Eternal Existence

Chapter 5461: Unkind Visitors

After the practitioners in the Godly Region erupted, they successfully dealt heavy blows to several invading opponents, but they themselves were also injured.

Chen Feng was targeted by Guixu. Although Guixu's own power was blocked, other practitioners could be mobilized to focus on Chen Feng's camp.

So the pressure rose sharply, and some people began to get injured.

And Chen Feng was attacked again.

Just like the initial situation, the opponent sent a powerful master who was proficient in sneak attacks.

Chen Feng's body had huge wounds under the opponent's weapon, but Chen Feng also successfully fought back.

At the moment of being attacked, Chen Feng released the power mark.

Under Chen Feng's control, the power mark was extremely sticky, and it directly forced the opponent out of his body. Then Chen Feng held the Spear of Destiny and pierced the opponent's body.

It's a pity that the opponent still managed to escape.

Chen Feng knew that it might be difficult to find such a good opportunity again, and even if the opponent didn't sneak attack him, he might go back to sneak attack others.

Sure enough, the opponent rushed into his territory again and smashed a person above the Hunyuan.

Chen Feng operated the magic circle, mobilized the power of reincarnation, and the moment he locked the opponent, an energy ball exploded.

The body of this cultivator was blown to pieces again, but he escaped again before Chen Feng arrived.

Chen Feng sighed a little. He had made all kinds of preparations, but he could not prevent the opponent's sneak attack, and the opponent could easily lurk beside him and rush into the blockade of the magic circle.

For such an opponent, Chen Feng would only feel a headache, and even the second generation had no good solution.

In the face of such a sneak attack, the only way is to fight back at the first time.

"Or we can send more people to surround the opponent, but I think even so, the opponent may escape." The second generation said.

The previous sneak attacker was solved by the eyeball in the Tianshen area, but now the eyeball is fighting against Guixu, which naturally gives the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of.

When the opponent chose to sneak attack again, the Gate of Origin took action, but Chen Feng only saw the power of the Gate of Origin and the River of Time, which trapped the opponent for a moment, and the opponent still broke out of the restraint and disappeared.

Even the Gate of Origin could not do anything to the opponent. Chen Feng knew that his existing means might not work.

This was a cultivator who was proficient in sneak attacks, which brought a lot of trouble to Chen Feng.

However, the Gate of Origin was still looking for opportunities to move the cultivators over, and it did succeed several times afterwards.

The reason for the success was that the cultivators moved by the Gate of Origin did not reach the level of the Great Emperor, so it was easier for both parties to get rid of each other.

Chen Feng knew that the Gate of Origin was also conducting some tests and wanted to grasp a degree. After all, it was not so easy to deal with the Great Emperor level, but if it wanted to solve the Hunyuan one by one, in fact, for the Gate of Origin, the benefits obtained were not as great as imagined.

Because it was not so easy for the Gate of Origin to project its power.

Therefore, the Gate of Origin targeted the existence of the origin level on the side of Guixu. This is a river, similar to the Chaos River. Although it moved to the Gate of Origin, it became huge in an instant, and the river water turned into fierce energy to wash it back and forth.

At this moment, Chen Feng felt as if the Origin River in the Gate of Origin appeared, and the practitioners sitting in the magic circle were all affected.

Fortunately, although the opponent burst out with a very powerful force, after all, the level was placed here, and it was soon cut into pieces by Chen Feng and the Second World. Some were distributed to everyone, and some were swept away by the Long River of Time.

But this time, something unexpected happened again. Seeing that the phantom of the Long River of Time was about to dissipate, suddenly a beam of sword light cut from a distance and directly shattered the phantom of the Long River of Time. Part of the body of the Origin River was scattered, and the opponent quickly gathered together and soon restored the appearance of the original body.

"The opponent really has a way to deal with it, and will not just let it be slaughtered." Chen Feng was not surprised. It was normal for such an accident to occur.

It would be unrealistic to say that Guixu has no way to deal with the means of the Gate of Origin.

Compared with those seemingly powerful origin-level beings, Chen Feng feels that the most difficult ones are those practitioners who have become stronger through cultivation.

Just like the sword light just now, it is obvious that a very powerful swordsman has burst out, and the opponent can actually lock the power of the Gate of Origin and cut off the long river of time that is about to disappear. This alone shows that the opponent is extremely powerful.

"Maybe it's the emperor. Even if he hasn't reached the level of the emperor, his combat power is not inferior to that of the emperor." Chen Feng understands that this type of practitioner has a very strong lethality.

Since he has taken action now, he may come to the door soon.

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, a sword light came in front of him, cutting through the surrounding legal defenses and heading straight for Chen Feng.

The speed made Chen Feng's eyes shrink slightly, but Chen Feng's reaction was also very fast. The Spear of Destiny defeated the sword light, and the next moment he saw the opponent striding towards him with a long sword.

After a few flashes, he came to the outer area of ​​the magic circle, and with a sword sweep, the power of reincarnation was dispelled.

Then he entered the law step by step. Seeing the other party's calm appearance, he didn't care at all about being besieged.

And Chen Feng noticed that the attacks of other practitioners would disappear as soon as they approached the other party. Chen Feng knew that this was due to the sword energy emitted by the other party.

You must know that there are enough Hunyuan above on his side. If they attack together, even the emperor can't bear it. But there is a person in front of him who doesn't care at all, as if he can't drive himself.

This scene has a strong impact on people, but Chen Feng didn't do it. This very powerful swordsman was stopped by the second generation.

The second generation also felt the power of the other party, so he also took out his own killing move, coupled with the curse power and evil power that were ready to move, and it was hard to tell the difference between the two for a while.

However, Chen Feng took a look and quickly came to a conclusion that the second generation might not be the opponent of the other party.

Chen Feng wanted to go forward to besiege, but suddenly turned his head and saw another practitioner rushing towards the area where he was.

There was a roaring ocean under the other party's feet, but there was a big sun shining in all directions above his head, and there were three origin-level magic weapons floating in front of him, as if a huge wheel was constantly turning.

"A cultivator from the Yang Realm." Chen Feng could immediately make such a judgment from the other party's aura.

"This is also being wooed by Guixu. Although everyone knows that Guixu is powerful and can only fight together, there are still some people who can't resist Guixu's wooing and temptation. If Guixu woos me, I will also choose to cooperate with Guixu." Chen Feng thought to himself.

It's not that we can't deal with the opponent coming, but everyone is originally resisting the power of Guixu, and the pressure on everyone will increase in the future.

And Chen Feng can't control the magic circle when he is targeted by this person, and he doesn't know if others can stop him.

Although he has confidence in the Tianshen area, the other party can continuously send reinforcements, and the Tianshen area may not have many reinforcements, or even no reinforcements.

"The Yang Realm has joined the war, and I don't know if Emperor Yuanyang will come." This is what Chen Feng is really worried about.

Once Emperor Yuanyang comes, there may be Emperor Bahuang. At that time, unless the body of the King of the Gods comes out, the Tianshen area will definitely fall, and he and others will also suffer heavy casualties.

Chen Feng thought of this and immediately communicated with the masters in the Heavenly God Area to let them prepare.

At the same time, he communicated with the Gate of Origin. Chen Feng knew that the power of the Gate of Origin was also very strong. If the pressure on that area was not great, then the Gate of Origin could mobilize more power to help the Heavenly God Area.

Then Chen Feng had a strange thought, that is, is the Gate of Origin willing to help the Heavenly God Area.

Although they are allies, to what extent?

However, Chen Feng thought about it carefully and believed that the existence of the Heavenly God Area was good for the Gate of Origin.


The thought flashed frequently, but the reality was only a moment, and Chen Feng and the master from the Yang Realm clashed.

The opponent's attack was very rough, just urging the wheels in front of him to crush Chen Feng fiercely in the direction where he was.

After all, it was a treasure of the origin level, so Chen Feng did not dare to take it lightly. He waved the Vein of Destiny to resist. As soon as he touched it, he felt the opponent's powerful magic power and strength. Although the Spear of Destiny was sharp, it was not suitable for a head-on confrontation with the opponent. In this case, it would be better for Chen Feng to use boxing.

So after a few rounds of fighting, Chen Feng suddenly took out a sacred mountain and collided with the opponent's wheel.

This was the newly refined sacred mountain, which did not reach the origin level, but the collision between the two caused a crack in the opponent's wheel.

Chen Feng was satisfied and urged the sacred mountain to collide frantically, looking like he was fighting desperately.

In fact, Chen Feng was not worried that his sacred mountain would be damaged. At most, he would just refine it again. Anyway, he still had a lot of this material.


Seeing that his magic weapon suffered a loss, the sun above the practitioner's head emitted a dazzling light and shone on the wheel. The damaged part quickly recovered, and the wheel became more ferocious.

Chen Feng could not resist it with the sacred mountain alone, so Chen Feng released another sacred mountain, which was the real origin level.

The fight on Chen Feng's side was fierce, and so was the fight on the Second World's side. As a result, no one would take care of those above the Primordial.

However, Chen Feng had already made preparations. With Chen Feng's Cangsu Sword as the center and several sword cultivators as the formation eyes, a sword formation shot out from the formation.

Apart from anything else, this sword formation alone could counter a great emperor.

However, when the sword formation was in operation, the sword cultivator who was fighting with the Second World's eyes lit up, and he used killing moves in succession to force the Second World back, and then rushed towards the sword formation quickly.

It was obvious that the other party had taken a fancy to Chen Feng's Cangsu Sword.

At this time, the Second World did not chase him immediately, but secretly activated the secret method, and there was another origin-level long sword in the sword formation.

In this way, the power of the sword formation increased linearly, and a bunch of sword energy intertwined and enveloped the sword cultivator.

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