Eternal Existence

Chapter 5504: Strength

"After all, I got some attribute origins before and established some connections with this origin, so I felt something. Previously, masters appeared one after another in Chaos Origin, which made me lose confidence. Now it seems that although Chaos Origin is powerful, after all There is a war between multiple parties, and it is impossible to persist forever. Maybe there are new forces outside the origin getting involved," Chen Feng said.

"Although this is only speculation, some turbulence has indeed occurred now. Maybe we don't have to leave in a hurry." The Shadow Emperor said, and began to speed up to test the origin of the chaos.

As a result, this temptation has its results.

A wave of will swept over, and before the shadow power could be broken, a powerful practitioner broke through the space and came to the crowd.

So strong!

This was the common thought of Chen Feng and others. It was obvious that a great emperor was here, and an unusual one at that.

Including the Shadow Emperor, no one is a match for one-on-one.

"You are not the master of attributes, right?" The Shadow Emperor suddenly asked.

"I didn't expect that the underworld would send forces to cause trouble. I really underestimate you." The man did not answer, but waved the big halberd in his hand to kill him.

The opponent's strength is indeed strong, but it is unrealistic to say that he can deal with Chen Feng and others by himself, but the opponent just did so, and he has super confidence.

"Don't get entangled with the opponent." Chen Feng waved the Spear of Destiny to resist the opponent's attack.

However, the Shadow Emperor directly used the shadow technique on the opponent, so the practitioner's powerful power was greatly weakened under the blindness. The others immediately took action and stepped forward to besiege him crazily.

I have to say that the power of shadow is really good for supporting. Chen Feng was still a little stressed when fighting with the opponent, but now the pressure is gone, and the Spear of Destiny even stabbed the opponent.

Then the opponent exploded, with a stronger aura, and several powers of different attributes condensed into whips to whip wildly.

"This is!"

Chen Feng was surprised and stretched out his hand to try to grab one of the whips, but was hit by the force contained in the other whip, making his palms ache.

The Spear of Destiny thrust out suddenly and shattered another whip, but the other whips were very powerful and could compete with others, and even if the whips were shattered, the opponent could re-condensate them.

"He is not the master of attributes, but he has mastered the power of multiple attributes. It looks the same as what I have cultivated. The difference is that the attributes cultivated by the other party are very powerful. Interestingly, this person cannot be the incarnation of this origin. "Okay." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"The opponent's name is Chaos. No one knows the origin, but it must have a close relationship with the origin of Chaos." At this time, a wave of will came, followed closely by the light of a sword.

This sharp edge cut everything in its path, and its target went straight to Chaos, who had mastered the power of multiple attributes.

Chaos' strength was very strong, but after all, most of the power was used to deal with Chen Feng and others, so he was a little weak in the face of this sudden sword, and the long whips condensed from the attribute power exploded one after another.

Finally, the sword flashed suddenly, and a deep knife edge appeared on Chaos' body.


Chen Feng shook his head. He originally thought that this knife could slice the opponent open, but chaos also had its own tricks, especially the fact that the flesh and blood was fused with an original-level protective armor, which blocked the opponent's knife attack.

Otherwise, even the emperor would not dare to resist.

"Sword Saint, come and join in the fun, be careful if you come back." Chaos suddenly jumped up and rushed out of the siege, as if he was independent from the origin, looking at everyone with faint eyes.

"I've been to the Origin of Chaos many times. It's not easy to stay here." A practitioner holding a long sword walked slowly over.

Chen Feng didn't care about the origin of the other party. He only knew that he had an extra helper. However, Chen Feng felt a little strange in his heart. The other party was quite strong, but if he rushed directly into the origin of chaos, wouldn't he be afraid of being attacked by the will of the origin?

"But it's hard to say. Chaos Origin has been in chaos recently, and I'm afraid we don't have that much energy to deal with everyone. If we hadn't made too much noise, we probably wouldn't have disturbed Origin's will."

Sword Saint and Chaos fought together.


When the Shadow Emperor saw the opportunity coming, he was about to take people away.

Chen Feng hesitated, it was not appropriate to leave now. Seeing Chen Feng's hesitation, the Shadow Emperor immediately understood and secretly thought that Chen Feng was soft-hearted, but then he thought, such a master can still deal with the origin of chaos, which can build some friendship.

"Do it!"

So everyone took action together, and Chaos could no longer resist it. However, Chaos had no intention of leaving at all, and continued to fight with everyone.

After all, this is the place where Chaos originated. In addition to Chaos, there are other practitioners.

If time goes by, the situation will become unfavorable to Chen Feng and others.

If it weren't for Sword Saint Chen Feng and others would have left.

"Fellow Taoists, don't worry about me. I have a way to leave, and Chaos Origin is under attack from many sides right now, so I'm afraid I don't have much power to track you all." Sword Saint said at this time.

"In that case, let's say goodbye for the time being and see you again later." The Shadow Emperor led his men to kill them and used his shadow power to cover them.

Seeing the Shadow Emperor and others disappear from his perception, Sword Saint's eyes showed surprise: "It turns out they still have this method. If I had known this, I should have left with them."

However, the Sword Saint was not disappointed, but fought with his opponent calmly, stirring up a storm.

The Shadow Emperor did feel that it was much smoother than before, and he led everyone forward for a distance without being attacked.

"Should we leave this origin first?" Yin Yang Emperor discussed with Chen Feng.

Since things have changed, the previous plan must be changed again.

Since the Chaos Origin has been besieged by many parties, it must not have as much power as before, and perhaps it can continue to look for the attribute origin.

"Let's see the situation first." Chen Feng wanted to leave before, but now it is naturally different.

"I know that one of the origin areas is not far from here, we can go there to make a fortune first." At this time, the Nether Emperor suddenly said.

"It's really the best."

Chen Feng and the Shadow Emperor naturally agreed, and they were also curious about what kind of power the attribute area they were going to this time was.

Soon after arriving at the place, Chen Feng understood in his heart.

"No wonder the Nether Emperor chose to come here, it turns out that this is the power of the Nine Nethers." Chen Feng said with a smile.

There was no Lord of the Nine Netherworlds this time, and compared to the previous origins, the power here was actually not much.

So the Netherworld Emperor quickly cleaned up this area. Except for Chen Feng who symbolically collected a little power of the Nine Netherworlds, no one else took action.

Although there are energies of various attributes in the Chaos Origin, it is still different from other origins. Perhaps the power that is very powerful in other origins is not so important here.

Maybe some power that does not look good in other areas may be very powerful in the Chaos Origin.

Although it is said that a powerful origin will breed a powerful life, it is not absolute. Maybe there will be some changes in the breeding process, or there will be no Lord of the Attributes.

In short, in the long years, all kinds of possibilities and changes will happen.

But anyway, the Nine Netherworld Emperor was quite satisfied. Although others were disappointed, they did not say anything.

On the one hand, the Nine Netherworld Emperor gained benefits, and on the other hand, this is also an attribute origin in the Chaos Origin after all, which can cause some damage to the Chaos Origin.

"So who knows where the attribute area is next?" After entering the origin of chaos, it can be said that Chen Feng is also trying to find the origin area here, but on the one hand, other people have already detected the location, and on the other hand, the origin areas of the major attributes are indeed hidden very secretly, plus some hiding from time to time, so Chen Feng doesn't know where the origin area is, so he can only pin his hopes on others.

Sure enough, the Shadow Emperor and the Nether Emperor still know some places, but the distance is very far and it takes some time to get there.

"But now the origin of chaos has changed a little, we can speed up a little." The Nether Emperor said so.

Although I got some benefits just now, the number is not enough, which made the Nether Emperor unsatisfied.

"Please help me, fellow Taoist." The Shadow Emperor looked at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng nodded, understood the other party's meaning, and directly used the replication law.

During this process, Chen Feng felt the will of the origin of chaos and wanted to pay attention to himself, but was interrupted by some force.

Seizing the opportunity, Chen Feng extended the replication law and began to shuttle with everyone.

"What a fast speed."

Some practitioners looked at Chen Feng in surprise. Although they knew that Chen Feng had some skills before, they didn't expect it to be so magical.

"It's a pity. It would be great if we could deal with the Lord of Holy Light." Chen Feng is still thinking about the Holy Light Wings. After all, the opponent's divine movement technique is better than his own.

In the past, Chen Feng was very confident in his divine movement technique, but when he met the Lord of Holy Light, he knew that there was still a certain gap between the two.

Although it was a bit regrettable, at least he had stripped away part of the opponent's power before. As long as Chen Feng comprehended it well, his expression would also improve.

"It's a pity that there will be no such good opportunity in the future." Chen Feng understood that even if he broke through in strength, he would not be able to do anything to the Lord of Holy Light, unless the other party chose not to escape and stayed to fight to the death.

"What area is this?"

After arriving at the place, Chen Feng put away the copy law. Just as the feeling of watching just now appeared again, Chen Feng knew that the will of the origin of chaos had been paying attention to himself and others. It was just because he was entangled by other forces that he did not take action in the first time like before.

"According to the information we received before, this should be the territory of the Lord of Strength." said the Shadow Emperor.

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