Eternal Existence

Chapter 549: Cracks

"I didn't recognize the wrong person, because we are not looking for anyone at all." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Then what are you going to do?" The fat man's eyes kept turning, and it seemed that he wanted to find a chance to escape.

"Two choices, first, we rob you, kill you, and then rob you of your things, second, we will split it in half when we meet, and take out the golden egg of the winged tiger on your body." Chen Feng said.

"Why bother talking so much nonsense with him, just kill him directly." Jian Xiaotian said viciously.

"It's not that easy to rob my things." As the fat man said this, a powerful aura rose from his body, shocking Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian to retreat again and again.


The fat man's feet were full of wind, and he rushed to the distance quickly, but soon a sword light flashed and caught up with the fat man. In the flash of the sword light, the fat man was forced to fall to the ground, smashing a deep pit.

Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian looked at each other in surprise. You know, Chen Feng's sword of death is a sixth-grade holy weapon. When he first brushed against the fat man's clothes, Chen Feng knew that the other party was not simple. Now it has finally been confirmed that under the attack of the holy weapon, there was not even a scratch on the fat man's clothes.

"At least it is a holy weapon." This is the same idea of ​​the two.

"It seems that we are going to have a big battle." Chen Feng came to the fat man and said with a smile.

"Forget it, I admit defeat today. The young people nowadays are really amazing." The fat man shook his head and took out a golden egg with golden light.

Chen Feng waved his hand and took the golden egg in his hand. Feeling the vigorous vitality and strong golden power in the golden egg, Chen Feng knew that this was indeed the egg of the golden winged tiger just now.

"Does the winged tiger lay eggs?" Chen Feng was a little confused.

"I don't know whether it is, but these two golden eggs are indeed what I got from the cave of the golden winged tiger." The fat man said.

This time, when the fat man left, Chen Feng and the others did not stop him. Although the fat man gave in, Chen Feng and the others knew that this guy was not simple. If they really fought, they would not be able to stop him.

"I don't know who this fat man is. He hides very deeply. The breath on his body is chaotic. I can't tell what kind of cultivation he has."

"I don't know this person either, but I don't know if it will cause trouble if I offend him like this."

"Hey! The winged tiger is coming. It's coming towards us. What's going on? Is this monster not afraid of death?"

"No, there is a unique breath on this golden egg. If you don't feel it carefully, you can't detect it at all."

"Hey, that hateful fat man didn't remind us."

The winged tiger spread its huge wings, shining with golden light, and the whole sky changed color. The sharp golden power kept splitting the space and making a buzzing sound. Although it was a little scared, the big monster still came to Chen Feng and the others.

"You two, hand over the things." The winged tiger said cautiously.

"Okay, but this thing was exchanged for something, so it seems a bit inappropriate to give it to you for free." Chen Feng tossed the golden egg in his hand.

"What do you want?"

"What can you do to satisfy me?"

"Brother Chen, what's the point of talking to this monster? Just kill it directly."

Hearing this, the monster that traversed thousands of miles was frightened and took a few steps back. In the eyes of this winged tiger, Jian Xiaotian was easy to deal with, but Chen Feng brought him an inexplicable fear and panic.

"I really don't have anything good on me, but I know a place where there should be some good things." The winged tiger thought for a while and then said.

"Oh, what place is it?"

"Eye of the wind, cracks." The winged tiger said simply.

"Everyone knows that these places are the dangerous places in the mountains between the two worlds. You are asking us to die." Jian Xiaotian sneered.

"You are talking about other places. I know a place that is also very dangerous, but there is a glimmer of hope. Maybe you can enter it." The golden winged tiger said.

"Why don't you go there yourself if there is such a good place?" Chen Feng asked lightly.

"If it weren't for my golden egg, I wouldn't tell you about this place."

"Okay, I can't give you the golden egg for now, let's go take a look at the place first." Chen Feng nodded.

"Okay, I'll take you there." The huge wings of the golden winged tiger suddenly spread out.

"No hurry, let's deal with some small fish before leaving." Chen Feng said as the Death Sword in his hand flew out quickly, turned a circle a hundred feet away, and then fell back into Chen Feng's hands.

A number of monks were lying in a dense grass. Judging from their attire, they were bandits from the Black Wind Village.

"Let's go!"

Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian jumped onto the back of the winged tiger. The winged tiger was so huge that it didn't even vibrate when flying. This situation made Chen Feng very satisfied.

"Not bad, I now have the intention to subdue this big monster as a mount." Chen Feng said with a smile as he looked at the scenery flying around.

After hearing Chen Feng's words, the big monster shook for a moment, and then calmed down again.

"I didn't expect there would be so many cultivators here." Jian Xiaotian was also a little surprised when he looked at the situation in the mountains below from the sky. Although he had learned some news about the two-world mountains from his fellow disciples, he was still a little surprised when he saw the cultivators and monsters flashing by and the medicinal herbs growing in the rocks and soil.

"If you two are okay, you'd better leave here as soon as possible, because there are immortals living in seclusion and monster kings lingering in this mountain range." Cha Chi Hu interrupted.

"Thank you so much for reminding me. By the way, you have lived here for a few years. Do you know what realm the most powerful existence here has reached?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"The most powerful should be a high-level demon king or a high-level human immortal." The winged tiger was also uncertain. After all, his level was here, and he knew only a limited amount.

The winged tiger was extremely fast. It flew more than two thousand miles in a short time. The grass and trees began to become sparse, and finally a bare flat land appeared.

"The evil spirit here is so strong." Chen Feng carefully felt the situation around him and was a little surprised.

Woo woo woo woo woo!

"What's that sound?" Jian Xiaotian also exclaimed.

"Here we are. This is the crack and eye of the wind I mentioned." The winged tiger began to have a surge of energy, wrapping itself up and resisting the erosion of the evil spirit around it.

Sure enough, a series of criss-crossing cracks appeared on the bare ground. These cracks seemed to be cut by a long sword at first glance, but Chen Feng had a feeling that these cracks should have been opened from the inside by a powerful force.

The evil spirit in the space is emitted from these cracks. Although there is not much, it still corrodes the surrounding space over a long period of time.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

A strong wind sounded, piercing the air. The winged tiger dived suddenly and avoided these sudden attacks.


The winged tiger fell heavily to the ground. The strong impact force continued to boil around from the dust on the ground, but then Chen Feng was surprised to find that such a strong impact force only left some shallow scratches on the ground.

"Why is the ground here so hard? It should be comparable to fine steel." Jian Xiaotian said with some surprise as he sent a sword energy to the ground.

"This is all eroded by the evil spirit emitted from the ground. After a long time, even ordinary soil has become as hard as rock." The winged tiger said.

"So the evil spirit of the two worlds mountain range is still diffused from the ground, not caused by killing too many people as others said." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"The dead only occupy a small part, get out of the way." The winged tiger said and immediately left the position where he was standing.

Woo woo woo woo!

At this time, Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian also heard the whimpering sound coming from the crack. Their eyes lit up and they immediately understood what was going on. As soon as they dodged, wind blades like sharp swords collided with the cracks, stirring up the evil spirit that had not completely dissipated in the space.

The cracks on the ground here are large and small. The large one can fit a small hill, which can be said to be a large bottomless pit. The small one can only insert a long sword.

"Isn't this hole the bottomless hole of the Two Worlds Mountain Range?" Chen Feng pointed to one of the largest cracks and asked.

"Of course not, the bottomless hole is more than 10,000 miles away from here. The evil spirit there is more concentrated, and the hole is larger. As for how deep it is, no one can tell clearly. Anyway, there are not many people who can come out alive after entering it for so many years." The winged tiger said with some fear, as if remembering the first time he flew over the bottomless hole.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed a transparent wind knife, which was a weapon condensed entirely by the power of wind. Chen Feng carefully sensed it and said, "This is not just the power of wind. It contains evil spirits and some breaths that I don't know."


Before Chen Feng finished speaking, the wind blade in his hand shattered, like crystal.


At this time, two more wind swords flew out and were caught by Jian Xiaotian, who played with them with interest.


A ball of wind compressed to the size of a fist flew out and suddenly exploded, knocking the Winged Tiger to the ground, causing Chen Feng and the others to laugh.

"Winged Tiger, where is the good thing you said?" Chen Feng put away his smile.

"Here." The Winged Tiger shrank in size and came to an inconspicuous crack. The crack was two feet wide and dark. It was unknown how deep it was. Even if Chen Feng's eyesight had greatly improved, he could not see the situation inside.

"Isn't this just a crack? I don't see anything strange about it. I said, Winged Tiger, you are not lying to us, right?" Jian Xiaotian said dissatisfiedly.

"Of course I didn't lie to you, just wait." The Winged Tiger said and plunged directly into the crack, and disappeared after a flash of golden light.

"What is this guy going to do? Is he going to hide inside and not come out?" After waiting for half an incense stick of time and seeing that the Winged Tiger still didn't come out, Jian Xiaotian could no longer bear it.

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