Eternal Existence

Chapter 5472 Trouble

After a while, another Origin Mountain was refined. What Chen Feng had to do next was to refine the Origin Mountain into his own clone, so that the true power of the Origin Mountain could be brought into play.

There is no time in cultivation.

Chen Feng had been cultivating in Guixu, or in the Godly Region, for a long time, and wanted to return to the free space to have a look.

It was interesting to say that Chen Feng had now reached the point of mastering the origin of one side, but there were still many places in the free origin that he had not been to. The most important thing was that most of Chen Feng's second lives were still in the free space.

Although Chen Feng had left some clones in Guixu, it would take a long time for these clones to grow up.

Moreover, the process of these clones growing up was also very dangerous. Chen Feng was ready for all these clones to perish.

However, Chen Feng also understood that the speed of the clone's cultivation was already very fast, but his own cultivation speed was faster.

The reason why Chen Feng had been suppressing his realm was that he wanted to make the foundation more stable, and there was also the factor of waiting for the clone.

The reason why Chen Feng could fight the emperor in such a short time, in addition to some means he mastered, was also partly because he had merged some of his second-life clones.

Although the fusion of the clones improved some of his strength, the strength that was increased at the time was not enough for Chen Feng to become so strong. The important thing was the mutation after the fusion of the clones and the subsequent changes.

A little bit of growth is nothing, but it is amazing in the long run, it is simply a geometric growth.

This long-term change makes Chen Feng stronger and stronger.

So Chen Feng plans to return to the game space and give those clones some benefits to make them practice faster.

As soon as the thought came up, Chen Feng couldn't calm down. After all, there were really too many masters he had seen recently, and any one of them could kill him.

But is it appropriate to leave now?

On the one hand, Guixu has been shaking recently, and the fighting has been endless. Although it is dangerous, it is also an excellent opportunity. Even if you can't get resources, just fighting with the opponent can make you gain a lot.

The most important thing is whether you will be blocked by your opponent if you leave now?

Moreover, if you choose to leave, you also need to make some preparations.

After careful consideration, Chen Feng decided to leave the Heavenly God area after a brief exchange with others.

In Chen Feng's opinion, even if he left and came back, there might not be much change here, and many people had not even finished their retreat.

Chen Feng was still a little worried when he first entered the Guixu area, thinking that if he was attacked, he would immediately return to the Heavenly God area.

Chen Feng spread his wings and used the magic of walking to hurry on his way. The speed was very fast, but because he went deeper into Guixu this time, it would take some time to leave Guixu.

The most important thing to leave is to determine the exact direction. Even Chen Feng dared not be careless. If he took the wrong road, he would even get lost in Guixu.

"It was quite quiet along the way." Chen Feng couldn't help saying after a while.

Not to mention that he was not in danger, there was not even much fluctuation, and he did not encounter any powerful life.

In fact, it was normal to think about it. The previous battles were just in the wrong place. In fact, there was still a wider area without life in Guixu.

Compared with Guixu, the areas occupied by some strongholds are not worth mentioning at all. Chen Feng even thought that if these powerful lives had not made too much noise, Guixu would not even attack them.

"Everyone entered Guixu to find resources, and they are naturally opposed to Guixu."

"Daoyou, take care." Someone greeted from a distance. Chen Feng had sensed the other party's existence before, and didn't want to pay attention to the other party at all. Who knew that the other party chose to take the initiative to chat.

I didn't want to pay attention to it. After perceiving and determining the other party's strength, Chen Feng's heart moved and he appeared in front of the other party in an instant.

Seeing Chen Feng suddenly appear, this practitioner above the level of Hunyuan was startled and felt that he was a little rash.

"Daoyou, what's the matter?" Chen Feng asked lightly.

Chen Feng had fought with the existence of the Great Emperor and Yuanyang Emperor, and was attacked by Guixu, so even if there was no breath emanating now, it made this practitioner feel pressured.

"I entered Guixu to venture out, and I wanted to find a companion to go with me. I happened to meet Daoyou, so I spoke rashly. Please don't blame Daoyou." The practitioner said hurriedly.

Chen Feng had sensed the surroundings long ago, and there was no danger, so what the other party said might be true.

"You are really bold, and you dare to chat up someone in Guixu. This is very dangerous." Chen Feng shook his head and said.

"I plan to leave Guixu this time, so even if I want to, I can't go with you. I hope we will meet again in the future."

Chen Feng didn't say much to the other party. Seeing that the other party still wanted to talk, he turned around and left. The divine wings behind him disappeared with a tremor. In the blink of an eye, the cultivator completely lost Chen Feng's aura.

"It turned out to be a master. I was indeed a little reckless just now." The cultivator breathed a sigh of relief and felt that he was indeed a little reckless before, but soon calmed down and continued to venture in Guixu.

Chen Feng had made all kinds of preparations and had been secretly in contact with the River of Time, thinking that if he encountered danger, he would use the power of the Law of Replication and the River of Time. As a result, he did not encounter any obstruction until he arrived at the edge of Guixu, as if Guixu did not take him seriously at all.

"That's good. In the eyes of Guixu, I am just a small figure. Even if I go to deal with it, I should find those stronger beings." Chen Feng said in his heart.

As a result, the development of the following events changed Chen Feng's mind again.

There was a big battle ahead.

Chen Feng found that the direction he chose seemed to have some deviations. He thought he could go in the right direction, but who knew that he went to other directions after a slight deviation.

The key is that there is an origin in this direction fighting with Guixu.

The origin that can stop Guixu must be not simple.

Chen Feng has already felt the breath of the emperor, the existence of the origin level that enveloped one side, and a large number of Hunyuan.

But it doesn't matter if it's just like this. Anyway, he went in the wrong direction and chose to leave.

Chen Feng didn't want to get involved.

But before Chen Feng left, several auras locked onto him.

"You think I'm the power of Guixu. This is too reckless. After all, there are many adventurers from outside when I go back. I hope they won't attack me." Chen Feng's thoughts flashed, and he ignored the other party, but deviated from the direction.

Soon he successfully left Guixu. From a distance, he could feel that the war between the two sides was very fierce. After hesitating for a while, Chen Feng stopped for a while and used the exploration technique to wait and see. Sure enough, he saw more scenes.

"This origin has not collapsed yet. It should have been invaded by Guixu not long ago. The power here can be regarded as strong." Chen Feng thought to himself.

The next moment, the strong auras that had locked onto him suddenly traveled through time and space and came to Chen Feng.

Originally, Chen Feng could choose to leave, but he hesitated a little and stayed where he was.

As a result, the other party attacked after they came, which made Chen Feng speechless.

It's careless or arrogant to attack without knowing where the opponent came from.

Chen Feng used the magic of walking to quickly retreat and dodge the opponent's attack. The reason why he didn't fight immediately was that he wanted to see the opponent's true purpose and the opponent's backup.

Besides, this place is very close to the battlefield, so there is no need to fight here.

Chen Feng retreated, and the opponent chased him relentlessly.

Chen Feng thought that if the opponent didn't chase him, then the matter would be forgotten.

"Are you fellow Taoists possessed? I'm just a cultivator who entered Guixu to venture into the world. I have nothing to do with you. Why do you want to attack me?" Chen Feng took out his weapon and tore the opponent's attack.

Seeing the Spear of Destiny in Chen Feng's hand, the cultivators showed greed in their eyes. They ignored Chen Feng's question and chose to continue to attack.

"In this case, what you have to do is to fight against Guixu, not to attack me. I think you are really confused." Chen Feng couldn't help shaking his head.

Since the opponent attacked, he would not be polite. They are just a few above Hunyuan. Although they are strong, they are not his opponents at all.

After figuring this out, Chen Feng exploded one after another, tearing one opponent into pieces, and then punched another opponent to pieces.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to continue to attack, he felt a strong breath, and the real master of the opponent's camp appeared.

Chen Feng held the Spear of Destiny and stabbed the void fiercely, colliding with the opponent.

A great emperor appeared in front of Chen Feng.


Chen Feng said, and at the same time he also found the confusion and doubt in the other party's eyes.

"Wait a minute!" The new great emperor said.

"Your state is not right."

Chen Feng saw that the other party used the insight technique to explore himself, and he began to wonder, and soon Chen Feng's face showed a clear look.

"So that's it, everything is Guixu's means." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Humph, I was deceived by Guixu." The great emperor also figured out the situation, and his face became a little ugly.

"Since it's because of Guixu, I won't bother with you for the time being, goodbye." Chen Feng said and was about to leave.

"Wait!" Who knew that the emperor would stop Chen Feng again.

"What else do you want, fellow Daoist? I will not participate in the war between you and Guixu." Chen Feng said calmly.

"Fellow Daoist injured our people, and just walked away like this." The emperor said lightly.

"Hey, you still want to cause trouble for me?" Chen Feng was surprised.

Originally, both sides were deceived by Guixu, but no matter what, it was the other side that took the initiative.

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