen Feng's hands.

As the avenue was retracted, Chen Feng was wrapped in golden light, looking majestic, but in fact, Chen Feng was also very exhausted, and even felt a little tired.

It is not so easy to take the two origin mountains. If it were not for the help of Jiuling Zhenjun and Ershi, Chen Feng would have spent several times more strength.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to go to the third origin mountain, the front was blurred and a black shadow enveloped him.

Chen Feng was finally stopped.

"Get out of the way!"

Chen Feng was furious. Someone really stopped him. The benefit was right in front of him. No matter who it was, he had to die.

It turned out that this was an emperor. Chen Feng fought with the other party and could not help but retreat.


Chen Feng frowned, wishing to release all his means regardless of anything and tear the other party into pieces.

"Be careful, this should be the emperor among the invaders." Jiuling Zhenjun said at this time.

"Invader!" Chen Feng tried harder. You don't fight with this origin, but come to entangle yourself.

Blocking your wealth is simply a life-and-death feud.

"I don't care where you come from, get out of here right now." Chen Feng shouted, and used his boxing skills to kill Shangqi. At the same time, one clone after another walked out of the avenue.

Chen Feng seemed furious, but he was actually very calm. Since the other party had taken action, he would definitely not leave after just a few words. In the final analysis, it was still about strength, and a fight was inevitable.

The Second World stopped bombarding the Origin God Mountain, but rushed up quietly, wanting to hunt down the emperor with Chen Feng.

The Origin God Mountain is certainly important, but if you can hunt down a great emperor, you will get more benefits. Besides, the two of them are already very skilled in this matter.

Seeing that the two of them were so tacitly staring at the great emperor, Jiuling Zhenjun's eyes flickered, and he also gave up bombarding the Origin God Mountain, but did not help the two of them, but locked in a direction and rushed over.

"Come out!"

I didn't see Jiuling Zhenjun use any means, but I saw the shadow of a law appear, as if it was pulled out by Jiuling Zhenjun. As the strength of the peeling became stronger, the shadow of this law gradually condensed.

This is the goal of Jiuling Zhenjun. He wanted to help Chen Feng obtain the Origin Mountain first, and then collect this law. Who knew that the appearance of the emperor disrupted some plans, but it didn't matter. Chen Feng collected two Origin Mountains and now competed with the emperor, which gave Jiuling Zhenjun some opportunities.

Chen Feng and the Second World naturally saw this scene, but they didn't care, but wanted to destroy the emperor in front of them.


Under the siege, the emperor couldn't resist and was hit by Chen Feng's fist. When he retreated, he saw a stream of light coming rapidly. This stream of light made the emperor feel threatened, and he quickly took action to deal with it. After the collision, he found that it was a spear, an origin-level weapon.

Chen Feng waved his hand and took the Spear of Destiny in his hand. His combat power soared, and he cooperated with the Second World to kill the opponent and retreat again and again.

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