Eternal Existence

Chapter 5436: True Energy Power

"It seems that something was touched." Chen Feng thought. Although the other party exploded, he still saw something just now.

So Chen Feng went to other areas where the Hunyuan exploded.

This time, he had experience. First, he used the Long River of Time to revive the other party, and then Chen Feng used means to seal the four directions, which was to block something.

In the end, it really worked. Although the other party still exploded in the end, it also allowed Chen Feng to capture some things.

"This involves cause and effect and fate. Of course, the most important thing is the source of this special power." Chen Feng said slowly.

Then Chen Feng went to other areas where the Hunyuan exploded in succession. Finally, Chen Feng had a brief exchange with a resurrected Hunyuan. Although it was only some intermittent will, it also made Chen Feng know a lot of things.

"Although I don't know whether Jiuling Zhenjun has discovered something, I have some clues here now. I just don't know whether what will happen next is good or bad?" Chen Feng calculated the news he had just received over and over again, and finally decided to act.

Chen Feng used the magic of walking to shuttle around in this area, and spent some time entering a cave.

This cave was hidden very well, even Chen Feng almost couldn't find it.

According to Chen Feng's speculation, the previous self-destructed Hunyuan above came out of this cave.

So it was quite risky for Chen Feng to come to this cave at this time.

"I want to see what is hidden in it." Because he could communicate with the long river of time, Chen Feng did not notify others, but wanted to explore it himself first.

As a result, Chen Feng did not feel the danger when he entered the cave, but the power in his body fluctuated.

"If I can't control this fluctuation, then the power in my body will be out of control? But this is different from the previous situation of those Hunyuan above. They were invaded by special power, and I haven't captured this power yet." After saying this, Chen Feng couldn't help shaking his head again.

This is not the case. There is still a force that affects me, otherwise these changes would not happen.

"Anyway, my body is flawless. Even the power of the Great Emperor can't easily break my defense, but now it affects me, which is really strange. It is simply invisible and silent, making it hard to guard against." Chen Feng searched his body again and again, but he didn't find the power that affected his changes.

However, as Chen Feng condensed himself again and again, the signs of being out of control gradually disappeared.

Chen Feng felt that there was absolutely no problem with his body.

"I don't know if that power was refined by me, or if it was hidden in my body and became a hidden danger, just like the practitioners I met before, once the time is up, it will explode." Chen Feng thought, but continued to observe the cave in front of him.

Since he had changed himself, there must be something in this cave.

As a result, after Chen Feng walked around, he carefully turned it over here, but found nothing.

In desperation, Chen Feng had to summon the power of the long river of time and use the method of time retracing again.

So everything that happened here began to flow back, and finally Chen Feng saw some scenes, which were indeed the scenes of those who entered this place to adventure before.

They took a corpse here.

"Those special powers come from this corpse, but why didn't it appear when the other party exploded?" Chen Feng used a virtual and real magical power to make the corpse appear.

As a result, Chen Feng successfully fished the corpse out of the long river of time, but it did not contain those special energies.

"It's really not that easy." Chen Feng knew that it was not because the long river of time was not strong enough. Of course, there were indeed reasons in this regard. The most important reason was that his virtual and real avenue had not reached a very high level.

"If it were replaced by the real emperor or the virtual emperor, it would definitely be easy." Chen Feng said and left this cave.

Although there was no gain, he also learned more information, at least he understood how those who were above the Hunyuan died.

And Chen Feng believed that this area could not be the only special cave. Since this is a Taoist temple, there must be other strange places.

"It's just that the fragment area has existed for so long, there must be countless practitioners who come here to take risks, and some good things may have been taken away by others. However, since Jiuling Zhenjun chose to come here, there must be a special reason." After walking out of the cave, Chen Feng used the power of time to explore, so that he could capture more things that he could not perceive.

Just as Chen Feng was exploring this area little by little with his own methods, another violent fluctuation came from a distance.

Chen Feng knew at the first time that another powerful practitioner had self-destructed, and this time the explosion was even louder than before.

"Could it be the emperor?" Chen Feng was shocked. If this was the case, then he really had to consider the next action.

Chen Feng's speed was very fast. It can be said that he disappeared from the spot after he noticed it. At the moment when the power fluctuation hit him, Chen Feng arrived at the place.

"Such a strong power fluctuation. He is not an emperor, but he is very powerful. He is considered the top existence in this realm above Hunyuan. Let's not talk about his combat power. His magic power is extremely strong. I don't know how many kalpas he has practiced." Chen Feng calculated.

"Huh." Chen Feng suddenly disappeared from the spot, and then he punched in the void. The void was broken, and Chen Feng reached out and grabbed a weapon.

"Origin-level weapon, good stuff." Chen Feng said with a smile, stretched out his hand and knocked it, and his will fluctuated.


Chen Feng just called out, and the weapon vibrated, shining, and a shadow of a cultivator condensed.

"Hello, Daoyou." The shadow spoke.

Chen Feng was about to ask, but after thinking about it, he released some life force.

This was extracted by Chen Feng from the Avenue of Life. Sure enough, the shadow in front of him condensed a little.

Chen Feng still did not stop, and released the Avenue of Destiny and the Avenue of Reincarnation to merge into a field covering all directions.

"It seems that fellow Daoist is also exploring the power of Zhen Yuan." The shadow said with a bitter smile.

"Zhen Yuan Power!" Chen Feng nodded, and understood. It turned out that this power was the power of Zhen Yuan.

Zhen Yuan Dojo, Zhen Yuan Power, Chen Feng thought of a lot at once.

"To be honest with fellow Daoist, I just came to this area, and the self-explosion of adventurers aroused my curiosity." Chen Feng said.

"Hey, I sincerely suggest that fellow Daoist leave this place, otherwise fellow Daoist may end up like me." The cultivator said.

"Thank you for your advice. I think if fellow Daoist had not self-exploded, I would not have chosen to leave. When practicing to our level, the most lacking thing is courage and fierce advancement. To put it bluntly, it is still confidence. "

"Then fellow Daoist, please tell me what happened."

The shadow sighed, but still told what he knew.

"Don't worry, our meeting is also fate, I will take you out." Chen Feng said.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist." After the shadow said, it got into the weapon and disappeared.

The weapon was good, so Chen Feng collected it, but he did not take it for himself. As he said before, Chen Feng would let the other party go after leaving here.

Although the other party exploded, as long as there is a trace of will left, he can recover in the future, not to mention that there is an origin-level weapon as a carrier, so he still has the power to protect himself.

"True Yuan power, hey, I think it is the power cultivated by the owner here. Could it be that the other party really fell, but there is still some power left, but it is inevitable that it is a bit disappointing."

In Chen Feng's mind, even if the owner here is as powerful as the Real and Real Emperor, it would be fine if the other party is still alive. If he fell, just leaving some power behind might open up a new road for himself, but he is not too satisfied, unless the other party's body can be preserved intact.

"But this area can always exist, maybe the other party is really not dead." Chen Feng suddenly remembered those Hunyuan who exploded before. The energy after their self-explosion was integrated into the True Yuan Dojo.

"When you think about it this way, it tastes a bit like conspiracy." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Not long after, Chen Feng found another cave. After a little hesitation, he walked in.

This was the place where the cultivator had been before. His strength was top-notch above Hunyuan, but he ended up like this. What about himself?

Chen Feng did not dare to be careless, but he felt that the attraction in front was getting stronger and stronger. He would not retreat even if it was dangerous.

Sure enough, this time Chen Feng found the power of true essence in the cave. These powers were not like scattered spiritual energy, but condensed into clouds and kept rolling in this cave.

"It seems like the origin!" Chen Feng said in a low voice.

So Chen Feng took out the weapon again, and the shadow of the cultivator appeared again. Seeing where Chen Feng was, his face couldn't help but change: "It's here. I wanted to absorb all the true essence power at the beginning, but fortunately I didn't do so. Even so, I ended up like this."

"Then try to absorb less." Chen Feng asked.

"That's what I thought at the beginning." The cultivator said.

Chen Feng still made a move, but he only collected the power of Zhen Yuan, and did not refine and absorb it immediately.

"This way it won't affect me." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Even if a small amount of power is eroded, he is sure to refine it.

After leaving this cave, Chen Feng continued to walk in the Zhen Yuan Daochang. Then Chen Feng went to two more caves and collected some Zhen Yuan power one after another.

"I don't know how the second generation is doing." Chen Feng decided to contact the other party and exchange recent experiences with each other.

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