Eternal Existence

Chapter 5496: Leaving the Team

But this is the territory of the Origin of Chaos after all, and soon the two were enveloped by the will of the Origin of Chaos.

Chen Feng once again used the law of replication, and disappeared with Emperor Silver Moon.

"This is not a solution, the other party will always lock us, unless, "

"Unless we leave the Origin of Chaos first."

"Okay, this is the only way."

After a simple exchange, Chen Feng pushed the power of the law of replication to the extreme, but this time he did not succeed in leaving the Origin of Chaos.

After all, it is easy to be blocked by a powerful force during the shuttle process, and Chen Feng had to stop, because if he continued to shuttle, his own law of replication would be damaged.

An emperor blocked the way of the two, and there were wings shining with dazzling light behind him.

The other party's state was very strange, but Chen Feng could see at a glance that it was a taste of transcendence. In addition, the other party's wings seemed to contain powerful attack power.

It was precisely because Chen Feng himself also had powerful divine wings that he could see these things from the other party.

"Lord of Holy Light!"

Emperor Silver Moon recognized the other party and his face became a little solemn.

"The opponent's speed is very fast. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to leave." Emperor Yinyue said.

"I have seen it just now." Chen Feng nodded. You know, Chen Feng just used the law of replication, which is also his strongest means of escape. He can enter the origin of one side and leave from the origin of one side. Even the emperor can hardly catch up with him, but he was stopped by the opponent in the process of shuttling just now, which is even more terrifying.

This is also the fastest practitioner Chen Feng has ever seen.

Chen Feng felt dizzy when looking at the opponent's holy light wings. It is obvious that the opponent's divine movement technique is far superior to his own.

"It seems that my divine movement wings need to be improved." Although Chen Feng was shocked by the opponent's speed, he now wanted to learn from him.

Of course, the most important thing at the moment is to get rid of the opponent. Even if the opponent is only good at speed, it can bring great trouble at the moment.

Emperor Yinyue has launched an attack. The short fight allowed Chen Feng to barely calculate the opponent's strength, so Chen Feng found an opportunity to directly release the origin of the mountain.

This kind of extremely fast opponent is difficult to lock, so Chen Feng can only use special means.

The Origin Mountain became extremely huge, covering all directions at once, but the opponent still dodged it.

Not only that, the Lord of Holy Light came straight to Chen Feng, and Chen Feng did not react in time when they met, and was hit directly by the opponent. Fortunately, Chen Feng's defense was extremely strong, and he had put on a battle armor made of hard materials in advance.

"It really scared me." Chen Feng suddenly burst out the power of the origin, and it was not used to attack, but to try to cover the opponent with the power of the origin.

This time Chen Feng really succeeded, because the opponent did not expect Chen Feng to release an origin to attack.

Under the coverage of the origin, the speed of the Lord of Holy Light was affected, and then the attack of the Silver Moon Emperor arrived, and the two crescent moons crossed and passed, leaving wounds on the Lord of Holy Light.

Chen Feng suddenly burst out the power of the origin, and a torrent of energy directly submerged the Lord of Holy Light, followed by the suppression of the Origin God.

The Silver Moon Emperor waved his hand to create countless waning moons, which intertwined and turned into the most terrifying energy silk net.

It has to be said that Chen Feng and Emperor Silver Moon cooperated very well, and it really worked.

The extremely fast Lord of Holy Light was actually hit hard. Although he tried desperately to break out, he ran into the means of Emperor Silver Moon.

"Is it so easy?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. He was really shocked by the opponent's speed just now. Now it seems that the opponent's combat power is just so-so.

Of course, no matter whether the opponent's combat power is not strong or whether the opponent is careless, now that the two of them have the upper hand, they must take advantage of the victory and solve the opponent in one breath.

Without this hidden danger, the two can leave this origin.

Even Emperor Silver Moon did not expect things to change so much. According to Emperor Silver Moon's understanding, the Lord of Holy Light is very difficult to deal with because of his fast speed. Even if he is stronger than the opponent, the opponent can still transcend and leave.

"Kill him!"

Emperor Silver Moon also used his magical powers to directly cut off the Holy Light Wings of the Lord of Holy Light. In this way, the opponent's speed is slower and Chen Feng directly suppresses it with the Divine Mountain.

The rolling energy condensed into chains from the origin, binding the origin mountain in circles.


A crack appeared between the eyebrows of the Silver Moon Emperor, and a beam of moonlight condensed out, and it flashed through the body of the Lord of Holy Light.

Chen Feng noticed that the wound on the Lord of Holy Light healed very slowly, and knew that the Silver Moon Emperor had shown his true ability. If this method could be used continuously, he might really be able to kill the Lord of Holy Light.

"But before the Lord of Holy Light dies, I want to strip off the opponent's Holy Light Wings." It can be said that Chen Feng is still very greedy. If he can plunder the opponent's Holy Light Wings and integrate them into his own God-moving Wings, then his God-moving Skill will break through again. At that time, he will not need to copy the rules, and he can get rid of some emperors' tracking by speed alone.

"I want his Holy Light Wings." Chen Feng said.

"Fellow Daoist, you have good vision, then it will be as you wish, but the other things will belong to me." The Silver Moon Emperor said with a smile.

Both of them thought that the Lord of Holy Light was doomed this time, and in fact it was true. The crack between the eyebrows of the Silver Moon Emperor released light from time to time, leaving holes on the Lord of Holy Light. Chen Feng used the Devouring Technique, and the powerful Devouring Power directly acted on the opponent's Holy Light Wings.

Although it was not directly peeled off, it was constantly extracting the power in the Holy Light Wings. These powers were integrated into Chen Feng's Divine Wings. Chen Feng suddenly felt that the taste of transcendence was getting stronger and stronger. There seemed to be a barrier in front of him. As long as he could break through this barrier, his Divine Wings could break through again.

"Be careful!"

At this time, the Silver Moon Emperor shouted loudly, and the soft light on his body became red and bright. A cultivator stabbed fiercely with a halberd.

At the same time, another cultivator held a sledgehammer, flashing the light of thunder and smashed it down on Chen Feng.

The opponent's helpers finally appeared, and they were two attribute masters.

Chen Feng did not dare to be careless and waved the Spear of Destiny to block it. The two sides collided violently, and even the origin released by Chen Feng began to vibrate. The suppressed Lord of Holy Light was also struggling frantically.

"Lord of Heavenly Wind, Lord of Thunder!"

The Silver Moon Emperor blocked the opponent's sneak attack, and a series of fights broke out in a short period of time.

These two were not emperors, so they were not a big threat to Chen Feng and the others, but they made it impossible for the two to suppress the Lord of Holy Light as before.

"Want to leave? How can it be so easy!" Chen Feng was also ruthless, releasing his clone into the origin to suppress the other party, and he himself fought with the Lord of Thunder.

Although the Lord of Thunder was not an emperor, he had a fighting power comparable to that of an emperor. Chen Feng could not resist it, and the suppressed Lord of Holy Light also fought hard. The broken wings of Holy Light burned and recovered to their full glory. Only the light flashed, and he actually rushed out from the suppression of the Origin Mountain.

After the other party got rid of the restraints, he did not attack Chen Feng, but rushed to the depths of the Origin of the Volcano.

This is going to cause destruction

Chen Feng's heart trembled. He had stored a lot of things in the origin. If the other party destroyed it, he would suffer a great loss.

"Looking for death!"

Chen Feng sneered and sent more clones to surround the other party, but the other party was too fast and the clones could not catch up at all.

Chen Feng was multitasking and was hit by the opponent without paying attention. Then the thunder frenzy submerged Chen Feng.


Chen Feng urged the power of the vortex origin to swallow up the power of thunder, and then the thunder hammer hit Chen Feng hard again.

Even though Chen Feng's body was strong, he couldn't bear it. Fortunately, at this time, Emperor Silver Moon sent out a clone to block Emperor Thunder.

Chen Feng jumped into the volcanic origin.

In a short time, the volcanic origin was messed up, countless formations were destroyed, and some of the materials stored by himself were shattered, and even some were directly absorbed by the opponent.

Chen Feng's murderous intent was boiling, and he arrived in front of the opponent as soon as he thought about it.

Seeing Chen Feng appear, the Lord of Holy Light did not run away, but fought Chen Feng head-on.

Before, the Lord of Holy Light was just careless, so he was suppressed. Now Chen Feng can't take him down one-on-one.

It has to be said that the Lord of Holy Light is too fast. Although he was injured before, his combat effectiveness was not affected much, and the opponent could do as much damage as possible.

Of course, no matter what, this is also Chen Feng's territory, and the Lord of Holy Light will still be suppressed. Especially when Chen Feng began to mobilize the power of the origin little by little to encircle him, the situation began to move back little by little.

Although the Lord of Holy Light still could not be taken down, the opponent could no longer do damage as casually as before.

The two sides fought again. It seemed that Chen Feng suffered a little loss, but Chen Feng was very happy, because Chen Feng had more than one origin. Chen Feng split a little power from the dark to mobilize other origins. When the Lord of Holy Light was suppressed by the power of the origin, even if he was very fast, he would be caught off guard.

But before Chen Feng could make a move, the Lord of Thunder rushed in. The three of them were fighting in the origin of the volcano, which was originally a broken origin, and they could not bear it.

Chen Feng also understood the thoughts of these opponents. The opponent not only wanted to severely injure him, but also set his goal on the origin. Destroying the origin was also dealing with him. Maybe the opponent could also seize the control of the origin of the volcano.

"It seems that Emperor Silver Moon did not stop the opponent. Could it be that something unexpected happened?" Chen Feng just had this thought when he received a message from Emperor Silver Moon, asking Chen Feng not to fight and find a way to leave quickly.

"It seems that the opponent has another helper." Chen Feng understood. After all, this was in the opponent's territory. It took a long time to fight for two helpers, which was already very slow.

If another attribute lord rushed into the origin, then Chen Feng might lose control of the origin of the volcano.

The more you fear something, the more it will come. A powerful force tore open the origin of the volcano, and it continued to spread under the powerful force.

Another helper came from the opponent.

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