Eternal Existence

Chapter 543: Killing the Human Immortal

"Open!" The immortal struggled violently, and the blood chains around him broke one after another, and even the roots of the blood tree bounced out one after another.

"The roots of this blood tree are so tough that they can block the attack of the immortal." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"What's so surprising? This is just a seedling. If it is an adult blood tree, a branch can beat the immortal to death." The voice of the tower came over.

"Tower, help quickly, I can't control this guy anymore." Chen Feng shouted.

"If you don't help, it's embarrassing that you can't control a small immortal." The tower laughed.

"Roar!" The immortal roared wildly, and his figure became taller and taller. The blood in his body was like the magma in a volcano about to erupt. The strong blood made Chen Feng's consciousness feel like being roasted by fire.

"How can the body of this immortal be so strong?" Chen Feng cried out again.

Chen Feng knew that the immortal in front of him was not easy to deal with. Without the help of the tower, he might not be able to kill the opponent with the broken blood-gathering bead alone. So Chen Feng waved his hand and released Jian Xiaotian and the other two. At the same time, the shadow of the blood-gathering bead disappeared, and Chen Feng flashed and entered the blood-gathering bead.

The situation outside the book has been completely controlled with the appearance of the nine-tailed demon fox. The human immortal of Jiuxiao Palace was broken, and only a little soul fire escaped. As for Wang Long and the remaining few people, they were also injured by the aftermath of the nine-tailed demon fox and fell to the ground. Then He Xian came forward and killed them one by one.

"Where did Chen Feng go?" Mo Ji asked anxiously immediately.

"Don't worry, we just wait." Jian Xiaotian knew about Chen Feng's situation, but he was not worried.

But he didn't know that Chen Feng had already exerted all his skills in the blood-gathering bead at this time. The three most powerful holy weapons, the two swords of life and death and the sword of sealing demons, attacked the immortal of Lingxiao Palace again and again under Chen Feng's trend.

The blood pool was boiling, and the branches and roots of the Blood Nether Tree extended into the blood pool, but they still could not suppress the opponent. On the contrary, the human immortals of Lingxiao Palace were walking out of the blood pool step by step.

Chen Feng gritted his teeth, and all the energy in the blood cave gushed out. The blood essence in his body began to be consumed in waves. The power of the blood-gathering bead increased again, but Chen Feng became weaker and weaker, and even his life span was affected.

"Boy, let me out, let's forget about it." A trace of fear began to arise in the heart of the human immortal of Lingxiao Palace.

"Hey, do you think I would do this?" Chen Feng opened his mouth and sprayed out another stream of blood essence, which fell on the Blood Nether Tree, making the attack of the Blood Nether Tree even more sharp.

The roots and branches of the Blood Nether Tree were like vigorous and powerful pythons, and the chains condensed by blood water were endless. The three holy weapon-level long swords kept cutting and piercing around the opponent.

Soon, the immortal from Lingxiao Palace became covered with wounds. It seemed that Chen Feng had the upper hand, but he didn't know that Chen Feng was also gritting his teeth and holding on, because Chen Feng was rapidly consuming the blood and qi in his body, and later he had reached the point of overdraft. If it weren't for the large amount of energy stored in the acupoints he opened up, Chen Feng would have turned into a mummy.

"Hey, kid, if you don't let me out, I wonder how long you can hold on?" The immortal sneered, and the power of thunder in his body kept flashing, resisting the layers of attacks from all around. The situation is now stalemate, and it depends on who can hold on.

Chen Feng smiled coldly, took out a blood pill and threw it into his mouth. The rolling medicinal power cut open, and the blood and qi in Chen Feng's body flowed like a river again.

This is not an ordinary blood pill, but a blood and flesh refined from the ice and fire double-headed dragon. It is an earth-level eighth-grade pill. Just one pill is enough for Chen Feng to refine for a period of time. Now the time to swallow it is just right, and it replenishes Chen Feng's blood and qi that are about to dry up in a short time.

With the blood pill replenished, Chen Feng grabbed the Death Sword and rushed towards the Lingxiao Palace Immortal. The sword energy mixed with the rich death energy launched a thunderous attack.

"Boy, you are here just in time. I was waiting for you." The Immortal laughed loudly, and the wounds on his body returned to normal in an instant. A breathtaking breath surged out, and the blood chains and tree roots and branches around him were broken and bounced away.

He strode forward, and the huge palm bombarded Chen Feng. The blood around him exploded wherever he passed, and the sword energy Chen Feng hit also cracked, and finally exploded with a bang.

"Not good!" Chen Feng only felt a mountain hit him, and then flew backwards and hit the blood tree heavily, causing the thick blood tree to shake.

"Hahaha! Boy, you are too young. You deserve to be lucky today. This Taoist weapon is mine." The human immortal said as he stretched out his hand to grab the blood-colored talisman floating not far away. This human immortal also had vision and saw at a glance that this talisman was the core of controlling the blood-gathering bead.

Chen Feng gritted his teeth, and a drop of the demon immortal's blood essence drilled into the blood tree. Then a strong and domineering air wave boiled from the blood tree. A thick branch suddenly pulled out and easily pulled the human immortal out. At the same time, the roots of the tree pierced the human immortal like spears. In just an instant, half of the blood and qi on the human immortal's body were swallowed up.


Thunder and flames emanated from the human immortal at the same time. After finally breaking free from the attack of the branches, there were already three more blood holes on the human immortal's body, and these three blood holes were still slowly expanding.

"Cough, cough!"

At the same time, Chen Feng also opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood. This was not blood essence, but the heart blood produced by the broken internal organs.

His face turned pale. Chen Feng knew that he had finally been attacked by the Blood Dark Tree and suffered internal injuries. If Chen Feng had calmed down in the past, he would have been able to repair the injury quickly, but now Chen Feng has no time because Chen Feng has to deal with it. The human immortal of Lingxiao Palace.

The situation in front of him showed that the winner was about to be determined. As long as Chen Feng could attack the opponent again, victory would be assured.

"The art of military solution!"

The Immortal of Lingxiao Palace gritted her teeth, and a trace of flame came out of her body. As the flames burned, the wounds on the Immortal's body disappeared completely, and her aura became more domineering than before.

Seeing the human immortal in front of him turn into a fireman, Chen Feng's expression changed greatly: "To stimulate the potential in the body and burn the remaining essence and blood, this guy really tried his best. Even if he doesn't die afterwards, he will still have half his life left."


Chen Feng swayed and came to the Blood Ming Tree. Thick branches blocked his face, forming a thick barrier. At the same time, the two swords of life and death also began to rotate, and a more powerful sword energy storm start to form.

When Chen Feng was dueling with the immortals from Lingxiao Palace, Jian Xiaotian was a little anxious waiting outside.

"It's been a whole day, will anything happen to Chen Feng?" Mo Ji couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing should happen. Let's just wait." Jian Xiaotian said hesitantly. In fact, Jian Xiaotian's heart began to beat. Although Jian Xiaotian knew that Chen Feng had a very powerful magic weapon, but now When a human immortal entered it, Jian Xiaotian still felt a little uneasy.

Three days passed by in a flash, and now even Jian Xiaotian became anxious.

In the blood-gathering bead, Chen Feng, covered in blood, was leaning against the Blood Underworld Tree. The human immortal from Lingxiao Palace was floating in the blood pool. A thick tree root was rooted in this person, constantly absorbing the essence from the body. Qi and blood.

"Huh, I didn't expect that I couldn't defeat the human immortal with the help of blood gathering beads. In the end, I needed the tower to take action." Chen Feng sighed a little. The injury this time was too serious, but it was nothing to Chen Feng. A piece of essence Pills, three longevity pills are releasing their medicinal power in the body, and Chen Feng clearly feels that the injuries and longevity on his body are recovering quickly.

"Hey, this immortal is not simple." At this time, Chen Feng only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the tower appeared in front of Chen Feng.

"Why did you come in here?" Chen Feng was a little confused.

"I have recovered some strength and can leave my body for a while." Ta said with a smile and walked to the blood pool.

"This human immortal is much more powerful than the old man named He Xian. His body is condensed very tyrannically. It should be the body refining technique he practiced. If the blood-gathering bead is not broken, it will be easy to deal with him. Now, hey, you are not strong enough. ." Ta smiled and took out an ice pear and ate it.

"You can eat now." Chen Feng opened his eyes wide.

"Haha, not bad." Ta said and laughed.


At this time, the human immortal in Lingxiao Palace exploded and turned into tiny fragments that merged into the blood pool. As for all the essence and blood in the body, it had been completely swallowed up by the Blood Nether Tree.

After swallowing the blood of a human immortal, the Blood Dark Tree began to grow. The branches and leaves damaged in the fight had been completely restored. In the end, the Blood Dark Tree grew dozens of meters, and the branches and leaves became more lush, but no fruits grew. .

"I wonder when the Bleeding Dark Fruit will grow?" Chen Feng shook his head and stood up.

"At this rate, we should be able to devour another ten or eight human immortals." Ta said after a moment of thought.

"What, so long!" Chen Feng exclaimed.

"Anyway, the harvest this time is not small. Let's take a look at what's in the space bag first?" Chen Feng said and there was an extra space bag in his hand. It belonged to the human immortal who was killed just now. As for Sun Kai and the others, Yes, Chen Feng doesn't take it to heart yet.

"There are a lot of spiritual stones, but there are too few elixirs and medicinal materials. There are not many rare ores, and there are no magic formulas. This is a human immortal after all, but it is too poor." Chen Feng couldn't help shouting.

"That's because you don't lack spiritual stones. Ten million precious crystals and one million holy crystals are not too few. As for the magic formulas, they are all in the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness. Now they have dissipated. There is still a handful somewhere. A long sword?" Ta said and waved a strong long sword into his hand.

"Broken Army Sword, a first-grade holy weapon, not bad." Ta just looked at it and threw it to Chen Feng.

"Holy weapon, hehe, it can be considered as something gained." Chen Feng laughed.

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