Eternal Existence

Chapter 5512: Capricious

"Why are there so many masters in this origin?"

When the other two saw Chen Feng, the intruder, their hearts were filled with murderous intent, and one of them immediately rushed towards Chen Feng.

"Hey, I was just passing by, and I didn't plan to attack at all." Chen Feng sighed and used boxing to block the attack of the Lord of the Sun.

"Is there anything good here?" Chen Feng fought with the Lord of the Sun and secretly asked the Sword Emperor.

According to the information Chen Feng got, there is an attribute origin here.

Before the Sword Emperor answered, the space collapsed and two powerful auras collided.

One of them was a strange attribute master, and the other was a fighter from the Zerg.

"What a powerful fighter!" Chen Feng exclaimed.

Chen Feng had to be surprised. He had seen some Zerg emperors before, but there was no doubt that the one in front of him was more powerful.

"So how many Zerg masters are there in this origin? Can the Queen Mother still control such a powerful fighter?" Chen Feng couldn't help but worry about the Queen Mother.

So powerful, it is understandable that there is no group action, but is the Zerg army going to solve the Chaos Origin this time?

Chen Feng felt that it was a little impossible. Although the Zerg was powerful, this side of the Origin was even more powerful, with many masters.

But think about it carefully, the Chaos Origin might not be able to bear the war between multiple parties at this time.

"Even if it is very strong, it is just one fighter." Chen Feng was a little confused.

There were the Lord of the Sun and the Lord of Truth, plus the Sword Emperor and the Lord of Attributes who were fighting with the fighters. Four against one, they could even kill the opponent.

But now how did the two of them besiege the Sword Emperor.

Chen Feng didn't know what happened here, but there must be something he didn't know.

Then the second, third, and fourth Zerg fighters appeared, all of them were emperors.


Chen Feng suddenly wanted to laugh. It turned out that there was more than one Zerg lurking here.

"Together to deal with the Zerg." The Lord of the Sun suddenly said, and then turned and rushed to the Zerg.

Chen Feng could have attacked, but he hesitated. However, he still sneered in his heart. He suddenly attacked him before, but now he stopped just like that. He really took him seriously.

The space collapsed more severely, and a void beast appeared.

"War beast!" Chen Feng saw the origin of the other party at a glance.

The body was extremely large, surpassing many stars. After the huge body burst the void, teleportation arrays appeared on the body, and countless beasts of different shapes roared out.

This is not the Zerg, this is the void beast, but these void beasts obviously cooperated with the Zerg.

"Knowing how to cooperate will make you stronger." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"There are war beasts here, and maybe there are Zerg war beasts in other places. The specific strength is still unknown, but I have encountered so many forces in a short time, so this time is really a disaster for the origin of chaos."


Since Chen Feng did not choose to participate in the fight, he simply left. Besides, the stronger the power here, the more it can involve the power of the origin of chaos, so he can fish in troubled waters.

"Not all outsiders will attack the origin of chaos. It's just that if there are benefits in front of them, can the Sword Emperor resist not to take action?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

Seeing Chen Feng leave, the Sword Emperor was a little disappointed, but the Lord of the Sun and the Lord of Truth were relieved.

Chen Feng's calculation was correct. Next, he found two origin areas. There were no attribute masters here, so Chen Feng successfully plundered some attribute origins.

However, Chen Feng didn't want the origin of chaos to collapse so early, so Chen Feng only collected a part of the power, enough for his own use.

"The harvest is huge. If I don't open up a new avenue, I will break through after all the avenues I master have broken through." Chen Feng felt his own strength. Although he suppressed it with some means, he began to stir now. Besides, his strength has increased, and long-term suppression is not a good thing.

Resources are not too much, so Chen Feng went to other attribute origins.

In this process, Chen Feng also felt the changes in the origin of chaos. He knew that under the situation of multiple wars, the origin of chaos was traumatized and the overall operation was affected.

If this situation continues, it will eventually collapse.

Or it is on the verge of collapse now.

Then Chen Feng received a call from the will of the origin of chaos, calling on outsiders to fight against the Zerg army together, and then he would give rewards.

After receiving this will, Chen Feng laughed immediately. He actually issued a call to the enemy. What was the origin of chaos thinking? Was it crazy?

This also shows that the other party did feel the pressure.

"What a pity!"

Chen Feng shook his head. If it were another time, he might really go hunting Zerg, and it might be easier to get the origin of the Hunyuan Origin reward directly than to plunder it hard.

But it's not possible now. He has always been hostile to the origin of chaos, and he has reached an agreement with the Queen Mother, so he can only fish in troubled waters next.

"Although I have been hunted and killed, and although I have consumed a lot of mana, I have also gained a lot. It's worth coming here this time." Chen Feng calculated in his heart.

"This area!"

As soon as I entered the origin area, I saw a chaotic scene. On one side was the origin of chaos, with two attribute masters leading dozens of Hunyuan above, and on the other side were outsiders whose origins were unknown.

The fight between the two sides was very stalemate. Chen Feng could see clearly that if it continued, this origin area would collapse.

Chen Feng had sensed it when he was outside before, so he came in to take a look out of curiosity.

As soon as Chen Feng came in, he was targeted. Chen Feng didn't care at first, but when he saw two outsiders joining forces to kill him, he knew that the other party had misunderstood.

"You are unlucky for attacking without knowing the truth." Chen Feng dodged the opponent's attack, but the opponent refused to give in and used killing moves against Chen Feng one after another.

So Chen Feng was not polite, grabbed the Spear of Destiny, and pierced through the body of an opponent in one go.


Originally, Chen Feng only wanted to teach the other party a lesson, but who knew that the opponent's power triggered his palpitations.

So Chen Feng used the Devouring Technique to plunder the place, and even the soul will did not escape.

Another person wanted to run, but was swallowed by a vortex that appeared out of thin air.

"What are the origins of these people?"

Feeling the boiling of blood, Chen Feng's eyes flickered with light, and this feeling was like the first time he broke into the origin of chaos.


After all, he was a chaotic body, and the opponent's blood power might just be helpful to him.

After solving two opponents here, the reward of the origin of chaos arrived, and two different attributes of power were poured down.

It seemed that the origin of chaos knew Chen Feng's needs, so it gave Chen Feng two attribute powers that he had never seen before, not much, but pure enough.

Chen Feng was very satisfied, and after being intoxicated, he couldn't help but sighed: "Who can resist this temptation?"

This is a double temptation.

So Chen Feng immediately changed his previous position.

"You provoked me first, so don't blame me." Chen Feng said and disappeared on the spot. When he appeared, he had already rushed into the battlefield. The reincarnation field appeared together with the destiny field. There was also a sword formation emerging, and one swallowing vortex was looming.

Chen Feng's move was very straightforward, because this time it was in response to the Chaos Origin's positive chaos against the outsiders, so Chen Feng would not only not be suppressed by this origin, but also become unusually smooth.

"I have become a war merchant." Chen Feng smiled bitterly, but his move was not slow, and in the blink of an eye he pulled two more practitioners over.

Under the dual domain, the two practitioners could not resist at all and were soon killed by the sword formation.

Ordinary Hunyuan seemed a little weak in front of Chen Feng.

And as soon as Chen Feng appeared, his means were strange, which was also a surprise to the other party.

Sure enough, the Chaos Origin had another reward.

Originally, the situation between the two sides was evenly matched, and the appearance of Chen Feng changed the balance.

The other party was furious and began to scold Chen Feng, as an outsider, he actually helped the Chaos Origin.

Chen Feng was too lazy to respond to this. Killing these people could get benefits, plus the reward of the Chaos Origin, it was basically killing two birds with one stone, which was much faster than looking for the attribute origin everywhere.

"The Queen Mother's efforts were in vain." Chen Feng thrust out the Spear of Destiny in his hand, and a sneak attacker retreated repeatedly.

It is not easy to kill masters. Chen Feng's target is those ordinary Hunyuan, and he can get rewards anyway.

But although the opponent is at a disadvantage and some people have fallen, there is no chaos, and he immediately mobilizes masters to deal with Chen Feng.

In this way, it is difficult for Chen Feng to deal with the opponent as before. After several rounds, he was even injured by the opponent.

But Chen Feng has an ally. An attribute master came to kill and joined forces with Chen Feng, and the situation was reversed.

"Daoyou, these are all practitioners from the Blood Spirit Clan. They have special blood. I think Daoyou should have experienced it." The attribute master communicated with Chen Feng.

"I really experienced it." Chen Feng remained calm, but he remembered the Blood Spirit Clan in his heart. It seems that these practitioners are indeed very special.

"In that case, I will help Daoyou kill the opponent." The attribute master's offensive was very violent from the beginning, and there was no trick at all. It really created opportunities for Chen Feng.

The opportunity came, and Chen Feng did not show any mercy, using the Devouring Technique to plunder a portion of the opponent's power.

The power of the Great Emperor is indeed better, but he did not kill the opponent, so he could not get the reward of the Origin of Chaos.

So Chen Feng increased his means and really wanted to kill the Great Emperor.

Chen Feng was a little overwhelmed.

Facts have proved that the Great Emperor is not so easy to kill. If the opponent wants to leave, he can leave even if he is besieged.

The practitioners of the Blood Spirit Clan chose to retreat when they saw that the situation was not right, and naturally suffered some damage in the process.

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