Eternal Existence

Chapter 5514: Reversal of Situation

Chen Feng was not as powerful as the other party, but he relied on sufficient defense and physical attack to fight the Yang Realm Patrolman on equal terms.

The Yang Realm Patrolman also felt the change in Chen Feng and was a little surprised. He wanted to change his fighting method but it was too late.

Feeling the other party's hesitation, Chen Feng's offensive became more and more fierce. The battles during this period made Chen Feng very experienced. It can be said that he could burst out various fighting methods without thinking too much.

Others naturally had their own opponents. Although the other party came prepared and seemed to have an advantage in strength, they did not defeat the Yin Realm's power after the real confrontation.

After waiting for a few breaths from the farther area, the attitudes between the two sides changed again.

"My helper is here." The Emperor of the Yin Realm said with a smile, entangled with the other party.

Before, the opponent was afraid that his people would run away, but now he had to entangle the opponent.

"I want to see how many powerful beings the Yin Realm can come this time." Chen Feng was looking forward to it.

A great emperor rushed in first, and the other party activated a magic weapon similar to a compass. After arriving, the light emitted by the compass locked onto a Yang World Patrolman.

From this, it can be seen that the Yin World and the Yang World have indeed been in opposition for a long time. The practitioners of each other are innate enemies. Otherwise, why would the other party choose to attack the Yang World Patrolman as soon as they arrived.

"This is the Ten Directions Saint Lord." Shadow Emperor Wanzhong introduced Chen Feng.

Without saying much, Chen Feng could naturally see the other party's strengths and weaknesses, and even see some of the characteristics of the other party's methods.

Then two more great emperors came to kill, namely Xiaoyao Sanxian and Shura Emperor.

With these three great emperors joining, the situation has changed greatly, not to mention that there are dozens of Hunyuan above these three.

In the end, each great emperor stepped on a long river of chaos, holding a water and fire halberd and kept rushing around.

"Look, you think you are hunting us, but in fact, aren't we hunting you?" Chen Feng said with a smile as he looked at the Yang World Patrolman in front of him.

At this time, it was no longer a one-on-one fight. The Yang Realm Patrol in front of him was stared at by several auras, and a beam of light hit the Yang Realm Patrol.

After several rounds of fighting, Chen Feng seized the opportunity and directly used the Spear of Destiny to pierce the body of the Yang Realm Patrol.

Although the opponent successfully opened the distance between him and Chen Feng, Chen Feng's Devouring Technique also gained a lot of vitality from the opponent after a short period of plunder.

"So are you ready to die here?" Chen Feng naturally would not miss this good opportunity. He waved his hand and released two Origin God Mountains to block the opponent's way, and then continued to hunt the opponent with weapons in hand.

Although the Yang Realm Patrol was injured, he was still calm. Although he was injured just now, he could still control the situation.

Chen Feng also understood this, so he could only use the Devouring Technique to take advantage of it. It is not realistic to really kill the opponent, unless there are two more equally powerful helpers on his side.

However, the Yin Realm has the upper hand, and can continuously weaken the opponent's strength as time goes by. If this situation continues, the opponent will either escape or really die here.

Chen Feng seized the opportunity again, and the two origin mountains suppressed the opponent fiercely. The emperor who stepped on the Chaos River swung the halberd in his hand and rushed fiercely, and half of the Yang Realm inspector's body collapsed.

This attack is more powerful than Chen Feng's Spear of Destiny just now, but the opponent is also creating opportunities for Chen Feng.

Chen Feng used the Devouring Technique to directly devour the opponent's collapsed body, which is much more than the previous gain.

If Chen Feng's speed is a little slower, then the opponent's collapsed body can repeat the original state.

"Haha, good cooperation." The practitioner holding the halberd, the Chaos River under his feet suddenly climbed like a long dragon, and then rushed down fiercely at the Yang Realm inspector!

Originally, Chen Feng's two origin mountains were enough for the opponent to bear. Before he could break free, he was hit hard again and was suppressed in a short time.

The Spear of Destiny and the Halberd pierced the opponent again, and then two groups of scorching suns exploded.

It turned out that it was a critical moment. The Yang Realm Patrolman actually broke out his strongest means. Although he blocked the two fatal attacks, his own situation did not improve. On the contrary, because of the previous explosion, he would be a little weak next time.

Chen Feng was a little anxious, worried that the opponent would fight desperately to get out, so he released two more origin mountains.

And the cultivator pushed the Chaos River and brought a stronger impact, so the Yang Realm Patrolman did not rush out.

"I didn't expect to have such a good opportunity. I really didn't think about it before I came. Daoist, we two cooperated really well." The cultivator sighed and said, and the manual halberd pierced the Yang Realm cultivator fiercely, but Chen Feng did not use the Spear of Destiny, because Chen Feng used all his strength to perform the Devouring Technique.

Every time this practitioner swung the Spear of Destiny, a small part of the opponent's body would be shattered, while Chen Feng swallowed up everything that came his way.

Seeing that only half of the body was left of this Yang Realm inspector, he was really badly injured.

The other people in the Yang Realm were naturally very anxious and tried their best to come to rescue him, but it was useless because everyone had an opponent. How could they rescue him when they couldn't save themselves?

However, some people still tried their best to use some means, but these means didn't play a big role.

So the final result was that the body of the Yangjie patrolman was completely shattered and then swallowed up by Chen Feng, leaving only one weapon on the cultivator holding the halberd.

"Fellow Daoist swallowed the other person whole, so I don't mind if this weapon belongs to me?" said the cultivator.

"Of course I don't mind." Chen Feng said very satisfied.

In comparison, Chen Feng naturally gained more benefits. Although they fought together and had a common enemy, Chen Feng still owed the other party a favor.

"We are all family members, maybe we don't need to care about trivial matters. I see that the cultivation method of fellow Daoist is very special. In this case, let's kill another emperor. I just don't know if fellow Daoist can eat it." The cultivator asked.

"The more the better! I'm afraid it won't be so easy to kill next time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The cultivator who was standing on the Chaos River and holding a halberd was called Changhe Emperor. He had never killed an emperor before. This time, he and Chen Feng had achieved such a great result. He was very happy in his heart. On the surface, he pretended to be so-so, but he was still thinking about continuing to attack. Since he had just done it, he might be able to succeed next time.

The opponent was already in a losing position. Now that a Yangjie Patrolman was killed, the overall strength was further hit.

So Changhe Emperor was full of confidence and quickly locked another Yangjie Patrolman.

This Yangjie Patrolman already had an opponent. With Chen Feng and Changhe Emperor, the outcome was imaginable.

"Good opportunity!"

From the beginning of the fight, Chen Feng did not expect to really kill the opponent, but now he really did it, so Chen Feng was also very excited. He did not absorb and digest the previous gains at all, and rushed directly to the Yangjie Patrolman.

Chen Feng was also worried about changes, so he released his will attack before he rushed to the opponent.

The Chaos River of the Great Emperor Changhe seems huge, but who knows that it can crush time and space when it flows, and it is not much slower than Chen Feng's will.

"It's bitter!"

The Yang Realm Patrolman began to fight desperately. In fact, he had already felt fear when his companions were killed.

No matter how high his cultivation is, he can't face death calmly, and he will even be more afraid of death than ordinary people.

If he didn't escape at the first time, it would be troublesome. If no one came to help, he would follow the fate of his previous companions.

He didn't have either, so the Yang Realm Patrolman fought desperately and burned the Pure Yang Origin directly. The whole person was like a super-large star that was expanding. The dangerous aura emitted made Chen Feng and others feel shocked.

"The other party is going to fight desperately."

"It's normal to fight desperately. If you don't fight desperately, the other party will die."

The three of them firmly blocked the other party's way, allowing the other party to explode, and they couldn't let the other party leave even if they paid some price.


Chen Feng's enlarged body collided with the opponent. After all, he was a great emperor who was fighting desperately. Chen Feng was really a little overwhelmed. Although Chen Feng was retreating, the momentum of the Yang Realm Patrolman's attack slowed down, and he was successfully blocked by the two origin mountains.


The Chaos River hit hard, and the surging power formed a natural moat. The other person also locked the opponent firmly.

The Yang Realm Patrolman was doomed.

In this situation, the opponent could not turn the tables even if he tried his best, and was soon severely injured. Chen Feng still used the Devouring Technique to plunder the opponent's body.

The two great emperors still took care of Chen Feng. After injuring the opponent, the collapsed body was all Chen Feng's.

However, the situation changed again this time. I thought I could solve the opponent like before. After all, it was indeed the case according to the development of the situation. But when the Lord of Power came, Chen Feng sighed.

The Lord of Power was too strong and directly blasted a road. With three consecutive punches, Chen Feng and the other two were beaten back.

The Yang Realm inspector naturally escaped the situation of certain death, and the Lord of Power did not come alone.

Two masters from the Yang Realm also came, all of them were one against two. Although the addition of three powerful masters could not be said to have turned defeat into victory, it could also change the situation.

At least Chen Feng and others could not kill the opponent like before.

"What a pity!"

If the opponent came a little later, he could have gained another Yang Realm inspector.

Although the Yang Realm is very powerful, every loss of an inspector is also a huge loss for the Yang Realm.

So this time, the opponent immediately mobilized powerful reinforcements when he saw that the situation was not right.

Chen Feng has already calculated the next changes, except for a melee or a melee, and then they will leave.

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